While Japan is busy making actual GAMES, western publishers are flooding PC with various launchers and turning their games into glorified storefronts for microtransactions. This medium is literally only held together by an island.
While Japan is busy making actual GAMES...
Can't wait for the inevitable Bamco and Capcom launcher lmao.
Ace Combat and KH3 sucks assholes
Why only PS4 games? Put in also BotW, Mario Odyssey, Astral Chain, FE etc etc
Lmao, update that shit.
Stop supporting 2K, ActivisionBlizzard, WB and EA then.
Ace Combat is ludo fuck off
Not gonna happen ever. The nips are luckily too incompetent to code proper storefronts. That and they sell huge on Steam. Steam actually benefits AA a lot which is probably why westernshit devs are assmad over it.
Not to mention Steam already does that autistic conbeni gift card system for them.
If the west crashes the industry again, will Sega come back to help put things right?
>download update for prison architect
>click to play
>instantly installs the "paradox launcher" for no apparent reason.
>can't stop it
>can't play without it
>let me just throw 2 dlcs to inflate my list
>one of which is for a fucking mmo
my suspicions were met, this is very similar to 2017 where q1 was packed and things were tame afterwards
Ironically, RE2Remake, Sekiro, KH3, DMC5, FFXIV, and Nu-MH were all made with western audiences in mind, and changed many things in the formula to appeal to them. The only game in this list that wasn't made with western audiences in mind is Ace Combat 7... lol. You dumb fucking chinger, America is taking and enhancing all of your games.
>America is the only country in the west
And yes it'a common knowledge that Jap games aimed at western audience is peak video games. It's been that way for decades.
western games are also aimed at western audiences yet they're almost always shit, aaa wise at least, what gives?
Japan is busy making gacha games you fucking race traitor
Wrong games bucko, I think you meant to post Nintendo games.
Japan wants games to have a SOUL and put passion into them. Westacucks only develop for money and try to shove in progressive agenda.
>based on * critics
can we see the user score user?
Forgetting Nexon launcher exists are we?
That's gook made.
>no reply