Traveling to Numbani

Traveling to Numbani

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I kinda like that the only time africa has anything nice is when its a fantasy made up by white people.

Damn, when OW beta came out everyone was talking and playing it.Now its dead few years after.What the fuck happened?

That's literally every video game

It was different with Overwatch.A brand new game by gigagiant Blizzard giving birth to a new genre

boring maps and no server browser.

Why is blizzard so obsessed with locking this game down and giving the player the absolute minimum amount of choice in the main game mode?

form game release:
>no you can't pick what map you play on
>no you can't pick what game mode you play (cp/payload/koth)
>no you can't have more than one of the same hero
and now
>no you can't switch between roles during a game
>no you can't have a team comp that's anything other than 2/2/2
what's next? Are they going to make you pick your character before you even queue? Are they going to not let you pick between quick play and arcade and just put it all in one big mega-queue? How can Blizzard give the players even less control than they do now?

people complained about stuns, no-aim characters, and shield spam

how did blizzard respond? by adding more stuns, no aim characters, and shields

>Blizzard now also picks and plays your character
>You get to sit back and enjoy a comfy 20 min ride with a even 50% win chanse
Thats whats next user

Traveling to: The Wastebin


god I fucking hate Overwatch. every time I see an image of it I fucking seethe. it's just a perfect encapsulation of faggots who play video games to be competitive rather than to have a good time. oh, you're not adhering to some tryhard meta? have fun being banned.

this. they can't make games. my theory about forced 2/2/2 comp and can't swap roles is they want it to seem like teh only winning game they have to destroy that gmae by putting the main game mode into another game so they can turn around and fuck up the winning game wow classic.
they dont keep genres consistent and they have no right to change it is what id like to add. tehyt hink they can. but, they can't. no.

>new genre

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Psst...hey kid
Do you like...unavoidable chokepoints?

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>tfw got banned from paladins for being too toxic
>quake live and quake champions are both masterpieces that are too horrifically flawed to play
>tf2 doesn't have a single fun class and locked 90 FOV
>cs and r6 are for autistic aimlets
>left with this dumpster fire
a-at least mccree is kinda fun

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>Make and FPS
>Add mechanics that doesn't require to actually aim

>you don't need aim to use a medpack
Absolute mad lads!

>new genre

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I still dont know how they got away with this

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>Control panel
>Programs and features
>double click Overwatch
>Double click blizzard launcher
>Kill a nigger
standard procedure

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Listen closely
ya loli

>you need aim to use a medpack
heroes and generals does this

more like

>make fps
>force people to play the class where you don't get to shoot shit

Africa had fucking Ancient Egypt in it, dingus. Civilization lasted for 5000 years.

The Black Panther movie had Africa as imagined mostly by black Americans.

killed by fortnite

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Actually Black Panther and Wakanda were created by old Jewish guys. Not even meming.

Egypts werent africans, ya dingus, and they are extinct now.

Commit bind kill

Yes, I know, but as I understand the way it's depicted in the movie is pretty different from what it's like in the comics.

>tfw got banned from paladins for being too toxic
Literally how?

Yes and the jews living in Isreal are asians!

>What the fuck happened?
Tygole/Jeff is a massive faggot, that's what happened
The motherfucker can't balance to save his life, he should go back to crying the runescape devs

Welcome to Paris.

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*sub-saharan africa. north africa has an almost entirely separate history from the rest of africa.

sounds like "yayoli" probably some african word

honestly fuck this game. literally ruined to appease the comp fags and their meta bullshit, just like every other blizzard game.

Africa actually had some pretty cool and interesting empires and civilisation, it's just that the vast majority of them converted to Islam (lol) and then just collapsed in on themselves within half a century except a handful which lasted a little longer
the emperor of Mali is the third richest man in history behind Augustus Caesar and Crassus

I know sub-saharan africa does a have an underrated and rich history, but I get annoyed when people claim egypt and carthage as "african" when they're really more closely associated with the near east.


Why does nu Yea Forums always think that if a game isn't being shilled here daily it means it is dead?
You are literally a sheep that waits for his daily meal of shill.
Look at LoL, Dota, CSGO and even fucking fortnite, no daily threads but these games are being played by basically everyone.

Overwatch isn't dead, many people still play it, just not everybody that has played it at the beginning which is only natural for every video game.

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keep calling people autistic mexicans

>Koreans: Busan
>Greeks: Ilios
>French: Paris
>American: Hollywood
>Niggers: fictional wakanda that doesn't exist in the real world
How can people not notice this? Why is negro prosperity basically fiction lmao

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Except you don't see people say those games you mentioned are dead. Valve games release playercount.
LoL and fortnite are alive and well even if lol has declining numbers.
OW has lost more than half of it's playerbase and it is continuing to drop. OW doesnt have even half the years of the games you mentioned except for fortnite.
I see they didn't think at all in old Yea Forums

>tfw holding down 1st point with junkrat in numbani

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Iceborne is getting shilled to death and it's dead, what are you talking about

There are currenty 3 threads up on Yea Forums. I dont think you know what dead means

It was ruined when people got banned for one tricking and playing off-meta picks.
Also the constant stream of seasonal one-time only "buy now (Through our shitty lootboxes lol) or you'll never see it again" cosmetic content every other month while actual content like maps and heroes came out bi annually.

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You can get banned for not picking whatever's hot on the meta? Christ, what a shit game.

I got my account banned for that and the only way I managed to remove the suspension was by contacting their lawyer in my country.

this happened

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I've been playing this game a bit with some casual friends lately and holy shit any game with Sym is complete cancer. She gets her retarded ult in mere seconds and you do nothing but shoot at barriers for good chunks of the fight. I keep telling my friends to focus down the Sym before she gets any work done but they never do so it's just a frustrating shitty experience.

I feel like the only way to reliably win these days is to run Sombra so you can just delete barriers with EMP, but that also requires a team that can take advantage of that

>miss event due to being busy
>come back after event to see the skins
>your main got a sick one
>have to wait an entire year to get it

i always tell myself i dont give a shit about skins but then this happens and i get upset

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Is Sombra good when this shit happens?

No. EMP is good but her damage output during every other fight is so low compared to the likes of doomfist and reaper that she is completely useless.

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