> Naughty Dog has better taste than Yea Forums
Yea Forums BTFO’d
Naughty Dog has better taste than Yea Forums
>fatal frame
>portal 2
into the trash
That is a refreshing 9x9, jesus christ.
T. Tendie
most generic tastes I've ever seen, literally surface level shit
> Normies even knowing what Fatal Frame is
Post yours
I mean those are all good games so whatever
with pleasure
Why do people like SotN?
Classicvania was really fun and challenging, you were always on the edge of your seat. Nothing compares to the thrill of having 1 health point left in the middle of the boss fight and then beating him just marginally.
SotN has none of this. You just button mash your way through the game. You have a bunch of broken shit like soul steal, Alucard shield, etc. Actually you don’t have to go that far, just having decent equipment makes you invincible.
A game that you can never lose no matter what cannot be considered fun. Excitement comes from not knowing what the outcome is going to be.
Same reason why Super Metroid is objectively a shitty game.
MMX, Dark Souls and FFIX are literally the only decent games in this shitpile.
not every good game needs to be ball-bustingly hard
post yours faggot
But if you’re just breezing through the game there is no thrill
Also Classicvania wasn’t hard, just challenging enough to make you pay attention to what you were doing instead of just mashing Y the entire game with no concern.
I can fuck with Fatal Frame, but the first one is the best one.
What does this have to do with Naughty Dog?
>likes system driven games
>makes overly scripted movie "games"
I agree with some of this which makes it normie pleb tier.
>bunch of crappy jap games plus worst portal
The only good Classicvanias are 3, Rondo, and Dracula X tbqh
>resident evil
do your research kiddo
Resident Evil is a Japanese game idiot
Anyone who places Bloodborne above any other souls game is a legitimate pleb.
Why are you acting as if this isn't surface level shit too? Because it is
Pretty sure both of those are Japanese. It'd be a shock to me if it turned out that Team Ico wasn't Japanese.
post list
Video games are a surface level hobby, lol.
where's the site to do these again?
keep crying pcfag
It's all obscure chinese shit you never even heard of fool
if you not nothing to back up your shit then don't talk shit, fucking insect
>laughs in free online
Whatever fuck you bud
Go fuck yourself cockbite
you talk shit about my tastes and you dont even have the balls to post yours
don't talk shit to a gunman unless you got a gun of your own
>calls the other surface level shit
>has Halo, Dark Souls, WoW, Zelda and multiple fucking Pokemon games
do you have any self awarenes user?
post list
a list on why you sucks cocks?
give me a minute
lmao says the nigger who talks shit but aint gonna square up
>wont even defend his shit list
i have nothing to prove faggot
also heres the list
>you think you have taste
>you think halo is good
>you think Pokemon is not the most normie shit
>your mom doesnt love you
>you probably have never even held hands with a woman and thats where your interest in men originates
>you havnt kys'd yet
>your list sucks
>your a dissapointment to your father
>you probably sucked someones cock in the last 10 hours
>isn't even going to defend his argument
suck this cock nigger
You can literally play it on PC with PS Now, retard.
have you taken so many loads to the eye that you've gone blind nigger?
i have nothing to defend
I dunno how many cocks did you take last night to get so butthurt over a fucking list?
>still cant defend his list
i think that giant cock your mom took during pregnancy gave you brain damage
explains your shit list
>Calls others "surface level"
>Multiple Pokemon Games, Multiple Halo Games, MvC2, Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, Melee, Ass Creed, Dark Souls, KH1 and 2, and RE4
Only AC4 and 3S protect you from being what you hate. You're such a fucking loser, holy shit.
they're in my list because I think they are really good games that have stood the test of time
now go gargle on another set of cicks
>has a fucking racing game in his list
>thinks he can talk shit
fuck off
>No argument
Free as fuck. I bet you don't even play 3S, too, so I take one of those back.
I actually do, my main is Akuma, online is dead for the versions I own so there's no point to play RN
now fuck off cocksucker
your list is surface level shit
no different from the average editor at IGN making top 10 lists
>Online is dead for the versions I own
That's a lie. You can STILL find people in the Online Edition and Fightcade is an option.
>muh surface level
not everyone plays a fucking obscure RTS from 1999
>complains about OP's list being surface level
>b-b-bbut dont call my list plebshit
go back to r*ddit so you can jerk Melee of some more with other stinkies
It's not bad but not amazing either. 3 Resident Evil games? Why?
I fucking hate redditors, they're petty as fuck, maybe you should go there too
>I fucking hate redditors, they're petty as fuck, maybe you should go there too
no thanks i dont make r*ddit lists
They all play pretty differently, so that's probably why. Nice list, by the way.
You're just not self aware, that's a big sign of autism.
But seriously, if you love 3S so much, why not play on FC? I'm not even the biggest fan and I've got some decent hours on it.
>everything I don't like is reddit
>also popular = bad
goddamn Yea Forums is a pain in the ass sometimes, every other board isn't as fucking obnoxious
Honestly because it's something I prefer to play at an arcade and with buds
What happened to your excuse being the Online versions being dead, though? This "I prefer to play it at arcades" shit would've been believable if it were the first thing you said.
Brandish sucks