Anyone else Hype?
Ni No Kuni
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The only good Ni no Kuni is on DS.
Already played it years ago so not really, still have bad memories of the infuriating handholding too.
Still a decent game though, has some great moments although it does get weak at important times.
How is the combat? Is it grindy?
Welp, PC master race wins again.
Thanks for betatesting, consoles.
game is easy so there's no real grind unless you're a perfectionist
the poor AI may bring occasional frustration if you're not trying at all though, but if anything it helps keep the game a bit balanced
oooooooooooh shiiiiiiiiit will have to buy this
Looks kinda low resolution to me:
yeah what the fuck
I'll buy it when I finish octopath
Who is Ni? Is her Kuni even that good to name a game after it?
Can't answer as to the first game since I haven't played it, but finished the second a while ago and combat was mostly fine. There was an Optional sidequest that involved some grind in randomly generated dungeons (Dreamer's Doors) and there was some 100 Level dungeon DLC, other than that it's well within reasonable limits for JRPG standards.
Afaik the first is Turn-based though, while the second switched to an Action-based combat system.
>still looks like a gamecube game
First game is brain dead piss easy, you can't die unless you are retarded and leveling up in the game too high will ruin the entire playthrough as there is a shitload of double exp monsters that start popping up
personally i think the first is just a bit better because i like the combat more, but both of them have the same high level production value
Been playing it on the switch all day. it's great.
Not for 50
>Movie game but it's Japanese
*pokemon game
Maybe when there is a sale i have other games to play at the moment but yes at some point yes steam yes buy.
What movies do you watch where most of the runtime is standing around picking attacks from menus?
>Movie game
there wasn't all that much gameplay interruptions really, it's decently paced. Of course you do get your occasional ghibli animations but that's about it.
I already finished it on RPCS3
Yes I can see why. The PS3 version has what I can only guess is new content stictched to the original story like some frankenstein monster, making the story not make any sense and completely lose all ghibli magic and ambiguity wether any of this is real or not
it isnt THAT poorly done, but it is a little obvious where the final boss used to be.
Ni means two, it refers to Esther and Cassiopeia's ghost form.
So it's just a straight up interactive movie? Great.
Red-pill me on this game, does it only get hyped because of Ghibli? How is the actual gameplay?
It really weirded me out how half of american psycho was just Patrick and his victims standing around looking at each other taking turns attacking or fleeing
>actual gameplay
I remember pirating this game on PS3.
What an utter disappointment. Incredibly bad game especially the combat
>gameplay means action combat
Oh shit didn't even realize the 1st game finally got ported. I actually didn't buy the 2nd game because I was waiting on this.
It's not that the bosses or the levels or the added things are bad it's just...I don't know it felt like a complete game written by people who had an idea what they wanted the game to be with all the themes wrapped up when you beat shadar and then the rest feels tacked on.
A lot of fantasy ghibli movies make you question wether the magic is real or it's some sort of metaphor / imagination and I like that but with the new content they added on and how they needed to expand the story there's no question that it's all real.
Sometimes more is less, the credits should have rolled then and the new content should have been it's own optional self contained thing after you beat the game. I think they ruined it.
Some get hyped by ghibli and then get disappointed (they barely even play jrpgs), others loved it just as a decent jrpg (along with the kind of combat you expect in those games).
It's nothing amazing but it delivers as a standard jrpg full with world map, flying, decent story (with some high and low points). Bit too much handholding and childish, but well.
If you want the next amazing thing for you who never play this kind of games in the first place except the big releases, then don't bother.
>gameplay means gameplay
>implyng looking like a gamecube game is a bad thing
I wish more games looked like gamecube games today.
>then the rest feels tacked on.
Because it is, the DS game ends after Shadar.
It's fine, the combat is sort of like Xenoblade Chronicles i suppose, mixing real time and turn based elements.
There are a lot of variations and options you can play with as esentially each character can have several "monsters' at a time which you capture and level up so it's sort of like Pokemon in a way too.
It has a lot of systems like feeding your monsters or alchemy, it has a lot of stuff you can mess around with it's just none of the things you can do feel really exceptional.
The best parts of the game are its charm, humor and artstyle.
>The best parts of the game are its charm, humor and artstyle.
The soundtrack is great too but It feels like the game needed double the tracks that it had, a lot of music just kept repeating itself
>The best parts of the game are
Man you sure fit in on Yea Forums now.
A game can have boring gameplay and still be worth playing for other aspects, and ni no kuni isn't bad, its better than servicable its just not a sellin gpoint
>50 burgers fora PS3 upres
jesus, I'll wait for a sale
yes, and?
if there is a game that has an amazing story and acting but only passable gameplay, is it not worth experiencing just because it is a game and not a movie?
sup zoomy you literally don't need more polys, artstyle>graffix
remember to ignore acfag
while gameplay is the most important thing to a videogame other things matter too and i some cases when the gameplay is mediocre if the other elements are executed well enough it can still be enjoyable and special
Yep one of my favorite games of last gen and much better than Ni No Kuni II.
Who Autist this is?
Someone that likes their games to have gameplay probably.
extremely pathetic samefag
since the combat doesn't seem like it's turn based i might actually like it
was the original good?
The DS version is the definitive version.
more like ni no CUNNY amirite
Yeah, nah.
That game's story and acting was the most unpleasantly forced nonsense I've been subjected to since watching Elfen Lied.
I love how the "fake" ending is this big lavish Ghibli animated cutscene, but the "real" ending after you beat the final boss is literally 30 seconds of nothing. because Ghibli weren't involved with the PS3 version in any capacity so Level 5 being Level 5 (i.e. incredibly cheap and nasty) just haphazardly stitched that ending together because as has been stated repeatedly in this thread the White Witch subplot is tacked on and the DS game ends after you beat Shadar. It's borderline false advertising to say Ghibli were involved with the PS3 version but that's how it was marketed. You then play the second game which you can tell didn't have nearly as much of a budget behind it because of the complete lack of Ghibli involvement and as such they cut corners in a lot of aspects like cutscenes and voice work to the point where entire climactic story scenes aren't voiced or switch back and forth between being fully voiced and just grunts and phrases. It's really distracting.
He's right in this instance. While charm and character can make up for shortcomings in gameplay as someone who spent 50 hours with the game I can tell you that it's a complete slog to play.
The AI is patented Level 5 stupidity that always blows through their MP like nothing to the point where they start cherry tapping enemies and they never defend themselves until you get the command to do All Attack and Defence (three fucking bosses after it would have been fucking useful).
That's not even getting into the extremely painful method of actually recruiting the familiars. You have to beat them practically to death, then there is a completely miniscule chance (the best recruit rates are fucking 5% chance) that they will become available to capture, to which you then have to frantically switch to Esther and her ability to capture them before the retard AI finishes them off. It's utterly frustrating and you'll likely just finish the game with the starting familiars. I'm amazed I actually brought myself to finish it. It was a perfect fucking example of people blindly praising something because of brand recognition (OMG I LOVE LE STUDIO GHIBLI LE SPIRITED AWAY XD), and it's not uncommon to find apparent fans of the game who haven't even fucking played it, because if they did they would not hold that opinion. It's sad that the best review of it came from fucking POLYGON of all places who had the balls to call all of this shit out while everyone just went on their usually Studio Reddit fawning. I'm still fucking angry at how shitty this game was.
2 was an improvement gameplay wise, though.
Is the DS one good?
Dunno, you'll have to import it. Really shits me as the gameplay looks pretty solid from what I've seen.
Already playing it on the Switch.
I plat'd it on PS3, so I'll pass.
I would hope an RPG is grindy.
No, NNK1 is fucking awful and was only successful because of the "muh ghibli" hype machine. Beyond nice looking visuals it's a babby tier story and has absolutely dogshit gameplay.
What's remastered about it?
only on a technical level or did they touch gameplay?
the latter is important to me because original wasn't really good in that department.
It has a lighting filter on it. And it runs 1080p. That's all.
It has the best in-game field guide in a video game in a long time, with its own made up language you can decipher for lore tidbits.
The actual game is OK, better than the usual level 5 RPG.
>Niño's C
lol, I would never buy console hardware or games, I'm just going to emulate it
Why do people even like Ghibli. It's the biggest example of style over substance I've ever seen. Just overplayed platitudes about pacifism and environmentalism.
That's your only option at this point, really. Dunno if anyone bothered to fan translate it.
Hey! I was gonna get it for the PS3 soon, will now actually wait for it to hit. This and Code Vein man these last 4 months of the year are always a blast!
who /gotfuckedbydigitalriver/ here?
Tried it way back when it came out on PS3, gameplay wasn't bad but soul-drainingly slow.
Finished the 2nd game though so I might have more patience now, will try and see how far I can go this time.
They are above average children movies and probably a lot more impressive when you watch them as a child.