Why the fuck are modern games so boring?
When was the last time you felt a game was doing something truly different and new? Instead of being just more of the same we've had for decades.
Why the fuck are modern games so boring?
When was the last time you felt a game was doing something truly different and new? Instead of being just more of the same we've had for decades.
Every video game after 2006 is shit.
because we playing the same games again and again just with less mechanic these people are afraid to inovate instead they dumbing everything down so even people with very low iq can play and spend money on the product
They lack creativity, everything back then was new and innovative, everything today is rehashed garbage. That's why stuff like PUBG and Fortnite were so big when they first came out because they were something new, we just gotta wait for someone to bring out the new best thing
*cough* dark souls style mmo *cough*
Minecraft comes to mind. I'm more into terraria though
I recently found horizon zero dawn in a bargain bin and gave it a go, and it's probably the most recent game I've had fun with since GTA4.
Let me guess, you're a console gamer?
Graphics advancements and new standards of quality (Voice acting, animation, dumbass machine learning shit to make it so Mr. Hitman doesn't look retarded going up stairs) caused the death of the the B-Game, now it's all pixelshit or NBA2K, the western pachinko game
>When was the last time you felt a game was doing something truly different and new
literally me playing splatoon for the first time two weeks ago
>just Liquid War but in shitty shooter format
Zoomer opinion, next
New and revolutionary for Zelda as a franchise =/= actually new and revolutionary
pubg honestly
It was my first zelda since majora's mask, it felt new and revolutionary to me
The outer wilds, which I played yesterday.
this shits deep yo, in a non-ironic way
>When was the last time you felt a game was doing something truly different and new?
When I played El Shaddai recently. A game from 2011.
Divinity Original Sin
Just because you generally enjoyed games more as a kid doesn't mean that new games are shit, lots of excellent games have been released in the last few years
>1995 dos game
I'll pass
Most of those excellent games play exactly the same as another older, better game. Most games released this decade could've been made for the last gen, or even the one before.
Why not play stuff like Mordhau and Squad? The problem is high skill ceiling games whether they be shooters or MMOs because casuals simply can't have fun being bad at video games. They want every single player to be OP and have very little skill involved. AAA has never been high skill ceiling in history, so basically you're just shit at games but are not normalfag enough to play AAA.
name 10
not to prove anything, I'm genuinely interested
user... It's not games that have changed its you, you're a grown up now and it's normal to stop enjoying the things you did as a kid, find something new to enjoy and some people to enjoy it with.
>multiplayer shit
No thanks, I play games to get away from people
And another note, maybe one day after having a fill of life you'll start enjoying Vidya again
It's much harder to innovate these days because of how much has already been achieved and how much technology advanced. To top it off the innovation that does happen will not get attention because ultimately people aren't very interested in innovation and gaming media and culture has been completely decentralized thanks to the modern internet. Games like Rain World are incredibly unique but all they get is a niche following and no long term recognition.
Play less AAA western shit.
you're probably just a jaded old faggot now
>muh glorified flash minigame with hamfisted messages about mental illness indies
You can say that, or you can offer arguments and examples as to how modern games are unique, different, and worthwhile compared to what we had 10 years ago.
>When was the last time you felt a game was doing something truly different and new
Idk, games come out with new mechanics every so often. Demon's Souls was the first game, at least the first good game, to make use of the asynchronous multiplayer thing in the way it did. That was a cool little innovation. And that was just 10 years ago or so. Either way though, what sort of "new" or "different" experiences do you want from games OP? And also, why do you think you're so fixated on novelty? I personally think it's unhealthy to constantly seek out novelty, you're going to burn out on it and become a depressed loser pretty fast. There's only so much novelty in the world without traveling.
Depends on youe definition of truly different and new. What would you suggest if you don't think anything counts? I would.bet dollars to donuts that whatever idea OP comes up with has been done before in some way.
>Indies are all bad
>Won’t even acknowledge that higher budget nip games are still good
Have you considered that maybe you’re just old and incapable of having fun now?
What high budget nip games are trying new things? They're a traditionally conservative culture.
10 years ago it was already shit
They are not afraid of innovation. They literally can't you hexafag. What monetary incentive is there to make a good game? Making games is expensive and flopping means the end of your career and hundreds of millions in debt. Good luck finding some investors to pitch a "creative and innovative game after that".
Bro why you gotta be like that?
great threat again!
>argument is "games haven't experienced any meaningful innovation in a decade"
>gives a decade old game as a counter example
Thing is, it's really easy to deconstruct games down to their base elements and say "X has been done before", but it's not how it ends up in reality. Castle Wolfenstein had the ability to sneak around a facility, steal the uniforms off of guards and use them to walk around undetected, stealth kill, etc. Could you find 10 people among 10,000 that would say Castle Wolfenstein looks like a better game than Hitman? I don't think so. And yet, Hitman didn't do anything revolutionary, it just used mechanics from previous games but upped the production values.
So your question is just inherently shit, nobody wants to give you a good faith response because the question is not in good faith.
>just 10 years
In an industry where 10 years used to mean going from the SNES to the PS2, 10 years isn't "just"
Super Cloudbuilt in 2017
CrossCode in 2018, although this one is pretty derivative from SNES RPGs, but I still think it stands as a unique example of truly great indie RPG
It's hard to make a truly unique game, same as movie and book nowadays really
I'm sorry user but since I grew up in the 90s, a game coming out 10 years ago still feels quite modern and new. Since you're much younger than me, it might seem like Demon's Souls is an old game since the last ten years haven't just zoom zoomed right by for you.
Subnautica is pretty good.
I want a rts game that plays like c&c tho red alert or tiberian sun. Miss that 1999 shitty lan experience, so much fun.
Darksiders 1 probably.
also ape escape.
>unique, different, worthwhile games
kys you little zoomer faggot
goodbye spirit of 2000s
yea i pretty much completely stopped burning games since around 2010 cause they sucked or had 5 years of patches/dlc and other stupid shit that make the burn a waste.
>went through 4 300 cd books in 7 years from 2002-09 when i first started geting and burning games. had the same book since then till now still not filled. hardrive i delete off of and sometimes occasionally burn ok stuff.
too much beta steam games
>your opinion doesn't count because zoomer
so what does count? Every new game that isn't based on old games is by definition zoomer, so literally every answer to that question would be a zoomer game
It doesn't have to be completely new and original, but like says, I'd like to see old experimental concepts expanded on and put into full fledged high production value games, for example RDR2 as the biggest recent flagship AAA western game is functionally no different from GTA3 in its format, modern shooters, adventure games, etc, they all still follow the same formula established in the mid-2000s. I want to see destruction physics, fun traversal systems, meaningful consequences, variety of choice etc as standard, not just the sole gimmick of a given game.
"New" games I felt were doing something fresh were New Vegas and its branching open world story, and Dragon's Dogma in the combat/gameplay department.
Nobody, and I mean NOBODY will be able to explain to me what is wrong with Remasters and what's up with the hateboner this board has for them.
Rainbow Six Siege is pretty unique, seethe at the game cause you suck at it all you want, it's a fresh FPS objectively.
Breath of The Wild was pretty damn stellar as well. So is Furi, Wonderful 101 and many other "modern" games.
Why are PC virgins so depressed? Is it cause they're all limp-dick boomers or angsty late twenties burn outs?
They are never on-par with the original in terms of polishness
They always will have 1 or more bugs/problems the original never had
Your taste is so shit that i cant even put it in to words.
I'd say breath of the wild if we're talking about fun traversal, but you'd also discard it as an overhyped soulless shit zoomer game because Yea Forums told you so
>Why are PC virgins so depressed?
answered it yourself bud
I know they're both remasters, but I felt genuinely having fun with CTR and RE2
well, with a mindset like this you're probably right
Don't know what you're talking about. I just finished mario:odyssey and I had a great time playing it. Stop buying trash western AAA games already.
AAA companies need to appeal to the normalfag demographic, so the games need to be as boring and inoffensive as possible.
I will give you exactly 1 chance to prove your argument. List all the issues Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition has that the original doesn't have.
BotW was a step in the right direction in many ways, but it felt like a mechanics demo instead of a fully fleshed out game, in a vacuum the systems it uses are great, but in practice they're applied in game that feels largely meaningless, which downplays their quality.
There is literally nothing wrong with remasters and you have no objective and properly cited argument to prove me otherwise.
Hotline Miami though
Odyssey just feels like an HD level pack for SM64/Sunshine/Galaxy, a particularly good level pack, but a level pack all the same.
learn to enjoy things
here's games/geners that are modern and unique from the top of my head
Battle Royale (Fortnite. PUBG, etc.)
Auto Chess (Teamfight Tactics, Underlords)
Looter Shooters (Destiny, Warframe)
Multiplayer Survial (Dayz, Rust)
considering you made this thread, you won't find these modern and have fond recollections of them from your childhood fucking zoomer.
oh god how awful
I admit in the case of Vesperia I don't know any
But almost every other has a problem one way or another
Ratchet Trilogy with their camera problems, HUD not being properly hidden etc
KH ReMIXes on PS3 has extra crashes, slow ass loading time, on PS4 it had bugs up the ass before patch, post patch still has a few issues, both still have bugged audio
Crash N. Sane remake and the notorious jump
Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled weird physics
Nobody, and I mean NOBODY will be able to explain to me how the PS4 Spider-Man is different and new and better compared to the PS2 one.
If you played the old one there's literally nothing new to experience in the new one except for the different story and better visuals.
You think this is a gotcha moment? I told you I'm not gonna argue with you
I forgot, I'm supposed to be a contrarian and not enjoy things, my bad.
Of course you won't, because you don't have any argument and you can't exactly argue facts.
Old good, new bad
The PS2 was the last good era. Yes, there were good games after that, but it was the last time you could call the era itself "good".
proves me right
>"you've proved that my opinion is an opinion."
What's weird to me is the treatment these games get, when Spider-Man 2 came out the reception was "it's a good Spider-Man game, hopefully more will come out in the future, meanwhile check out these other PS2 games", then Ultimate and 3 came out and people were mostly indifferent. But when the new one was released and was more of the same shit except much later, people were acting like it was the second coming of Jesus Christ, completely groundbreaking, a system seller, an industry saver etc.
>LMAO prove me wrong (you can't)
ah yes, facts
I'd claim the PS3/360 was the last decent overall gen. But, yeah PS2 has a very big catalog of worthwhile games.
95-2005 really was a magical time for video games. Why'd it end bros?
>everything back then was new and innovative
Because you were a fucking toddler who didn't know shit about anything. When you look at the timeline, you'll notice how rare actual innovations were.
you got older
Yes, facts.
Loss of the frontier spirit, and replacement of people who wanted to make games with people who failed to make movies/television.
This. Every game made on or after 2007 has been objectively 100% pure shit made for casual shit-eaters who don’t know any better. Vidya is dead.
It seriously smells of astroturfing or Sony fans who'll latching onto anything remotely PS4 only in some effort to save face.
Playing Wipeout Omega Collection in PSVR.
>Indies are all bad
They are, unless you actually like kneeling down before tranny dick.
I think the "remaking the wheel with better graphics" works with gaming because of the "generations" format that it works with. So you can have a game that does the same (or less) than another in the past but which has better graphics, and people will have no point of comparison unless they have an old console and that game laying around or can emulate it. People can enjoy movies or shows for decades because the format of distribution lasts decades, and therefore allows an easy ability to compare. Imagine if there was no way to compare the new Star Wars movies to the old, unless you had a laserdisk player.
This is the kind of dumb shit you find in the comment section of shitty eurodance videos on Youtube. Nostalgia is acceptable in small doses. Everything beyond that is the equivalent of a combover.
The problem is that you'd just ignore it.
Of course you think everything is old hat, you've been playing games for 15 years or more, so that first 5 was all new shit to you, then after that you started noticing most of the industry is samey. Except that's always been the case, it's just not new to YOU anymore.
You want a new experience? Go play VR. That is absolutely not something you could do in games 10 years ago nearly as well or easily, if at all at a consumer level, and it is absolutely a meaningfully different experience to playing games without VR.
But let me guess "that's gimmicky" or "that's too expensive". Well no fucking shit, every single new idea in games started as a gimmick or expensive, if not both. Guitar Hero controllers sure weren't fucking cheap either.
No, the answer is you just want to jerk off how jaded of a cunt you are and how "oh woe is me I can't enjoy video games anymore I'm so experienced that it's all so tiring". Well sucks for you then. If you'll excuse me I'm going to go play anti gravity racing games in VR, and then do some hunts in Iceborne
Most people now just use video games to fit in on social media. Nothing more.
Emulation exists.
You're right when it comes to ignorant consolefags of course.
If you think that there is even one game worth playing made after 2006, kill yourself, zoomer faggot.
I literally say that. If you want to look smart, make sure you actually read the comment you're replying to, otherwise you look stupid.
You are exaggerating and wrong.
Alright that is really fair criticism. I'll take it
You seem like you might be a lil bit retarded, user
gaming is a dead media, like movies, comics, music and literature. All casualties of capitalisms race to the bottom.
>LittleBigPlanet 1 and 2 minus copied community levels
>Orange Box
>Infamous 1 and 2
>Sonic Mania
>Super Mario 3D land
So I just consume things of old and archived now?
ROM and Abandonware sites are becoming increasingly jumpy, and torrent communities are becoming more insular over time. While you can make the true argument that "they exist" it's naïve to think that this supreme minority will be able to actually make any impact in to the industry enough to change things, or to even reach people enough to convince them that they're being sold trash.
How do we go from this
Going from e.g. Contra, to Doom, to Goldeneye, to Crysis felt like steady progression and innovation, whereas most modern shooters aren't even as ambitious as Crysis.
you posted the same thing twice in a row lmao
>So I just consume things of old and archived now?
Yup, still plenty of stuff, don't even bother trying to create, modernity has poisoned the mind and soul. Better off divorcing yourself from the entirety of the "entertainment" industry.
>virginity is a social construct
So thee shouldn't be a definition for "women/men who hasn't had sex" because they are whores all the time? okay then
>>virginity is a social construct
No one has actually had sex in atleast 50 years. few know this.
>Hey guys, I have this new concept for a game, can I have a few million bucks to experiment?
This is the problem. AAA games cost too much, the production quality expected from consumers is just off bounds for any big title to be different to the formula that has been proven to sell well. The average consumer doesn't get tired of playing the same unoriginal crap because they don't play for more than an hour or two a day. There's a shit ton of "experimental" indie games, and most of them you probably never heard about
It's funny how FPS games simply peaked at Crysis 1. There has been no progression in the genre whatsoever neither mechanically nor graphically.
>he fell for the VR meme
oh nonono. did you fall for 3D tv too?
Weeb faggot critisizing shit, maybe take your meds
>2d flat plane
>3d sprite based
>3d polygonal
>3d, lot more polygons, practically real dimensional
>why cant we get beyond this
I don't know nigger why don't we live in the 4th dimension? kys
It was the first time since Red Faction (remember blasting your way around obstacles? Awesome.) I felt a real step forward.
>games of 2011
Portal 2
Deus ex
Dark souls
L.A. noire
>games of 2012
Borderlands 2
Assasin's creed 3
Mass effect 3
Halo 4
Diablo 3
Games started sucking more by 2012
That's a rapid growth of technology, not the industry. You would expect that same kind of thing in any new medium when one shows up. Video games didn't exist 50 years ago.
Wrong, and wrong. Crysis was just a tech demo. Battlefield 3 for example was better in every way, and then you have things like Insurgency which are a more tactical approach to the genre, which did pretty well
Never tried 3D TVs, and my VR was a gift. I love it though, best gift I ever got.
I'm 33 years old, which is sad enough considering I'm still frequenting this shithole. Unlike you though, my life took a pleasant turn. For you, this is not about vidya. The games only represent a time when you were carefree, had no responsibilities and opportunities seemed plenty. Now you're old, unsatisfied with your life and the choices you made and long for the good old days. Don't take it out on others you're such a fucking loser.
>inb4 projecting, just consume product, etc.
Predictable replies by someone who's simply not bright enough to think outside of memes and who has been in Yea Forums for way too long. I am mostly okay with my life and I still enjoy new vidya. I don't need vidya to escape from what a ridiculous fuck up I've become.
Looking back, Red faction: Guerrilla was really ahead of its time.
What about better physics, material interactions, and weather effects?
Dark Souls
I'm not saying Demon's Souls because I didn't have a PS3 at the time, so Dark Souls was my first into the genre. The online aspects with the ghosts of players, messages, invading, summoning all felt so fresh and brilliant in the stagnating online multiplayer environment. It reminded me that there is still ways to innovate in video games if you think even a little bit outside of the box. Those features may not sound too much or too impressive today, but they really gave the game a unique atmosphere I haven't seen before.
>my life is shit and since videogames are not funny anymore, they cannot be for anyone
Now AAA is shit but even without that your life would be sad as well.
If you want legit good shit, better learn search for yourself
Underwhelming reply, even by the low standards on Yea Forums.
Because a lot of mechanics were new back then and that's why you feel this way. Gaming hasn't gotten worse, it's just been the same shit over and over again for years now.
>had the audacity to reply to a fedora image
>multiple remasters
>social media plugins
Halo 3
Halo reach
Ace 7
EDF 4.1/5
except thats objectively wrong you retard. back then we had an insane diversity of games and genres being produced. pretty much every game had its own original written engine. today most games are just reskins of each other.
That's such a disingenious picture, I could do the same by photoshopping 5 pictures of Mario picking up a mushroom in 5 different games in a similar angle and claim these are the same games. Does it prove anything? No.
woah its almost like the industry has grown tenfold and has literal billions poured into marketing for new games
As much as I give KH3 shit it was nice to finally have a PS4 game that finally had that "fluid controls" feel from a lot of 6th Gen games had.
It wasn't perfect but I did miss that feel, too many games these days are rigid Third Person Over the shoulder walking sims
Yesterday, when I played Baba is You
except you can't do that because nintendo reimagines every new mario game they create
you're not gonna tell me Sunshine plays the same way as 64 or Galaxy or SMBU unless you're retarded and haven't played them
meanwhile Horizon, God of War, or Uncharted are all over the shoulder cinematic experiences with only the theme being different
Halo 3
Halo Reach
Smash Ultimate
AC6 and AC7
Sonic Generations
Nier Automata
Pokemon Gens IV and V
the list is too long but you're full of shit
Is that so? What about Doom clones, the RTS plague following the success of C&C and Warcraft, the arena shooter menace, the platformer epidemic of the early 90s, the MMO flood of the mid 2000s? Let's not forget the endless wave of brown and bloom shooters.
Face it, the industry has always been unoriginal and only innovates in small bursts. It seemed new and exciting to YOU because you were young on top of being a dumb nigger with selective memory.
Sony reimagines every new game they create
you're not gonna tell me Horizon plays the same way as God of War, or Uncharted unless you're retarded and haven't played them
meanwhile Sunshine, 64, or Galaxy are all bing bing wahoo collectathon platformers with only the theme being different
>Pokemon Gens IV and V
Nice joke zoomer, those were the worst gens by far
>What about Doom clones, the RTS plague following the success of C&C and Warcraft, the arena shooter menace, the platformer epidemic of the early 90s, the MMO flood of the mid 2000s?
Are you that retarded that you can't see you just proved me right?
Shigeru Miyamoto doesn't go on twitter and belittle his customers for any criticism
Gen I and II are fucking outdated
You might be actually too stupid to live.
>I'm 33 years old, which is sad enough considering I'm still frequenting this shithole. Unlike you though, my life took a pleasant turn. For you, this is not about vidya. The games only represent a time when you were carefree, had no responsibilities and opportunities seemed plenty. Now you're old, unsatisfied with your life and the choices you made and long for the good old days. Don't take it out on others you're such a fucking loser.
>inb4 projecting, just consume product, etc.
>Predictable replies by someone who's simply not bright enough to think outside of memes and who has been in Yea Forums for way too long. I am mostly okay with my life and I still enjoy new vidya. I don't need vidya to escape from what a ridiculous fuck up I've become
>gaming magazines
if you whine about modern journalism you've never read those
>no argument
go cry in a corner, kid
Slit your wrists, retarded zoomer.
Hellmoo and its forks, even if the genre is fucking ancient. and ipiss.rocks is the only playable one.
Back then they did magazines for people who actually love games, now they make them for marketing and trannies.
>Shigeru Miyamoto doesn't go on twitter and belittle his customers for any criticism
And I don't take a shit on Tuesdays due to religious reasons.
>games are still good and fun, you're just old and jaded
>name good modern games?
>uhhhhhhhhhhh no
Just play indies
thats the truth faggot
Take a break from video games and start tabletop gaming.
Just play indie games
I said so myself, why would I be lying.
None of these concepts were new at that point, you stupid cunt. Every concept already existed in some other form already. Wolfenstein predates Doom, Dune II predates C&C, Ultima Online predates WoW, and so on. The industry works in a way that takes an existing concept and tweaks it around until people get tired of it. And everybody copies success. It doesn't prove you right. This line of thinking proves what a massive idiot you are. Do the world a favor and jump in front of a speeding car.
>no argument
go cry in a corner, kid
>RTS plague
When RTS died is when gaming was completely casualised
The RTS age was the greatest vidya age and not just because of RTS and citybuilders
How many games on this list have you played? How many didn't you know about?
My guess is that you think this way because you don't know how to get exposed to better games that are coming out.
I don't remember. What I do remember is as I started to get into my 20's I started played older games that where the inspiration behind many others, I saw that many gameplay systems that are in place today and even some that are touted as being innovative or groundbreaking were created years ago (and not really improved upon, and even in some case made much, much worse as time went on, like character creation or level design), and started having much more fun playing older games than new ones because it felt that despite shitty UIs, low resolutions and general clunkyness the actual gameplay and systems in place had nothing to envy those of today or even were superior.
Here's a list of games I'm enjoying this year:
Sekiro, Gears 5 MP (good thing I missed out on the first 4 games), Soul Calibur 6, Tekken 7, Ace Combat 7, monhun World, Bayonetta, Risk of Rain 2, Baba is You, Celeste, EDF5.
Maybe you're just depressed, Op. Never bet it all on video games. They are nothing but a distraction when you have a life to fix. Or maybe you just grew out of video games. If that's the case, find a new hobby.
I'm having tons of fun playing pic related right now, and I have quite a few games lined to enjoy after. I feel like whenever people start bitching about games no longer being fun what they usually mean is that they either just want to be annoying cynical retards or they miss the times when they were kids, kinda like the arena shooter crowd.
Boomer detected
zoom zoom
>reskinned Demon's Souls, six late installments to long-running series, a 10 year old game, a roguelike, a cute minigame, and IWBTG but with mental illness
To get rid of lazy neets once and for all.
Take a 3 month break from games and then explore a new genre when you get back, you can't rely on AAA games anymore
You misunderstood, it's looking at the industry as a whole up to 2009 vs the last 10 years. 2009 was riding a high of uninterpreted progress and innovation in games ever since NES revived the industry, so the shitty games we got then were more tolerable and seemed like an exception. Now that we've had a decade of nothing but shitty 2009-tier games, things are starting to look more bleak.
>pick up old game without having played it at first
>end up having more fun with it when with it's modern sequel
I'm looking at you XCOM.
Games in general are boring trite. When will you all grow up?
Everything back then had more innovation, and I daresay was made with more love by people who liked videogames and wanted to make them. Everything nowadays is a product to be sold, by marketers who run the company and not game devs.
suuure, nintendo power is totally not nintendo shills
Idk bro, I'm having a blast playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 right now.
Sekiro and Automata are based though
If only the gameplay of Automata was good.
Automata has some of the best controls the 8th Gen has ever had
Ok the controls feel good but I think the combat system could have a better design. Spamming dodge to become invincible is not very fun but the game basically requires doing it.
At least dodging is not a pain in the ass
Fuck Devil May Cry's dodging system, I like DMC3 but fucking hell it's a bitch to dodge
Remember me?
Gameplay is the only thing that's decent about the game
>t. Cumbrans
>explore a new genre
I don't get this meme. I hate JRPGs for a reason. Playing more won't make me like them magically. It will just make me hate them more.
So they're afraid of innovation. You said the same thing he did you stupid fuck. God, you're slow.
Girls losing their spark is my fetish
Number of the (((Beast))).
What a shitty year
>Mordhau and Squad
Funny. You picked two games that look fun in concept but suck to play. Good job.
iCarly was fine
I still want to bang jennette mccurdy
>When was the last time you felt a game was doing something truly different and new?
Obra Dinn, why?
This image made me realize I'm too old for this shithole
I've stopped playing western trash years ago so every single game I play is different and new.
Probably the N64 / Playstation era was the last time I felt games would surprise me and that there was no real formula that was being followed.
I guess the Wii and DS would technically count too with their motion / dual screen stuff, but it felt experiemental or something. I guess thats where we are at right now with VR as well.
I'm definitely getting tired. New games come out but they feel like they're trying to emulate past games. It feels bad when a company tries to copy their own successful game and even fails in the attempt. It just goes to show how far the industry has fallen in terms of good management and creatives. Nobody wants to stay somewhere because they get treated like garbage so it's hard to keep expecting a known company to produce good work.
Weebs are the fucking worst, they think gimmicks are innovation, and that anime girls are the height of sophistication
you sound obsessed
You sound defensive
I thought I was the only one who says this.
for real though every major franchise takes a nosedive in quality around this time. franchises that felt like they couldn't do anything wrong just went to shit.
Anyone who ever made a steam account contributed to this
>Why the fuck are modern games so boring?
Because we no longer have unique games. We don’t even have unique game genres. We had a bajillion of well defined game genres in the past, now everything is kind of shooter kind of RPG kind of open world garbage. Everything is one little different flavor of the same shit.
My least favorite aspect about modern gaming is how "one-off" everything feels, and how uncertain the future of any series is. Before if a game was successful, you knew you could expect two sequels and a kart spinoff in the next two years, but these days even the best selling videogames are kinda coy about their plans for the future, at best they get a DLC pack or a soft reboot after a few years, most devs would rather put lootboxes and MTX in, and turn the game into a service than actually make sequels. It's hard to get invested in games made with such a throwaway philosophy.
Because corps realized if they have a popular IP they can just shit it out in the oven for two years every time. MTX popularized with OW lootboxes (im aware that tf2 did it first but overwatch made corps see into the true nature of it). games as service, shit a empty husk of a shell and refill it with the coming years.