read that article if you want to get mad
read that article if you want to get mad
Other urls found in this thread:
>"Happy, well-adjusted people do not make other people's lives a misery"
Shes right
Hey, I was going to post this
Boomers do make other peoples lives a misery, they just don't do it on purpose and aren't self aware.
Neither are you, you entitled little zoom
objectively false
you picked out a snippet from a lot of bad
>happy, well-adjusted people
Literally don't exist in this current day and age
Millenials are what is wrong with games
they're not well adjusted people though, their entire life ended up as a
>u-u mad :^)
shitpost because they were too retarded to understand what they did and now they can't fix anything about it so they just double down
>>"Happy, well-adjusted people do not make other people's lives a misery on purpose"
yes but thats irrelevant.
shit talking some anonymous user for a few seconds in a fucking online game isnt making your life a misery and those "advocates" would know that if they had ever actually played games.
Why are you a bully?
you're not a boomer, you're a millenial, boomers fucked over your life the most
you've just entered the workforce and you still have 40 years until retirement, if you even get retirement after toiling in this shitty economy that boomers created
typical motte and bailey faggotry
>haydn taylor
why do fags always have a faggy name
Why are you?
And you're an entitled little zoomer still. The biggest failed generation in history. Thank God war is coming so we can send you to your death in some desert.
I really try not to be, I was just wondering why you think it's okay to just hurt people by saying mean things to them.
>the wage gap
he's probably not a happy, well-adjusted person
no, I'm a millenial, and so are you, everyone here is a millenial, you're taking a shitty joke way too far and forging it into some weird identity politics
you can roleplay here all you want but actual boomers are already retired and they lived a million times easier and better lives than you ever will while they giggle that you might not even get retirement even if you toil for 50-60 years
No, you have the mentality of a zoomer, trying to act older than you are. You will die. Gutted by some Iranian, brain splattered by a chink bullet or perhaps beheaded by a Russian. But you will die, and be forgotten as the worthless subhuman mistake you always were.
well you sound like a happy and well adjusted person, take a breather, you're going insane
restricting my freedom of speech is mean and hurts me.
Only when the zoomers finally gets snuffed from existence. We need a start-over. The kids from 15-25 are worthless yet demand everything.
I think you should look up what freedom of speech means, pro tip, it doesn't mean you can say anything you want anywhere you want
You know rights only go as far as they don't hurt other people. You're free to do what makes you happy but if killing people makes you happy you're shit out of luck. Speech works the same way.
you're the same generation, and boomers could buy a house from their summer part time jobs, it's a valid criticism that they fucked over the economy for short term profits
stop browsing /pol/
>"It sounds really silly, but when people get banned they still don't really know why," says McBean.
I wonder if resetera would spot the irony. Almost certainly not.
>m-muh evul boomie!
Won't save your worthless hide when the fire starts, zoom zoom.
But how do you define what hurts people? With no clear boundaries on this you may as well develop your game without any ability to communicate so as to satisfy the demand that a permanently volatile understanding of what hurts creates.
Oh yeah because we don't have "say word money stolen" shit threads
Talking about awareness
I got mad at the first sentence. Mission accomplished.
freedom of speech means freedom of speech.
>You know rights only go as far as they don't hurt other people.
but restricting speech hurts too, thats the problem here.
so what is more important? freedom of speech as in you can banter and shit talk anonymous people for a few seconds or minutes on the internet or the potenital hurt feelings of a zoomer that got told by some anonymous guy he has never met before and will never meet again that he sucks in the game?
it actually does mean that, but legally it's always been restricted somewhat.
well for one thing trump will never actually declare war on anyone, so your vision of some world apocalypse is rather unrealistic, but I guess that's the sort of stupid shit that /pol/ feeds you
and yeah boomers are responsible for the economy being so shit that you are suffering from
Tons of people in this thread deserved to be bullied but never was
>33% of women face harassment online blah blah blah
The thing is, close to 100% of men probably faced the same shit they consider harrasment, because that's how internet works.
fuck you weren't over exaggerating it fucking hits you first sentence
I'd let you bully me i-if you want :)
Really like how you say "you", not "we" or "us". Because deep down you know you're not the same gen as the last humans left. You're a worm with daddy issues trying to pretend you're some master manipulator despite being nothing more than an obvious worthless teen.
No, you're ignoring the line between public discussion and private entities, you can voice your dumb opinions in public and the state can't censor it, that's freedom of speech, it doesn't mean you can say stupid shit on a private space, if you go over to someone's house and you start calling him a fucking asshole then he can tell you to leave his house, you can't start saying that hurrdurr muh freedom of speech, it's his house, he can remove you, same thing here, games are private companies, they can remove you because it's their private space
>That's how zoomers raised by youtubers internet works
Every new generation kills the web further
People being hurt matters more obviously. Are you retarded?
nah I say you because I'm not american so I'm not affected by boomers, but you most likely are an american millenial who was fed too much /pol/ garbage so you have your entire head twisted up over something that was just a silly joke
Every joke is based on truth. And you're the evidence of that.
the problem is shitttalking and banter are inherent parts of male communication but are frowned upon in female communication.
its a case of women wanting to enforce their rules of communication in video games. thats why you see these articles in video games related things but not in sports games.
woman rarely complain about soccer fans being mean to each other or male soccer players shittalking each other and having foul mouths.
Well, not mine since my life allready is a misery and i dont care anymore (atleast i allmost do a 9/11 job in pretending to do so).
However, imagine you're stressed out from rl and look for a place to have fun, but getting more stressed out since everyone is shitting on you for no reason. Maybee getting your means of escaping into another world ruined is part of the misery.
2 Days ago i went into wizzards to play some magic, but couldnt play with anyone since this people were obnoxious retards doing nothing but yelling on how "weird" futalovers are and how they should die in an actual serious manner.
The best phrase was
>I wish this weirdos would never become kids so they dont multiply
They would also keep trashing other misfits etc. Even the shopowner was a fucking tard, yelling at me just because i asked if theres a groundmatt in a warhammer starterset.
Imagine you just come out of shool after stacy and tyrone put your head into the toilet, just so you can have the same fucking treatment into a place where it simply shouldnt fucking be (a fantasy world), just because you're different.
However, i just go to /soc and play with them. What will others do about it, instead of getting a miserable life?
This isn’t wrong, but we’ll-adjusted people also don’t let people affect them emotionally so easily. Also If the person isn’t someone you have emotional investment with, they shouldn’t be able to affect you in most cases through online dialogue alone.
>slav trying psyops to further cause split in the American people
How much is IRS and kreml paying you?
I think you're so new here that you don't even know what the joke was, but I suppose that's true for basically everyone on /pol/
not enough my dude, and it's not like I need to divide anything, look at him sperging that he wants to murder everyone younger than 25, when he's probably like 27 so he's not even a different generation
What? I was referring to the massed bans resetera does for "drive-by posting" and all sorts of other nonsensical shit.
the (american) legal definiton of "freedom of speech" isnt the only one existing out there.
protip: im not talking about the legal definition of freedom of speech in american law.
Millennials really are pathetic.. It is gonna be kinda embarrassing when they go down in history as a footnote to the Zoomers chads.
Ah the classic "I'm not talking about what the term actually means, I'm talking about the definition I made up in my head.
words shouldn't hurt fag only direct threats/call for violence deserve maybe some form of restriction that said kill yourself
>freedom isn't freedom
but restricting speech hurts too!!!! thats what i wrote, can you not read? wtf?!
by restricting speech you hurt people and by allowing it too. whats there not to understand?
What are they even going to call the next gen after Zoomers? This end of history nonsense really fucked things up by starting from X-gen through Y (millennials) to Z.
Playing csgo and having one of those people who decide at the start of the game to make about 50 messages shitting on you during a competitive match really makes one wonder.
There is an extremely anti-social segment of population that cannot productively interact with the rest of society.
Why do liberals spend all day on witch hunts and online attacks then?
Just overuse words till they have no more meaning, faggot.
>words shouldn't hurt
Well, but each human is different and allmost each human can get hurt, depending on what you say and which weakspot you hit
the browns
As expected of a retarded wojakposter. With that logic I should be able to go and rape your family and stopping me restricts my "freedom".
Because theres about 7 differents kinds of liberalism, shitter and shitbook generalizations doesnt make it true for everyone.
>imagine you're stressed out from rl and look for a place to have fun, but getting more stressed out since
youre not allowed to say anything but the most banal and harmless stuff and cant let any steam out because some anonymous might get his feefees hurt on the other side of the planet
This is the only fucking mention of an archive in the thread, fuck you v, stop giving visits to clickbait articles
by that logic we shouldn't be able to communicate at all since i might say the trigger word
that's what freedom means, retard
doesn't say anything about if it's good or bad just that if there's a 'but' it isn't freedom
>the definition I made up in my head.
its fucking FREEDOM OF SPEECH dude. there isnt much to be made up in anyones head: AND WHERE DO YOU THINK THE LAW HAS THE TERM FROM?
pro tip again: the words "freedom" and "pseech" werenbt invented by fucking lawmakers.
is this bait?
What if bullying losers makes me happy though?
>stopping me restricts my "freedom".
yes thats exactly what it does. finally you get it. if i stop you i restrict your freedom.
that guy literally thinks that freedom of speech = 1st amendment lmao
I dont mean it that extreme, but just a difference i noticed in especially the "gaming community"
Back in the days:
>Some guys would spamm noob and hacker whenever they lose
>Nobody care where you came from and who you are
>There was your usual /pol posters in frozen throne deu-1 just wanting to piss people off for fun, but where actual nice guys and had fun playing games
>Real outrages where rare and allways made up a nice youtube video
>L9 community with million follower and toxic imposters for the lulz and the sake of being edgy
>Retards run down your game instead of leaving when they cant have fun aka. I CANT HAVE FUN SO NOBODY ELSE IS ALLOWED TO HAVE FUN
>When a girl joins spergs imediatly throw an incel tantrum
>Somehow people try to force you into a social community filled with drama
I think it became a bit much
To be fair in this argument the not happy and adjusted people should be split into two categories too. There are people who are unhappy and want to look for peace and positivity to easy their unhappiness and there are people who spiral into negativity in their unhappiness and end up just abusing and harassing the first one.
It's not a good argument that only happy and well adjusted people can play games, most people aren't happy and that's why they look for entertainment. But the unhappy abusive people shouldn't be allowed there. This is hardly new, you can't cause a ruckus in a theatre, you have to show sportsmanship in sports, you have to behave in a restaurant etc. Just because the internet gives you a sense of detachment and anonymity that doesn't change anything.
if you are racist or -phobic you lose your human card
This, boomers ruined everything.
If you are going to act smug, at least know what you are talking about.
that's why natural selection was always important.
mentally ill people were for the longest part not an issue for society until we went all (((humanist))) and and gave them a platform, not only to be tolerated, but to be empowered. Still, they wanted more. They started to accuse everyone who was not a complete mentally ill degenerate like them to be their enemy.
All thise tolerance and forced equality, especially in the western world will be our downfall.
Another proof that in the end civilization breeds nothing but weaklings and degeneracy and is bound to fall in the end.
Huxley was right. Happy Well adjusted people are the sickest people around.
>tfw no cute boy to play vidya with while he bullies you
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Okay cool.
So, are we talking about some grade school semantics here or the actual implementation of "freedom of speech"? Because if it's the semantics then I don't give a shit, sperg all you want. No place will ever have your "true freedom" because that means I can rape a 4 years old kid and you can't do anything about it. And that doesn't lead to a functioning society. I assumed we were talking about the actual practical meaning of yes the first amendment, because that's what related to OP's post. Not meaningless stupid semantics.
Im totally in for free speach, and words technically shouldnt hurt. But heres an example:
>Join rainbow six match
>Girl makes a call, just saying she goes there, no attention seeking, nothing else.
>She literally just tried to play in team and win
>2 Spergs imediatly start to insult her nonstop
>Teamkilling, everything
Is that really necessary? Is stopping that restricting your freedom of speech?
>This might strike you as a betrayal of everything WoW Classic stands for. It is, after all, supposed to be a resurrection of the pre-expansion “vanilla” WoW experience. But Blizzard is modernizing that experience in subtle ways, and this is one of them. In a recent Reddit AMA, one fan noted that long-lasting skeletons used to serve a purpose, with big ol’ bone piles organically indicating dangerous areas. Senior test lead Josh “Aggrend” Greenfield agreed, but said that the feature was ultimately too abusable.
If you are going to reply to me then say something of value instead of just a lousy insult.
sounds racist i'll take your human card with pleasure
Get fucked
>bullying is bad
>except for when I do it
Ah, classic liblogic.
>Happy, well-adjusted people
Name one(1) of these.
You can't.
why should i read something not marketed to me? im not a youngster who thinks one article from a literally who site will change my world. snap out of this sports team mentality. usually, the overly political people shut up quick once they enter the real world, where everyone realizes they share most of the same values and dont care about shit that doesnt pertain to them
Because they are neither healthy not well adjusted to anything but a dysfunctional society.
How did Boomers ruin everything, again?
>some people are dicks
Big deal, it happens to everyone.
yeah not surprised right wingers are clueless again about important things
Some was years ago, user.
>People get shot
>It's ok because everyone gets shot
>assuming my political pronounce
non-human detected
I was sure this thread would get archived with zero replies. I am dissapointed, Yea Forums
Sounds based. Fuck millenials and zoomies
Could be worse than a videogamediscussion
literally pot calling kettle
>Because if it's the semantics then I don't give a shit, sperg all you want
you're literally the one who started it by telling him to look up what freedom of speech meant you fucking retard
>I didn't mean the definition of freedom of speech, i meant one instance of if being applied
neck yourself
>are we talking about x or y
the only point i wanted to make is that the notion that "freedom ends when it hurts other people" is a useless limit of freedom since forcing people to stay silent and not say certain things is hurtful too.
so in the end you are weighing the rights to freedom of speech (not in the american legal definition) against the rights to not get offended by speech.
which is more hurtful? anonymously bantering someone anonymous in an online game or banning and silencing people for bantering because some feminist who doesnt play games might find banter offensive?
>fuck millenials for acting in a way that boomers made them act
rly maeks u thunk
Lotta deflection in here
So I guess all my coworkers are sad miserable cunt because they just won't do their fucking job and make my life miserable.
>implying the article wasn't written by a reetardera member
Happy, well-adjusted people don't play videogames.
There’s already mute functions and no one thinks they’re controversial, and if you TK twice you get kicked, whats the problem?
>if you start acting like them all fingers point to you when something fucks up
thanks boss.
muh wage gap is mentioned in the first paragraph and the article is written by a man, this is just "please give me good boy sex" shit.
They do a little bit.
Why not?
bless you
Yeah look up what it means. Not make up retarded definitions about it and whinge about semantics. Freedom of speech means uncensored public discourse, not that you can do anything in someone's private property.
Keep sperging about semantics retard.
That's, not the point. You don't have "freedom" on a private property. Granted freedom only applies to what the government has jurisdiction over and they don't have jurisdiction over private property. That's what private means. On a private entity you are entirely subject to the rules that the owner makes and he can always remove you.
Again that's up to the owner to decide, you have to accept that you forfeit your rights to any sort of freedom once you enter a private space. If the owner deems that he wants a peaceful environment then you have no rights to disturbe it, but you are free to create your own private space that isn't peaceful. That is the freedom you have, not entering a place that has clear rules and then getting angry if you're removed when you break the rules.
>>"Happy, well-adjusted people do not make gamer's lives a misery"
Mute function will never be an argument. You`re playing a teamplay oriented online multiplayergame.
Mute button shouldnt be a necessary requirement to play. It should be an option that helps you out, not a necessary requirement.
Happy, well-adjusted people also do not become miserable over video games.
i'm glad censorship scum like you weren't around during my teens
Or movies. Or tv shows. Or music...
My life is quite fulfilling and I still shit on everyone else verbally when I play online.
>Muh censorship
Telling people to stop being human trash has nothing to do with censorship.
People like you dont even care about censorship, you just spit around the term whenever you need it to justify your asshole behaviour. Bet your favourite console is ps4.
And where did he say it's a requirement to play?
>My life is quite fulfilling
>posts on Yea Forums
[X] Doubt
>look up what it means, but not the actual definition that i disagree with because that's retarded
Read it through again, but this time activate your brain.
pc masterrace and flaming has always been a thing im glad i don't live among the mutts in jewsa, panzies all of you
>the right to express information, ideas, and opinions free of government restrictions based on content and subject only to reasonable limitations (as the power of the government to avoid a clear and present danger) especially as guaranteed by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution
This is what it means, why did you bitch so much instead of looking it up?
>everyone here is a millenial
You fucking wish, Yea Forums is full of actual genz fags nowadays
It's fun to get under others skin, to be honest I just expect to be bantered back and have some back and forth insults but people are too thin skinned and they get offended, which only makes me wanna do it more
If you start browsing Yea Forums cause you're a loser but you manage to improve yourself and your life, you will still come here, you can never leave.
No you activate your brain. You can play under those circumstances, so it's not a requirement.
It's an option to help you out, like you wished.
I'm happy, well-adjusted and a people person. I'm humble, friendly and social.
I'll still go out of my way to gank beginners/low levelers.
If you're here you're still a loser, either a lying loser or a coping loser.
You still didnt understand the whole conversation, stop being such a fucking retard. Read it again till you understand it, then reply.
>they get offended, which only makes me wanna do it more
People like you are the reason we are in this mess
That's a yikes from me
>150 posts into a thread
>nobody calls out op for being a blatantly obvious shill
>retard faggots just arguing away and bumping the thread
i fucking hate newfags
Whatever helps you sleep at night fella, I'm doing fine but there's no other place in the internet where you can find this unfiltered humor and opinions, been browsing since 2006, you simply keep coming back.
>First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution
He already said he wasn't talking about the US legal definition, why are you being so obtuse?
Correct, now we're gettin' somewhere.
looks like a pro gamer move
we got styled on
>All of the seething replies to this post
stop offending me don't bully me :((( are we in kindergarten or something
The only thing I learned by reading it again, is a better grasp on how much of a retard you are.
>You don't have "freedom" on a private property
i can give anyone the freedom of speech in my apartment and i can restrict it.
if i allow it its freedom of speech and when i dont allow it i deny you the freedom of speech.
the state or laws arent even involved in this.
>I lost to some one and he pressed the T button, clearly he's trying to make my life a misery!
This sure is fun, love doing all the little emotes and voice lines, it feels so animated. Really comfy stuff.
Imagine thinking that your way of looking at and doing things is the exact way everyone else does and sees things
stopped reading in ten seconds.
its very literally censorship.
>Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient".[2][3][4] Censorship can be conducted by a government,[5] private institutions, and corporations.
Nice picture ... you toxic gamer!
there is absolutely nothing more kino in online vidya than shitting on your opponent and then telling them they have autism
it's a pity that in literally every modern title this will get you banned
>On a private entity you are entirely subject to the rules that the owner makes and he can always remove you.
marsh vs alabama
>Implying taunting in fighting games isn't a sign that you're life is good
You just need to see it once in action to see that people actually truly upset can't even bother to taunt they're frothing too much.
Says the guy whos main language is
>I dont get it but reply amyway
>No u
What about instead of being dumb you bring an argument?
Mute button shouldnt be a requirement, but since the in the example mentioned behaviour is no single case but allmost each second 1,5 matches for a girl voice in rainbowsix it becomes a requirement.
Refer to this post
>Imagine thinking that your way of looking at and doing things is the exact way everyone else does and sees things
It's called autism.
Saying mean things in games didn't hurt people until a generation of fragile fucks co-opted the hobby a decade ago. It is mind-boggling how anyone could take personally such absurd shit talking as being called a niggerfaggot whose mother has coincidentally been sexually dominated by the same stranger.
I don't get the
>muh wombyn can't take the heat xd
line of thought. If you look at your own ancestors then chances are that insults were a valid reason to invite someone to a duel. I know for a fact that this was the case in Scandinavian and Slavic countries. I'm Russian and one of our national poets has a poem that basically goes "I hate pretentious people I wish I could still skewer them with a rapier fuck them".
If you're a liberal then okay, I get where you're coming from, even though I disagree. Most of you are just abiding by insults though.
It's not since its no national law but a private space, and they can have the rules they want.
Yea Forums has rules aswell that prohibits you from doing certain things, would that be your censorship aswell`?
>enter a highly competitive environment
>see that men are competitive and scold you for your mistakes
>don’t improve out of those mistakes / ignore those retards
>change the whole environment for the worse so it becomes a safe space for you and equally bad bad people
that’s why most new age media is getting worse and worse year by year
>implying that the toxic players aren't the noobs
The Chad Wang versus The Virgin IdrA
I'm not toxic I swear!
this and griefing on your teammates for the smallest things
What are some games for this feel? I can only think of TF2.
>anti bullying
this was needed like 20 yrs ago..... at this point I'm considering encouraging bullying again so these effeminate pussy zoomers can grow up
late-millenials and zoomers never got bullied it's why this mess exists
You can say anything you want on Yea Forums. If the topic you're engaging in is off-topic for the board, then you have another board where it isn't. Nothing to do with free speech
>it becomes a requirement
There! That's exactly what I was arguing against. My point was simple.
You can play the game, even if it's not as enjoyable (unless you enjoy the banter or abuse, then it's better).
It's not a requirement, it's a way to help you out, just like you think it should be.
I stand by that.
Why did you think I missed something in the first place?
You’re right, this goes both ways but usually people become toxic when things don’t go their way and we all had to deal at least once in our lifetime with some dumbfucks who lost a game because they didn’t listen to their team mates.
Blanket attempts to control acceptable speech inevitably censor. There are many servers. If you run into an asshole, find a different one. Lobbing insults is not the only form of assholery that one would want to get away from. I know for damn sure you aren't going to campaign for telling obnoxious non-insulting chatterboxes to shut the fuck up or for people to play cooperatively and competently in a team-based game, both things that would motivate someone to up and leave for a better server to play on.
I don't get it. In the late 00's, "squeaky xbox live kids" were the biggest joke in online gaming. Now in 2019, they're feared. How did they become so powerful?
So do you think that you should be allowed to go into someone's house and just call them an asshole all day and they shouldn't be allowed to force you out? Are they allowed to go to your house and do the same?
Warcraft 3
half life deathmatch
there's probably more
call somebody a stupid tranny on /lgbt/ or post the Putin monkey on /int/ and look how well that goes
They infiltrated the industry to squeak it up from the inside.
no and fuck you :)
>a generation of fragile fucks co-opted the hobby a decade ago.
more like colleges produced a lot of gender and social sciences graduates who only had sjw stuff in their head and needed something to do. at the same time companies started to want the female audience.
and female communication just works differently than male communication. banter is common among males but among females its almost a nogo.
so its only logical, if you want women to enter gaming, you have to engineer the social environment into something that is more to their taste and liking.
"Do not make me safe, mother, make me resilient"
People need to get over themselves and their need for their emotions to be protected by a third party
unironically even more thin skinned people joined the hobby because it became mainstream and “cool”
>unironically brings up the wage gap in the first paragraph
Gonna be a yikes/10 from me, chief.
> "Gender diversity" is mentioned in the very first sentence
The fucking dramatic irony, right?
"Ok, here's your game that caters to you." t. the industry
> Wait, what? I don't play videogames, i just hate them for not fulfilling my political agenda.
>"Happy, well-adjusted people do not make other people's lives a misery"
Just by consuming electronic products you're likely making someone's life shittier by having them work with rare metals in poor conditions in order to satisfy the demand for affordable electronics. Whenever you step on a blade of grass you're fucking that grass up, whenever you kick up some dust, it'll end up being inhaled by someone and irritating them, to live without affecting anything else would require never being born since even if you died now your corpse would end up smelling like shit and annoying any passerby.
you can call the gay man many things but call him a fag and see how he recoils
but irl insults arent made by some anonymous to another anonymous on the other side of the planet who who will never see again after a few minutes.
I doubt that gets you banned
>its almost a nogo.
Isn't the stereotype to do the exact same shit but just be passive aggressive about it?
Do you tend to linger near low level shitter zones and wait for them to attack first or do you just absolutely crush them on sight?
Our amoebic ancestors weren't using any insults though.
You've clearly never been to /lgbt/. The board is constantly filled with /pol/ posters trying to get tranners to kill themselves. t. tranner
With that said I agree with your general point. That poster is wrong. Example: you can't talk about GG on Yea Forums.
>call somebody a stupid tranny on /lgbt/
Have you ever even been there? That's like standard posting there, it's not even shitposting.
>would that be your censorship aswell`?
"Censorship can be conducted by a government,[5] private institutions, and corporations."
do you even read? it says "private institutions" and "corporations" right there.
>Example: you can't talk about GG on /v
wot? I don't think that gets moderated
Why does it matter?
They were too primitive for bantz and rapiers
Not only that but to have actual malice behind it rather than just banter.
it does, /lgbt/ is quite literally a tumblr colony that has a complete code of conduct than any other board
>You can say anything you want on Yea Forums
Dunno about that user, i allready got a warning for saying boomer.
Just because bans are not public, doesnt mean they dont exist
You literally saved my life, archivebro
I hunt them. I especially enjoy bullying- and camping them. I kill their objectives and smack them to low enough health to die from whatever they were trying to kill. I let them group up on me just so I can use an AoE and instantly kill them all in one place.
I'd like to see some proof of that claim, because I really doubt it
>Dunno about that user, i allready got a warning for saying boomer.
That's pretty fucking gay if true, but considering that every thread on every board has included the term, I have trouble believing you'd actually get banned for it
I was banned there on two occasions
for haha posting and for calling somebody a tranny
I don't know whether the mods still uphold this rule but back in the day, right around the time when moot jumped ship, GG threads got automatically deleted. This is what lead to the creation of cripplechan.
Last part was for
That's because it was filled with off-topic shit, and VERY quickly moved away from being about bideo gayms at all
You might want to check out /qa/, they have ocassional ban threads of people posting their bans.
Only one thats up right now
You were probably banned for posting off-topic shit. There are regular generals where the non-trans gays gather to shit on the tranners.
Well-adjusted people realize that nothing on the internet matters and it's all just white noise. If they can't handle games now I can't imagine what they'd be like two decades ago in your average online lobby.
But that's a problem with the moderator, not with the rules of conduct, right?
Don’t we have logs of mods behaving like NeoGaf faggots and outright saying that they want to get rid of GG so it will die?
I only bully arrogant players to take them down a peg, and even then I try to do it creatively. I like to think I'm doing the community a service. I hope I'm doing the right thing.
no, im argueing that banter and shittalking should be allowed in video games just like it is an inherent part of sports games.
imagine a soccer game and neither the audience nor the players allowed to banter and shittalk. its unthinkable, soccer fandom is pure banter and players use taunts and shittalking constantly. why is it allowed there but not in vidya games?
the harm in vidya should even be less since its fully anonymous and not an IRL thing. you cant realistically get hurt much by the typings of "randomname123" from your current lobby, that you can instantly mute and block and will never see again.
>Happy, well-adjusted people
name 1 (ONE) [UNO]
That was the casus belli. In practice GG threads got deleted even before someone posted anything off-topic in them.
>first sentence
stopped reading there.
Happy, well-adjusted people do not post on Yea Forums
Says person from country which bombs others for economic gain, happily.
Yeah but the SC also ruled that shit like spam wasn't free speech, which is why spam filters exist.
Jackie Chan
if you can't deal with some online spergy banter how are you supposed to function as a normal adult in real life
Probably, but the threads really were a bunch of off-topic posting. The threads were better suited for /pol/ or Yea Forums. At any rate, the boards and Yea Forums in general have clear rules. If the moderator does not enforce those rules, then it's a problem with them, not the site itself
In real life smart mouths get their teeth kicked in
On a side note, nowadays it's the opposite, you have a thread like this (which is borderline not videogames and very much about politics, like GG was) probably getting to bump limit, meanwhile a thread about the developers of Doom just got deleted.
Depends, i know quite a lot people that got banned from this website.
I've also seen a lot of public bans, mainly due to breaking the rules.
Would that be censorship for you aswell? since they are restricting what people say
That came much later. At the outset, there were threads all over the place, which also meant that a lot of them got deleted so as to not make identical threads spread across the board
You're actually both correct, they ruin other people's lives and aren't aware of it, and the reason they do it is as you stated. They know they are responsible and are doubling down, but they aren't aware that they know. They're NPCs incapable of self reflection.
>until a generation of fragile fucks co-opted the hobby a decade ago
There are no grass-roots support for all this in any generation. The 'no more hurt feelings' people pushing this garbage are foreign to the hobby. All that they've done was worm themselves into the corporate backbone of game companies enough to push for this shit.
really? i only see drunken dudes fight anymore that and sportsball
I agree that shit talking should be allowed it's like a third of the experience of online games, but in terms of actual sports unsportsmanlike conduct doesn't just cover physical conduct.
Also tangentially you can't badmouth the refs call unless he lets you (which I think for the sake of sports is objectively the right call)
Freedom of speech does in fact mean you can say anything you want anywhere, this doesn't mean it doesn't have consequences. Like screaming "BOMB" in an airport. Or screaming "IT'S MAM" in a ghetto while looking like a guy in a dress.
If it was because of off-topic posting? Yes, since there are boards where you could go instead. There are also no rules governing what words you can use, which means that free speech is alive and well
>According to research from market intelligence firm Bryter, one in three female gamers have faced abuse or discrimination. When playing online, this figure increases to one in two
Do they get bullied by NPCs/difficulty?
Not necessarily. Just because someone gets angry, does not mean they can fight.
Yes we do.
What about you try to spamm one of the "filtered words" and find out yourselve.
Wish i could show you one the /qa/ threads, but its a very slow board and it might take a while till another post your bans thread appears
is retarded. games are always political, like all forms of communication are.
this thread is about people who want to fundamentally change video games and how people can play them. if this isnt video gaming related then what the fuck is?
Yea Forums should be more than just "shill/shit on" product and post cute vidya waifus.
Yes, but people have friends. Sometimes vengeance is taken through other means, though, such as through business connections.
i remember game journalists being mad that styx shit talks you if you keep failing so yeah these people get offended by AI
No no it shouldn't
Then both should be allowed, but somehow mods keep a blind eye to threads that shill an article, with a link to the main site, and not the archive, like this one.
Really makes you think.
>Freedom of speech does in fact mean you can say anything you want anywhere
then north korea has free speech, since you can say mean things about kim jong un, it just has consequences.
Insults are one thing but if you're verbally harassing or using hate speech at any reputable sporting event you better believe you're getting kicked out, and in some the players are penalized for simply insulting anyone.
I don't think you get banned from bypassing that. People didn't get banned for not using roodypoo or candyass. Honestly, though, I can't be sure. At any rate, just because something is a certain way, does not mean that it is right. If Yea Forums started banning people for shit talking, then that would just egregious as in any other place
im OP i didnt think it would be a problem to directly link and im not sure why it should be.
>you're free to stop being my slave and leave whenever you want, but this doesn't mean it doesn't have consequences like me hunting you down and killing you
Well if we're talking about other means of vengeance you can kinda do that to shit talkers in games too can't you? You can gang up in game or just beat them on your own. Still kind of stands that the video game confrontation is something that's less reasonable to be frightened over compared to one in real life, cause there's no threat of physical harm.
if we get even more off-topic you'll get unironic redditshills pushing their shit much like op but more numberous
You are literally doing marketing for them, and you are doing it for free.
These "journalism" sites have proven without fail for many years to be extremely shady and ideologically motivated.
You are increasing their revenue.
I dont think so. Any place should have its own rules that should be followed.
I remember playing dota 1 back in the days, there was a rule of no backdooring. Nothing would happen if you do it, you would even win the games easier.
Yet everyone simply followed it just because it was more fun to do so.
You cant allways play the "censorship bad card" whenever you`re prohibited from doing something. Wouldnt telling people they may not have their own rules to follow be cenosring their right to have their own rules?
These people would've killed themselves if they had played any multiplayer games in the 90s and 00s. Shittalking is so tame now even though you'll get the occasional 12 year old telling you to kill yourself and other swear words. Yeah I know I'm a "boomer." Deal with it.
hey fuckface next time you post archive you're litterly being a free marketeer
>Wouldnt telling people they may not have their own rules to follow be cenosring their right to have their own rules?
That's taking the argument to an extreme that's outside of the scope of this discussion. You could use a shitty argument like that to justify anything.
Exactly correct, now you get it. It's "Freedom"", you're free to choose, the consequences most times are much lesser in some places than other, so it's "freedom" with smaller quotation marks. You expect to get away with screaming
"I'm a murderer and I have a bomb" in an airpoart without consequence?Normally you don't go screaming racial slurs in a place full of the people that you'd supposedly be offending, since you might leave feet first, but hey it's still more free than other places, you can scream horrible things about the leader and only get a ticket for disturbing the peace instead of a bullet to the back of the head.
Making rules is not a restriction on free speech as long as they don't limit the words you can use
>I'm a sim city builder / pve nerd
kys retarded fag
>linking to the actual article
Fuck off, you clickbaiting cunt.
also if you shittalked too much in the server and the mods got tired of you you just got an IP ban. who cares.
>"I'm a murderer and I have a bomb" in an airpoart
and bantering in online games are two completely different things though. one can actually hurt people the other most likely not and even if it does the dmg will be minimal.
youre not their market dude and i guess you have an adblocker so relax. if anything this gives them bad rep.
M8 I don't think you know how this works, because views are exactly what they're looking for. Something going viral is a dream for these people.
okay okay, next time i will not use direct links.
i beg your forgiveness.
Well you can also argue that the consequences will be musch less as well. a temporary ban or warning is far less than jail time or who knows what else.
They are rare to find though.
What I don't get is where these "journalists" are finding all these "bullies." Most online lobbies are dead quiet these days thanks to party-chats and discords.
They just permabanned everyone below a certain behaviour score, Dota is now for positive mental attitude serious business only
You don't know that. You don't know if the other unknown player is having the same problems as you, you don't know if your insult is just a little bit of sand in his eye or an additionnel thing on a pile of problems.
Just don't be a jerk.
if only trannies were well adjusted we wouldn't be in this predicament
That's his issue to sort out, not mine. But sure, if you're compassionate and benevolent, then yes, you don't want to be a jerk. However, people need to be hardened because they will inevitable meet such resistance
im not even talking about insulting, they want to ban every form of banter or shittalking, everything that could be considered offensive.
how about you not being a jerk by trying to restrict my speech? maybe your censorhsip is an additional thing on a pile of problems?
just dont be a jerk.
you mean boomers actively fought for their rights and succesfully took money from the big corps, something the zoomers failed to understand.
>what is average life expectancy vs pensions?
there's no money left you mean and they took it from the government (read you)
>I can say anything to anybody
lolno, basement dwelling neet
>well adjusted
No such thing
that's a weird way to spell globalistic cabal and megacorporations
show me on the post where i said we have freedom of speech
Thank you for proving I'm right.
technically you can say anything to anybody, sure your reputation will go down as a person in society if you say something nasty to a particular kind of person, but you still have the freedom to say it.
No you can't, why don't you tell very convincingly someone to kill himself, or kill someone else. or burn money, or commit illegal acts, or abolish the government.
And these are just basic ones which I know even a dum dum like you would understand.
BTW I'm not even from the US and I already know this, go figure just how pathetic your knowledge of law is.
Since you probably ARE retarded, how's 'swatting' someone that dies because of it? Muh freedumbs of speech, amirite?
Do you think corporations have less influence now than before?
i can say that to people, they wont like me, but i can still say it.
Since the past 30 years their power has only grown. This isn't my opinion, you can objectively measure this in the lobbygroups, the profits, the worse distribution of wealth in the western nations.
Companies used to be allpowerful during 1900 - 1930 though, so it's all relative if you prefer.
You'll be thrown in jail if you're not careful. Why is it that US retards always think just naming those few constitutional rules is it? Wouldn't you think the rest of those 1000s of pages of lawbooks would be obsolete if you LITERALLY only needed to know those rules? Dum dum.
>Since you probably ARE retarded
you're good at this game
>inb4 im only pretending
how cute, now go discuss vidya like this place was intended to
See? I knew you needed an EVEN dumber example before getting there are legal limits to 'muh freedumbs of speech'. Fucking mouthbreather.
Ok, jewish spyop. But you still have to go back.
literally what are you talking about? discuss VIDEO GAMES, i dont give a shit about americunts.
>I failed to read and understand OP's post
This thread is less related to vidya than your average smash thread.
>muh article about muh equality
okay, but what video game are we supposed to be discussing about?
the thread is literally about people trying to change video games and how communication in them works because they see current games still as problematic.
its literally a doomcall for video games and you think its not vidya related?
kys neckbearded retard, and take your NEET life with you. I'm a succesful homo universalis, your inbred American genes are no match for my intellect.
>I can't constantly scream niggers at people, gaming is doomed!
ahh so it's just as much vidya related as e-celeb who plays video game, got it
Greedfall, it's fun, but is it worth the asking price? I'm more inclined to a pirate now, buy when 10-20.
>boomers actively fought for their rights and succesfully took money from the big corps
yeah those globohomo corps are just richer now meanwhile most western countries are in massive debt so no i meant government not corporations
Well, you and I dont protest when our politicians sell out, so yeah, it's on us, not the boomers per se.
i never call them niggers i do call them retard inbred failures of life that should seek nearest shotgun and place it against their temple
boomers enabled it in the first place thick headed cunt
Boomers already took care of themselves, it's your (political) responsibility to take care of yours. Instead of crying to me you should be changing things.
Either accept the new status quo or do something. Pointing your finger at what grandpa used to do or didn't used to do sounds utterly pathetic.
What do you want him to do? He's half senile now you stupid cuck. If you want things to change, go change them. Do your part, but stop whining about it on an anonymous basket weaving forum dedicated to gayman, nerd.
what i noticed in online games now is theres a whole lot of harassement but its coming from homos mostly.
Apparently being a homo gives you an absolute pass to be the biggest shit online. I'm assuming most companies don't even see it as a problem, that fags sexually harassing people is just fag talk like black people things and fine.
you see there's no point in asking money from your government since it's already deep down in debt are you understanding the premise here?
>mfw see filename
ge zou beter moeten weten
Yes, I understand that you fail to grasp. Let me lay down the truth on your dumbass.
It's global RESET time! Only if the government doesn't fear it's people more than it will fear the special interests groups, the reset time will be VERY negative for the plebs and VERY positive for the top 5%-ers.
Here you go, you can read the rest if you follow any major economists over the past 10 years. GG no RE. But keep crying about granddad having a house though.
>read that article if you want to get mad
How about you fuck off?
here ill provide you with a link to the 'now' and some basic knowledge. the current financial crisis that started from 2008 was a DEBT crisis. We have never solved this one, world debt was 250% of World Gross Product, it is now 350%. YEah, reset is coming, hold onto your hats and better get those pitchforks, or you're going to get royally fucked.
Videogames are not a place for "happy, well-adjusted people". If you are already happy, why do you need to play games? Can't you just leave something for the rest of us, you greedy fucks?
Fuck these social activist retards right in their fucking teeth.
>all these seething sad fucks replying
good job, you're making the garbage opt itself out
>If you are already happy, why do you need to play games?
If you are already happy, why do you see movies?
We can get a few more tax breaks for the rich in before then. We gotta all band together and do our part to make sure Trump and his friends in congress come out on top.
so? many countries have had banruptcies and hyperinflation before, didnt change much.
i hate the attitude games are for unhappy crazies as much as the opposite fuck off.
but not the world economy dum dum. The USA/China/EU aren't the same as venezuela. And to add to this unique dynamite combination, the world economy has never been more interconnected with 2 TRILLION dollar getting shot across the earth on a daily basis (daily!).
IKR, better show those cuckolds we stick it to the man! Although Obama was an equally evil sellout, let's not kid ourselves.
Making sure cancer patients etc. get healthcare isnt exactly evil.
you're missing the big picture. you thinking obama was a good president and didnt sell out makes you practically worse than a trump supporter. Why dont you check out how much he gets for a lecture at one of the banks he saved during his tenure? Dum dum.
you absolute dense fuck hes telling you that you arent required to mute niggers you can use it when you want to mute niggers
Oh wow he makes money giving speeches like every president ever? Woweee, PURE EBIL.
He was a piece of shit president for continuing many Bush policies, and he was a cunt for dropping bombs on innocents, but his cuntiness is completely UNMATCHED in every single possible way, and he may as well be an angel descended from on high compared to the current shitstains currently sitting in office.
The fuck fucking traitor's golf trips alone dwarf Obama's gay speeches.
The traitors use of drones and civilian kill count dwarfs Obamas
And his myriad of scandals, corruption, and blatant mistreatment of allies and innocents absofuckinglutely dwarfs and so called nefarious deeds of Obama, the former drone king.
>those who have experienced abuse, just 33% feel there are adequate process to deal with such behaviours
Could of posted an archive you fucking shill
>Could of
coulda called you a faggot
I would crack your feeble skull if i ever saw you, Pleb
based gankerbro
I see you never worked in retail.
How are you ever going to learn if no one calls you out on it?
They do though. Unless you have some ideated vision of “happy and well-adjusted” that doesn’t exist in reality.
no u
how u gonna learn to stop being a faggot if no one calls u a faggot
Not in soccer they arent
Sure thing, buddy
>being a bit nicer is good
Zoomers and their anger addiction is cancer.
>being angry at people being angry
double cancer
Not even, I just feel pity for you soulless husks that could have been human.
Look at the way you post, man. It's embarrassing. Can't you make your point without being retarded about it?
I have to talk like a retard, it's the only language zoomers understand.
>how to stop bullying
How about you stop being retarded and GET ON THE GODDAMN OBJECTIVE?!
>It's another my subjective spook morality is spookier than yours episode
Get lost nigger
i got more morality in my anus than you do in your whole body
The only adequate response in this whole thread
Your anus doesn't exist, it's a ghost of your mind
its so gapingly wide, it might as well not
women have way worse reaction time and coordination, of course I will harrass her until I get a better team mate.
>no archive link
What's with burgers and their definition of generations? I never heard about it IRL but i cringe every time i read it here
Oooohhh, I'm literally S E E T H I N G
>They don't address that there are nowhere near as many female players as there is male players.
They aren't addressing the issue at all.
I know euros haven't evolved for the last millenia, but actual humans have different cultural mentality that is clear as day each generation.
Then why is "millennial" for instance used so incredibly loosely for over 10 years to describe countless people of countless mentalities and ideals across a gigantic seemingly random age group? Most people don't even know wtf age a millennial is and will argue about it.
>muh (((progress)))
i dont even play online games anyway
Exactly, millenials is behind all of this insanity, and zoomers once grown up will be even worst. Only boomers and gen x has any semblance of sanity.
No the economy is better than ever, so this doesn't add up.
Zoomers hate boomers because boomers weren't afraid of effort.
>yes goy hate the zoomzooms or millenials or genxers!
I wish we could find out who is behind the computer and smash your face in with a hammer.
Generations isn't exact. You have early x and late x gen. Not a strict "born from year y to year z" thing.
But on Yea Forums the terms are indeed more loosely used. With anyone from 30 and up might get called a boomer, and anyone below a zoomer, which is of course wrong
there is no such thing as a happy, well adjusted person. You are happy as a child; you are well adjusted as an adult.
There it is, the evil soulless need to destroy rational people. Exactly a classic zoomer ideology. Only we stand against your final destruction of mankind after all.
Not only Yea Forums, news, tv, and pretty much every website with comments uses it extremely loosely. So much so that the word has no meaning.
the politicians are boomers what is your point?
Thanks, was looking for this.
You are irrational garbage that needs to die.
>online interactions
>playing online "service" titles to begin with
who fucking cares
That's absolutely not true. Alot of people are cruel just to be cruel.
ayylmao has this bitch ever stepped into the real world
It's a defense mechanism for retards
People who are cruel just to be cruel are probably not happy and definitely not well adjusted
Bullying is good tho, as long as you're not bullying someone for something they can't control, that's good. How else are furfags and freaks supposed to figure out you keep that shit to yourselves?
I agree, people who are well situated aren't dicks online without egging on. I feel like it's gotten better since xbox age, but there's still a lot of autism online. I think games doing temp bans is a good effort/OW toxic censor shit.
The banter is different, and it's like entering a Yea Forums thread, it's just off topic. If a girl jumps into mic on a game it ends up being a question of "hey you a girl, u pretty" "dumb bitch" despite how well/shit the team in general is doing. With the girls I've played with if they decide to go on mic this happens majority of the time. It gets to a point where it's legitimately distracting from the game and makes it just not enjoyable. I remember specifically one match where a friend was typing/leading and someone asked her to get on mic, she did and two people on the team randomly popped on to start asking her about her tits and weird shit. It almost always becomes some irrelevant gendered discussion or barrage of insults vs normal game bants is shitting on you because you suck at a character or something.
Being called a faggot is videogames culture. It's a small wonder they want to destroy it
>anti bullying advocates find justification for their employment
If you can't handle your feelings getting hurt there literally a button to fix it.
Uh nah
guess no wom*n is happy and well adjusted then
loved the tooltip in vermintide 2, basically, don't bother whining to us, use the damn mute button