What exactly is wrong with enjoying a "movie game" every now and then ?
What exactly is wrong with enjoying a "movie game" every now and then ?
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Stop liking things I don't like
life is strange was created by the soviets to soften up american boys so there'll be no one man enough to fight off a 2024 crimson tide
Nothing, but they shouldn't be eligible for the GOTY category because there's really no GAME there.
which ones were? I honestly don't know....was LiS ?
Nothing at all so long as you realize that you're playing a movie and not a game.
The price. The problem with movie games is they tend to sell you the movie in parts, fuck that shit.
Nothing. Life is Strange is quite fun for what it is.
Chloe was garbage. Save Arcadia Bay and then Max can move on with her qt Victoria Chase gf
there is nothing wrong with enjoying a movie game every now and then but there is a lot wrong with enjoying life is strange
>play a game
>it isn't actually a game
>it's a movie
nothing. it's just that pretty much all of them are shit
considering there's only one good one (untildawn) its a waste of time playing any of them
It's not a game if it's just qte cinematic
Nothing as long as they charge you for a movie price and not a video game price
Man, this game fucked me hard.
Nothing. Judge a game on what it's trying to do not what you think it should do. So for example if a game is going all in on its story and characters and its atmosphere and all those things are fucking trash, then it's a bad game, Gone Home.
what enjoyment do you get by watching a game instead of playing it?
So does that mean Final Destination 3 was a video game?
I'm on mobile and my ip range is blocked from posting images
that sucks
same bro..that Chloe death ending
It's the best ending, though. Chloe can watch Rachel fuck Jefferson in hell and Max can move to Seattle with Victoria.
Should I even worry about spoilers for a 4 year old game?
Is it wrong to agree with your second sentence but in the context of people instead of games?
i agree it is the best ending, the other one seems like some forced escape the sadness ending. The Before the Storm DLC fucked me up harder i think, but you have to play it after LiS
In general, whether you're talking about media or people or whatever, I think you should try to meet things on their own terms and look at what they're trying to do rather than ascribe a bunch of preconceived notions they might have never even been aware of to them. That's just me, though.
Thanks for posting it for me
There will be a single man
And he will be enough
And not a shot will be fire
Only a voice heard
The hymm of our American Souls
Spoken by a soft boy
In a soft land
In Americaaaaaaaaa
It's not a game, it's a movie
There's nothing wrong with enjoying a movie just don't call it a game
If it’s on a game disc, it’s a game. Get over it autismo
but when i play life is strange i need my mouse and keyboard, but when i watch Endgame i don't
You are welcome.
It's a game, not a movie, movies aren't interactive. We didn't refer to point n click games as movies either.
Retards like are just insecure about their hobby, don't listen to them.
You can have discussions on Yea Forums about your movies, not here please
By that logic posting here is like playing a video game
Puzzle games are not movies user
LiS has a lot of puzzles too
no, there are no waifus here user..only autists
Appreciate the response if that’s (You). Anyway, God of War was my QTE of the year.
Life is Strange has:
>shit gameplay
>shit plot
>shit dialogue
Etc etc. If you like it you genuinely just have bad taste. I'm sorry
I liked Life is Strange. It was good because it didn't pretend to be a game. You get these games that wanna be movies and games and then you get games with boring gameplay.
>every now and then ?
>M...m....mustard race aimrite?
compared to other phone 'games' it is not bad.
It is shit compared to PC and console games though.
Ah yes, except visual novels because weebshit is that it?
I don't understand how this is a bad thing. Yea Forums started out as a bastion for animefags during the very beginning and as such should stay that way, while the community self-moderates and bullies any loud and proud otaku faggot that shitposts relentlessly alongside normalfaggots making a cohesive and beautiful whole. If you don't enjoy the chans, find another site or forum to coast on that caters to your retardation
**But oh how times have changed**
I already have a PC tho, the only reason i bought a ps4 was because I was an impatient tardo and by the time it came out on PC I've already finished grinding. Now I'm playing iceborne again and the 30fps is making my head explode with how bad it is
imagine being this mad at a game for and about teens, zoomers man hahaha
You missed the point of the post and you sound like a newfag idolizing muh epic sekrit club from all the fun maymays you've seen on /r/Yea Forums and jewtube
Why does Yea Forums hate Naughty Dog when they have such good taste in games?
> 1. Fatal Frame 2
> 2. Ico
> 3. Resident Evil 4
> 4. Castlevania SoTN
> 5. Metal Gear Solid
> 6. Resident Evil
> 7. Portal 2
> 8. Resident Evil 7
> 9. Pac-Man Championship DX
> 10. Bloodborne
If it’s not turn based it’s not a real game
Nothing if youre into boredom.
There's plenty wrong if you enjoy that movie game specifically. Max Payne 3 is an alrigth movie game.
Why does everyone shit all over "movie games" but don't seem to remember that point and click adventure games were a thing way back in the day, and let's be honest, "movie games" are just basically a reimagining of said genre?
inb4 soul/souless
It’s a Playstation exclusive
I'm just talking in general, man. It should never come to that, ever.
You should be enjoying a movie instead and not shitting up the video game industry. Would you appreciate a random, mandatory platforming segment in the middle of your movie?
>muh video game industry
these games not existing won't improve anything nigga, stfu
The Walking Dead
Nothing. Just that the writing in these types of games tend to suck ass
>Life is Tumblr
if its a good movie game then its ok
thing is: there are no good movie games
those games try their hardest to be like movies but if they would be judged like movies they would be about as good as the Room
shit acting, shit writing, shit story, shit characters, shit characterdevelopment, shit graphics, shit sound-design, shit world-design the list goes on and on
Nothing except that we get too fucking many and everyone want us to like them to exclusivity.
It's almost like Hollywood is trying to destroy video games by making them exactly like movies.
>Gone Home
>movie game
False advertising, for starters. Advertise it as mini series or something if you want, but don't call it a fucking game if it doesn't have gameplay.
actual retard
in case of LiS, I like to get to know the characters and explore the world at my own pace. Very immersive atmosphere too
Why are you insecure about the things you like? Are you afraid of what others will think of you? Why?
Watching an actual movie would be cheaper.
oh no, i am perfectly secure - i love LiS and can't wait to play the 2nd one. I am just curious why other anons shit on these games, i mean most of them never even played them. Just instant shit on it
Yea Forums shits on practically everything
this but it started with MLP
As long as it's cuuuute
Have a Kate
To be honost? Movie games still have a pretty bad plot compared to good movies. In the time it takes to complete a movie game, you could have watched 6 great movies. I just dont really get it. The game part gets in the way of the story part and the movie part gets in the way of the story part.
Look at life is strange for example. It had a pretty interesting story , but then I had to collect 7 bottles that were hidden. This was a shitty excuse for gameplay and put the story at a crawl. The gameplay was shit and it ruined the story pacing
They could have spent the money just making an actual movie and sold it for a third the price. You're getting the same experience and the market would clear up for actual games.
Asura's Wrath was mediocre as a game but could easily have been a 10/10 action anime.
Thank you. You can never have too many Kates.
Nothing bad at all. I enjoy Um Jammer Lammy and stuff like that.
There is nothing wrong with it. But just like I don't enjoy a game of chess only to run to the Oscars arguing that my game of chess was the best movie of the year. I don't sit and watcha movie while scoring it as a game.
Go ahead. Enjoy it. Just don't treat it as a game and don't pin it against other games either.
You're right in a sense, thought to be fair collecting bottles is an infamous bit that no one likes and I don't remember the game having more shit like that
When your qt Chloe gf asks you to find her five bottles you better fucking find her five bottles.
God, I want to drug Chloe at a party and my way with her so bad...
Fuck off, Prescott.
Dodged ya
God, I want to drug Chloe AND Max at a party and have my way with them so bad...
There's nothing wrong with enjoying literally anything as long as you're not pursposefully ignoring its flaws during any sort of discussion about it simply beacuse you liked it.
And boy, does this absolute garbage "game" have a lot of flaws when it comes to the story.
There's nothing wrong with it, but the people who love them tend to want more games to be like them, including games that have no business being them.
You can enjoy what you want but I've never seen one that wouldn't be better off being either all movie or all game.
No, they don't.
just watch an actual movie
or read a book
no, i want to play movie games and cry so you can fuck off
nothing, just don't pretend it's a video game
then read a visual novel
They're fine but a lot of them have pretty bad plots and shitty characters. I prefer my choose your own adventure books.
slideshows just don't do it for me
So vulnerable...
A lot of them are pretty fucking shallow in gameplay and take way too long
>What exactly is wrong with enjoying a "movie game" every now and then ?
Nothing. Enjoy what you like. But lets not pretend that emulating films creates groundbreaking 'masterpiece' video games. The trend of removing agency from the player to make something more cinematic is cancer.
then go and watch a movie
do you not realize those "gameplay comes 2nd" things have no place in gaming? if you really want to experience them so bad watch them on youtube
What exactly is wrong with making a movie instead of a game? You don't even have to worry about coding. Just make your dumb ass college kid discovering him/her/theyself into a short film and fuck off.
Nothing, but movies games better at least deliver on a branching choice/consequence narrative or they're fucking worthless.
Life is Strange for example, negates every choice you make at the end.
Don't label one as a video game
Games are meant to be interactive
>"Yes" means "yes"
>"No" means "no, but yes"
Yeah. You're a retard if you enjoy movie games.
>That a girl, Chloe. See? This is how you survive parties, you be nice to them and they'll be nice to you. You're pretty good at it too.
you're the retard here
When they try to make every games into movies.
they don't you're just playing too little games
Define gameplay.
>Everyone is entitled to their opinion but only if they're just pretending and they actually have my opinion
moving around and every button does something
Press X to open door is not gameplay
you move around with WASD
you use your right click to reverse time
there are more but i forgot, in any case you are a fagot