How are developers even supposed to impress this guy in 2019?
Why is he so miserable and why does he hate everything except for Gears of War and Call of Duty?
How are developers even supposed to impress this guy in 2019?
Why is he so miserable and why does he hate everything except for Gears of War and Call of Duty?
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine you making a media company, you hire a new fresh journalist and what happens? He turns the site into a hugbox for Social Justice and he just makes articles of oh poor girl and so on.
Later before he knows it, it is just about social justice instead of actual vidya games.
Also his fwend died from a heart attack or something after he got married.
Why would they? GB doesn't even do reviews anymore. They're just going to do a 30 minute quick look of Ben or Abby flubbing around the start of the game, not knowing how anything works anyways.
Death Stranding looks like shit, kojimadrone
Punished Jeff became a games journo to live his dreams and has suffered through every aspect of why its a shit job, I think he should close down gb and sack everyone to start up his own YouTube channel or something, I guess leaving it behind would be painful though
For someone so critical, he sure does have the worst taste imaginable.
>How are developers even supposed to impress this guy in 2019?
just don't be a nazi?
be Swery
yeah you're doing a lot of that, there
>why does he hate everything except for Gears of War and Call of Duty?
Just on the perspective of AAA games that he is virtually forced to review because that's where he gets his clicks and where he gets publishers slipping him some money under the table for at least an 8/10:
Despite the former being braindead and the latter being a fucking mess nowadays, they are sadly among the last few FPS games which are remotely "fun" rather than pushing some garbage eSports Ranked 5v5 matchmaking shit. You aren't in some fucking role queue and doing a "job" with a crippled hero class like Overwatch; you're just getting into a game in seconds and shooting shit for a while.
The entire AAA library is a fucking refuse pile, but compared to all the sports shit, the awful attempts at high-profile RPGs, and whatever other genres that some big corporate exects throw half a billion dollars at, you can at least kind of enjoy yourself when playing through COD and GOW's solo campaigns and some random multiplayer.
If it were my job to play through all of this AAA trash, I'd be miserable too and looking for what little solace the billion-dollar wasteland can actually offer.
I haven't bought a AAA game in years, I'm enjoying looking through all this indie shit and more obscure lower budget titles. Most may be rough around the edges, but they usually have some charm, variety and good ideas.
the fuck is this
Post yfw Abby inevitably thinks she's too good for GB and tries to start her own comedy career and fails miserably.
Can't wait
I can't decide who I hate more, Abby or Ben
poor guy needs to stop eating fat and get some exercise on a stationary bike.
Fat is literally killing him.
I sit around and play games all day, but I am thin because I eat no fat and exercise on a stationary bike for 1 hour every day.
So if you want to be a lazy bum that plays video games all day, do as I do, and you'll remain healthy.
>Why is he so miserable
I genuinely think he still loathes the industry from the whole Kane and Lynch thing.
Why are they all getting so fat? Luckily Drew left before he could plump up like all of them did. It's only a matter of time before Abby gets fat too, she'll probably hit 80kg before reaching 30.
>pretends to care about LGBT community to appeal to sjws
Their discussions about politics in games are so fucking cringeworthy, you can tell that every word coming from their mouths are forced
Most Americans are fat as fuck because they have horrible diets full of carbs and seed oils.
>Why are they all getting so fat?
they're getting fat because their metabolisms slow as they get older, and they keep eating lots of fat in their diet, like eating chips and pizza and cookies, and this type of food makes their weight explode rapidly.
I eat basically no fat. Only starches, sugars, and proteins from non fat dairy.
>trying to lose weight by cutting fats instead of sugar
>How are developers even supposed to impress this guy in 2019?
Why the fuck should they?
This. Sugar is a poison that should be banned
I stopped keeping up with the bomb crew after Ryan died.
Also Patrick Klepek, the toxic potato eating progressive cunt.
You guys got any video of Giant Bomb guys talking about politics, I'd like to experience the cringe.
Skip to 36m59s to see why Klepek is such a dislikable, autistic cunt.
I have no idea who any of these people are.
I ain't watching 31m of that shit.
Give me the timestamps you faggot.
The God of War discussion from last year's GOTY pod is gold. Abby just lays out her dumb barely thought out hot takes and the guys completely lack the spine to call out her bullshit. Fucking Vinny is the only one to push back a little and she completely shuts down.
Go back in time and warn him of Ryan
Jeff talking about and playing old games is pretty good though.
This also would work.
wasn't he just gushing over the new remedy game the other day?
bordermemes 3 is probably shit but fuck if i care not like i'll ever play it
I still love Jeff but jesus christ why did he surround himself with a cast of people who are walking stereotypes? They all look like the subsist on sòylent exclusively.
Jeff hating everything is a maymay. Just because he doesn't suck every generic AAA games dick doesn't make him cynical, it means he actually has some standards. Just last week he went on a rant about how much he likes Control.
Fuck off, its genuinely refreshing to have someone not sugarcoat his opinions. I fucking hate people feeling the need to defend shit games. I even think GB is guilty of this too
>Talking about dumpster fire game
>Brad: the game is fiiiiiiiiine
No, fuck you. Games cost 60$ so you should judge them accordingly.
>seed oils
>seed oils
they're just getting old you dumb euro
>it's normal to just keep getting fatter as time goes on
uhm.... lol?
stranding is gonna be just like TPP isnt it
i wonder if people can handle another one
you get older your metabolism gets slower.
>literally gets fired because he gave a low review score
>immediately came out in defense of the gaming press when people were calling their shit
Hes a coward. Fuck Gerstmann.
He's not wrong, the industry is shit and there's no good games, but instead of being a jaded cunt he should just retire.
Giant Bomb is a disgrace these days. I don't understand how you can go from the camaraderie of close-knit friends to the current dumpster fire of walking on eggs at every turn.
How does CBS even fund their 2 offices? I can't imagine they are worth the money at this point.
It's very clear that she had no idea what was going on in the story and directed her dislike of the story to it treating its female characters poorly despite Faye's reputation. The more time I hear her on the podcasts he more I realize she's knows dick all about gaming. I wish they had gotten Mary Kish.
He liked Control.
I'll go you one further.
Who the fuck is he and why should I care what he thinks about any fucking thing?
so what? He's not 60 and always've been fat cause he it's like a pig.
You are so stupid I am 100% sure you are from United States.
why should anyone care about impressing some fat literally who
go back to youtube and reddit zoomer faggot
I've never been to Reedit but you memefaglord must know that place pretty good.
Neck yourself you fucking nigger.
Is this from last year's or when she was defending Dream Daddy
>former senior editor of gamespot
>literally who
He's an adult spending all his life with children's entertainment. You'd grow bitter too.
>guy who had the idea to shift games journalism into streaming video long before twitch and youtube blew up
>literally who
To be fair he had that title when it actually meant something. I dare you to name one "journalist" working at GameSpot today.
>Abby realises that trump will win 2020
>she might be the least faggy of the bunch
wow was that his idea of a joke?
what a fat greasy slob
>he it's like a pig
>You are so stupid
watching that TGS Death Stranding vid of theirs, why is he SO desperate to pick apart the game?
haha faggot
Jeff Gerstmann lost his job for not selling out to publisher ad money and told people a mediocre game was mediocre.
I'll listen to his 'miserable' opinions over any zoomer INFLUENCER faggot surrounded by free merch 'n' swag from the company whose dick they are currently sucking and trying to trick retards into buying bad games.
I was in all honesty completely fucking convinced he would never father a child
Why do some faggots get so upset that Jeff doesn't like what they like?
This. I've been getting /fit/ over the last year or so after a massive bout of depression, and can confirm that it makes life way more bearable.
>open GB video
>Ben starts talking
>close GB video
I do the same but with Abby.
Ben is bareable.
Are there any gaming podcasts left that have a similar energy to early Bombcast/Talkradar/Lasertime? Basically, a group of guys who hang out and shoot the shit about games, have good chemistry, and are genuinely funny? All the ones I used to listen to got old, and either the crews drifted apart, or became way too political.
zoomers think he is their personal internet friend and are outraged when he says something controversial.
That's what happens when you don't have real life.
I just want Jeff & Vinny togheter so they can do the podcast and Endurance Runs togheter.
>talks about the Sims for twenty minutes
there was EpicBattleAxe some time ago...
Abby at least has a personality. Ben is some freak of a Frankenstein's monster that was built from the bodyparts of several giant retards and all he can do is try to awkwardly laugh at everything Jeff says, even if Jeff didn't even tell a joke. I am worried one day that a Giant Bomb livestream will happen and it's Ben wearing Jeff's skin and saying "DO YOU LIKE ME NOW? DO YOU?".
>Abby at least has a personality.
Jeff is literally half the size he was when he was at his heaviest which was around the time Ryan died. He mentioned it was mostly eating three proper meals a day instead of skipping eating for most of a day and then just eating a heap of shitty stuff when he eventually got hungry.
rorie is based
she ever say a game is antisemitic?
>Mentions Nancy Drew in your path
>been around longer than Reddit and Youtube
Jeff has probably been talking about video games longer than you've been alive, underage fag.
nah, just anti-lefty shit like everyone else
how do they make money. like, what do they do exactly.
how has cbs not pulled the plug on them?
Subscriptions probably still keep them afloat, though they've streamlined and cut a lot of shit from what they used to be
No one reviews games anymore
everyone needs an imagination.
drone premium subscribers,
Plus they're part of CBS, I don't think they pay rent to use space in that office building.
A stupid and insufferable personality is still a personality. Ben is literally an NPC.
>everyone playing a game and chatting
>Rorie sitting in the middle of the camera silently
>5 minutes later the laughter dies down and everyone starts to quiet down
>Rorie says something someone else said 7 minutes ago
>everyone awkwardly laughs
Podcast still pulls a GIANT (ayyyy) audience and people who have subbed from the start. Probably one of the more profitable ventures of CBS at the moment considering everything else they have a finger in sucks or is on fire.
still has a gf. height > face
>always complain about being busy
>barely manage to shit out a video occasionally
>it has little to no editing
>usually is just an unedited cut of them playing the first 30 minutes of a game then shutting it off
>guys we're SO BUSY
>literally any other gaming content creator
>putting out videos nearly every day with professional editors clipping out funny bits from multiple hour long gaming sessions
so just like Ben's, just a lot worse.
At least have played and is still playing a lot of games, real games, and he's not as infused with marxist progressivism as that fucking dumb bitch.
You should stay on Twitch, following your favorite internet friends and 'personalities'.
What do this guy and Jason actually do? What are they paid for? Premium-only shit?
uhm that's "partner" to you pal
as repulsive as that goblin is, it's still vastly more than 70-75% of Yea Forums incels can pull out.
If you are good and popular at talking about video games on camera then you can make far more money doing it yourself on say Twitch and YouTube (although not so much there these days). Gaming websites don't get the best talent nowadays because they pay far less. On the flip side it can be a far more stable career working for an actual company than going it alone and suddenly losing everything because you said "nigger" or the video streaming platform you are on decides to change ad rules or algorithms.
I'm pretty positive Rorie is just a glorified moderator
Jan squad represent.
They are both awful. Calm down, retard.
bets on feminine penis?
Most fucking BRAINLESS shit that I see get spouted everywhere.
Why does your metabolism get slower? Because 90% of all western people stop being as active as they used to be when they were younger. This can come in many forms, maybe they dont go to afterschool sports or play football/basketball with their friends anymore, maybe their new job means they have to drive instead of walk, or maybe they've just had a kid and suddenly that walk around the park seems a lot less appealing than some fast food and a rest.
If you STAY active and eat decent food, you'll keep your waistline way into your 70s, it gets harder to do, but its also way easier to accomplish if you start being healthy now and get down to a good weight. Much harder to fight against decades of sedentary lifestyle when youre 45 and havent gone on a jog since 18 than it is if youve kept a good exercise schedule.
It seems that all the "old guard" of vidya criticism and journalism are jaded faggots who hate everything. I mean look at Yahtzee. Dude outright says he just treats games as work rather than entertainment, so I guess Jeff is the same. Jeff and GB have pretty shit taste in general though.
you are a fuckign retard. SHut your stupid fucking mouth, saying Abby is better addition to GB because she has a ---personality--- is them ost moronic thing I've read here in a week.
I can only assume you have nothing to respond with to arguments about him doing the work to know what he's doing on streams and quick looks (compared to her) and not being an embarrassment on podcasts every time he opens his mouth.
She's annoying, boring bitch but she has a vagina so hey, that's what I'm looking for in game coverage!
Fucking idiot.
holy shit is that possible natty?
I thought this was a smashmouth film clip.
Rorie is the GB manager as in he manages their shit, books motels, talks to advertisers, organises transport and office furnishings, looks after the finances from subs and the online store, logistics, etc
Jason is the Senior Video Producer which was Vinny and then Drew's position. Jan is their new video production guy who works under Jason, kind of like how way back in the day Drew worked under Vinny.
Just fucking apologize.
still my fav GB moment
That poster said that Abby is stupid and Ben has no presence and that they both sucked. They didn't say Ben was bad and Abby was good.
You seem unhinged. Take your pills.
No fuck Patrick
Austin was a billion times better at his shtick
Jesus, Abby looks even worse with short hair.
Just miss Austin on the podcast.
I'm sorry Ryan died and not this fucking cunt.
No, podcasts are a dead medium. All video game related content is now streaming. I did get into Sleepycast and by extension OneyPlays recently, though. It's a lot of fun but they don't actually talk about vidya much.
>abby not appearing in some beastcasts
some of the best podcasts in recent history
>The entire AAA library is a fucking refuse pile, but compared to all the sports shit, the awful attempts at high-profile RPGs, and whatever other genres that some big corporate exects throw half a billion dollars at, you can at least kind of enjoy yourself when playing through COD and GOW's solo campaigns and some random multiplayer.
Retard, multiplayer focused shooters are the problem in the first place. I swear to god, do retards not remember how bad it was when half the AAA market was CoD and Gears clones?
>somebody mentions something that she's not familiar with
>abby yells proudly: WHAT's INDIANA JONES?
Austin was okay but then he went Super Mega Woke Blanco and ascended past Patrick's SJWness and became the editor of Waypoint.
no, fag can fuck off.
Are you one of those fags who kept commenting (giantbomb youtube videos and comment section on their site) how '''''thin''''' jeff looks now or what? he's still a giant fat ass.
god fucking forbit that he doesn't give everything a 10/10 like literally every other gaming news outlet ever
Jeff probably looks better and gets more pussy than you do faggot lol. Stop being so concerned about people you see on the internet and go outside.
I got tired of his negative shit a long time ago, dont know how people still watch him
This wasn't even that good, why is Jeff cumming over it so bad?
Lmao, back to with you, you shiteating faggot.
He has lost a lot of weight
c o p e
oops, wrong one
still fat.
It's more obvious now that they work at the same site
>Patrick says something retarded
>Austin than recontextualizes Patrick's thoughts into something coherent
>"Is that what you meant to say Patrick?"
>"Well I don't fully agree but..."
99% of Waypoint's content
I would rather pay the yearly GB sub cost of $50 just to watch Jeff stream from home and talk about old games and other bullshit.
>Why is he so miserable
his best friend died.
>and why does he hate everything except for Gears of War and Call of Duty?
because he doesn't care anymore.
Jeff usually streams directly on Twitch
I know and I like like his comfy home streams where he plays old games, talks about rap tapes and drinks water out of a jam jar. I would pay just for that then all the other crap that comes out of GB these days.
anyone else unironically have sex with a biological female as a result of GB and it's "community?" I can't be the only one, but I'm pretty sure it's nothing but trannies these days.
I never bet why people use not knowing something as some kind of punchline. When your entire career is basically pop-culture, not knowing what something as mainstream as Indiana Jones is not only unfunny, but retarded.
The alternative is that she does know what it is and plays stupid for laughs, which is worse.
>his best friend died
His other closest friend and eternal roommate aka The Ricker also died not long after Ryan. That had to hurt.
Sleepycast just kind of does episodes when they feel like it though, right?
Even Giant Bomb openly mocks ResetEra. Nobody likes or wants troons.
That's what happens when you mess with the video games industry
As I understand, yeah. You still have around 40 or so episodes to listen to. Nobody but Joe Rogan and corporate shillhouses like Collider make podcasts anymore.
I thought about posting 'what's bjorc?' on their comment section whenever she talks about björk, but I would probably be banned for bullying her or whatever.
>people still watch gb
idk how tf any of you do it, it's infuriating.
everyone there sucks so much shit
>a show for starbucks-socialists/californians
>surprised its popular on NeoGA/v/
There was a podcast a few weeks ago where somebody mentioned RE and everyone just sighed and laughed and said it was full of depressing angry people and it was an exhausting place.
A bunch of exception REEEEtards showed up in the GB thread and were all "HOW DARE THEY SAY THAT" only to be met with most of the regulars saying "yes you few are tiresome and that's why lots of people don't like this forum". The people who pointed out the truth were swiftly banned and Giant Bomb is now on the 'To Be Cancelled List'.
I don't really hate either but Ben needs to shut the fuck up more often. It seems he feels the need to speak even when he has nothing of value to say, and he takes up most of the speaking time during the podcast. But he's necessary because otherwise ranking of fighters would be Jeff and Jason barely grunting at each other for an hour. Nothing is funnier than Vinny laughing at Abby's frustration.
>The people who pointed out the truth were swiftly banned
Jason's got the beetus, so it probably got something to do with that.
I miss Vinny and Jeff quick looks and shows bros
>Austin was a billion times better
>The guy that hates Astral Chain because you play as a cop
No, he's insufferable, but he's stronger than them so they can't make him leave.
is ben a coomer?
havent listened or watched gb in years but if Jeff likes Control he might still have a sliver of soul within him yet.
astral chain is a horrible game.
I wouldn't call Yahtzee the old guard of anything, he's been doing it since the 2010s. Jeff and co. have been reviewing video games since the 90's.
Jeff and Vinny are fantastic together but Jeff will never leave Petaluma and Vinny refuses to leave NY/NJ again and went back to raise his family. Wish they would do more online/stream shit together but the delays really hurt the comedic timing of playing off of someone back and forth who is physically next to you.
Kind of wish they would rent a motel room in Kansas or Iowa for a week once or twice a year, meet up and just film and play games together.
>gb reports/spreads word about the allegations made against Alec Holowca by Quinn and others
>dude kills self
>allegations start to look questionable
>everyone at gb just shrugs their shoulders
these guys are fucking jokes, and they can't even eat shit when they need to. it's fucking crazy that they would talk about that shit on their podcast that gets a ton of fucking listens, and then act aloof and sanctimonious when dude kills himself.
objectively untrue from my experience
I don't watch/listen anymore
the two mods I knew irl don't mod anymore and are essentially out of the community
three distinct ultra-liberal friends don't watch/listen anymore
as far as I can tell it's all woke trannies and tranny hangers-on at this point
ask me anything about any old-guard mod
Oh yes, it was. It's so damn good. Alex didn't like it, though, it seems the whole time he was annoyed about getting lost in the map. Also he played it on a base PS4 without the newer patches, so it tanked to 15FPS at times.
Isn't that the guy who shit in a urinal? I didn't even think that was possible.
Remember when Brad alpha bullied his way into Destiny getting a top spot
That whole thing was nasty business, but people at this point should know better than to even interact with Zoe Quinn, let alone get in her pants.
How are you people still watching GB? I checked out when Vinny was practically in tears over Pewdiepie making nazi jokes.
Most people aren't edgy fatasses trying to roll with the maga crowd.
Because he's a boomer jew who has shit taste and wanted to control all the money as a former editor. Fuck him. He's as cancer as all the faggots on jewtube right now.
I think that might have been the point where I quit the Beastcast actually
I've grown to really dislike the GB's staff's fetish for novelty
I can understand that, from their position of having looked at games for so long, you crave something new to break up the doldrums of your job, but it seems like the only things they take any real interest in are specific bits of nostalgia bait or art games, and they talk about anything else like if it's just adequate, it shouldn't even exist
sure but most people have intact genitals and don't fetishize those without, so
The death stranding video that came out today is fucking hilarious. Jeff's reactions are a goldmine
>How are developers even supposed to impress this guy in 2019?
Release skate 3 or some mortal kombat game. Maybe a new burnout.
Then why do you do it, just to be different?
but these were allegations about something that supposedly happened happened 5 years ago and gb just went ahead and talked about and broadcast it to their fucking audience, which for the podcast is pretty large, and didn't look into it at all just talked about it and wagged their fingers. then dude kills himself and their all 'look guys suicide is bad'
ZP started in 07 and he was in the industry before then.
Yahtzee started in about 2006-2007 but I see your point
They are right though
Anyone can find their niche at this point, by the numbers AAA games have no reason to exist other than making money from the lowest common denominator retard or as grandma christmas present
They have other day jobs right?
For example Brad- sitting for 2hrs/week on quick looks and hosting 3hrs (top) of a single podcast (he doesn't edit shit, just gathers headlines can't be considered even quarter time, right?
Like what the fuck single youtubers have bigger output than a group of 5-6 people working in CBS building.
I know this is bait but if somebody starts crying over someone making nazi jokes, something that society has been doing since the west won the war then you that is a pathetic person
>I wouldn't call Yahtzee the old guard of anything
be quiet moron, you know nothing.
There's jokes and there's just screaming random shit like pewdipi does. He became popular with kids 8-10 due to the yelling and you're a grown ass adult pretending to like him because you think he's sincerely speaking on your behalf. Let that sink in for a few years.
They do a lot of videos and streams each week if you include the quick looks. They also have to play those games.
>They do a lot of videos and streams each week
Not for the combined output of like 10 people.
Very nice argument, wojak picture and all. You sure fit in.
true, so that's why most of them dislike nintendo's games
>inb4 nintendo doesn't make AAA games
>decided to check out the Bombcast last week
>first time I've dared to listen to it since 2018
>Ben was away, just Rorie/Brad/Jeff
>not even Jan was there to shit up the conversation
This was a wholesome podcast, why the FUCK does Ben have to exist?
bahahahahha wtf is this trash
Him existing isn't the problem, the problem is that Jeff likes him and allows him to act the way he does.
totally agree, Ben, Abby and Jan should die.
Jan is alright, he's just like 12.
Jan is good, fuck off
He's the zoomer voice they need
oh ok there's friday, but still it's not liek they sit there for 12 hours.
Talking about specific person. He's not in all westGB QLs. When he is he's mostly just commenting Ben playing.
If you have been watching Bombcast you would know they play relatively little, Brad- lamost nothing (mentioning Dota finals doen't count as playing anything).
Often I don't have impression he's playing at all. I'm not into old shit but Jeff is at least streaming some emulated stuff, talking about tinkering with hardware, buing new PC components...
Jan is ok guy but he's taste is dogshit, below Abbys' even, but at least he dip into casual stuff here and there fairly often.
Brad doesn't have kids or anything, he's so fucking low effort and don't tell me making DOOM 1 playthrough requires preparation or something...
No articles, no long reviews, no game guides, no compilations, nothing. Rorie is doing behind the scenes shit but he is interacting and playing with community quite often.
What's wrong with Jan? He's Drew 2.0 that occasionally plays mobile games and stays silent for 95% of any given podcast.
no u.
post yfw we get a deadly premonition 2 endurance run...only with ben and jan
>cameras are out of focus or otherwise not correctly set up
>has horrible taste and likes the shittiest games
he stopped doing reaction shots of himself, thankfully.
what happened in abby's life that made her think she was funny?
>free feature like an endurance run
lmao, they'll name it 'stamina race' and make it premium only
he's not Drew 2.0.
He's ok in general, He should just stay quiet and not talk about Pokeymans and other stupid shit.
I think even Abby might have more solid gaming background than he does.
Again- he's an ok guy, good voice, decent with production.
>fans from the site showed up to her retarded improv comedy
>she didn't like it
must be a first for a comedian to HATE that more people show up when they perform
They've complained recently that it's now a huge pain in the ass to add a new category for video on the site, so they'd probably still call it Endurance Run.
Hey, even then at least it's not Ben and Jason.
>They still don't do their own timestamps for the podcast
Some of the laziest fucks on the planet. Shouldn't that be Jan's job?
LMAO, sure, fag. they just name it queefing the coffee, DP2
The impression I get from the whole thing, with how they hire from generic interns and how they always have the other Jeff and other people from gamespot and cnet on is that they're all a single pool of employees for the bigger company, so maybe he does editorial work for other sites or something.
It's true, that's why Bloodstained is under the Castlevania category.
I'm saying it's a good excuse, just stating facts.
What happened to Lasertime depresses the fuck out of me, I loved that damn podcast
Fuck Bob Mackey, and Henry Gilbert, and especially fuck their shitty ass Simpsons podcast
who fucking cares about their categories? they'll put it with mario sunshine and donkey 64, who fucking cares about categories, you brainlet?
Don't you dare talk shit about Jason, he's a weeaboo pervert and one of us.
> No fats
> Only starches, sugars
OH nigga what the FUCK are you doing
I'll keep watching as long as Dan is on. Whatever kind of crazy shit he has, it's only getting worse with age.
Brad does almost nothing all day, I love how he complains about a lot of release or no releases, he still doesn't play anything. I'm looking forward to next week when he will start saying 'oh no, GOTY is coming up, I'll play X, Y and Z'
he'll play nothing and will talk about having it on his list in January.
So how about that stupid Clothmap bullshit?
Brett Elston leaving the show was when I started to drop off, since he was my favorite member of the crew, and yeah, Henry gets on my fucking nerves something fierce. I stopped listening completely when Chris had to essentially pack up the show and move back to Florida, because he couldn't afford to live in California anymore. Too depressing.
I stopped thinking about it altogether, but then something possessed me recently to listen to some old Talkradar episodes, and I remembered how fucking great they used to be.
Jeff Gerstman is the Jim Cornette of video games. He's seen everything, he has an encyclopedic knowledge of his chosen interest and he firmly knows what he likes. And because he seems so harsh (i.e. not easily impressed due to decades of experience), a lot of people are put off by his views and opinions
I mean, he gets to travel with his dad and cover weird shit from around the world. Sounds like good times.
Don't remember the GoW stuff but She's done the same thing with Nier Automata and Bayonetta and they told her off then. Not hard enough, but atleast is was something.
I didn't see anything wrong with it. He's just breaking down what you'll actually do in the game and how the systems work, which is something you'd expect someone who talks about video games for a living to do. Just because he's not "hyped" doesn't mean he's trying to shit on a game, but that seems to be exactly why people are so adamant about Jeff supposedly hating everything
This thread is displaying a distinct lack of Kish, and Kish related products.
And considering all the games he plays, for fun and for work, it's understandable that he doesn't become enamoured with everything that comes out. Why spend more time than necessary with the latest looter shooter when you have C64 and PC98 games to spend time wrestling with?
I know it's happened to me with how good emulators have gotten lately, I spend more time playing naomi games on flycast than pretty much anything else.
Still reeling from Alex's redemption arc there. I've barely kept up with then since then and I'm sure he's fucked it since, but it was a nice moment.
Jeff really liked Control. Lots of praise on some recent bombcasts.
Literally nothing to do with what I said. People disagree with you because you're a fucking moron, not because what you're saying is controversial.
What does this even mean? A place like Waypoint is 10000x times more spooky "SJW" man than GB is. Your scale is out of wack.
Yeah and I mean, how many games has he played over his career? Thousands? Anybody would start to notice patterns after a while. It also makes sense that he really only gets excited about weird games nowadays. Like Dreams for instance, it's just a collection of poorly made minigames but he was really into it. But anyway, I really enjoy his more level-headed views
Suicide is bad. What, you going to give Zoe all of the credit in the man offing himself? Dude was a proven shitbag in more than just "he abused me way" and was probably on the edge for years. Stop giving her power.
Nobody was defending Pewdiepie. People are laughing at Vinny getting upset because a big youtube star dared to make nazi jokes.
Jim Cornette is just constantly seething that kayfabe isn't sacred anymore.
>give Zoe all of the credit
i'm giving it to places like gb for reporting on shit without looking into it to an audience of thousands
well j I'm glad you're not a complete husk but I'm still not resubbing lol
The things he says make sense
>OH nigga what the FUCK are you doing
being thin and healthy, that's what.
control is a shitty game, remedy sucks, last good game they made is Max Payne 2.
And literally the same old argument of just saying he's out of touch, instead of actually explaining why he's wrong
Control is a fantastic game, Remedy are at their peak right now, it's probably the best game they ever put out. Max Payne 2 was so much worse than the original it's not even funny.
> Games journalism
It's a 7.5
>discord meme
Go back, lil' zoom.
Maybe because of the performance issues, not the game itself.
Meanwhile village idiot par excellence Dan Ryckert wakes up to stardew valley music, pounds hotdogs and taco bell out a shoe box, talks to his dog about wrestling lore and then bumblefucks his way through his best day ever every day.
Is it the magoo effect or does he have some kind of power?
Presume he's right, what are you supposed to do? Not enjoy things you enjoy because an old man told you things were better in his day?
It always baffles me that he's had books published.
He's intelligent and hard working
Lack of knowledge != stupidity
Control has great art direction. I'm usually one of those gameplay purist fags but I continue playing just to see more of the weird supernatural brutalist office space they use as the setting of the game.
>tfw golden age GB died years ago
>no jeff and ryan shitting on a new terrible xbox game
>alexis, dave, drew, vinny dream team
>they actually played games
>they actually had fun
>flight crew, FMV games
>they didn't just sit there doing nothing for UPF
>podcast was actually interesting and great to listen to
>nintendownload express
>24 hour streams
Patrick was the beginning of the end and Austin was the nail in the coffin.
being contrarian doesn't make it good.
I really wish there was some decent newcomer podcast that captured the same energy.
I enjoy the occasional wrestling match, but I've tried watching all the AEW shows and most of the matches are just too much diving and flipping around for me. They've had some good matches too, but almost all of them seem to have people doing backflips and stuff for no reason. It's to the point that I don't even care about it anymore, if I see someone do a stunt like that, I'm just like oh, somebody jumped off a thing again, instead of being actually excited. I think that's one thing I agree about with Cornette too, when people spam those stunts so much, people become desensitized, and then you're just risking serious injury for no good reason
Have they tried making good games?
>He's intelligent and hard working
sure, that's how his college years went
>didn't do anything and never went to calls
>absolute retard
how is he intelligent?
They're self puiblished. It's easier than ever to do it now that shit like kindle is a thing.
I miss FMVinny and Endurance Runs so much
Being told to shit on it by your handler doesn't make it bad. It's a beautiful looking game that encourages exploration and never lets up in terms of novelty. Stop being an attack dog for steam fanboys and shitting on games you've never touched because muh launcher.
Alright, that explains it to some degree. I'm still shocked that he has the attention span to write an entire book.
His fat friend ate himself to death. Died in his sleep due to overgrown neck fat. He was the best part of the site too :(
>austin shows up last week despite being gone years and only appears at E3
>whole podcast has more chemitry snd sustained conversation than Abby is capable of despite being a full time employee
God I miss listening to that podcast regularly.
>Most interesting people die of overgrown neck fat or leave the site
>Hire a woman for diversity, her contributions are tablet games, The Sims, and her signature move is to blame the game for her being shit at it
>Hire a gay giant for diversity, never shuts the fuck up and has the voice of a broken vacuum cleaner
I dunno, I think I might dislike Abby more just because she pollutes the GBeast podcast. Bombcast has been on a steady decline since Vinny left and I stopped listening to it last year sometime around the "woman got fired for publicly being an absolute cunt to customers and partners == sexism" thing, so there's less value lost.
Wow, and I even hate Gears and CoD. I miss when games were even worth spending the time to pirate them.
so its impossible?
Is Ben gay, though? That hamcreature he lives with looks like it has a vagina.
who from the discord are you
Was this before or after her being hired? I wonder if she used this as part of her resume for giant bomb. Vinny saw those big jew milkies and couldnt help himself.
>falling for the review jew
Christ lady, give me time to process what your saying. This chicks comedic timing is horrible, it's like she's in 4th grade reading out loud
>I eat basically no fat. Only starches, sugars, and proteins from non fat dairy.
what a fucking retard.
It's already happening, she's been pushing this stupid YT series called Dear Abby that she promotes on Instagram all the time.
I just realized this screenshot is from their tokyo game show video and this thread is just a kojimadrone crying about daddy not getting universal praise. What the fuck is wrong with Kojima fans?
Anyone got a link to the new premium archive?
obese Abby hhhhnnnnnnngggggggg
There's a new one? Does it have the old content as well or only the things that were saved?
Dude, he's had thin hair like that for like 20 years.
What's the point. He's still an unattractive fat fuck
nope, masculine vagina
it's fine SHUT UP
lol, Waypoint was rolled back into VICE this year. They're not making any money and nobody is reading them. That experiment is over.
What the fuck is happening here, it defies the Norwood scale
How are developers even supposed to impress this guy in 2019?
Why is he so miserable and why does he hate everything except for Gears of War and Call of Duty?
besides aging he also fucked his hair with bleach
more like comicFine
>hy does he hate everything except for Gears of War and Call of Duty?
he doesn't, yopu projecting faggot.
>ywn feed Kish
Anyway, I don't understand how people hate Jeff. He's seen it all and genuinely is great at deadpanning all the shit this industry throws at him.
Why does he hate everything except for Minecraft and Half-Life?
Yeah it's almost like uploading videos from a fucking webcam to YouTube and running a massive website are pretty different.
Rent free
Oh shit, I've been found out.
>running a massive website
the fuck are you even talking about you cretin?
First of all- 'a massive'.
Running what? They have poeple managing and imprving site, all these videos are handled by Jan and Jason, just because they upload a file here and there doesn't equal to 'running a massive website'. Is Brad editing their Wiki, working as a moderator?
someone post the burgle my banana links please
She's got a PENINTENTIARY body
Brad is not a video editor but he handles and sets up a lot of stuff in the way of content production.
But if you've never had a job, and I'm sure you haven't, you wouldn't get it.
She was streaming the new Just Dance game a month or so ago. She's gotten a bit thick and it looked great to see her jiggling around in shorts and a thin tee.
Go back to your nap, Brad
Everyone who is right of center is a nazi to leftards like him in this day and age. The word has lost its meaning.
This guy is a pleb who would've never been relevant had Gamespot not fired him over Kane & Lynch.
Everyone who is right of any one on the left is a Nazi, even if you're still left of centre but not left enough.
Weird ironic dry hipster humor is the fad amongst people that aren't actually funny or have any comedic talent, but think they're will Ferrell
Thank you. Do you happen to have episode 3, too?
Mate, anyone who's one step to the right of stalin is a nazi. the word has lost all meaning.
Is that what passes for a reply in your bubble, kojimadrone?
>Gears of War
You really shouldn't use an acronym if you don't know what it means.
I want her to sit her fridge body down on my fucking face
Why does Patrick Klepit have tits now.
>Everyone who is right of center is a nazi to leftards like him in this day and age.
Nah, you were just collectively duped into blaming people of different complexion for your obesity and loneliness, but never yourself. Path of least resistance, I guess. You can't normalize this shit, you were relegated to trailer parks and rural areas organically over the decades with good reason.
He boycotted Kingdom Come, fuck him.
Death Stranding is literally everything Jeff hates about video games. The whole game is a bunch of survival and micromanaging mechanics. He hates feeling "limited" by games such as Majora's Mask's timer mechanic, or the fact that you cant move and shoot in RE4.
The fact that he still calls the game "interesting" is more praise than is expected from him.
And so you eat less you fat cunt.
Cant wait for halloween
he does weird C64 game streams occasionaly on twitch, sometimes he doesn't even turn on the camera or the microphone
and he used to stream everyday his hour long commute to work, dont know if he still does that
Mary has gotten way too fat, and don't you guys try to justify this with thicc memes, she's just fat. Which is a shame since she's decided to switch to being a Twitch camwhore at the same time.
Lovely pig
Jim's right about some things, but for the most part he's an autist who just doesn't understand modern pro wrestling and doesn't want to understand it. The way he booked ROH is evident of this. He kept trying to get the clone wars between Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards over, when the people just wanted ladder matches and crazy spots.
I don't really understand his hateboner for Omega either. Dude pretty much fits all the criteria of what Jim wants in a wrestler, but because he did some dumb comedy matches 10 years ago he's irredeemable trash.
I'm black, you honky.
>he handles and sets up a lot of stuff i
what fucking 'stuff'? Washing his ballsack before going out in the morning?
Keep whiteknightin' your internet friends. I fucking BET you are a premium subscriber.
I've never seen anyone defending that lazy drifter and I've been browsing this shithole for years.
I've never had a job, that's your argument? Wow.
I'm 29 and had 6 so far. But you keep telling yourself whatever makes you happy.
he gets triggered by small details in games and automatically hates the remaining 99.6% of the game regardless of quality, you know, like a balanced person that evaluates all parts of the games both separately and as a whole
we have to go back
Brad has tons of industry contacts from his time as the previews guy at Gamespot.
What he does with those contacts, I have no idea
European here, speaking from experience. If you don't do cardio after 30 you either starve to death or cope with having at least 20 pounds added to your weight permanently.
It doesn't matter, you fat homo.
Am I the only one here who doesn't understand all this Jeff worship? He was the most controversial and often disliked reviewer on Gamespot back in the days, underscoring games like Mario Kart 64 and MGS1. Suddenly after being fired for giving Kane and Lynch the same score as everybody else, and now you all think he's some kind God's gift to gaming journalism.
Weight training is objectively more beneficial if you want to be healthy and live longer
remember when they did dumb editing on the fly?
im sure they don't exercise at all, like, nothing.
even i do it and im game deving all day
>why does he hate everything[...]?
Because everything is shit.
The real question is why doesn't he hate Gears and CoD too?
70% of these contacts including phone numbers and personal email addresses became expired and invalid within 3-4 years.
Keeping excel file on your PC doesn't equal to doing work.
i remember jeff at LEAST back in 98.
that is how long back he goes.
the average fatmerican looks like this? lmao jewed
Yeah he doesn't really be balding that much, he just destroyed his follicles with that blonding he did
probably self caused diabetes, from his confessed horrible energy drink drinking habits, terrible nutrition, etc
and exercise helps lower blood sugar, he's definitely not been doing that. probably his "bad back" causing him to eat shit (dumb people blame their physical problems on their bad habits instead of the correct other way around)
probably going blind because of that as well
That was before Ryan died and they just completely gave up.
>ywn have nazi death camp erotic role play sex with abby
alright listfag, it's time to stop when you have to reference your samefag trolling in other threads
Is it safe to say the nail in the coffin was Dan going east and Drew leaving?
Why would being controversial make him less likeable? he criticised MGS for being too short and a rental game, which is an entirely valid point.
I wish I knew some girls
a girl
they are Kermit men: their wives or girlfriends have their forearms shoved up their asses and speak for them, we're actually hearing the wives words spoken in these guys voices
he's either on board with it all or he's a total coward either way fuck him
why is her head so small in this? she getting fat lmao
>why aren't they siding with chubby racist incel gentlemen such as myself?
Nobody else is, why should they?
Mario Kart 64 is bad and I’m saying that as Someone that grew up playing it
Kish is getting chubby as FUCK and I'm REALLY into it
>open video
>Rorie starts rambling aimlessly, not even pausing to breathe
>Brad struggling to stay awake
>Ben making bad jokes "ironically" and screaming randomly with his broken voice box
>Jason completely silent, possibly in diabetic coma
>Jeff staring blankly into the middle distance
>close video
That was always Vinny being bored in the production booth. Now Vinny has to run the east coast office all by himself and appear on camera
>They all look like the subsist on sòylent exclusively.
i know you have around 130 confirmed kills, so you wouldn't know, but that's what nerds usually behave like, and always have
Rorie is unironically based
>open GB video
>catch a glimpse of description box
>it says ben or abby in the description
>close the video before audio kicks in
I dont watch a lot of west stuff anymore but it seems like atleast Jan is doing some stuff
>The word has lost its meaning.
Then why get so butthurt about nazis being called nazis?
why is ben allowed in front of a camera/microphone
Post your current GB tier list. I mean current staff, as we all know there's been too many S tier staff in the past
>S Tier: Dan
>A Tier: Jeff, Vinny, Bakalar on the Beastcast
>B Tier: Brad/Jan
>C Tier: Alex
>D Tier: N/A
>E Tier: Jason
>F as in fuck off and break your collarbone tier: Ben
>Please leave and join Waypoint already tier: Abby
Same reason Abbey, Alex, Rorie, that retarded nigger business something and Brad are allowed
such a wigger holy shit
I find myself skipping Abby segments and dislike her, but Ben is a worse Brad in every way.
Literally Jeff "New Jersey Jew" Bakalar in the A tier? Holy shit. Fucking Jan "Silicon Valley InstaJew" Ochoa anywhere but bottom tier?
what a chadette
rorie is literally Yea Forums
every time Ben speaks I immediately zone out and stop listening and then a couple of seconds later I wonder what he said, and then I don't really care because it's probably some ironic joke or misinformation. Abby I don't even know if she's changed since the dream daddy goty debacle because I avoid east like the plague because of her and the general lack of charisma of GBeast
Shit on Abby and Alex all you want (I do occasionally) or how Vinny has been cucked by becoming a dad or how stupid Dan is....East is so much better than GB West even the "Best Of" videos know it. Ben and Jason are the death of any video, neither of them should have ever been hired.
Rorie is S
>S Tier: Jeff
>A Tier: Brad
>B Tier: Dan, Vinny, Rorie
>C Tier: Ben
>D Tier: Jason
>E Tier: Abby
>F Tier: Jan
Should I blow up that Mosque?
What do you think Mary is like in bed lads?
>the GOTY 2015 podcast where Jeff ripped Fallout 4 a new asshole and Austin+Brad were defending it "because that's just the games they make"
>Jeff: If this game was a car, the government would have to step in!
I don't even give a fuck if you disagree with him political or even on games, Jeff is always /myboy/ because he's a man who sticks by what he wants out of games.
>A Tier: Brad
Totally forget about Alex. Total cuck. C/D Tier. Bakalar isn't a GB staff but if he was he'd be with Jan in F Tier.
A: Dan, Vinny
B: Jeff
C: Jan, Alex
F: Brad, Jason
F--: Ben, Rorie
F------: Abby
You're trying to reason with people who were in complete shock when Wolfenstein painted nazis under a negative light and had you brutalizing them.
When Rorie was on the podcast last week, it reminded me why I love him. Dude is unfiltered and does not give a fuck. Needs to be on weekly.
Are you talking about Abby?
Jeff and Brad together is the peak of modern GB. A lot of people here still have hard dicks for Dan and Vinny but Dan is neutered in the East and Vinny, former racist Italian, no longer knows how to be funny.
At least Brad knows shit. That's what drives me so fucking insane about Abby, she's never heard of anything. She brings ZERO value to a games website with a subscriber model.
it's just a fat girl raised in socal with the usual bunch of issues that come with that baggage
>went to college for conputer science
>cant find a job, ended up hating it, would need to dedicate time to retraining myself and working for free in a field i hate to get a job
>mfw jeff and dan talk about their education experiences
Absolutely infuriating. They're working my dream job. I had to bust my ass in hs and college. And it was all worthless.
>i will never go drinking with Kish
It hurts bros.
Dan is usually crap in the East and Vinny has such a big crush on Abby that he spends all of his time saying nothing or defending her.
I imagine Mary is really reserved in bed. She's putting on a bit of weight, so I imagine she's a little self conciouss about her body, but I still think she goes to bars every weekend and picks up some unsuspecting 20 year old. I imagine she likes to make them DEFINETELY wear a condom, and she makes quiet reserved noises while she's being banged from behind
Sure but I can't start the list at C tier so I had move them up
You got a degree in Computer Science with the intention of working at a video game site? You got the wrong degree dude.
she's been dating the same guy for five years
>falling for the college meme
should have dropped out like a real man
To be fair, Jeff and Dan were already doing reviews for websites, were getting published, and produced public access stuff while going to "school". They already had their careers going so they didn't need the education at that point. I always love how Dan's college story makes people SEETHE constantly.
>open a Quick Look
>starts with either Abby saying "DAN... VINNY..." or one of the NY guys saying "Abby and..."
>immediately close tab
She's an insufferable cunt. I haven't been able to listen to the Beastcast in over a year, which sucks because the guys are great. Ever since her spastic "it's really good" arguments at the GOTY a few years back. Whenever a guy makes a funny joke referencing something, she immediately ruins it by saying "I don't know who/what that is" like anyone fucking cares, and then the guys have to explain the joke to her. For a supposed comedian, she's seems to be humor repellent.
Ben is shit too but at least he's tolerable. I think he's narcoleptic because in longer videos (like the recent Death Stranding one) he starts closing his eyes and falling asleep on fucking camera, thinking nobody can see him. And how many fucking times do we have to hear about his """""partner""""" and feet operations? He does have moments of being genuinely funny though, unlike Abby, even though he always sounds like he's talking with a mouth full of fucking glue.
I'm waiting for Jeff to retire to drop GB, since that's clearly the only reason he'd hire such retards. Now that he's got a kid it's probably not far off.
Drew only fucks planes
oh god the Vinny/Abby relationship is so creepy. He's dialed it back a little, but back when Abby joined, Vinny was treating her like she was his daughter or something
Remember that year or so when Mary would THIRST over Dew for fucking AGES?
Drew was such a stone cold motherfucker, eschewing thots for learning to fly a plane
I was convinced she either fucked Dan or Vinny to get the job in the first place which would explain her immunity to being fired despite 0% popularity
Do you have any idea how much pussy pilots get?
post that gif or webm
Just in terms of ability to put out good content, not their politics or hot takes on twitter:
>S: Dan, Vinny
>A: Jeff G
>B: Jeff B, Abby
>C: Jan
>D: Alex
>F: Rorie, Ben, Jason
>Hmm, you know I really need to get back to that game, I've read some stuff on the forums about how it's not running well, I think I'll pick it back up when the new patch comes out: Brad
Fovused on career rather than education which he was gonna get the diploma from anyway
>imagine being irish
Would GB be better if Dave came back?
O'Dwyer does bethesda documentaries now, he never worked for giant bomb.
>B: Abby
Your opinion is VERY bad
thank god for mike mahardy doing stuff with GBeast. Less time for abby
No. Thats not what happened
I shouldnt have gone period. It was free too. Fucking awful
I didnt know to do that. Im just an uncreative cattle npc and went to college because everyone else did. Im a loser who will never achieve anything or live a life he enjoys. I wish i grew up in jeff and dans time when that stuff was possible. I wish i grew up then back when games journalism was at least vaguely something real. I didnt want to be a streamer just a classic games journalist. But that job doesnt exist anymore.
You like this shit?
Who is the best person to be associated with GB ever?
I's either Vignocchi or Dave right?
He looks miserable when he's there, like they forced him to do this giantbomb shit because he was about to be fired.
man I forgot about Dave random PC game was great
>too much of a pussy to show up at GB E3 because le nintendo
Fuck 'im.
I miss Dan posting
Johnny V is one of the most embarrassing people I've ever seen in my entire life. Dave's shtick is boring. That era was terrible.
There is genuinely nothing going on in the premium side thats worth pirating or paying for anymore.
see I'm not the only one out there.
can someone explain to me whats going on in the back of ben?
I'm not even gonna waste my allocated mega bandwidth on this shit. They should torrent this crap instead.
Shenmue Endurance Run was the last good content they made. rip
Game Tapes, Demo Derby, and UPF are all great. I could give a shit about anything East produces, let alone premium stuff.
outside of GOTY where she was absolutely insufferable, I don't get the hate for Abby. Steal my sunshine was A++ content, try to imagine that series with Ben instead of her
Literally who?
How did they miss that Ritsuko's relationship with Gendo mirrors Gendo's relationship with Yui? Both of them dedicating their life to the object of their love that ultimately chooses to reject them?
>Ben tried to bring up PDP on the podcast when talking about BL3
>no one picked it up and he dropped it immediately
>467 replies
zoomers get out.
Don't worry, your favorite personalities will be back soon!
If it wasn't a disgusting goblin with a shrill voice that won't stop talking even though it has nothing to she it could be okay
I kind of wish they would play a single player game again on the Eastside. Just Dan, Vinny, and Alex going through a game.
will they?
What the hell am I looking at?
does this help?
I'm still salty about how shit last year's GOTY was and it's almost that time again.
Does it ever?
He has a weird ass Lurch body.
back gunt
Why is this e celeb on my board and why should I care?
every duder is beautiful in their own way
I don't like the new format at all. Also they need to stop shutting down Dan for shitting on games.
You started coming here in 2016, you're not even welcome.
Jeff was doing journalism and talking about games before you were born.
Sorry we aren't posting enough twitter screen caps/smash shit/anime tits
>when your opinions are even too retarded for Dan Ryckert
Rorie is a dog fucker
Ben is trapped in a nightmarish malformed body. Jeff no joke hired him out of pity so he could get in on the company's health insurance
Remember when Ryan said faggot on a livestream but we lived in more enlightened times and all he had to do was apologize *in writing* and everyone forgave him?
Still managed to get married and have a kid. What's your excuse?
he has a neck and jawline now, that he hasn't had for the first 36 years of his life. the thing you could only dream of
>Abby critizes Nier for objectifying women
>much later she attempts a joke about needing to see Mario's nipples in Odyssey
>Alex says something like "but that costume objectifies men" and shuts her the fuck down
Alex went up a few notches in my book that day
thanks rand
Not my fault God made me a gamer.
Nina used to be obscenely hot, now she's fucking disgusting
we need more trannies making 2D platformers on the site
He called Brad a faggot and spent the next weeks apologising for it.
Why has nobody posted his kid yet
>TFW Jeff Bakalar decided to lean into his Jewishness and become a stereotype.
I don't understand why he did this, but I bet it has to do with him seeing how Dan turns up retardedness to fake having a personality. It's really insufferable at times, and he comes off as a beta bitch. It is enjoyable to sit him shit on so often, though.
>Stays quiet for 45 minutes.
>"What do ya think Jeff?"
>Well, I--"
>"Nobody cares."
>"Ahh, you guys".
>Goes on a 15-minute rant about how no one respects him.
Not gonna lie, her body looks damn good in that green dress. I want to fuck her brains out but I hate this bitch so much. Literally what the fuck is this garbage.
Looks like Lando's co-pilot from Star Wars
Because who gives a shit. Good for him that she came out alright.
What's that?
>Bullying a fucking baby that isn't even a month old.
This is low, even for Yea Forums's standards.
Also, yeah Ben is annoying, but he is living on borrowed time if we take him at his word. This dude has life-threatening shit happen to him every week because of his giant body; it's easy to understand why he acts the way he does.
it baffles me how jason is on videos and podcasts so often when the site is mostly about humour. he adds nothing to any conversation and has the charisma of a piece of cardboard.
I reckon they aren't happy about it but can't replace him because they're too polite. that or they don't care anymore.
nina's "game"
>that or they don't care anymore.
ding ding ding
oh wow
I honestly hope Jason dies soon.
lmao fucking really? jesus christ what a joke
He was going to try something else with his BFF but the dude fucking died in his honeymoon. He can either keep doing this shit that he clearly got tired of and lose his job security or throw it all away for a worse version of what he once dreamed of. Pretty shitty situation either way you look at it. That and video games suck now.
Yeah let's at least wait until she's two months old, christ.
i miss vinny on the tricaster, drew was tolerable but its terrible now
you can freely shitpost on their youtube channel tho, do that
Looks like a kid.
Guys, this is proof that we aren't looking at this the right way. It's clearly not that difficult to make a game of this caliber, as I can't imagine much coding being done here, in addition to barely having any original "good" art and music. All you need is a message you're trying to get across (the more sympahtic-baiting, the better), and a persona to hide behind. Release it, make some money and gain influence in the "industry", then use those resources to make the game you desire to.
here's Abby wiping shit off of her anus
I strongly believe some medication he was on killed part of his personality.