World of Warcraft: BfA 8.2.5

What are your predictions for the end to years of Horde vs Alliance next month?

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>What are your predictions
It is going to be shit and no one but Blizzard writers and paid shill streamers would like it

The shitstorm will be delicious though, especially if the "leak" is real.

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I stopped playing awhile back, Im looking forward if the leak is true though. Sounds crazy

Just play Classic bro.

a focus on classic and them dropping retail to save money

Classic doesn't have Outlaw Rogue.

Outside of a temporary nostalgia run I just don't see the appeal of Classic. I already played Vanilla, I know that shit by heart. I did every dungeon, raided every raid, did every quest, leveled every class. I want new stuff, new zones to explore, new quests to do, new dungeons and raids.

I also did most of it barring raiding but that was at 15. Barely not 10 years old, and 10 year old boys are stupid as fuck. You can convince them that they're women if you try hard enough.
Wish i could jump in and clear to 60 but i just can't explain the time expenditure at 30 anymore. Can barely explain to myself why i play BfA.

Thinking of switching to mobile and playing racing games or some shit.

Undeath themed expansion again would be sweet.

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I'll take anything over BFA's plot.


Do you just constantly scan Yea Forums for WoW threads so you can post this or what?

>playing WoW
>not playing the superior Guild Wars 2
They even purged their SJW staff and started fucking around just for the fun of it.

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>Sylvanas was the good guy all along

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I just want PvP vendors

I am incredulous yet completely convinced blizzard will manage to somehow do worse each time

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>They even purged their SJW staff
I thought they purged all their staff. Regardless, user, tell me if any of these dastardly social justice types added any lesbian character, particularly for the Charr. I'd positively hate to hear about that.

You still play wow?

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>I thought they purged all their staff.
Exactly. The guy behind GW2 was a dudebro who decided to travel the world, and when he came back the main writer talked shit to his face directly, so he fired fucking everyone and hired people who actually want to make a fun game.
The writers added a lesbian human but she's actually ugly and annoying like irl

Try ffxiv if you want to sit back and enjoy the story in a casually way it pretty relaxing

This cannot be real.

This is so retarded I'm 100% sure it's going to happen.
Golden is a dumb whore who can't write for shit.

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give me more details please, this sounds fun

Details on what, the staff firings or the ugly annoying lesbian?

Oh I dont know one massive truce orgy party?


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The thrilling conclusion is going to be super bland and boring, but with a nice looking cutscene. The story for the last raid is going to be complete garbage but the bosses will be good and hopefully we can all forget BFA ever happened.

/r/ing mm hunter bare midriff powerslide comic

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staff firings and the SJW yelling at the dude's face

Go fuck yourself and your disappointment

You mean generic dps spec #7

FFXIV is the best MMORPG on the market excluding Classic (which is a nostalgia trip) in 2019.
It's waaay fucking better than GW2 and WoW Retail - that's for fucking certain. No amounts of paint comics is going to change that.

Just like panda and or cata or... Shit I forgot what other expansions there are, haven't play wow since midway through wrath after the shitty arena raid burned out my old guild.

I dunno all the facts but the story goes as follows.

>dudebro succeeds after GW2 launch
>says see you later and takes his private fucking jet everywhere
>fuckery behind the scenes as they start hiring SJW writers
>they make one of the chad male leads into a literal idiot cuckold
>they also introduce the lesbian character
>first expansion releases
>has some of the worst writing ever
>passes off as serious fanfic RP tier
>dudebro comes back
>bitch that's lead writer talks mad shit to his face
>shit like "we improved your game and we don't need you anymore", etc
>the audacity of this bitch
>dudebro fires absolutely everyone
>complete purge
>former lead writer starts bitching on twitter about it
>everyone laughs at her
>new staff rolls in
>now we get ingame rock concerts and Metallica references
>story is badass and not too serious again

stay mad Metzen

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No one knows what's going to happen because things could go ANY way. I mean it in the worst way possible. No one is able to make an educated prediction because everything has been happening randomly, without rhyme or reason behind it.

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cry more ally cuck, i go to gold shire just to kill as many people as possible

>XIV is the best MMO on the market
>the same MMO where you can grind dailies for gear just five ilvls behind endgame raid gear
Ok tranny

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That's a bad thing how?

That was stupid but doesn't matter since Sylvanas was among the very last elves to die in the fighting. In Warcraft 3 there's no power slide nonsense either but 80% of the playerbase and shitposters haven't even played it at this point

Because then retards like you can play baby's first MMO with your three year GCD and think you're good at MMOs, all because you grind dailies and don't have to do savage raids.

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>"hey dudes I wanna play a MMO that has a bunch of people playing it"
>oh wow what are you gonna do? pvp fights? doing tough bosses with lots of people?
>"nah I'm gonna be an anti-social tranny and grind dailies"

You know WoW has historically had the same thing in the form of badge gear or (now) rng emissary and weekly mythic chest shit right?

In Warcraft 3 you also kill her like 6 thousand times in one mission. Also turning her into a Banshee is an optional side quest. Who even cares.

>WoW had this same retarded style of acquiring gear that means its actually good

this you can solo the whole fucking game

Not even defending XIV but when people make this slow GCD argument you know they have absolutely no fucking clue what they're talking about
XIV has higher APM than retail WoW even with its slow GCD because it actually has oGCDs

>Sylvannas wins with the power of feminism, because vagina, but she is forced to retreat into the shadowlands
>Anduin escapes to dragon isles to search for his gay, black lover wrathion
>Thrall dies cause chris metzen wants out of the warcraft franchise
>vagina thrall becomes the nu warchieft because feminism
If you ever read anything by christie golden, the shitshow that is bfa's story will probably end more or less this way

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>Sylvanas will prepare a strike against Thunder Bluff, tricking both the Alliance and Horde into defending it. During this distraction, she will invade and conquer Stormwind. The latter will be explained through a comic released in October.

Wow dude, if this is true.Sylvanas is the most fucking based arthas with tits i've seen in all the history of wow

I know about all of that. I played w3. I just find it funny.

always fucking gets me

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>people die during war
Makes you think

>comparing yourself to nu-WoW

Really setting the bar high aren't we? You should also say the sound design in XIV is better than The Cheetahmen

What are you talking about, the "dailies" that you need to grind for gear in XIV are all multiplayer dungeon queues of different variety and the playerbase is if anything TOO social. To the point people do fucking "o/" waving text emotes every fucking run and always want to make small talk

The XIV playerbase IS overwhelmingly casual but that's simultaneously what makes it so social, there's boatloads of fuckers who log in every week just to decorate their house and host social events and bullshit even ignoring the giant (E)RP community

>you know they have absolutely no fucking clue what they're talking about
Ah yes over 1400 hours and maxed out PLD, DRG, and BLM I have no clue what I'm talking about.
>XIV has more APM than WoW
Holy shit like how spamming through 1, 2, 3, and 4 on Starcraft 2 meant higher APM?

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Horde vs Alliance should’ve ended years ago. There’s plenty of ways to have players identify with Ingame factions without needed to box yourself in a hole and constantly forcing the plot back and forth between faction war and peace and badly representing the good, the bad and the grey of the entire matter while undermining so many character arcs.

I don't play either. So to you being "good" at MMO just means mindlessly grinding raids for items.

The 2.5 sec gcd sucks donkey dick as a healer or tank but most dps jobs have enough OGCD spells to fit in their rotation that you press at least one in between every GCD spell and some jobs like Ninja have so many that you need sub 100 ping to properly maximize the rotation because you don't have enough time to mash everything you need to properly

when are the foxes coming out? I've already rppozzee the other furry races and need a new bugcatcher

>Sylvanas will prepare a strike against Thunder Bluff, tricking both the Alliance and Horde into defending it. During this distraction, she will invade and conquer Stormwind. The latter will be explained through a comic released in October.

Wow sylvanas is the most based arthas with tits i have seen in all the history of wow

Being "good" at an MMO is being able to gather up 25 people, and working together to beat content designed to be as difficult as possible, with as few deaths as possible.
I only play MMOs at this point because the CoD4 days are long gone.

The ONLY class that felt relatively decent was the DRG, but they fucked dungeon queues with Stormblood by releasing two DPS classes. The devs behind XIV are so unbelievably stupid it's amazing.

gw2 is literal spyware.


BFA is nearly finished right

Still a year to go., minor patch next month, big patch January and another minor until August 2020 new expansion.

8.2.5 is only coming out in the next few weeks, so that means that 8.3 isn't due until late January/February. Legion's 7.3 patch lasted a whole year and most of BFA's patches have been behind schedule compared to Legion.

You'll probably get proper dates at this years Blizzcon.

If it's like Legion, 8.3.5 to keep people subbed until 9.0 drops.

>XIV has more APM than WoW
>Holy shit like how spamming through 1, 2, 3, and 4 on Starcraft 2 meant higher APM?
If the amount of buttons you're pressing isn't the argument, what is you stupid fucking retard?

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>Sylvanas pretends to attack thunder bluff then surprises everyone by attacking stormwind instead
Holy shit i hope this is real just so i can laugh at the alliance for falling for the same trick twice in the same fucking war. First she pulls all of Darnassus's defenses away by pretending to march on Silthus and now she's doing the same thing to Stormwind by pretending to attack Anduin's gay lover Baine's home town next?

That's what Classic is for now. The content lull sets in you drop a new phase for Classic.

You really don't know what APM means do you?

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Yeah, but this time it would really be out of left field, because nobody would expect her to just leave Orgrimmar, the seat of the Horde, undefended.

She's no longer trying to win th war, she has another goal in mind and unless we believe the leak we don't know what it is.

Do the 110 character boost expire? After playing classic I kind of want to try retail but from what I understand two new races are in the works and I'd rther hold off jusg in case I want to play one of them.

APM doesn't measure each unique button press you fucking retard holy shit

They don't expire.

They'll probably be adding 4 or 6 new Allied races, but unless you start playing now you won't be able to play them anyway because you need to unlock them through rep grinds first.

Retail is dogshit, cut your losses and move on.

personally my only further interest in wow is seeing just how much fuel they can add to the trash fire before the floor collapses

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Kill yourself wowfags

With all the magic and instant teleportations around it's really a wonder they can make surprise attacks.

>dude he has 6 gorillion APM
>literally just clicking in front of his units as if to guide every step+shortcut keys for builds
I don't get the hype around APM. In SC, DoTA etc. most of it is left clicks that can be halved if you knew where you wanted move your units instead of making them go back and forth.

lorewise instant teleportation is way waaaay rarer than it is in game. but really it's just blizzard trying to write a story while ignoring the logical ramifications of the technology level and magic level in the universe.

When nothing registers in the game but unique functional button presses, yes it does you drooling retard

I'm talking about the amount of ability presses per minute. XIV has more of them than nu-wow and if that's not what you're arguing against with the "wahh 2.5 second cooldown" bullshit, what is? Why won't you tell me?

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That was exactly my point, but the retard defending XIV tried to use it as a good thing.

>i-it does though
No it fucking does not, you can spam the fucking spacebar and have a "high APM". Having a high APM doesn't mean jackshit and in XIV all it means is you're spamming your next hotkey while the GCD takes its time to finish. You're so fucking dumb it hurts.

>Thrilling conclusion to the war campaign
Oh go fuck yourself Activision. I have never in my life seen a fantasy setting squandered like this. It's worse that even the most braindead of fan faction.

This is the first time since Warcraft that the fucking Sons of Lothar have been under the same roof, yet this entire expansion has focused on like 3 characters, while these people are all absent. This is the fourth war, Sylvanas is being a cunt and Turalyon doesn't give a shit? Riiiight

Turalyon is personally leading the forces attempting to push the Horde out of Arathi and rebuild Stromguard.

So what's the deal? I quit playing shortly after getting to end game in BFA. Wasn't this expansion supposed to be the return of Horde vs Alliance? Are they taking that all back now?

It was all just a big keikaku from Sylvanas

>No it fucking does not, you can spam the fucking spacebar and have a "high APM".
Are you fucking stupid? No you can't, this isn't Starcraft.

Answer my fucking question. If the GCD argument isn't that XIV's 2.5 second GCD means you're using fewer abilities per minute, what is it?

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If its not too much trouble, could you sum up the story in bulletpoints?

And him being a distraction in a mode no one cares about, is befitting of a space crusader with thousands of years of experience leading his own army space crusaders?

This nigga is why the Alliance even exists, period

Wow, pushing like 10 NPCs out of arathi

Blizzard was trying to advertise this expansion as a huge war, what we got was just the Horde going batshit evil and the Alliance being the generic good but weak guys.

Just watch this
Literally written by a toddler

The story so far (probably)
>sylvanas convinces wakanda to join the horde
>alliance responds by burning their fleet and killing their king
>anduin feels guilty, does nothing
>horde licking their wounds, does nothing
>sylvanas leaves
>alliance finds out, pursues with whole fleet
>naga lady springs her trap, removes water under their boats (?)
>all boats are destroyed, both factions stuck in a bowl in the middle of the ocean
>surprise, more dailies and rep grinds
>stop playing

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The Beast Tribe dailies no one cares about unless they're the crafting ones? The same ones that only offer cosmetics or mats?

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Is this the player character during the expansions?

You forgot the main character gets a pretty necklace from diamond Magni and fills it up with Titan blood before bringing it directly to Azshara and getting it used to release Nzoth. Then Jaina and fucking Lorthemar agree that they need to stop Sylvanas if they want to have a chance against the old God they just released.

Those anons clearly argued themselves into a corner and are now trying to derail into some insane shit about StarCraft clicking, when the measure being used is combat actions per minute, which are equal between both FFXIV and WoW. Just a pair of angry morons who can't admit they're wrong.

it gets even worse if you consider a maghar orc, somebody made a updated version of my earlier post to that effect
>get drafted into horde because lightforged Yrel facerolled your race off of Dreanor
>later(earlier?) help her rise to become the de facto ruler of Dreanor by killing your fellow orc clans
>also going to outland and meeting garrosh knowing full well what happens later
fun stuff!

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Jeez, I thought the story couldn't get any worse than WoD

ah here we are

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1. Sylvanas goes Garrosh
2. Saurfang goes Vol'jin
3. Naga show up, last old god N'zoth breaks free, Alliance and rest of Horde leaders decide war needs to end and Sylvanas needs to go
4. Turns out this was all Sylvanas' keikaku
5. What exactly is her keikaku? Find out next month in the two longest in-game cinematics to date.

Also here is Sylvanas' replacement for the Forsaken and the bridge to end the faction conflict.

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>roll a Nightborne
>somehow be transported back in time to Cataclysm era Orgrimmar
>quest through Stonetalon, this Garrosh guy seems cool
>reach level 60, be transported further back in time to Outland, suddenly this Thrall guy is Warchief
>man this Garrosh guy used to be emo
>reach level 70, Lich King out of nowhere, who the fuck is this, oh well better go kill him
>oh Garrosh is Warchief again but he seems a bit more like a cunt. Anyway there's this big dragon who's fucking shit up, best kill him.
>okay now there's a magical land full of pandas wtf, and we rebel against Garrosh now? And who the fuck is this Vol'jin guy I never heard of?
>Outland again? Huh, it looks different. I've sure been killing a lot of orcs since joining this Horde thing. Oh look Garrosh got fried.
>Gul'dan? Isn't that the guy who tried to control our Nightwell?
>this is some weird shit, now I'm freeing myself from demons
>helping out the rebels, get a disguise to disguise myself as myself

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The Alliance will trip over themselves and die, but before they do, Anduin will say "nigger", and so the Alliance has committed a crime greater than the burning of Teldrassil. The Horde, who have done nothing wrong, live happily ever after in their LGBTQIX Feminist Utopia.

>Number 30

oh god I forgot about Argus

>those ud titties

Lux Vult Lordaeronian paladins are back from the dead. Literally.

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It ends the the pure Queen Talanji kicking the elf whore out of the horde.

More like Queen Talanji getting spitroasted by a raptor and the Shadow Hunter Hero from Rexxar's campaign

>Talanji getting spitroasted by dinosaurs
>Milf Jaina getting publicly humiliated and thrashed
At least this expac generates good porn.

The only reason to play classic is PvP, and it's not even out yet.

She would never degrade her self in such a matter. Only Elf whores do such things, after all Sylvanas is a known race mixer.

>Talangi straight up tells Sylvanas "Queens bow to no one" the only thing that elf slut does in skulk off with her human fuck meat after bowing to Talanji

It's probably going to go with some everybody wins or loses type bullshit like that's been happening almost every time they've tried to go back to focusing on the "tense fighting" of the two factions in every expansion that has tried it. Honestly why the fuck even focus on the faction shit anymore when it just comes off as super forced at this point

Doesn't help that I know people that enjoy this garbage expansion and even try to defend it, like just fuck the story at this point at least make it fun to play

Be me, attack opposite faction whenever I feel like it.
You don't need an instanced safe space to pvp.

this is wacky but way better than having the horde to grovel at the alliances feet and pandering to the peacefaggotry

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>She would never degrade herself
Yeah, she fucks dinosaurs

>end to years of Horde vs Alliance
The first bit of WoW news I've been semi-interested in since I quit.
Are they actually going get rid of the factions, or will everything still be segregated into Horde and Alliance with NPCs just not bitching about the other side as much?

I'll eat my hat if there isn' cross-faction PvE next expansion.

>former lead writer starts bitching on twitter about it
>everyone laughs at her
I want to see this. Do you have a link?

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I honestly can't blame her. I mean, have you seen Gonk and Rezan (rest in peace)?

>another tiny continent with only 4-5 zones
>zones will likely be playable in any order, meaning no over-arching story as you progress through the zones
yeah let me know when they actually do something different.

Comparing Sylvanas to Garrosh is insulting. Garrosh was actually a good character. None of this shit with Sylvanas was ever believable and she should have committed suicide (for real) after Wrath.

While I like her design.
Light undead are fucking stupid.

The story as it's currently going, the replacement of PvP servers by the optional "War Mode", the raid where you play as viewpoint of both facions, it's all pointing towards opening cross-faction play.

What'll they do with PvP? Relegated to non-canon War Mode, cross-faction Arena matches and Battlegrounds, or replace it with a new paradigm of Light / Void aligned players, seperate from the Horde/Alliance divide.
Blizzard devs never cared for PvP much anyway.

>she got rezzed and joined Sylv
Who really was trolled in the end?

Why not. The Light is so OP it can do whatever it wants.
Remeber Tirion with his deus ex sword and killing the lich king in a deus ex plot?

Wtf you talking about? There were overarching stories in Kul Tiras and Zandalar, what does that have to do with being able to choose the order of the zones?

Night elf players

Another 400MB patch to the PTR and it's all encrypted.
They really don't want to spoil anything from this one.

Good, datamining ruins a lot of stuff.

I wouldn't call the alliance weak, they're more retards that have infinite plot device wins in their pockets but still somehow can't bring themselves to a decisive victory.

>Sword being jerked off to be the ultimate undead killer kills biggest undeadman.
Reasonable enough.
>Class that has had several moves of disabling/purging/burning away undead can be used by undead.
Using magicbullshit to kill X when you are X is stupid like if Superman just used Kryptonite Knuckles to fight General Zod.

It's like Daywalker Vampires.

Why were female wrogens changed in the first place? They were fine in the first version on the right

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We had demons of light, Blood Elf paladins, etc.
The light is just a generic source of power at this point with nothing particular, or maybe it will get particular when the plot demands so.

Talanji is useless right now, she wont do shit unless Ghost'jin is involved and said nothing of value when Baine was caught colluding with her father's murderer.
Rastakhang was killed for nothing.

Demon being aliens is the worst change they made

Demons have always been aliens idiot.

anduin marries sylvanas and turns her back into living with the power of his light dick and they all lived happily ever after(until next expansion lich king 2.0 boogaloo)

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>sylvanas kills everyone so they can go fight in the Shadowlands
This would be amazing. the salt would be unreal.

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>le shadowlands
Why do people believe this shit?
Like if death wasn't already a joke, you want to make it worse?

is there a source for any of this?
google brings me firings over retards arguing with the fanbase on twitter then being surprised for getting fired and NC soft culling staff due to cuts.


>Why do people believe this shit?

Maybe because of all the death-related build up in th Vol'jin questline and the Tauren heritage armor quest?

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>make a horde vs alliance themed expansion
>remove pvp in said expansion
Can someone please explain this shit for me? What the fuck is wrong with blizzard?

They won't actually remove PvP, they'll just change it so it's no longer linked to the stale, reshaded Horde vs Alliance story that hasn't made sense since WC3.

It never implies a shadowland expac at all.

Doesn't classic has more players than retail now? Does this mean that bfa would be the last expansion? I mean there is no point in wasting budget on a less popular game right?

>wanting screaming dungeon/raid cheevo fags to shit up Classic


classic and retail share a sub. They are not losing anything doing one last push with retail. Next expac will decide the future of wow

It implies that there is something else going on behind the scenes.
also these things show up in the Vol'Jin quest line. talking about their master and trying to stop you from investigating who was behind the whispers that Vol'Jin heard.
They dont match up with any of the art style used for Old Gods/Void/Undead threats.

The style of the mobs reminds me of "death" type mobs in Diablo 3. As we all know blizzard is lazy and will use the art style in multiple games when they involve the same concept.
Blizzard is building up to a crossover with Starcraft/Diablo/Warcraft.

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That's kind of believable. Blizzard writers are only capable of reusing the same tropes. They can't think of ways to make the story surprising other than "this guy has done many evil deeds but he did it for greater good" that results in this They did it with Illidan now it's Sylvanas' turn. Wonder who's next, maybe Arthas? Can't wait to see them turn another iconic Warcraft character into a misunderstood "anti-hero". Also
>how do we make a military strategy that looks smart?
>but we've already done that, TWICE, Teldrassil and Dazar'alor remember?
>who cares, it's the only thing we can think of

To be fair, isn't misdirection like 90% of tactics in warfare?

Because people on the forums whined about MUH FURRIES THEY'RE NOT SAVAGE ENOUGH REEEEE

It is, but in story if you keep bringing it up its magic wears off pretty soon.

Also don't forget the Drust. The story of Gorak Tul was cut short, and that one island off Stormsong that is apparently a gate to the Shadowlands.

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Classic is not fun

I too am surprised that video game writers aren't military strategists

No. Julius Caesar did not win his victories through deception. Napoleon did not win his victories through deception. The Battle Of Gettysburg wasn't lost or won because of deception. Midway wasn't lost or won because of deception. And so on. Virtually no wars are decided by deception, at most a deception can buy you time in a critical moment such as when Lafayette fooled the British into thinking he had many more men at the front than he actually had, which allowed him to quickly retreat rather than be slaughtered. Deception is hardly relevant at all in warfare compared to other factors, such as supply lines, training, and technological disparity.

> Kul Tiran shamans & druids
that was one major fuck up imo.
Also God, those shit animations.

It's not as if it would be difficult to take a few hours to read about the most impressive military victories in history and copy paste strategies or tactics from those. But, that would assume competent writers, and I am absolutely confident that virtually no one at Blizzard qualifies as competent in any regard.

calm down boomer, classic just released and there have been no updates to retail since then, a lot of people will leave classic once they hit max level or when the next update/expansion of retail hits

>I am absolutely confident that virtually no one at Blizzard qualifies as competent in any regard

The art team, the music team, and the people who write the smaller, self-contained story arcs.
The people who write the main storyline are shit though. As are the people who try to force timesink/RNG progression systems.

> whole of human culture was centred around worship of Light
> Kul Tirans are just sailings orcs because of fan-fiction
Fucking ruined

It's been 3 and a half week, and classic servers are still full and have long queues. People said everyone would leave after a week but that's clearly not the case.

they're full because there's nothing new on retail and people are still leveling, just wait until people get bored, at endgame

The only people who claim the art and music for World Of Warcraft is so great are those who don't play any other fucking games. Multiple games have far superior art and music assets, and only faggots who play nothing but their one, old, outdated shitty MMO would ever even think to make such a spurious and ridiculous claim. Even in the stinking cesspit that is the MMO genre, WoW has easily the worst graphics of any relevant MMO in the game today. But "muh art and music team", addicts have to rationalize their insanity somehow I suppose.

Nobody asks them to be. A lot of wars in Warcraft do not involve strategies but still turned out fine. In this expansion it seems they really want to shill Sylv as a clever strategist for some reason. I remember in the novel they put quite some effort to describe how Saurfang and and other guys are impressed by her genius.

I just want cute worgen gf

You think you do, but you don't

Nice strawmanning, I never said it was great, or masterpiece tier, or better than everything else, but it still ranges from sompetent to good and with the occasional pearl approaching greatness.
WoW's overall mediocrity is acceptable to me because it is endearing, comfortable and familiar.

>stop liking things I don't like!
Stop screeching already autist.

It's a huge improvement over rabid chihuahuas at least.

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It would be real, typical overused trope from shit writers

Yeah and nu-wow systems like that are shit, your point?


They just look like a different kind of ugly mutt. Hardly like a wolf

There's absolutely no sign of that happening.

>tfw Alliance get disabled gnomes instead

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is it a trick of the angle or did they actually make them slightly more thicc

I would rather play as Mechgnomes than furbait that do nothing in the story.
in "thier" zone they take a back seat to Zandalari and snake people. There is nothing appealing about Vulpera and Gilblins.

Theres difference between being a military strategist, knowing basic of strategy and writing completely retarded baseleess fanfiction which contradicts not only all rules of engagement but basic logic aswell.
Blizzard writers are incompitent imbeciles.

I'll take that Alpaca mount though.

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good post

>Why is a fantasy game not REALISITIC?!

I dont ask for it to be realistic, inbred retard. Only somewhat believable, which isnt a hard thing to do.

Get your $25 ready, no way in hell they're going to make that one obtainable in-game.

Why not? All the other Allied Races got mounts.

Ah yes, A game with dragons, magic, demons, green niggers from outer space, cow men, and other fantasy tropes. believable.

They dont use real life military tactics and dont quote the gooks Art of War? Not believable.

I don't know about the alliance mounts but all the horde mounts are basically reskins. That one would be rather unique and they would be retarded to pass up the shekels generated by the meme potential.

What else would Vulpera mount be?

Dark Irons got swag core hounds so they're not all reskins.

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who unironically plays this chink clicker simulator in 2019

I'd take Fox McCloud over amputated gnome anyday.

Anyone with a brain rerolled classic.

>They somehow make a shit xpack after success of Legion
>Not a single good patch so far in over a year of the expansion
>Giving these niggers your attention for the future before they even confirm anything.

I'm not a classicfaggot saying "THIS IS WHY NOONE RETAILS" I want to play retail. BFA has sucked for a year though. Stop giving this company the benefit of the doubt until they prove they're serious about the mistakes they've made. Or if you're one of the 10% of people that are gay enough to enjoy BFA, suck my balls you're the problem.

You mean is temporarily playing Classic for nostalgia until 8.3.

anyone with a brain wouldn't subject themselves to such an incredibly boring and brain dead game

There's not enough retailers to fill even a single classic server.

...You do know Fox in a double amputee right?

But he isn't a gnome

You are right, he is a furry.
I would rather be a manlet than a yiff.

I'm not playing the game, i'm just trying to figure out which is the worst option.
At least fox looks cool.
>playing alliance

Jesus Christ why are Classicfags so delusional?

>M O R A L L Y G R A Y

>foxes look cool
Yiff in hell.

>undeath themed expansion
>announcement on the weekend after Halloween

Makes sense.

some desert fox for fox on fox memes
just reskin the legion one

Worse is that Metzen is a complete /tg/ bro who loves old shit like EQ art and classic D&D.

Blizzard hired Sindoll to make the textures, now all fem worgen looks like his Krystal.

>since vanilla MUH QUEEN fags have been worshiping and praising the elf whore
>blizzard starts to pander to them
>Not waifufags

>Snekfolk are not playable
>But midget furries are
ffs blizzard

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The body shape would never work with helmets.

Why were they fuckups?

>no Scarlet Crusade or Scourge faction
It's like Blizzard don't like my money.

what class skins would you want?
turning DK into spellsword?
tuning paladin into battlemage?

This is always the worse excuse.
>cant have Naga/Taunka/Snekmen/yangoul/Klaxxi
>because blizzard is too lazy to make the gear work on them
>and too autistic to say "fuck it" and let them be playable anyways but cant show helm/pants

with the changes to transmog it means even less now.
90% of blood elves are just running around with nothing on besides a cloak.

>Collecting mounts is fun
Sure thing buddy

what transmog changes? did they make it tolerable?

Blademaster Warriors.
>he does not want to be the blind nigga samurai

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warriors already are blade masters, the heck would it change?

You can hide all the gear. meaning you can run around with just the underwear skin on.
im still salty as fuck that they killed the slutmog market and im stuck with a shit ton of greens that dont sell any more

raiding with my guild is fun

Play HoTs to get an idea of what im talking about.
or watch a Samuro video on youtube.

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I want Anduin and Sylvanas to have apassionate sex and make babies

But i guess Sylvanas and Anduin will die so Thrall rules the horde and Jaina rules the Alliance

Do people demand that Classic be a picture perfect copy of vanilla because they honestly think it's best that way, or because they don't trust Blizzard to only make objective improvements that wouldn't affect the things people wanted from it?

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>world quests
>mandatory AND time-gated rep grind
If any of these are still present in 9.0 then I'm still not going to resub. Either make them account-wide or remove them from the game.

the later

They just want the game to play as it was. like time capsule.

> Kul Tiras was founded by Light worshipping Gilneans
> Somehow worshipping sea becomes the main religion
> Ass pull of an excuse fro druid class, with no connection to Wild Gods
> no Paladin option, even thou the whole kingdom was integral part of Alliance in First & Second War
Terrible fan fiction from writers, hopefully this will be fixed

because you would bitch about them being lazy and just copy pasting humans.

>great sinister voice, finally a true manipulative Old God
>voice modulation kicks in hurr durr I AM A GOD I AM EVUL BLAAAARGH

Lost potential.

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Just adding Paladins and showing how Light and druidic magics are more integral part of Kul Tiran society instead of cutting everything short and turning their race yet another "one hit theme race" woulld have turned their story far more interesting instead of some ass pulling bollocks structured around Jaina's growth story.
I fucking wish Blizz stops adding more races and concentrates on the existing races' story telling.

C'thun has the best voice. Fight me.

>fuckable voices are better!

C'thun just stated things as a matter of fact. he did not go autistic like Yogg/Yarj/Nzoth

So this patch is supposed to come out in WEEKS yet its not even playable on the PTR yet?

They dont want things to be spoiled by dataminers/youtubers months before the patch is released

Says no one.
Every one knows Sylvanas is popular because of her boobs.

Can't blame them for that. Dataminng really does take all the fun out of things.

It's going to be the big twist.
Sylvanas will reveal that she did bad thing for the greater good, Jaina and Thrall will make peace, and Tyrande will reveal thay she had babies with Saufang.

>war campaign
excuse me what? which "war" campaign?
the one where the allies killed the mayan axis leader?
blizzard thinks people care about the dumbshit war story so hard but everyone just cares about the nagas and old god LMAO

>Talking shit about Claudia Christian to satisfy Trannies from discord in forcing memes
i wish i was omnipotent and omnipresent to fuck you all, atleast the general IQ of the planet would increase tenfold.

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Sure but it adds a bunch of mechanics that need to be bugtested.

In what? the story is a trainwreck

>'"Deal? I like deals."
Yes. Perfect.
>"Only I can sustain you."
>Nah bitch I will be queen.
>Okay you right.
Is N'zoth a cuck?

what new mechanics?
They already been doing level scaling for a while now.
>all zones scale within a leveling range

I like how his whispers weren't vague exposition with words made from mashing a keyboard.

boy I sure do love playing a UI that barely reflects the animations in the game, classes that require no thought to play, quests that are primarily composed of badly written dialogue, legacy content that deliberately makes the game less fun, and challenging endgame content that's designed to be beaten by stoners, all with lag built right into the servers so the game plays like garbage even if you have a flawless connection

I do love the housing system unironically though. Crafting system is also pretty neat. Everything else about the game is mediocre or bad.

He is the only one that felt/sounded like a god. He was above getting emotionally worked up/trying to scare the mortals.

Yogg felt fine being the crazy-voiced one. I definitely agree that N'zoth should have kept the smooth sinister voice. Then we could have a nice trifecta of different attitudes between the gods.

It's been there through classic, suck a dick. Can't wait to play UD paladin.


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>Old gods
How are they going to make the old gods interesting? From what we've seen so far they're just eeeeevil cackling tentacle monsters who want to throw the world into SHADOW and EVILLL. So if they're going for a lovecraftian angle then that already feels lost. Reading about the old gods in the lore in classic and having the ominous opening of AQ on the horizon, the thought of this dormant lost kingdom that's just waiting to be unleashed beneath the sands was truly creepy, and they had god tier music to boot.

Now though I don't see how they could make them compelling at all. That Azshara cinematic was amazing, but it does not make the old god seem very alien or threatening at all.

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Nah. Honestly, nothing in BfA is quite as bad yet as Cataclysm's Green Jesus arc.

I want to be a spellbreaker

you ever wonder if they're subscriptions are so low that despite the cash shop they're making very little of of it, and because of this the expansions are getting worse and worse? I mean if the devs motivation was lessened before, with classic's release they've got to be really demoralized at this point.

wait, they made those fox guys playable? Jesus christ, it's like they want the main game to turn into the same tone and content as the hearthstone cartoony stories.

WoW lore was its worst when he had full creative control.
Starcraft? Kerrigan being a Mary Sue? Also him.

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why did people dislike green jesus? I really like the idea of Thrall having to embrace his shamanistic ways in order to defeat deathwing, I think that's kind of cool. Plus that gave us Garrosh.

100% of this is either Forsaken or Garrosh.

>the Master’s Glaive in classic
>ancient corpse of an old god with an immovable titan sword lodged inside
>implied this was the battle where a titan fell in reclaiming the world from the unknowable terrors

Cata comes out
>it was just a big faceless one called the slitherer and the sword belonged to a construct
>the titans were actually able to btfo the old gods with one hand behind their back, but couldn’t as killing one with their powers could hurt Azeroth.
>retconned the old gods to always being a pantheon of 4, rather than the horrors that survived the titan war and were imprisoned

Upping the power of the titans was the worst move blizz made with nu-lore in WoW. It even ruins the reason for the dragon soul, as the old reason was that the old gods could totally take on Sargeras if they were freed all at once, but now they’d get destroyed EZ, so the creation of the dragon soul makes no sense

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The nelf druid armor from the vanilla cinematic. That cinematic made me want to play a nelf druid, and fifteen years later only NPCs have that armor.

I sure hope I get something for wearing this stupid eye hat on my character for the last few months.

He's lashing out for things to whine about.

>Now though I don't see how they could make them compelling at all.
That's because all Blizzard does nowadays is taking cool concepts and neutering them down to be consumed by the lowest common denominator. This happens in all of their franchises by the way.

Dragons in warcraft used to be cool too, until they were made into literal household pets you could get from a fucking dungeon run.

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>retail is dying
>Sylvanas literally kills it

But did Arthas ever pork Sylvanas against her consciousness's will whilst she was under his control?

Would have been so much better with the water gobbos. Would also have made a more believable allied race than the miniature furbait.

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The Tauren acknowledged that Camp Taurajo was a legitimate military target. What they objected to was the utter slaughter of everyone there and the Alliance both funneling the survivors into Quilboar territory and looting everything they could.

No, Arthas is a cuck.
He literally watched Jaina get railed by Thrall's BGC

I don't think Arthas could get his dick up by that time anyway.

wait what do you mean master's glaive

could've sworn i just did some quest with glaive in darkshore, but it was just "check this place out then use some scrying thingy"

was that really the corpse of some old god? wtf, if so it wasn't even THAT big

I remember Zul'Jin soul causing shit when you turned in his blood to Harrison Jones like he was not dead dead. catching the house on fire with blue fire.
Does anyone else remember this or am i just remembering shit wrong?

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then the titans go ahead and make a dinky 5th old god because they're fucking dumb

Water goblins don't even have an updated model, while fox fuckers got a player compatible model like 3 patches ago.

Yeah that site was so fucking cool. Again, a sense of mystery and not just blurting everything out.
It feels like they've been doing this forever, always retconning a step back. "These aren't the TRUE titans, these aren't the TRUE old gods, these are just lesser avatars" that shit gets tiring. And yes, having the idea of old gods in your game but not making them the most powerful things in your universe kind of makes them irrelevant. I think with these stories of cosmic scale you can't ever, ever let the audience know everything. Knowing the titan's motivations and the old gods' is just a big no. As is knowing everything about how different forces interact together. In Warcraft epecially it feels like they've just distilled things down to their essence with everything. Arcane doesn't feel mysterious, neither does "the light" nor anything else. It's really strange. If you want to feature old gods you should have them be very much in the background, I think it's okay to have lesser avatars in the case of the old gods since it gives you something to fight, but really on the whole we should be fighting heralds, and spawns and stuff like that. Having the old god there and interacting with them directly just seems like a big mistake and completely misses the point of that type of story. They could have had stuff like old god cults in stormwind and some high up general being the main villain, making it grounded yet also dealing with the cosmic in the background.
Now what I expect we'll get is something like with Sargeras, with Azeroth going Asura's wrath style and physically punching a giant squid in space.

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>that pic

I would love to actually own that and play the evil faction doing evil stuff, but you know players are all a bunch of goddie2shoes that simply can't handle it

>muh honorable warriors

literally the most stupid thing blizzard has come with.

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Help me wowg I'm in a weird spot currently I'm item lvl 417 but i can't get invited to anything higher than a 5 and can't get invited to heroic raids what should I do?

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>be a goblin who wants to concave Alliance heads for a paycheck
>get involved with time-space travel, the return of the Burning Legion, resurrection of Old Gods, inner-faction civil wars and Shadowlands insurrection

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>Water goblins don't even have an updated model
Well Goblins are getting a total rework now, so that's two for one right there.

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Get a guild
push your own key
do the heroic warfront
buy a boost

the faggot player base has their BfA version of gearscore and think that is the only thing that matters.

>turning DK into spellsword
He's the scabbard in the front
You know him well
Just whip him out
And cast some spells

>goblins werent playable back when the scope of the game made any sense

>Playing mistweaver monk
>Everyone is healthy and dpsing
>Tank starts sperging out

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>mfw I haven't played since early cata but I follow the story from a distance, just because I like seeing the iconic characters doing stuff and seeing stuff like them actually exploring zandalar and theramore isles is something I've wanted to see from back when I was playing myself, and I secretely hope they will do something good again with the story

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What are our chances for getting a new class in 9.0, or will they break tradition?

I'm hoping for Tinker or Dark Ranger. We need a new physical ranged mail-wearing class.

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Why did they drop the ball so hard during Warlords of Draenor? They got a huge subscription boost back then, then they just fucked it up. What happened?

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I fucking hope they'll break tradition and give no classes or races.

Hype after pandaland was going to over and they wanted to do early expansions, which backfired

most likely internal arguments over game development directions and miscommunication that led to cutting whole loads of different ideas.

They wanted to switch to faster, shorter expansions, one every year instead of every two years.

They paired this with cutting the WoW teams resources to focus on Overwatch, and it all backfired when it became clear they couldn't just halve the development cycle like that.
Legion ended up being 2 years development like usual and WoD was gutted out of a mid tier major raid patch.

> They wanted to switch to faster, shorter expansions, one every year instead of every two years.
lmao, fucking idiots.
I'm 100% sure this was due to Activision's Jew-whip but how did they imagine doing this while simultaneously moving peeps into another project which would run simultaneously?

Shorter expansion, half the work, right?

The kind of retarded thinking that happens when shareholders and marketeers domiante the corporate culture.

Cataclysm Green Jesus was Afrasabi and Kosak's Idea, Metzen wasn't involved with the lore at that time because of Titan's delays fucking with his mind, Though all of Cata's bullshits can be attributed to Kosak.

look at his most recent interviews for tabletop gaming and such, the guy feels relieved of not working for blizz anymore.

no content, shame because the opening act was one of the best

im gonna only get back to this game if they get rid of seasions. I have no motivation to progress my character if it gets soft reset at almost every minor patch and invalidate anything before. They should reserve this to expansions, not patches. Its a inferior moba model at its current state and i rather play a moba then this.

and no fuck classic i dont want clunky gameplay of game i did already played over a decade ago, i want new stuff.

None of the linear zone expansions had stories that went from zone to zone. At most there might have been level dependant quests from your faction for that, but as far back as BC zone stories were mostly self contained. Besides, the "do the zones in any order" model actually means you don't have everyone fighting for the same quest mobs on launch night.

How could they ever do a remake of this thing now that they've explored and mapped out everything about this universe? Having a Warcraft 4 based on orcs vs human shit with a WoW 2.0 coming off the back of that is what I would like but I don't see how they could do that. As soon as you'd hint at some supernatural entity or mystery you would just go "Oh yeah, that's that guy, I know everything about him, yup".

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Expansions are made years in advance. Also their model is definitely to release patches for one while the other is in a drought.

Developer's Island had an entire raid inside a dead old god by the old lore, and the place was the Original Dragon Isles.

I swear that cata has the most Shitty Edgy 90's Teenager comic shit ever forced into a game ever.
Its something out of 90's marvel and 90's TMNT comic combined, its all forced shock value powered by bad storytelling and laziness.

And most of this Shit came from Dave Kosak

not him but ialways find this type of discussions redundant and tiring.
Like its not like anyone in this conversation has ceo authority. Its a team of devs. Im prretty sure that if for example afrasabi proposed an idea its not like the rest said its a shiat idea and they went along with it anyway. You cant make a single person respnsible for proposing a idea if the rest went along with it.

it is the problem with going full science-fantasy, nothing is left to be mysterious.

>implying that even close to 10% of people that would play a wc4 would stick out with this trash game so long.

underrated post.

>they don't trust Blizzard to only make objective improvements that wouldn't affect the things people wanted from it?
This. It's like gun control. I don't want crazies getting guns, but I don't trust the government to stop them without collateral damage.

>It implies that there is something else going on behind the scenes.
We knew that already tho through chronicles so whats the point you try to making?

I think the overlap of wc4 and wow2 wouldn't be super big, I just like the idea of using it as a foundation. A WoW 2 would get a massive audience no matter what.

its not like gun control at all you burger.
Blizzard is just creatively bankrupt

im not saying its happening or pulling my armchair dev/market analysis card but i cant be the only one that in the past months a massive ammounts of wow youtubers (belluar the most and that guy has proven connection to blizzard) shilling the idea of wow 2.0
so there is definitly something up in the oven for blizzcon

Dude, no one talked to him about their Decision of what to do with Garrosh, Ashenvale and Stonetalon itself feels like and Paralel timeline because Garrosh There is the Garrosh that followed Saurfang and Cairne's ideals, not the Evil shitbag that he became

No one at irvine really speaks with each other about their projects, its segregated as fuck.

If you want the truth, The reason of why Reforged has no NEWS yet, is because there is a Tug-o-War inbewteen Blizzard and Activision, because Kotick wants to shove every single MTX in reforged, including maps.

>Blizzard and Activision
fuck, why did they have to sell out? They had to know it would impact their properties. Blizzard were so damn good back in the day.

They didn't sold out, it was All the Fucking Frogs at Vivendi's fault

Go full capeshit and do an alternate reality.

Wouldnt Blizzard be a victim of hostile takeover if they initially refused to merge?

All the rep grinding in Legion and BfA totally killed any interest I had in ever playing WoW again.

I just want everything to implode with Chromie being used as a device for the dev team and Blizzard, thanking the player for 15 years of support so WoW could relaunch into WoW 2.

>Mag'har orc
>obviously green

God I felt sick to my stomach reading some of that he made the right call purging them.

>>quest through Stonetalon, this Garrosh guy seems cool
You do know that that zone's quest line was made by a Garrosh fanboy who ignored the entire rest of the expansion's material, right?

Pretty much this since it was all Activision and Vivendi's plan in the 1st place to get more money from Wallstreet.

The old lore implied that the old gods themselves varied in powers, and the titans were more of a pantheon of gods on par with power levels you’d see in God of War, rather than the current Asura’s Wrath power-levels they have. Hence, here was a location where a duel between an old god and a titan came to an end. New lore there were only 4 old gods, and they were mere servants of the void lords. So void lords=Titans>old gods in power levels per the new lore

why did they feel the need to put yet another tier of bad guy behind the old gods? Why should I give a shit about N'zoth if he's just a pawn for some greater entity.

My theory is that's shes being controlled and you have to "rescue" her mind from some stupid mind prison and them fight whatever stupid thing is inhabiting her body

Her being controlled would be the worst retcon yet because undead are supposedly resistant to old god corruption.

yeah at no point ever in wow's history did we have to grind reps

>they don't trust Blizzard to only make objective improvements that wouldn't affect the things people wanted from it?
Blizzard has already shown they are worse at running classic than a fucking private server, it's downhill from here and I anticipate the phase 2 patches being the most divisive event in the game.

I found out that Momentum is a viable build for Havoc demon hunters again and I'm thinking I might actually use that free BfA I get once my classic character turns 60.

Momentum build demon hunter is the most fun thing that's been added to the game since Wrath.

yeah because phase 2 adds no content besides some lame world boss

Would just be another form of their lol corruption arc, so fuck that

To progress in a single-player story? That's what WoW is now, you alone are the hero and champion

Is GW2 still on dx9?

Who is Vagina thrall?

Maghar orc William Wallace