remember when it was all about having fun
Remember when it was all about having fun
this pic always weirds me out because John C and I look similar.
>open mouth smile
Man, I wish I had friends.
or at least when the best method to make money from a game was to make a good one
Excuse me sweatie did you just say the F word?
>dat true smile on John Carmacks mug.
Everyone also have true smiles but his is the truest.
well supposedly he's a high-functioning sociopath so it could be that he just practices his smile in front of a mirror
plenty of people are sociopaths and it's unlikely you'll even find out because it's in their best interests to act normal. it's only the retard sociopaths that get caught looking like psychos
Nah, he mastered the right smile after an afternoon of casual observation. Remember this is the same guy who got himself kicked out of casinos because he was curious how long it'd take security to realize he was counting cards.
cool buzzword, keep using it.
Wait, counting cards works in casinos?
And how does security figure out something like that?
Yes I don't know shit about card games.
sshh adults are talking
Yes. Ben Affleck was kicked out too.
you're a mental midget.
>doing anything requiring an education
le what?
This pic reeks of middle aged cringe
>middle aged
but they're in their early 20s in that pic
top gun coders are self taught. pirate an old copy of visual studio whatever and buy a used textbook with your version of visual studio on the cover. you will make your own fun.
it's fun if you have unironic autism like the main coders/programmers do
that's it user, time out. go to your room and don't come out until dinnertime
coding is legitimately rewarding and occasionally even fun if you have the personality for it
of course if you're Yea Forums and the only fun you can think of deriving out of life is cooming to traps and writing scathing reviews about trannies and blacks while defending your neetbucks-funded cumfort then maybe it won't be as fun
Tom Hall did nothing wrong
woah, that escalated quickly...
Sorry to break it to you zoomer, but back then people in their 20s were actually men and still had a shred of masculunity left and these guys were considered the weaker types.
youre right im sorry
i just meet too many ppl who complain about coding being too hard or not being as fun as cooming
esports, streamers and the casual normies ruined everything
>these guys were considered the weaker types
Uh, no shit, thank you for proving me right
I'll figure it out one day. I'm just glad I can sprite.
esports didnt ruin it, corporations trying to market esports did