Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate or monster hunter world
Which is better as my first monster hunter game?
Also any of them got sea monsters?
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate or monster hunter world
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Monster hunter world is far better than GU.
Get World, but don't play on PC.
They're getting shafted for what looks like no reason.
absolutely World
GU lets you play as a cat and lets you feel overpowered with styles. Meme game.
World is typically considered better.
World is casualized garbage but it's the future of series like it or not so might as well just skip everything else.
He's mad that PS4 gets Iceborne months before PC, like how PS4 got World months before PC did. Just PCfags being salty as normal.
I disagree
World was released on PC about half a year later with a promised "Accelerated release schedule" for subsequent updates. I think these updates have come out more than 6 months for the most part.
60fps, no need to pay for multiplayer, and far better graphics
This is "shafted" according to the console plebs
I'm not consolewarring, I'm blaming shitty development. You should try to be less edgy.
start with monster hunter on the ps2, games are usually better if you can go through the full series at once instead of fanboying on one
Sounds like bog-standard consolewarring to me.
ain'tcha forgetin' somethin' there buddy?
>muh denuvo
nobody cares anymore
How does Iceborne's endgame compare to GU's Deviant endgame?
Start with 3U/P3RD or 4U, then try World or GenU. You'll know at that point which one you favor: classic, or casual
>pc is shafted
Okay console king
imagine paying for internet and then paying for this on top of it
MH World is way better for a starting point seeing as the new games will follow it rather than the previous titles in terms of mechanics and such. But personally i prefer old MH, but i suggest if you're brand new just go with World, it's a huge leap back in the mechanics department in the old games
Or they fucking said "PC will be up to date with console" and they never fulfilled that promise
Delaying the release was undoubtedly an executive decision to boost their 2020 q1 sales. PC is not very popular in Japan, so of course the racist old fucks in charge of capcom would chose to fuck over the western PC market.
i hope they eat poopy
So world is better, right?
pretty much in every way besides art direction
and the lack of monsters, comparatively
>2020 q1 sales
q4 2019, the japanese fiscal year is april through march
forgot that, but yeah GU was kinda the big home run all the monsters in one game. The next "world" like game will probably have more
You should get world.
Capcom isn't going back to the old system, so you may as well start on the new one. The world game is also way easier to pick up and be 'okay' at. The older games have a lot of dated mechanics that make it difficult to play at times.
>have a lot of dated mechanics that make it difficult to play at times.
Such as?
weapon arts
>Or they fucking said "PC will be up to date with console" and they never fulfilled that promise
I think my favorite part about the PC release of MH World is that on many machines it stuttered, lagged, and just ran like a piece of shit in general and as far as I know this was never officially fixed?
I ended up resolving this problem by downloading a fan-made mod/patch that fixed it.
>Limit breaks are a dated mechanic
You stupid or something?
Yeah I read this but I don't recall that ever happening to anyone I know or me.
Then again, that was with my old PC, so it might've just been as bad as usual.
get world if you are casual
get generations if you want real mh
How do you let yourself get cucked like that
>mad about 15fps and 10x longer loading screens version
top kek
games don't have a sell by date. old MH were always known for being clunky and uninviting - it has nothing to do with being new or old. they sexed it up a lot with World but it was already considered a cult classic franchise before 2017. world made it more accessible but also more sanitised and more of a AAA focus-grouped californiatranny game. more westernised.
idk i never heard about that, then again my PC is pretty beefy to begin with
if you want sea monsters and swimming play 3U, if can be emulated if you have a decent pc
Is there a way to do Tailraider stuff without having to go back to your room in Astera? The game keeps sending me back here instead of Seliana and it's beginning to piss me off.
3 Ultimate on Wii U for the Perfect experience
MHW with Iceborne looks way better
t. someone who only has GU
I always hate suggestions like this. This is a surefire way to burn someone out on the series before they even get to the decent games. The average person doesn't have the time to play every game in the series, or deal with the archaic elements of the PS2 gameplay. Just recommend a good place to start for fucks sake.
Who's next? My money's on a pokemon. Kyurem maybe.
>Gamefreak who has some of the strictest internal rules about how Pokemon are described and treated in their own games letting them get cut and bashed to pieces in another game.
Yeah but it's Kyurem. He's a prick.
Imagine being too poor to afford a psn and trying to brag about not using it. If you're a functioning member of society this is chump change.
I had only played Tri and started World recently. It is an amazing game.
reminder that this is what the 10-20fps variable ps4 pro version looks like
l m a o
>Gold Rathian
Why the FUCK does it do that much damage? The moveset actually seemed neat for once but then I took a hit. Seems like a waste making it that unforgiving because it just means you won’t actually engage with its moveset and will do everything in your power to keep away from it because it does an absurd amount of damage.
I have a PS4 Pro and World has never dropped below 30fps.
silky smooth 30 huh, with this advanced graphics
GU is seriously way better.
MHGU no doubt
>insane replayability with over 93 monsters, EVEN if you remove subspecies; also more than just wyverns, has insects, snakes, spiders, frogs etc.
>deviants are simply better than subspecies in every way. much harder fights with their own distinctive movesets.
>actually challenging endgame, has some of the hardest quests in the series, tough as nails shit to test your mettle as a true hunter.
>almost no RNG at all outside of charm farming and rare materials, which is optional. Every content is available to the player, including the monsters.
>virtually no cutscenes in gameplay ever. you can, however, unlock ecology videos of the elite four plus valfalk by beating their village quests.
>you can pause the game while offline.
>online lobby system is the good old fun of actually joining a room, talking to people, exchanging guild cards, chatting inbetween hunts, taking turns posting quests, sticking together for many hours... it's what makes MH online great
>actual weapon design variety; tons of weapons to craft and they all look different and unique so it's a lot of fun even when they're not viable.
>endless amount of weapon+armor+style+arts combinations, opening up so many possibilities. option to play guild/striker without arts like classic MH exists.
>lets you use the transmog system instead of keeping it only for specific DLC/event armor
>rebalanced new weapons: insect glaive and charge blade DPS is now more in line with other medium-sized weapons. charge blade now force you to utilize more of its axe moveset.
>sword & shield has oils that turn it into a pure powerhouse with amazing utility in KO and partbreak.
>hunting horn can play double notes by hitting the monster, encouraging a more aggressive playstyle and discouraging deadweight corner horning.
>gunlance has a heat mechanic that utilizes shells in a meaningful way and separates it further from the normal lance
>you can play as a palico
then so is a pc with better graphics? where is your logic here mate?
I agree
GU has the most content out of any game in the series but there’s so much filler and shit paving the early Game is genuinely bad and might genuinely turn you off the series. The meat of the game is worth it though. World in contrast is much easier to get into and with Iceborne is one of the best games in the series. I’d recommend starting with World but GU is definitely worth playing later on too.
Looks like the jury's still out on Iceborne
fuck off
If it's your first you'll appreciate world far more.
The qol changes are great
yup better than GU, for sure.
Yes it’s very good.
How's iceborne looking there PC Chad? How's that denuvo?
It's great user
MHGU is probably better if you're looking for content.
Lots of monsters, lots of armor and weapon variety. Lots of playstyle variety thanks to styles. Lots of maps to play on.
Sea monsters are shafted for GU and World sadly though you can fight more fish-like monsters in GU compared to World.
World makes alot of things more convenient for new players though if you want an easier time starting out.
Only problem I have with MHGU is being force to play through all of Single player to unlock new food recipes/Transmog system.
The opinion of someone who has demonstrably invested time in both games is worth 100x yours. cope
world is fun but casualized as shit. GU is where it's at.
don't forget to like and subscribe!
By convenient, I forgot to say stuff like being able to walk around while drinking potions, having unlimited tool uses for things like mining and fishing, unlimited whetstone, etc.
Neck yourself zoomer
Both play different. GU is closer to old school feel, but up to date.
World is something new and feels more modern.
Watch gameplay of both and see which style you want.
By the time he beats the base game the expansion will coem out on PC.
Load times alredy make it the best version.
I switched to PC just because of lod9ing times that are not 3 minutes bvut 3-10 seconds.
if you get to G rank in the guild it auto unlocks all the food and palico stuff, doesn't it?
I don't believe so, there are some recipes you can get in Multiplayer, yes. But there are really good ones you can only get from Singleplayer Quests.
loading times are times faster if you install ssd into ps4. Its atrocious with the default hdd.
whats a good Gunlance set after Mantis?
what skills do gunlancers go for?
SSD on ps4 brings lading times down to mechanical PC level.
Also pc has free online and better frame-rate.
post them kill screens.
the audacity of this guy to try parry EX tailslam when we only had 1 cart left. The other guy under the tail died but it didn't count as quest was complete
The series has been casualised since it left PS2.
only retards will deny obvious pc advantages. I'd gladly play on pc right now.
That said, load times with ssd on ps4 pro are tolerable.
the games after the ps2 titles are way harder at endgame.
generationsU > base World
IB World > every other monhun
I still can't believe managed to fix World so much that it is the best one yet apart from the bone weapon meme and lack of transmog.
>"Here is your $120.99 ultra deluxe copy user"
>"Why yes we do have all your pre-orders put in all 20 of them"
>"N-no call of duty comes out next month"
>"That is a M rated game may I see your ID?"
Iceborne > GU > Vanilla World, playing GU while I wait for Iceborne's PC port
>when styles and arts exist
I recently bought World on PC and it's fun as fuck. I tried the game a few months ago on a friends PS4 and it ran like absolute trash so it kinda turned me off. It's much more enjoyable at a stable 60fps.
>a dev said it doesn't change anything so that means it doesn't change anything !
If it's so good then where's the subspecies huh?
Hey, you're right! what do devs know?!... I should definitely listen to some random shitposting console warrer user tranny on Yea Forums instead.
Yah, it's not like stuff like valor completely trivializes the game, not at all
Stories was comfy fun
Where exactly did I bring console war faggotry ? Stop moving the goal post. You started by saying that World is casualized when GU is casualized as well
but that is bullshit
>use Critical Juncture
>it will flinch the monster/break a part/knock em over
>use Unleased Spirit
>monsters are chained knocked over
>Use Nani?! Slash(dont remember the name)
> Also has a high chance of flinching/breaking/knocking over the monster
>absolute evasion cheeses anything better than the temporal mantel ever did.
Maybe the Nippon steal arts are just OP.
GU is the better game, but World is more accessible to new players
Anyone else getting their shit kicked by Savage Jho? Been running some investigations in the Coral Highlands and that area is fucking awful for fighting him, way too cramped
Generations Ultimate is more content rich anniversary title.
World is Monster Hunter 5.
Neither are bad, but GU is a better value per dollar.
GU doesn't have all the shitty cutscenes getting in the way of fucking HUNTING MONSTERS so it's better
I picked up GU a while back but never played it. Do people still hunt online?
not that user.
According to the devs, it doesn't. It still takes skill to use. But more importantly than all of that: it's fun.
World has so many more quality of life improvements, but if you want a more authentic monster hunter experience, go for genU
yes but most sit at endgame.
granted you dont need group play to make it to endgame.
>>absolute evasion cheeses anything better than the temporal mantel ever did.
what a load of horseshit
Hey you just blow on from stupid town?
>what skills do gunlancers go for?
Artillery Novice/Expert to boost shells and Wyvern Fire and Razor Sharp to make your sharpness last more.
If you want better guarding capabilities use Guard+1/2 to reduce knockback and residual damage and Guard Up to be able to guard beams and energy attacks.
If you prefer to hop or sidestep through attacks take Evasion for a longer invincibility window.
Other than those the usual damage boosting skills.
>whats a good Gunlance set after Mantis?
Anything with any combination of the skills above, Rustrazor is excellent for guard lancing but you'll need a charm to get Artillery or any damage skill.
Considering the Iceborne Expansion and PC:
>Monster Count:
>Monster Quality/AI etc:
>Weapon Designs:
>Difficulty curve and ease of access for newer players:
Overall I'd say World is indisputably the better overall product. Without GU you'll miss out on several of the 3rd and 4th generation's classic fights, but it's a small price to pay for the substantial improvements world made possible with its leap to vastly superior hardware. Also consider that World has accessibility to modifications on PC.
It's all part of the game. There's a separate set of armor skills related to arts for example (such as Trump card, Insight, SP extend, Endurance), not to mention deviant weapon arts buff. Alchemy style is also almost entirely dedicated to enhancing arts for yourself and for your team.
Like that dev said, it only enhances the experience if anything. Like super moves in Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. It adds another dimension. I share that opinion also. I think it ties in nicely with the underlying customization aspect running through MH. It just adds more nuts and bolts to tinker with, exponentially extending longevity.
As babby's first, World or an earlier game. Generations references past games a lot and has a bigger roster, and it's full of fanservice. And even though Gen/GU has a lot of talking, it's better to get World's annoying story (and areas) out of the way. I'd still recommend any other game before GU.
>it's better to get World's annoying story
t. haven't played iceborne
I'd say world. GU was a spin off and things you learn there won't help you with any future games.
GU has the most monsters, but 60% of them are irrelevant because of Deviants.
World has a similar problem, AT's are only available for Elders.
Sure, the issue is that monsters that came out pre 4th gen are completely out classed by arts. They were copy pasted from older games but were never balanced for mounting/arts.
>Value for money
GU > World
GU > World
GU > World
>Armor skill system
GU > World
>Online lobby System
GU > World
GU > World
Weapon / Armor / Monster variety
GU >>>>>>>>>>> World
Overall I'd say GU is undisputably the better product.
I hope you're not implying that Iceborne's story was anything other than shitty and annoying
The opinions of gunners don't matter, they've never really played MH as it was meant to be played anyway.
No matter what he said, you'd dissagree
Oh, you're just retarded then, ok
A noob wouldn't understand half of this, retard
Anything you learn in GU will never be applied to future MH games again, as Capcom is never going back to the "classic" style.
Why spend all that time learning Arts, potion timings when they're basically gone in world.
you can keep repeating that mantra but the fact is arts aren't as OP as you're making out and still require skill to use properly. Same way that Super Street Fighter 2 super moves don't break the game in any way shape of form, they just add more flair to the core mechanics.
t.pc cuck
Bing Bing.
Then why bother wasting everyones time bitchboy
Supers in SF2 did not trivialize 90% of the cast.
Hey retard, you’re wrong
Then fuck off if you hate people on here. Nigger
Is that mazereon?
Kek what a triggered bitch
>Still using the HA are overpowered meme
Have you even played the game? The most powerful hunter arts are about as strong as a level 3 greatsword strong charge, and you can use them like 3 times max over the course of a 15 minute hunt. Besides the best and most used ones are those that enhance the moveset, like filling up your gauges or reloading quickly. Absolute Evasion greatly increases survivability but it's not a full crutch, you need to rack up damage to use it again.
>pre 4th gen are completely out classed by arts
All returning monsters have new moves and more fluid movements, gen 1 monsters in particular have been fully revamped since 4U.
>never balanced for mounting
Mounting has been greatly nerfed, in 4U it took 2 jump attacks to start the first mount, in GU they progressively increase as you progress through ranks, at G-rank it takes 5-6 attacks and the amount doubles on every subsequent attempt. On an average hunt you'll rarely mout monsters more than once unless you are using aerial, if you want more mounts you have to spam jumps from ledges which puts you at risk and it takes more time than it's worth after the second time.
Icebourne's story is just as bad, if not worse than the base game.
I've been playing since MH1. Why should I respect some gunning dork?
tri is worst monhun
nope just straight facts
Yeah, their only mistake was not making it skippable. Every MH has a shit story, they're just normally easy to skip. 4U was a big step in the wrong direction.
World is more noob friendly and is the best entry point for new players. Generations Ultimate is a MH game made for veterans. It’s a damn good game and I enjoy it more than World, but that’s because I sunk 300+ hours into previous titles. The traditional MH games have a steep learning curve that pretty much requires the use of wikis/videos. World is much more streamlined and easier to get into since it has tutorials and shit like that. It has a lot less content than MHGU, but you’ll still get your money’s worth out of it.
Also, MH3U is the only one with underwater monsters.
>My money's on a pokemon.
Doesn't nintendo share pokemon with game freak and another one
How the fuck would capcom manage to get anything Nintendo related on world when they're treating the switch like a second class pc user?
Remember when Tri was gonna be on PS3 and have a bunch of new things added to it?
but than they went with Wii so they could reuse the PS2 code and it wont be noticeable how outdated it was?
MHGU is the last hurrah of the old Monster Hunter. New players should give it a shot if they have the chance to and see where the series is coming from before diving into World/Iceborne, since future titles will mostly be built on World's framework, meaning we'll see fewer and fewer games like GU for the series' foreseeable future. Even if is right, you should give GU a try, because you'll have plenty of opportunities in the future to play games in World's style, but few, if any, opportunity to play a Monster Hunter like GU while it's still current.
World, then go to GU afterwards for more content. You should play as many MonHun games as you can. This World vs MHGU shit is retarded.
>but than they went with Wii so they could reuse the PS2 code and it wont be noticeable how outdated it was?
>ps2 -> psp -> wii -> wii u -> 3ds
>all because capcom was too lazy to actually improve code
I believe it.
>they went with Wii so they could reuse the PS2 code
It doesn't work like that, idiot.
>allowing their IP on other consoles
>allowing their family friendly kid IP to be beat to death, skinned, and turned in to gear
I bet you go to /dA/ for grimdark fan art.
MHFU > MH4U = MHF = MH3U > shit > MHGU = World > Frontier
I prefer world, don't know it it's better but the way maps are constructed is way more interesting and it's just nice to have good graphics even if i don't play for that in the first place
how mad are you
Haven't played the rest.
>brag about owning a PS4 over PC because it's not as expensive
>calls others poor when made fun of for paying for p2p online service on top of internet.
>monsters have the exact same movements and behaviors
>has the exact same game play quirks
>hit boxes were still complete shit around the wings/tails
>khezu is STILL a buggy pile of dicks in GU
>too lazy
You develop a game for the PS3 then, it was a fucking nightmare
DESU I bought it on ps4 to get it earlier and avoid the PC community. I'll play shooters with them but they fucking suck dick at action games and they cheat too much. Yes cheating decorations is still cheating.
>so they could reuse the PS2 code
Tri was never not meant to reuse PS2 code. That's what Capcom does. That's what the last 10 years of Monster Hunter has been -- reused PS2 assets with one or two new ones each game. GU is still reusing those assets to this day. And with the introduction World, the next 10 years will be reused PS4 code from here on out.
This is an okay advise when the series haves less than 5 games
Playing since the first MonHun would be a great experience but it's too much grind for the average user
>Still complains about khezu
Bad player detected. Be less greedy with your hits, sweetie.
how mad are you?
PC is cucked for everything these days. I'm not sure how anyone chooses that platform over a properly supported console.
That denial tho
no shit? World finally changed shit up and fixed issues that were there since ps2.
I would even be ok with Plessy and Khezu coming back now. They would fix the issues they have had since PS2.
Now meme the rest of that response
>thinks it is about his AoE
>not him bugging out and going to the T pose
3 and 4U games literally have better hitboxes than world.
This definitely does not work for Monster Hunter
>bugging out and going to the T pose
That's its low health tell animation, it always does it before flying away to go sleep.
Underwater fucking sucks dick
This XX with HD textures?
If you have a 3ds or Wii U, 3 ultimate has underwater combat that's not too notch but the monsters are really cool. World is more casual and streamlined but GU has way more content and isn't a blurry fucking mess to look at
No cutscenes isn't a good thing though and heat mechanic is boring too other than that what you said is right
Please explain how top speed run times in GU are very close to 4U times is styles are so broken and trivial. In fact looking at the stats, the only objectively broken shit is Valor HBG, the rest can hardly qualify.
And talking about trivializing monsters, in older games there were monsters (even in g rank) that could easily be perma stunlocked with little effort with certain weapons (Lance in older games for example), there are also plenty of 3u videos out there of people perma stun locking monsters with switch axe (using axe mode swinging). Also in FU once you learned how to abuse monster turning, you could use a hammer and beat monsters with easy to reach heads (like Tigrex for example) without any effort, far easier than in any other game.
GU on Switch is a localized HD port of XX.
World is overall easier even though GU is easy too if you use Valor style.
World is probably easier to get into since it's aimed at western gamers and is more casualized.
GU is a better game imho.
nargacuga a best monster
this is an undisputable fact
wrong. The Animation for him being weak is him lowering his head and wiggling slowly.
he can do it right when you aggro him.
he can do it randomly though out the fight.
He goes completely still. no flinching, no sniffing, no movement at all. just the T pose. He tends to do it more often in areas where he has issues jumping up to the ceiling. It is a bug in his coding that was there since PS2.
Furfags not allowed.
Play Frontier since it's going away forever.
I would rather not play shitty chink versions of MH.
Play World first, it's made with low iq american shitters in mind, offers a lot of qol "improvements", and is so easy that it's almost impossible to die. It makes a great starting point for people who are inexperienced or just straight up shit at MH.
If you liked it buy Ultimate next for the true Monster Hunter experience.
FU is the true mh experience tho.
And that's a good thing!
bing bing
I have been playing since FU and I never saw it.
XX is GU
Why do people always say play GU when 4U was the last good old MH?
Make no mistake OP the only ones who say world is better are the Snoy boys retards who can’t handle the 9/11dragon
I made a guild only character, no arts. Brought back the 4U feelings.
Im saying its a GU screencap
I agree but to be fair, GU can also incredibly easy if you abuse certain hunter arts and use valor style.
Hunter from Halo
Master Chief armor
Cortana/Marine palico
>I have been playing since FU and I never saw it.
How quaint.
Ive been playing since Day one. It has always been there. Next you will demand that Plessy's hit box was never shitty around his wings/tail.
Hahaha ,you're a funny guy!
Next time add *easier for beginners though, that would make the joke less effective & your opinion more coherent ...
the game is not that long LMAO
GU is pretty good tho. 4U is maybe better as a "standalone" experience, it has better presentation, way more original assets, some cutscenes and even sort of a decent plotline. GU is a huge mish mash of legacy assets but the styles and arts are actually a unironically great addition that adds even further depth and replayability
Ironically enough it also somehow manages to be most balanced game when it comes to weapon times, the only broken weapon is HBG with Brave style, all the others (except HH, which is still very support oriented) have at least one or two good style combinations with great times. 4U was a huge shitfest in that regard, IG and CB made half of the other weapons obsolete.
Imagine that, a retard thinking that a MH game without Plesioth deserves to be called good, jeez no wonder that console is just and overpriced Blu-ray
Can you show this T-Pose in a vid it something? I'm another user, played since FU, and I honestly don't know what you're talking about. I've been playing GU recently as well and haven't seen anything like it.
it at least had really good cutscenes. And it wasn't overall as tedious as World.
Post a video or something, I tried googling and looking on youtube but I can't find anything.
>Ive been playing since Day one
t.b.h. I don't regret not playing the original, F2/FU is a straight improvement+expansion over PS2/Freedom, it's pretty much the only generation not worth playing.
Plessy's hipcheck hitbox is infamously large because I think they recycled the one from dummy thicc boi Gravios's own hipcheck.
All this people will never know what it feel to pray to the dragon gods for a mechilite ore or farming your mega potions one by one
I know it is just a picture.
Is there away to record from my switch without an Elgato type product? it's 6AM here and i dont know if best buy even has them in stock.
Wait, are you talking about
>Walks around
>Snaps to idle stance
>Walks around more
I know Khezu does this a lot, but it's not 100% unique to him.
I'm convinced that's intentional to make it more 'unnerving', even though it looks janky as fuck in execution. If they ever put him in a new game I wouldn't be surprised if they did something similar to emulate it.
It's called having dignity. Consoles are basically marketing ploys to feed you games and shit. PCs actually empower theirs users and – gaming wise – have a history of mods/doujin-games/hacks.
To put things in a historical perspective, consoles don't bring any actual value to consumers now that everyone already has a computer at home.
yea, he just stops do anything. like his AI cant decide what to do next. From there he snaps to either jumping to the ceiling and/or his AoE.
Grav and Plessy have similar issues as well BUT they are still "wiggleing" around as in their necks/tail/wings are still moving or in the case of plessy his mouth is moving. they also tend to do it before moving in to lava/water. like their AI cant decide to attack on land or move on.
They are cheaper. They dont have a bunch of compatibility issues. They atleast used to be just plug n play.
I see, I guess it just never stood out to me as a "Khezu problem" and just general jank. I've been farming DQ Rathian and she does the same thing at the start of a fight before roaring.
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate or monster hunter world
Which is better as my first monster hunter game?
Neither since both are fairly different from the series’ historical formula and will make going back in the series harder.
If you absolutely must pick one of the two, World and then play P3rd as a tutorial for classic MH before going into GU.
>Also any of them got sea monsters?
MH Tri/3U. It’s also the only game with water combat but depending on your preferences, that’s not necessarily a positive.
I don't think any of those downsides are big enough to make up for the fact that you can actually do stuff with your PC. And regarding the price, you need a PC anyway, so it is actually cheaper.
I also miss just being able to turn on the consoles and be in the game: the user interface of every console past the PS2/Gamecube generation is just awful. They definitely made a mistake when they decided to be blatant about consoles being locked-down PCs.
To me it is just more noticeable on Khezu because he is just a boring easy fight made worse by him just giving free hits. If you have HGE he is easier than Kut Ku if you are not a moron that just stays on his balls.
Demon King Diablos in World when? Now that Ranjang is coming, I want people to know the pain i endured.
also head canon.
>Bloodbath is the Demon King decades later
Do you also not have a smartphone because everything is on PC?
Most smartphones are worse than consoles. I still have one (and I also have a ton of consoles), but I detest having to use them.
This is the low health animation he does right before going to sleep, like I said.
The one you talk about in is the fatigue animation due to hunger since 4U.
Both unless you are a filthy underage or poorfag, then you should focus in work/school before playing videogames
>you need a PC anyway,
no you dont.
most things people used to need a PC for can be done on their phone/tablet/laptop.
Very few people NEED a high power PC for their job/ day to day life.
to get a PC that is as good as modern consoles you need to spend around 800-1000.
To get a PC that surpasses the modern consoles it is 1200-1500+. that is just for stable 4k/60FPS. You will also need to upgrade atleast the GPU(they tend to be one of the most expensive parts) in the next 4/5 years to play newer games at full power.
Based and Hunter pilled.
Yeah that's his weakness animation. The transition to it is awkward and janky for certain though.
Fucking maximum brainlet here.
>Which is better as my first monster hunter game?
A laptop is a PC. Also, you don't need a high-end PC to play games at reasonable settings. This is a myth propagated by some misguided PC-fags who believe that fps and Ultra-HD is the reason why a PC is superior to consoles. Maybe it'll not be as 'good' as a modern console, but you can just play at lower settings.
To give you a perspective of why a PC is superior, consider which platform people use to play old games. People who truly love (consoles) games eventually turn to PCs, since this is where romhacking, emulation and modding keep the games alive.
The reason to play on PC is game look and preform better. mods are a nice bonus.
>need a PC that is 500$+ to emulate PS2/GC games.
OR or you can buy the console/game for cheap
You say that but I have every single PSP and 3DS MonHun on my PC right now and I didn't have to pay for a PSP, 3DS or the games.
>Can't play portable monhun when he visits friends to play locally, while laying down in bed under the sheets or while taking a poopie
You haven't got the full experience, my man. Custom firmware + piracy handhelds are maximum comfy.
Not only that. The native hardware runs the games better at a fraction of the cost.
emulators can run the 3DS at 10X scale resolution, much better than watching my pixel hunter kill pixel monsters in a whopping 144p
and you had to spend 500$+ on a PC to even do that while cutting out the best part of MH. Huntan with bros.
>he never met and hunted with randoms while taking the train/bus
oof, shameful.
I've never played in public but I've cooped a bunch in Citra rooms with randoms
>to get a PC that is as good as modern consoles you need to spend around 800-1000.
>Take the train to work/home because fuck traffic
>get street pass on 3DS showing every day someone on the train is playing MHGen
>see a person playing their 3DS
>ask if he is playing MH
>next few years play with him every day
Troy, you were a based nigga that tooted for us.
>beat hellblade ex
>beat bloodbath ex
>cant do boltreaver ex
>cant even do the g-rank grimclaw quests
That Blackhole is a mother fucker.
atleast Grimclaw is not as PTSD causing as Dead Eye
That's monster hunter online. speeching of which, is that still around? last I checked they got the english translation working again but it doesn't seem anyone talks about it since world
I would, I just don't know how
would be nice if someone made a private server.