I never noticed before playing Destiny how much sprinting has ruined FPS games
I never noticed before playing Destiny how much sprinting has ruined FPS games
Please elaborate
There are a lot of problems with destiny but sprinting ain't one of them
>recycled enemies
>loot endgame is pretty gay
>etc. Etc. Etc...
You're agonizingly slow as long as you don't sprint.
Sprinting only marginally increases your speed.
Combined with ADS sprinting actually SLOWED down FPS.
Players want to move as fast as possible as long as possible, but most games have you slow down to a crawl after a few seconds of sprinting. IF its a game that lets you sprint for unlimited amounts of time then you don't even need to stop sprinting.
How so? I think it works fine for some. I like how Titanfall 2 does it, where it works normally, but if you figure out how to move around you don't even need to slow down to fire.
It's a basic mechanic, sacrifice your attack for maneuverability, so it does add an interesting dimension in the right cases.
You're right because there is no point for sprinting, you should move fast anyway.
Just let me move fast all the time without sprinting.
While you're at it, let me be accurate without having to aim down sights.
Old shooters had it right, and I'm not even a boomer.
>He doesn't have 10 mobility and wear Stompees
So what, every game needs to have you move at the speed of doomguy?
It's not that good when a game has tight spaces, like indoor areas.
>every game needs to have you move at the speed of doomguy?
>It's not that good when a game has tight spaces, like indoor areas.
When you need more fine control over your movements, especially in more tactical games where you can get killed by only 2 shots.
Maybe not a problem with analogue sticks, but a problem with a keyboard.
>When you need more fine control over your movements
moving fast and having fine control over your movements aren't exclusive to eachother tho?
They kinda are with a keyboard, especially when the devs forget to add a "walk" button.
they're really not, not even with a keyboard
shit-tier game/leveldesign isn't an excuse to think that fast movement =! good movement
there is a large spectrum of speed between that of a cripple and car.
there's a trade off for sprinting and you are just too terrible to take advantage of the fact that for a brief moment the other player's weapon is down and you always get the jump on someone who is sprinting in motion
the problem with making you move fast all the time is that some people can play a game at a much much faster rate, at which point, then will gets get so fast that it's only accessible to people with ridiculous hand eye coordination?
making player's movement speed slower while offering an ability to cover distance at a lowered weapon disadvantage is a strategic way to let players make that risk/reward calculation.
but of course not every game treat sprint with care so sometimes it just becomes "press this to move faster without any consequences" but that's their design problem. overall sprint as a design brings different layers of gameplay to a game rather than setting players at a fast rate like a fucking movement speed arms race
It's realism. Soldiers generally don't run with their guns forward. Without sprint, those games would end up even slower.
>muh "only accessible to people with ridiculous hand eye coordination"
There's a reason everybody despise Destiny PVP
There's a reason everybody loved a game like Enemy territory, even without being some kind of korean mindhacker
Now granted, sprint is only one aspect of it, but Destiny would be much less insufferable if lower-weapon-sprint wasn't a thing
It makes the gameplay feel so jerky and rewards scum tactics
stop playing shit multiplayer games that create laughably small arenas cowadoody/gaylo style
Nobody cares about realism
This is a videogame about space gun-wizards fighting insect sorcerers and electric bird people
CoDfags need to hang holy shit
>Without sprint, those games would end up even slower
>this is what zoomers unironically believe
>This is a videogame about space gun-wizards fighting insect sorcerers and electric bird people
That still have to reload their guns.
>overall sprint as a design brings different layers of gameplay to a game
actually not
I fucking hate millenials that grew up with COD4MW or MW2 because you guys actually think that you know shit
>Players want to move as fast as possible as long as possible.
This why shooters are shit. This stupid fucking call of duty mentality that you need to constantly be on the front line, mag dumping, dying and getting back to it in seconds.
Everyone in every fucking game mode is playing god damn Team Death Match because of this stupid mentality that you need to be there and shoot until you die. Ignore the objectives, ignore the choke points, ignore tactics. JUST FUCKING SPRINT!
>inb4 quake/unreal faggots show up talking about endless fast.
There's a reason nobody respects or cares about you now.
>mfw no rule 34 of ADA1 anywhere.
If you're still talking Destiny, it sounds like you need to up your mobility stat. 7/8 is when strafe starts to feel pretty good. Play Peacekeeper titan if you really want to go insane
>The little rule34 that exists of Ada-1 is grossly overporportioned until it barely looks like her at all
>This why shooters are shit
but I agree with everything else you said
Don't get me wrong. I don't hate sprint. I just hate that TDM mentality. That's what ruined shooters.
People got used to that quick, mindless gameplay loop.
Yeah, most games are in the camp where it's a lot better to have a high enough base speed or give you the option to bunnyhop. You don't even have to make the players learn how to do it properly; Xonotic was a lot of fun to play with casual people because anyone could build up enough speed by just holding the jump key. The only exception are games like Red Orchesta/Rising Storm where it's part of the game design to actively limit sprinting because moving from point A to point B at all is supposed to be an extremely risky venture.
>dirty bomb bombed
I really like the objective-based gameplay
what went fucking wrong? it wasn't even a bad game, gunplay was phenomenal
I get you, but I think TDM mentality alone isn't what ruined shooters. I mainly blame shitty leveldesign, ADS and leveling+perks for that.
Thats why I don't get why people unironically think COD4MW is good
A ton of shit-taste teenagers grew up with it without realizing how flawed it was. Now they're annoying "Boomers" that wear nostalgia goggles in the same way Goldeneye 64 fags did.
Im glad youre mad, fuck you tactitard. Go ahead and call me a shitter in a vain attempt at dismissing my opinion, but fast is fun. You and every other faggot that jerks himself off to preaims and shit can go blow yourselves
I don't think ADS is a bad mechanic, but it feels like in every game to come out with it lately, ADS is basically the only way to actually hit anything to the point where you might as well set up a macro to right click when you left click.
Hipfire isn't even situational in 100% of modern shooters because it's arbitrarily inaccurate to the point of uselessness, and the only reason to not be in ADS mode all the time is because it slows you down.
I'm really glad that I'm not the only one with this thought
Games used to have walk buttons instead of sprint buttons.
>used to
They're still here
unless you use a shotgun or smg close up hip the only way you're gonna be accurate is sights
On a lot of games, ADS even makes shotguns more accurate. Literally reduces the spread somehow.
This is the problem, I feel like ADS should make you more accurate over sustained fire or at range, but in its current state it's just frustratingly unusable without ADS.
I still hate the way shotguns deal literally 0 damage to targets beyond 3 meters
Nobody fucken cares. Post Ada.
>huge tits
>implying they'd make sprint-speed the default speed
If you're lucky, they'll choose an in-between speed between normal and sprint speeds at best.
Whenever an old franchise got added the "sprint" feature, the sprint was always faster than the default speed before, though sometimes the default speed got nerfed for balance, which is why you're whining.