Fools! Sinners! Sadomites! Assholes! Why have you not repented and played this game?!
Fools! Sinners! Sadomites! Assholes! Why have you not repented and played this game?!
I don't want to support anti-christian devs
No sense of progression like other metroidvanias
Stop spamming your shitty indie sidescroller that we've seen a million of, even with the same gorey dark religious artstyle. Create something new for once, back before Steam you actually had games that tried to do things differently and even start new genres (games like Gangsters, Airline Tycoon, Black & White, Far West, The Guild). Not saying today's indie market doesn't offer this from time to time (like Darkest Dungeon), but it shouldn't be as rare as it is. Anyway thank's for reading my blogpost, don't forget to like, comment and subscribe!
Progression is dickriding Dark Souls hard, getting btfo by traps/pits while fucking up bosses and unclear/cryptic sidequests isn't something I usually have patience for. Will probably play in depth when I have the stomach for it but not now.
>Fools! Sinners! Sadomites! Assholes!
There is nothing to it besides few nice sprites, all of which they already showed years ago.
So if you've watched trailer you already seen everything there is to this game.
Dilate heathen. Go back to playing CucksoyLands 3.
This. The game really has nothing going for it outside of it's presentation.
What purpose does having such a tall helmet serve?
I assume this character was conceived when someone saw an image of a man with a traffic cone on his head?
and that is all it takes to make people enjoy an otherwise mechanically fine 2d plaform metroidvania.
I traffic coned your mother onions boy.
I am, but aside from the egregious spritework it's not groundbreaking as recent indievanias were.
Nice "animation" what's the frame rate? 1 fps?
i'd rather play touhou luna nights
>Literally didnt even read the OP
great fucking game. does everything wayyy better.
>Every single thread about this game without fail is filled with shitposting, retards taking the bait, and newfags regurgitating the pixelshit meme without understanding why that was ever a thing to begin with
whats the best metroidvania
never played any
I gave your mother 1 fps. All night long.
I did, it was good but I missed some timegated shit so now I can't 100% it and I just lost interest.
That's something a dev should not do ever
It's progression gated, not time gated
A time gate would be like that one metroidvania where you can lose an entire town if you don't do some side quest within like 5 hours of playtime
Regardless, I had no idea so I'd need to start over to do it.
Because art style aside it looks pretty generic, like something I've played 10 times before in better games
His hat is unironically too stupid for me to play the game. What on earth were they thinking.
i played the demo, didn't enjoy it
>Why have you not repented and played this game?!
i played the demo and it didn't particularly impress me, so i'll just get it later
>Play game deeply rooted in catholicism
>Surprised when that catholic imagery extends to the design of the main character
poor bait
Already beat 2 days ago.
>I don't want to support anti-christian devs
because I'm not giving Team17 a goddamn dime. fuck those limey faggots.
You're a fucking retard holy shit
>Being this much of a retard
>that hat
It's all nice and dandy for a Holy Week procession... but for running around and gutting monsters, it's kind of a liability, a handle for an enemy to grab you.
My thoughts exactly.
So you're saying it fits the bill perfectly for religious attire
He needs to get rid his sword and headbutt instead.
95% percent done. Got both endings. Really not arsed to finish the rest of it up for nothing. If they add ng+ then maybe I'll play again but I really don't feel like finishing everything just to carry over costumes and nothing more. Enjoyed the fuck out of the game. I will say guilt stuck in spikes are legit a good reason not to play though....
There's plenty of shit on the cutting room floor that they're going to add through updates, though nothing I'd get really excited about
> watched the true ending longplay, it's 7-8 hours
> 100% copypasta from the souls series
> it's still fucking amazing
now that's a story hook
> 2 hours later
wait where did the kino cutscenes and atmosphere go?
> one hour later
holy shit that's a lot of backtracking through static stages that don't really change or modify enemy spawns as the game progresses
> there's like 5 more fucking hours left
> "gimme the cliffnotes version"
> after clicking through to key points in the gameplay, the ending makes some sense
> watch the bosses/cutscenes-only video with the false ending
> 30 minutes later the true ending makes even more sense
it's average.
people think christfags are butthurt over this? haha, now, do one for how islam destroyed the pegan religions of the arabian peninsula. THEN you'll see some REAL salt mining
He's saying you'd take it off, regardless of what you were doing previously
Because the game was made by anti-Christian leftist commie SJW devs
Not in that kind of universe you wouldn't
Proof, or shitposting nigger
Its based Luther beating the shit out of corrupt pope.
The game is secretly a prequel to Plants vs Zombies.
I did and my appreciation of the game gradually dwindled as I kept playing.
Eventually I turned the sound off and put on some music as I switched to a "automatic 100%" play mode as I worked on collecting everything in the game.
I would have waited for a sale.
someone explain the dumbstory if you can
I'm not in the loop, what has Team17 done?
Dark Souls: Catholic Guilt Edition
Everyone's all retarded with god tree aids and it's up to you to clean up all the glowniggers and satisfy your own guilt enough to become the new god tree without aids
it gets shilled here a lot so my brain sees it as a challenge and i've decided to never play it
Go fuck yourself you zoomer faggot. I didn't read anything past "watched".
>>Play game deeply rooted in catholicism
But I just told you I'm not gonna play it.
>wtf what do you mean the shit character design is a dealbreaker!?
>playing redditesque games
Explain without buzzwords.
How is it reddit?
>game is released
>it's loved by people on Yea Forums, treads are civil
>literally a day passes
>it's hated and treads cannot have any discussion because of /pol/ kids
>one autist spams shitty bait threads that are basically GAME BAD over and over and over every single day
What the fuck?
It's pretty much happened with every game lately that is not made by Nintendo or not Switch exclusive
they are schizos living from (you)
>waah what do you mean it fits the theme I hate it it's shit waaaah
>Taking the shitposter seriously
>bad ending
>mountains of coneheads lying around the Pope palace
>implies that you were not the first one
But game alludes that the Miracle is something that happened not longer than the living memory, not something that old to the point of many conehedas to try and fail and nobody take notice. Everyone acts like you are the first guy to move around and try to do something to unfuck the land. Also that Altagracias girl is creepy as fuck.
no user
You are the reddit
fourth post best post
It fits the theme in the sense a turd 'fits the theme' of a toilet. They could have easily gone with the classic buckethead paladin or something else not retarded, instead they went with this excessively goofy shit and as a result I shant be playing it. Sorry you're butthurt about it.
>when your marketing team consists of only 2 people
Is this the new sickdark?
>when you can't form a coherent thought and resort to stupide one liners
so is being christian or playing at being christian the new thing here? or is it because of the rise of anti-sjw-ism that cause this?
Getting epic Yea Forums posts for your r/atheism thread I see
I don't even know what fucking game you retards are shitposting about this time
This thread is a mess
>omg I didn't think Christians actually existed
There are 2.18 billion Christians on earth. What do you think the odds are that there would never be one on Yea Forums?
I'm at the last boss. I'll pop in one day to fight and fight and fight till I figure him out and beat him. Though I think I'll go look for the remaining rosaries first. I'm still missing 2.
On that note, who knows what to do with the tree woman in the 'Where olive trees wither?'
>excessively goofy
It's a game made by and based on spanish catholics, who wear that shit all the time
Don't know what you honestly want
I was with you till the sodomy part. No way I can give that up
I'm busy jacking off to metal slug for the 100th time piss off with your meme incel shit.
but why did you choose to come out of the woodworks only recently?
Because this place is a cesspool and any christian that hung out here is sinning hard. That's like saying "There's seven billion people on earth, what are the chances there aren't any at the bottom of the ocean?" It's an issue of the place, not how fucking many there are.
>meme incel shit
You need to go back
I am enjoying it so far, at about 40% progress. I would give it solid 7/10 for me, good metroidvania with a unique look and atmosphere, but not great.
>seen a million of
ironic coming from a reddit wojak faggot
>You need to go back
I would bump that to an 8, but I am an aesthetics fag and forgive a lot just for the look and feel.
I would keep playing if it wasn't optimized like shit, fucking vanilla Fallout runs faster on my pc
I feel the same about this game as axiom verge. Competent but just not enough to be engrossing
what a cringelord
doesnt seem like its worth the 20 shekels, i will wait for a sale
gamre? sprites look very nice
Best sprite art since owlboy
because im fucking sick of pixel art graphics. it's an immediate turn-off when i see it
>Catholic art EVIL
How is this game watching the jaboody goofy dudes play looks like one of those comfy games you can play while watching a shitty straight to tv horror movie or one of those hallmark Christmas movies
A beautiful looking and competent metroidvania with a bit of jank. Your mileage may vary, I am enjoying it so far.
I thought Reddit was all fedora tier atheists? Isn’t that literally where the stereotype comes from? This is a good Christian game
You literally start the game in a mountain of dead coneheads. I think seeing these people traveling and dying is just mundane to the people now. Plus the whole “time moves different here” so we can’t fully say how long it’s been
You get a bouquet of olive branches from a different area. I think it was around Jondo? But that’s the item you use there