Let's post aesthetically appealing consoles.
(PC bros and their cases are invited too)
Let's post aesthetically appealing consoles
Switch lite or regular, updated switch?
Really like the ability to split screen with controller, but those button dpad really killing it for me.
I’m sorry man but without the clamshell design that shits digusting
Best special edition coming through
I dunno man, I get strong Gameboy Color feelings from old 2DS
Cutest VCR
I respectfully disagree
the main reason to not get a switch lite is that it doesn't dock, which for me was like the entire reason to get a switch, but you might be different. Even though it looks way better aesthetically
Fuck, you got me
>anything made by Nintendo
>aesthetically pleasing
Answer these questions:
>Do you want to play on the TV or on the go?
>Are you going to play more splitscreen/multiplayer games or singleplayer games?
are you actually retarded
if those jews at nintendo didnt region lock them i would have one. instead i bought a plate N3DS and bought monado plates for it
If you think Nintendo are jews why don't just import the 2DS and then hack it so you can play whatever you want?
The replies really show Yea Forums’s shit taste.
post yours favorite
nah i don't have any
But my tastes are better than yours
the last game console that look like a fun machine instead of some black square alien garabage
What the actual fuck is "aesthetically appealing" in these:
I changed the cases for my Switch. Does that count?
Hacking 3ds is piss easy and gets rid of the region locking
Here's the back
It's perfect
>white case
>all the buttons, analog sticks and d-pad are still black
>bezel too
Fucking disgusting. Can't those damn chinks just make some white replacements?
only reason i haven't opened up mine and change the case
Check those irl.
They're perfect.
I like the black on white aesthetic. What's so disgusting about that colour scheme?
Black buttons on white case is aesthetic you ll' shit
I agree about the bezel though
What about the game cube?
why does it has a D pad?
Because I put in a Dpad...
it's either white or black. you can't have both.
it's one of those epin cases that add a dpad to it
Well if you take another look at the picture again you can very well see that I have both. What are you going to do about it?
>What are you going to do about it?
seethe on the internet
Wow. An honest user. Never thought I'd ever see one.
White bezel looks retarded
no it looks great
Haven't tried it personally, but stuff like this exists to give you a proper dpad.
That indentation between the open button and tray is pure kino.
i have one of these and its pretty good (a lot better than pro controller d pad) but sadly i couldnt find this plain blue one
Your face has a white bezel
the 3ds was really uncomfortable to hold for me since i have big hands 2ds feels a lot better
>no one wants to make a wireless d-pad joycon
Seeing as how they have the controller grip that comes with the system, is it really unfeasible that someone would want a solid d-pad wirelessly?
Wow... Jee thanks user... Thanks for proving that all white looks... umm... better...
If you're playing it in tabletop mode and have both joy cons in each hand there's no reason as to why someone wouldn't still want a dpad in that situation.
this is what the console should have come with. nonsense that i had to get a pro controller to have proper arrow pad
aesthetically appealing = looks nice
Not expensive gold and gems nice, but more personal taste.
A lot of people like see through shells on their electronics, in their personal taste, it looks nice.
I personally like majority white with black accents.
Just something about the flip up screen made it a lot of fun, plus av in so you could play other systems on it if you wanted to
Yeah, now that I look at it, it looks kinda good.
Why didn't they just release the Lite with this simple colour scheme instead of shitty bright neon colours.
I thought it was ugly as shit. The clamshell design is much nicer
imagine how fast it'll look all dirty and scratched
True. The Lite is aimed more at kids and the scruffy Pokemon tards.
It's pretty great... until you remember it's pokemon related after 2016.
This. Hyrule edition is great. Only bested imo for the other AlbW edition.
literally anything transparent ever
bonus points for lights inside it
You can play old Pokémon games on it too.
I play the Switch in portable mode only but I'd still choose a regular Switch for screen size. I actually like the button d-pad tho, it's even better than most real d-pads I played with. The updated one has just more battery life so consider it if you plan on using it for long plays.
Clear shells are like crack to 30 year old boomers
I'd choose the og switch over the lite anyway simply because you can do more with it.
Why buy a stripped down handheld only version when you can buy the og that can be used in multiple ways including handheld and has more features.
>No, one extra hour of playtime is not enough to justify it. Especially when you can buy battery cases or external batteries.
>Being cheaper is not a justifiable reason either considering you can buy an og second hand in good condition for the same price.
That fucker IS mighty cute.
This is better
It's our 90's upbringing, where everything had to be goofy and oversaturated with detail just for the sake of it.
Fuck you
Black-on-white for electronics is a classic. Both in sci-fi and in retail.
>not being a pandachad
I'd buy a wooden xbox one
Posting the most aesthetic console ever created
Closest we have ever come to living in a cool cyberpunk universe
I fucking love those transparent shoulder buttons
Having so much glossy white is a staple of sleek gay sci-fi and apple products, both being the trashiest normalfag things you could ever be into
superior version coming through
The Vita's design was better than the PSP. The only downside was the annoying touchpad on the back. That and it had poor support.
The Dpad on it is the best Dpad ever created. Shame it was wasted on the Vita. Why they didn't put it on the Dualshock 4 is beyond me. It would have been a massive improvement over the shit they gave us.
>"Modern" sleekshit
no thanks lmao
Yeah you're right. Bulky, non-ergonomic shit that's a pain in the ass to hold comfortably without getting cramps FTW amirite!?
I love playing FPS games using the face buttons to aim.
I can't imagine that ball controller being comfortable to use.
Awww fuck, shit as it was, popping open that UMD drive was satisfying as fuck
Tbf it was impressive how Sony managed to cram a sleek disc drive into the design. I'll give it that.
Good shit
I have it and the 3D cheeks and nose are a cool detail
Damn that looks good
I love collecting
i have this one
I got:
Orange N3DSXL
2DS XL Pikachu edition
2DS XL Pokéball edition
OG 3DS Zelda edition
What I'm looking for right now is OP's 2DS