Get in loser, we're remaking my trilogy.

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Lol I got this!
>*Eurobeat starts play*
>*Can't drift because even the road is a fucking hallway*

Go fuck yourself your trash your game is trash get raped by apes.

Would unironically buy Lightning Returns 2: Paris Edition just to see how much farther up their ass they can take this story.

but drift tracks are literally just curved hallways

Just add an airship to XIII and some cie'th stone missions in previous chapters
XIII-2 maybe add utility for additional characters and hard modo bosses
LR more armpit outfits
thats about it


What is a racetrack but a hallway for cars

Lightning is love
Lightning is life
Lightning a cute
I want to have consensual sex with her in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
If she told me she was pregnant with my child tomorrow I would immediately take responsibility so we could build a home and raise a family together

Attached: Lightning Wallpaper 5.jpg (1920x1080, 670K)

>I want to have consensual sex with her in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

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I want to share a Toblerone with Lightning!

Oh I'd share my Toblerone with Lightning if you catch my drift... I have an extra one and I'm sure she would enjoy it. They are very delicious treats after all.

Just remake XIII Trilogy for PS4 already Square, why is it so hard?

They are remastering shitty game nobody's even heard of that Crystal Chronicles instead of XIII baka.

Shut your fucking mouth. I don’t care if this is bait, you don’t shit talk Crystal Chronicles and praise XIII.

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First Crystal Chronicles was shit, garbage Diablo clone, second game was better.


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Which one was the second one? Also I won’t deny it being a diablo clone, but it is not garbage. XIII is three whole games worth of garbage.

>why is it so hard?
Probably because the engine used for those games is absolute garbage.

Crystal Bearers action adventure game. People shit on it but I loved it. Finally FF action adventure game and you get to pilot an airship in full 3D yes it is on rail and just a small segment but it is only FF that has done it.

Would actually buy a remake if they made the combat real-time instead of that stupid turn-based shit they did.

I would buy a remastered trilogy immediately. Imagine those games with an HD make-over and on a console that has decent loading times.

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What do you mean HD makeover, the games are HD in the first place.

>13 but with 15's gameplay
Stop it, I can only get so erect!

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And really showing their age by now.

Better aging than China'd

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The average 13 fan doesn't understand most anything, "HD remake" is another buzzword to them that means "look betterer."

True, what they did to X was an atrocity. On several levels, actually. But the gameplay is a bit clunky, the textures definitely need some help and redoing the character models wouldn't hurt either.

she already became a god, how farther could they fucking go

Shut the fuck up, Yamazaki.

They could make her vaguely interesting, that would blow a lot of minds.

Barthandelus did nothing wrong. Orphan did nothing wrong. Bhunivelze did absolutely nothing wrong.

We can agree that Etro did everything wrong at least, though?

Orphan couldn't have done anything wrong, it was a crippled baby sitting in a vat wanting to die.

Of course

>kill yourself so the people you did it for can deal with the fallout of your death
How many times has Final Fantasy pulled that shit by the way? I know of two times but there must be more.

Hope is cute

Attached: fxiii_hope_by_kyomitsu_d2klzme.jpg (640x480, 176K)

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fuck off back to tumblr


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what a cute sticc

No we're not

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I want Lightning to put her stick inside me.

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user Lightning is dead. I'm so sorry to have to break the news to you.


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not licking a sticc

You'll licc my sticc and thank me for it.

toriyama pls

She's anorexic.