JRPG Thread

Today we're going to discuss why zoom-zooms seem to hate random encounters so much.

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I wouldn't have a problem with random encounters if I was actually at a survival risk (like many old NES jrpgs). Trying to survive every encounters while maintaining resources and trying to get out of there alive is pretty fun. But then FF just showers you in resources and nothing really matter, plus in case like FF6 most encounters aren't really good to work on your abilities and they drop nothing interesting. You're better off going to that one good spot where you can skyrocket everything. Ends up making every encounter just boring, and you're never particularly happy that you beat the encounter other than being able to move on.

Zoomers can't appreciate any sort of gameplay, they only want to rush the game and talk about it on reddit. That's why "cinematic experience" is a sucess nowadays.

Because zoomers are retards that should just be killed off.

It's outdated game design desu. There's no reason to do a turn based combat anymore in this day and age, you can do a real time combat and still make it strategic. It's just that most developers allow people to spam attacks and win every match the same way, that's why most AAA action games suck.

>real time combat and still make it strategic.

This goes without saying. There are far fewer genuinely strategic turn based vidya than real time ones.

This is just my experience with those people but they always haven't even played these games, and are very stubborn about giving them a fair chance. Like a kid who won't eat vegetables they'll put and give you 100 bullshit reasons they don't want to try some game. Usually calls every japanese game "weeb" shit, and thinks the games are outdated but like I said they've never tried playing them through either. They just constantly judge at first glance like ignorant children.

Turn-based combat has the advantage of giving you full control of your entire party. No one has cracked the code of how to make a party-based brawler yet so real-time combat just lacks that feeling

What should I play to get into JRPG genre, Tales of whatever or Dragon Quest XI?

Because when I play a game I want to control everything I do, including encounters. Random encounters are trash game design that must stay in the 90s.

sounds like fun, fag

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I don't hate random encoutners. I just hate Final Fantasy 6.

This. Just compare all the Final Fantasy games up to Final Fantasy 15. All of a sudden you went from managing and controlling a party of adventurers, to controlling one adventurer accompanied by his AI friends.
Completely fucking different. Same shit FFVIIR. Yeah Cloud is the protagonist sure, but the entire party were your player characters and they were all yours to control. Now it's literally Cloud & Pals. Because le action is apparently just that important.

The FF7 remake has you only controlling Cloud?

You can change from cloud to controlling someone else. Cue point you only ever control one character at a time.

Kill yourself, zoomer faggot.

Chrono Trigger did it best.

no he is just retarded, in 7R you can control all party members by switching to them plus you can even access their command menu and order them to do magic/limits/items etc by pressing the R2 button even without switching to them.

I wish, then we could fight with wheelchair Cloud when there's no other option, and go get those huge materias beating the shit out of everything with Omnibus.

Not that the remake will even go that far until a few decades.

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They don't, a bunch of people in each generation hate random encounters, not just zoomers.

How the fuck is that the same as simply controlling all party members?
You're very clearly controlling one character while occasionally giving commands or suggestions to the others. Not even remotely the same thing. Fuck off.

>Like a kid who won't eat vegetables

Holy fucking god. Random encounters are not in any way 'good for you'. JRPG fags tend to constantly romanticize everything annoying and time-wasting in their genre like this. If anything the average game with grinding and random battles is actively bad for you by setting up this mindset that spending time doing inane crap is somehow 'more intelligent' than performing tasks that actively reward the development of the person's skills.

I'd create a max set of encounters between two points.
Like leaving narshe than you can run into 5 encounters max. If you enter Figaro and start walking again you reset it.
You can never flee combat.
Items are capped at 9 instead of 99.

Nothing to discuss zoomers are trash have shit taste need to die simple as that. They have ruined butchered and raped modern video games to the point everything is trash.
Pic related this what i would do to zoomers.

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>today we congregate to seethe
Chrono Trigger will always be regarded as the best JRPG ever and a large part of that is because of no random encounters, deal with it.

CT would be better if it had random encounters as casual filter.

The guy asked a specific question and i answered him. The game let's you control all available characters not just Cloud, this is a fact and your bullshit was misleading the guy. Don't ever reply to me again you autistic fuck.

>It's outdated game design
That's starting to become old real fucking quick zooms but hey go die in a house fire with your family.

>zoomer falseflagging as boomer
kill yourself zoomy, you're not fooling anyone

>I'm a zoomer

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As opposed to your party members just standing in a line and waiting for a bar to fill, so you can then issue commands?

>"you'll never see it coming"
>you do in fact see it coming because all the encounters are on-field

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Yes. In that scenario you issue all of the commands. You control everyone. You are the party as a collective.

They hate it because they have the attention span of a fly. Not to mention they all have autism/low IQ niggers. They need flashy shit for them to pay attention. I think a baseball bat to the back of the head will give them some motivation but then again a quick bullet to the head will fix that problem. All video game companies are full of zoomer trash why do you think new games now are garbage? the only way to solve the problem is by violence or we need a good war to sort out the trash. I pray a war starts and i get to watch all the zoomers die by sand niggers and get raped. I hope they show the pictures of them getting there heads chopped off with a butter knife. Here is what i think about the 7 remake.
Pic related.

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No, kill YOURSELF, zoomer.

See Having no random encounters is one of its biggest weaknesses.

nobody is stopping you from doing that with Classic mode. Just act as if the AI attacking is the cooldown of the aTB and then issue all the commands for all the characters yourself, since you can literally pause time and issue commands to everyone. Basic attacks do fuck all except fill up the ATB anyway. Fag.

>wahh random crits
>wahh consistent teammates throughout a game or server

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>making the game more tedious just to fuck over some random casuals
nah I think you're just retarded

>Classic mode

>Just act as if the AI-
Dude. Already you've admitted that you're controlling one character with the assistance of AI controlled characters instead of you being a full party of characters.


I think absolutely none of them ever played a board game.
>it's outdated
When they say this you can just skip the rest of the post, you know the guy behind his computer is braindead

>I wouldn't have a problem with random encounters if I was actually at a survival risk (like many old NES jrpgs). Trying to survive every encounters while maintaining resources and trying to get out of there alive is pretty fun. But then FF just showers you in resources and nothing really matter, plus in case like FF6 most encounters aren't really good to work on your abilities and they drop nothing interesting.

I kinda agree with this. I don't mind random encounters and turn-based combat. FF just threw items at you till the point where they became kind of redundant. Maybe modern AI tech could solve this problem by probability estimation of necessary % drops for items depending on scenarios.

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>It's outdated
Were done here go fuck off back to being a nigger.

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Exactly. They act on their own. It's fucking trash in comparison and not even remotely the same.

typically it's just a problem of not being able to carry 99 of every consumables

DQ always had those annoying tiny inventories, but putting that herb in your inventory meant something, it used space, and you were going to use it, and then have nothing left unless you get a drop or something.

Funny zooms.

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>random encounters
Kill yourself, zoomer.

This is lazy design from the 90s and I say it as a boomer who practically gave up on videogames due to old age. Now if battles in JRPG weren't a retarded SELECT ATTACK deal maybe the shittiness of random encounters wasn't so glaring but when you have battle systems as deep as something from a modern mobile game, random encounters become a chore you want to fucking skip, and there is a single game that did the whole thing right, Wild Arms 2. You cannot skip battles with mobs that are higher level than your party, otherwise you're free to skip a random encounter at a press of a button. This is the ideal implementation of random encounters, people who like or need it get plenty of it, people who don't skip the whole mess at will. Just GIVE PLAYERS A CHOICE AND EVERYONE WILL BE HAPPY.

Unfortunately, choice seems to be rather foreign concept for Japanese devs, and even the latter Wild Arms games went back to shitting the bed with forced random encounters.

Please explain how one could control 3+ party members at the same in a satisfying manner with real time combat?

Go join the zoomers faggot. GET OFF MY FUCKING WEBSITE!

Because symbol/on-map encounters are better and make exploration much more smooth. Random encounters were always a shitty mechanic.

JRPG - autism simulator, it's all about the numbers in those games and you retards think you're smart because of it. Real combat has multiple layers to it which you spergs are unfamiliar with such as positioning, physical strength, stamina, reaction time, communication with your buddies and so on. When vr has evolved maybe we'll be able to fully emulate it and you beta losers will never win against Chad cuz you're a bunch of scrawny nerds.

Back in the day we had more time than games and we were also kids/teenagers with low standards, so padding which random encounters are felt like it made the game bigger.

Now we have more games than time and we can see random encounters for the padding that it is.

Two is pretty manageable, I do that sometime when I coop with myself because nobody to play with. Do need some more intuitive controls to be nice though, and I wish more games would attempt that without being intended for coop

That aside, in games like Star Ocean / Tales I often quick swapped characters to activate moves and similar too. In SO3 I did a run with all characters on a manual, worked pretty well on hardest difficulty.

ALL this aside, I love turn based combat and I don't think of it as antiquated.

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Go fuck yourselves.

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Complaining that JRPGs have turn based battles is like complaining that platformers have jumping.

Someone who gets.
The Fucking Point.

Normal enemy encounters are supposed to be easy to an extent; it should be a battle of attrition exploring the world map or diving through a dungeon as they drain your resources before the boss.

Being able to have 99x potion in your inventory in most games kills this and we somehow got to a point as early as the SNES era where random encounters wouldn't be a big enough threat to kill you and only bosses were difficult.

Limit the item pool from 99 to 10. There. Random battles become tense again.

I mean Wild Arms 3 has the skip encounters thing too.

And I give Wild Arms 4 credit, because once you finish a dungeon you can challenge a miniboss at the save point and turn off encounters in that dungeon indefinitely.

Even worse is that in many of those you don't even need a single item still, You have so much MP and/or draining/regen abilities that you can go on forever.

I almost never use items in most FFs and it doesn't really change anything.

>Complaining that JRPGs have turn based battles is like complaining that platformers have jumping.
This were done people.

It also doesn't help that beating those bosses can also be just a case of how much time you're willing to spend. Yes, you can work out the strategy and the method to beat it, or you can stock up on 99 HP and MP recovery items and just grind away for an hour. If you put a limit on how much you can carry at any point then this becomes prohibitive. A weight limit solves this, with some kind of wagon on the world map for a little more. But once you enter a dungeon, that's it unless you happen upon something in a chest.

Too many consumables in FF games seem to be a common major concern.

..this aside, it's still a lot better balanced and if you're playing like a retard you will start running into issues

I'm in my thirties and I always thought random encounters were very lazy. I still don't understand why Squaresoft kept doing it all the way to the PS2 when they managed to handle encounters so much better in Chrono Trigger on the SNES.

I was a huge fan of FF growing up and still replay them from time to time, doesn't mean that I let nostalgia blind me. Random encounters were always shit and even back then I remember that many people (myself included) were bitching that the new ones would still use this antiquated mechanic. I was very happy when we learned that XII would finally get rid of that, unfortunately the game had other issues in the end.

I'd also, in addition to limiting it to 10 or so items, remove MP recovery entirely, like how in WRPGs you have to rest in a safe area to regain your spells. So yeah, do you want to restore that 100HP with one of your limited potions, or use one of your more powerful spells, but be unable to do so again until a safe area? Also, whoever decided that save points should restore health should be shot.

Chrono Trigger > Most FF games > Final Fantasy XII

Random encounters make sense in dungeons, which are built around exploration, and a constant game of resource management. I get annoyed at random encounters in FF6 far more than in FF1 or 3 because those games were build around such a style, especially FF1.

CT encounters weren't good, it was just forced encounters unless you hugged the walls to barely avoid the spawn point.

It wasn't really like say.. SaGa/Tales does where you run into the enemy that's wandering (many SaGa games especially has the more aggressive type that weren't easy to avoid), CT is just a huge fixed encounter point that gets old every time you pass there again.

Persona stories are pretty weak in general, but they are still decent fun.

.. but well, I guess it works on areas you're never gonna revisit and are handcrafted for that single grand visit

I also found those scripted encounters annoying when re-traversing an area, and you'll get enemies appear in the exact same place and formation. Is their a queue of them waiting to fill the spot? If you go scripted you have to make them vanish after defeat or it just becomes more annoying than random encounters ever were.

Honestly JRPGs need to take a closer look at their main inspiration, Wizardry, to improve:
>Every encounter is essentially a boss fight that can easily kill everyone.
>Conserving magic/items will get you killed, expect to use your best stuff every encounter even though both are very limited. There's a huge focus on managing your resources effectively and knowing when to run back to town.
>Extremely limited inventory to stop hoarding.
>Every single status effect is devastating for both you and your enemies.
>Stats max out very quickly, the only reason to grind is for HP and Magic, stats can also decrease on level-up.
>Death is extremely punishing and can result in the character being lost forever(okay, maybe this isn't so great), the complete opposite of Final Fantasy where dying means nothing because of your 99 Phoenix Downs and reliable Life spells.
>Little focus on autistic min-maxing.

post them

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Many early tales put you on a tight consumables budget especially early on, even when starting the game with [insert female healer here].

And I still remember how ridiculously tough the early game of Lost Odyssey was. If formation hp got depleted, even random encounters became lethal.

I think FF is just a poor example of balance in general.

Kill yourself, zoomer.

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

Fuck off zoom zooms. you're either with us or against us and that means YOU NEED TO DIE!

This is lazy design from the 90s and I say it as a zoomer who practically gave up on videogames due to new age and shit taste. Now if battles in JRPG weren't a retarded SELECT ATTACK deal maybe the shittiness of random encounters wasn't so glaring but when you have battle systems as deep as something from a modern mobile game, random encounters become a chore you want to fucking skip, and there is a single game that did the whole thing right, Wild Arms 2. You cannot skip battles with mobs that are higher level than your party, otherwise you're free to skip a random encounter at a press of a button. This is the ideal implementation of random encounters, people who like or need it get plenty of it, people who don't skip the whole mess at will. Just FUCK OFF BOOMERS AND DIE.

Unfortunately, choice seems to be rather foreign concept for Japanese devs, and even the latter Wild Arms games went back to shitting the bed with forced random encounters.

>Today we're going to discuss why zoom-zooms seem to hate random encounters so much.
Or, instead, we could actually discuss JRPGs.
Only underage retards going through an indentity crisis (like (You) ) turn everything into a generation vs generation issue.

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This but unironically.

>time wasting

you play video games and post on Yea Forums retard you are wasting your time no matter what

breath of fire 1 is so goddamn slow. This is my second attempt at slogging through it and I know about the repel items, but you WALK SO SLOW

just use a fast forward key if you're that impatient

I'm sure you're emulating at this point

Try to disapprove anything he said you gigantic retard.

SaGa's kind of an exception to the rule for JRPG design in general so it's hard to use it as a point, those games already had specific monster family behaviour mechanics in 1993, where all enemy types had wildly different aggro behaviour and movement patterns you had to learn how to deal with, and if we want to go deep into the series' history, SaGa 2 on the game boy already began to test to enemy icon system, albeit in only one dungeon, and that was a gameboy game from nearly 30 years ago, and the series kept on elaborating and exploring different kinds of mechanics for years.
>JRPGs need to take a closer look at their main inspiration, Wizardry, to improve:
Except almost all of the points you mentioned do not apply to any Wizardry game out there, outside of maybe 4 in regards to a few of those.
Casually pretending Wizardry is also the end of all to an entire industry is incredibly disingenuous too, it's not like it didn't have its own massive problems either.

>Today we're going to discuss why zoom-zooms seem to hate random encounters so much.

They just get boring after a while when you are backtracking.

the Wild Arms series (barring the PSP one) and Jimmy & The Pulsating Mass do random encounters right.

Once you are high enough level, you can just say "no" to the encounter.

I like what some of the atelier game did, you see the monster on the field and can whack them to start with the initiative or if you're higher level than them you kill them instantly and get some items/money but less than if you fought the battle

Is Tales of Destiny 1 (PS1 since I don't speak moonrunes) good if I loved Eternia?

How about, *gasp* you didn't have leveling at all and you could only advance via clever use of the abilities you acquire? Wouldn't that be something?

>How about, *gasp* you didn't have leveling at all
Then it wouldn't be an RPG.

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>how about an RPG that doesn't have a role-playing system
You're a genius, user.

its boring and outdated. it was only a thing 30 years ago because of weak hardware and chinks being bad at programming. take off your rose tinted goggles, it was never good.

Everyone always hated random encounters

Random encounters give the player an impression that monsters in the setting are very aggressive and bloodthirsty no matter how strong you are compared to them. This also gives players a clue that the world is so dangerous for low-level NPCs that only OP people and/or fucknuts like yourself and your party have the guts to wander out in the world. If monsters could sense how strong you are, you would never encounter anything at high levels aside from scripted battles, which would, in turn, be extremely hard. This would make the endgame inaccessible for everybody except the hardcore gamers. But the thing is, JRPG makers, based from their design decisions, opted for people to have as much powergaming options as they could get at any stage of the game, should they want it. This is regardless of year and platform. They (the developers) want you (the player) to finish the game they built so bad that they are willing to make the game balance broken for your convenience. Random encounters accelerate this brokenness. Devs want you to feel smart and powerful. No matter how much you whine, more people want to just get on with the game rather than be intellectually tickled by some sudden difficulty spike encounter/area. This is the strength of the JRPG.

Comtrolling one character in a real time action rpg requires more brain capacity and button inputs than anything you do in a turn based game where you just pick 1 word from a menu for 1 character at a time

>You need to increase in power by fighting mobs
>You can't develop your character's abilities for a specific purpose instead
>Games where all you do is increase your stats still count as 'RPGs'

Wow, just wow

Yeah, that's why SW4 is so incredibly harder than X-Com, eh?

Random encounters in JRPGs tend to be a braindead borefest. Just spam attack 4 times, lmao, trash encounter.
Make those meaningful like in most of the rouge-likes or even like Darkest Dungeon and it's quite fine.

>Non sequitur this big
Post discarded.

random encounters doesn't mean turn based
look at chrono trigger or earthbound

i dont play those shit games

Please explain why a characters development should be achieved via increase in stats instead of having your stats remain static and your abilities providing more utility instead?

I have always hated random encounters. It's so frustrating to explore a dungeon with them, you don't want to take unnecessary steps for fear of being placed in another shitty battle. There's a reason pretty much no JRPGs use them anymore.

definitely not this. "Trying to survive ever encounter" i.e. hoping that you don't get jewed too hard by RNG and live. This is unironically the zoomer mindset, it's white "roguelites" are so popular these last few years


>A character's defining traits in a RPG should remain static
>But you should also be able to learn new stuff that is somehow completely disjointed from a character's traits, which define their core nature and the extent of their very being
>Because fuck logic
I seriously can't believe somebody this stupid exists and is not trying to troll people.
You do know there's also many RPGs where your stat sheet is static, do you?

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Is this Xenoblade?

Do most JRPGs not of encounter reducing items? Because almost all of the games I've recently played have it in some shape or form.

If not, I understand the complaint of random battles but if so then use that item to make em go away or lessen them a bit.

i was born in 91 and i fucking hate random encounters. they're dated, boring, and braindead. in the vast majority of games you simply hold circle to win, effectively creating the "cinematic experience" you're all complaining about just with the cinematics being shitty little models doing the same shitty little attack animations over and over.

Grandia and Pokémon did encounters correctly I find.

In Grandia, If I want to run from them, I need to be skillful enough to not aggro the enemy in the overworld and run past them before they noticed. If they notice me and charge into my back, I'm punished for my mistake with an ambush where the enemy can attack first and I have to wait. If I don't want to deal with an ambush but can't run past them, I could sneak up behind the enemy before they notice me and then get a preemptive strike on them so I get to attack first.

Along with this, if I notice I'm about to be ambushed I could quickly turn around and hope for a normal encounter as we were both facing each other by the time of the hit.

As for Pokémon, encounters are needed to even have a party to use in the game, but f I don't want encounters because I'm going through an area I've went through before, or I'm low on health or something. I can just buy Repels and not have to deal with an encounter for a while. Sure, it's annoying to have to go into my menu and select another repel again and again, but there is more time saved from doing that over encounters.

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>a factually bad mechanic

jrpg style turn based combat sucks anyway
the difficulty spectrum ranges from "piss easy" to "keep trying until they don't use that one attack that wipes you"

it's just bad game design


Wrong. Turn based is superior since it gives unlimited time to stratagize and think. At their core, rpgs are strategy games NOT reflex games. Adding real time to the combat DIRECTLY CLASHES with the core concepts of rpgs. Real time is gimmick that doesnt fit with the genre and only exists because of faggots like you who dont have any patience.

Think about a game like chess. Real time would make it a mess. Chess is great precisely because it allows peolle to stop, evaluate, and plan.

They don't even need classic mode. Just stand still and wait for the atb bar to be filled. 7R’s combat is very flexible. But I doubt these retards can even see that because seeing character move in real time is like a sin to them.

>>A character's defining traits in a RPG should remain static
>>But you should also be able to learn new stuff that is somehow completely disjointed from a character's traits, which define their core nature and the extent of their very being
>>Because fuck logic

>Be magicman
>Learn new magic, not INT+1 on level-up
damn, man

It's useless arguing with retards, user.

Everybody fucking hates random encounters. They're up there with "procedural generation" among the most horrible design choices you can make for your game.

The reason is, if it ain't worth designing something by hand and an algorithm can do it, then it ain't worthwhile playing for the player because it's literally trash repetitive content.

Then is it a good mechanic then? If so, mind if I ask, are you genuinely retarded?

>Think about a game like chess. Real time would make it a mess.
you know competitive chess is most commonly played with a timer, right?
>Turn based is superior since it gives unlimited time to stratagize and think.
about what, whether to keep holding down circle or to heal?

Etrian Odyssey fixes that. Consumable items have to compete with monster drops, the lifeblood of your party, for space in your very restricted inventory.

Its not a good nor bad mechanic. Its just there. Most games have a way around them in some way shape or form.

Also you never provided a reason for them being factually bad.

>what is sandbox
>i need to run away from every battle
cringe and unbased mentality

I thank god I'll never be this brain damaged.

Picking when to fight is also part of the strategy you fucking brainlet.

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random encounters need to be balanced with exploration, resource management, and interesting options to fight. but then again this also applies to non random encounters and action based combat.

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A timer is still turnbased (cooldowns are not), and a timer largley exists to stop games from taking a year.

>about what, whether to keep holding down circle or to heal?
You either havent played enough rpgs are just lying through your teeth. Games that have this problem are bad because the devs suck at making meaningful moves/enemies. This problem has nothing to do with turn based mechanics.

It's not strategy when you run away from 99% encounters then complain about game balance when you lack exp/materials or whatever else the fucking game has a mechanic.

So this is the average poster that shits on random encounters...

i've played too many turn based jrpgs to count and the combat sucks dick in every one of them. most jrpgs are braindead easy because making enemies "difficult" in turn based combat is virtually impossible to do without falling into the trap of making the player just repeat the fight over and over until the boss happens to not do something inconvenient for the player.

>you don't want to take unnecessary steps for fear of being placed in another shitty battle.
That's it working as intended, you should be wary of getting more encounters so you care about the path you're taking and sometimes go for the end instead of every side path.
Problem is with your resources it's not usually a threat to your life just your time.
Without any dangers you might as well make the dungeon a line.

>i've played too many turn based jrpgs to count
No you didn't.

I like turn-based when it's good. Recently played 2 JRPGs, FF7 and DQXI and DQ was so much fucking better it was unreal, FF7 feels clunky and isn't all that satisfying.

What FF has the best turn-based combat system? I heard X had a pretty good one

>making enemies "difficult" in turn based combat is virtually impossible to do without falling into the trap of making the player just repeat the fight over and over until the boss happens to not do something inconvenient for the player.
This is the most retarded post ITT. Congrats.


GenX here (remember GenX? An actual fucking name for an actual fucking generation? Instead of your fucking made up and inaccurate shit like calling anyone over 25 a "boomer" which is what PEOPLE WHO WERE BORN IN THE FUCKING 1950S WERE CALLED?), random encounters are fucking stupid and you all know it. You just like them as an excuse to love your fucking stupid story-heavy JRPG bullshit.

Only I, II, III, and X have turn-based gameplay. Out of those X is obviously the best, but even it is painfully mediocre.

I only played FF 4-6 and while I enjoyed them, I think they're way too barebones and simple as far as JRPGs go. It's all just spam strong moves and heal, ocasionally some minor buffing. There are a lot of other JRPGs there with better combat and strategy.

Even people at the time hated random encounters

7 is also turn based, just has a retarted time system that doesn't actually change anything outside of make the cycle of battles confusing

can you explain why or are you just upset that i'm right about your favorite nostalgic pixilated cinematic anime adventure?

>You do know there's also many RPGs where your stat sheet is static, do you?

Yes, that's exactly my point. That makes sense and serves to define your character and what they can do. Unlike how it works in basically every JRPG ever.

>But you should also be able to learn new stuff that is somehow completely disjointed from a character's traits


is exactly what I'm arguing though and you provide no points against it. What exactly are you opposed to?

I think it's mostly just falseflagging and people pretending to be retarded

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If you've ever played a turn based JRPG and had to "think" about what the most optimal action to take was then you're simply have the problem solving skill of a child which is precisely why you find "strategy" designed for a child to understand at all engaging.

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>i hate the left wing for identity politics
>but it's ok when i do it lol

Not that user but someone already mentioned it in the thread. The problem is when random encounters aren't used to create an interesting resource management dynamic but instead are just padding the game's length

Doesnt change the fact that what you are decribing is not inherently a problem with turn based mechanics. Real time rpgs often have the same problem too. "Watch autobattle, then press a special move once cooldown goes away" is all too common in real time rpgs too. Only difference is that real time games make you FEEL cooler because stuff his happening faster (i.e. they appeal to braindead morons who want to watch instead of play).

>"keep trying until they don't use that one attack that wipes you"

It's hilarious how loath they are to admit that this is typically far more important to the 'strategy' in any given encounter where you actually are just barely able to win because you didn't mow down all the random encounters or get enough items than any clever thought out plan.

Random encounters were only implemented because of technical limitations at the time and have no reason to exist nowadays. Now turn based combat and pseudo turn based combat there is absolutely nothing wrong with.

>Unlike how it works in basically every JRPG ever.
Are you fucking retarded? There's plenty of JRPGs with fixed stat sheets, even fucking SMT had fixed stat sheets and even fixed levels for demons.
>you provide no points against it.
Because it's so amazingly retarded there's no use in arguing against it, not only because said model would require characters to not only be premade but also have zero customization at all, and therefore very little roleplay, but because what you take out of a stat sheet in terms of growth and grinding goes into another place, solving nothing of what you complain about.
Then again, I'm absolutely sure you're simply too mentally challenged to understand this basic game design truth that literally everyone figured out since decades, on both tabletop and videogames.

You should try playing something else than FF, user.

>it's the exact same thing
>but since it's faster so it's only appealing to morons because I said so.
>but the same exact shit when done slow is for the “big-brained” non boomer like me
I hope you realize how hypocritical you sound. And having that bitchy snobbish tone as well. Stop sniffing your own ass for once faggot.

People complaining about turn-based systems always amuse me

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>Random encounters were only implemented because of incompetent programmers and lazy designers

Gotta ask, since it's on my mind with the official translation out soon. What is everyone's opinion of a game like Rance, where the combat isn't super complicated but the interesting part is you have a limited number of units to assign around the map?

Any other turn based games like it? I feel like as a combat system it has a lot of potential but could be a lot deeper, especially if some of the balance issues of the game were smoothed out.

>real time rpg
you mean like an action rpg, like dark souls?
i found the combat in dark souls pretty engaging and when i beat an extremely difficult boss it wasn't simply because i tried 20 times until he happened to not use his strongest attacks very often

That I can agree with. My issue with a lot of the complaints is that people say this is true of most JRPGs and not just a select few. Many of them have ways to avoid or reduce the tedium of random encounters as a few people have mentioned in this thread.

fucking this
the best action to take in a jrpg is always painfully obvious and to defeat a ""difficult"" boss you either keep trying until the moves they randomly choose to use don't kill you too quickly or you go grind

Seriously, you are completely correct but JRPG fanatics are literally too stupid to realize that in the games they play, this is generally what things boil down to if encounters are actually "balanced to be challenging" against someone who knows what they are doing and they aren't vulnerable to some gimmick that lets you cheese them.

You know as well as I do that they genuinely aren't familiar with what it means to actually think through something, but are still in love with the idea of being a tactical anime genius making clever decisions that result in their victory. That is the appeal to them. They love how the illusion of thinking feels when it is combined with long animations. They are convinced that they are more cunning and clever than people who prefer genres where grinding means developing your own skills instead of watching numbers go up.

>Sorry, u/Beepzorz is either deleted, banned, or doesn't exist.

based diplomatic user

Random encounters still the best do the job of creating dungeon tension. Having more games like Chrono Trigger or Growlanser 4 with set encounters would be great but gooks are lazy fucks that refuse to do it and just toss a bunch of RNG monster spawners in their games to be down with it.

I said its the same problem that poorly designed rpgs of both types share, not that both result in the exact same final product. Ive played plenty of action rpgs i enjoyed, but i still think the core concept of real time is at war with the core concepts of rpgs. My main point was that the only real complaint youve thrown against turn based games is not a complaint against turn based, but aginst poorly designed rpgs of either type. Youve failed to see that these problems are identical because your stupid ass is to wowed by the speed of real time.

>calls me a hypocryte
>gets pissed about my "bitchy and snobbish"
> proceeds to be a hypocrite by having a bitchy and snobbish tone by telling me to stop sniffing my ass and being a faggot

I want to make a good RPG. What makes a good battle for you? What makes a good random encounter?

Be more specific user, that's be like me saying, I WANT TO MAKE A GOOD FPS or I WANT TO WRITE A DETECTIVE NOVEL aka there are a billion things you can do

I'm currently playing Nocturne on hard, and the game wouldnt even remotely be the same without random encounters. Right now choosing to take a path in a dungeon or explore deeper than you currently are is genuinely a calculated decision since a single random encounter can take you out and it's back to your last save. Shit is tense, and I've fucked up by thinking I could go just a bit longer without turning back to heal

If you could just avoid encounters altogether if there was only a set limit of preset fights then the entire games structure would fall apart. Resource management would be non existent, which is a big part of SMT games, especially early on when money is tight

Pm'd you the game ;)

I’m actually not

In theory it should be easier to just make a better JRPG than anything because so few people even try to make their gameplay good. Just don't do all the retarded shit everything else does and make resource management actually meaningful and you're instantly better than 99% of the genre.

>the illusion of thinking
turn based jrpg combat in a nutshell

>but aginst poorly designed rpgs of either type

The best action JRPGs are way better than the best turn based ones and involve more tactical creativity.

But the song isn't addressed to you. It is addressed to your enemies and is about what you're going to do to them.

Cheers lad ;)

Now that I think about it, it makes sense. They could have just made enemies walk around randomly and trigger a battle if you touch them.

turn-based systems are great in the hands of talented developers

just a few examples
Wizardry 6-8
>Jagged Alliance 2
>Realms of Arkania 1/2
>Might and Magic 3-8
>Bard's Tale 1-3
>Pools of Radiance
>King's Bounty
>Silent Storm
There are tons of great games that would be impossible without turns. But you can't expect that from Japanese garbage.

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Beep, fuck off, even if you deleted your Reddit profile you still have a goriliion of accounts we can snoop.

just post your infographics beep, we know it's you

If you can just avoid encounters at will then attrition and resource management stops being a thing

most action rpgs are just button mashers. zoomers pretend their combat is on the level of ninja gaiden black and god hand when the truth is that they just don't like turn-based systems because they don't have the attention span for them.

Zoomers simply did not grow up in the golden age of video games.
They grew up in the aftermath of Call of Duty and Obama.

plenty of other jrpgs besides pokemon have items/options to manage the encounter rate. smt has estoma, the cyber sleuth games have the "high security" hacker skill, final fantasy has enc-none, bravely default has menu options to adjust the encounter rate, etc.

Are Star Ocean games good?

devs realized early on that resource management with heavy scarcity just makes people quit the game after they keep getting game over in the first dungeon.

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I know, I was just using Pokémon as an example since it's what everyone has played. Any system that allows you to cut or outright stop encounters is great.

Once I found out you could cut encounters in FF8 to nothing, I had a blast playing that game. FF7's was too high for my liking.

Been a while since I saw somebody post Inindo though.

People who complain about jrpg combat generally suck at it

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