Ah...Liberty City soo much SOUL
Ah...Liberty City soo much SOUL
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So, what are the must have mods for GTA IV?
So much better than GTA V, jesus. I'm gonna have to reinstall it
>it's another americans not realizing gta is satire thread
That's just, like, your opinion man
How do you make it look decent? Vanilla looks like dogshit and the DLCs even more so
imo GTA V had more soul than IV. I get comfy memories of flying down the highway at full speed with this playing back on release day.
V in general had a better soundtrack than IV
V unfortunately had a much worse story than it could have, especially with it's decently interesting main characters.
how do u make the pc port not run like shit
I'm afraid your opinion is incorrect
Run it on an older pc
Hell no. V has the worst and most forgettable soundtrack of all the GTA's.
Holy zoomeroni
now THIS is contrarianism on its peak
GTA3 was awfully empty and boring aside from the main story
>Literally bought IV for Pc
>Biggest regret i ever had
What an unoptimized piece of shit game.
>Stupid characters
>Boring world
>Forgetable missions
Nah it was a pretty good game but a medicore GTA. The only people saying otehrwise are people barely breaking the 20s by now and remembering it as their first GTA experience
You talking of 'soul' made all of Yea Forums puke. You so obviously never played that game. Please leave forever.
Not that user but the only memorable radios of that game were just Soulwax, East Los, Non Stop Pop and Rock Radio. The rest were very forgettable.
IV has some extremely strong points but it's all bogged down by awful optimization on PC and awful performance on consoles.
V on the other hand, looks and runs well on everything and while still good, it's overall pretty bland and forgettable in comparison because IV did the city better and SA did the nature better
GTA 3 had a great atmosphere but missions we're pretty boring otherwise.
Vice City was the best GTA in everything but world.
San Andreas just oozed with soul everything about it was perfect.
GTA 4 was a victim of the period it was released in(gritty realism).
Haven't experienced the GTA 4 DLC but I've hear their way better than the main game.
GTA V had a great Idea with swaping between protags and generally having some pretty good characters but falls short in terms of story and the fact GTA Online killed any hope of there being another GTA game, let alone a good one.
best opinions itt
Lowdown FM and Space are great and the hosts are fucking pam grier and bootsy collins
also funk music is the ultimate music pleb filter
west coast classics also has great tracks but played it a bit too safe
radio los santos isn't very good but at let's it's hosted by big boy
V needed to ditch the desert and the city had to be 2x its size, expanding mainly the residential areas
LA is fucking sprawling you shouldn't be able to go from compton to downtown in 30 seconds
also they should have focused on gangland and organized crime
if anything V needs to ditch Paleto forrest and expand the dessert to include multiple small settlements and Las Venturas
Zoomer alert! Zoomet alert!
Also agree on good memories from GTA V when I was much younger. I was 19 when it came out.
I think they should have made something that resembles the areas just outside of LA, maybe the san fernando valley or someshit
why the fuck would there be rednecks with southern accents just outside of LA
>tfw driving around the whole fucking city for two days to find it
It was really something playing it and completing it for the first time.
I'm 24 at this point and san andreas still fucking holds up more than VI
GTA games are always compressed versions of IRL maps ( i mean SF and Las Vegas arnt exactly within driving distance from LA )
unironically kys zoomer
>tfw you realize that despite all the features and upgrades of GTAV, the barebones and basic-ass multiplayer in GTAIV was more enjoyable than the shit they pulled in V.
I spent an ungodly amount of hours in the free-roam just fucking around .
>why the fuck would there be rednecks with southern accents just outside of LA
You're not from California bro, there's a lot of Redneck desert communities just outside of LA. The Alamo Sea in GTA V is supposed to be the Salton Sea in real live however, which is actually south near San Diego in the low desert areas
Kill yourselves, zoomers larping as boomers.
V > IV and that's a fact.
This. I remember playing GTA v in 2014 for the first Time just cruising and listening to music was fucking kino
Do it. I replayed 4 and DLC last month and it was sick
it will still be around 54-57 fps it isnt possible to reach locked 60 on the game even with the best build possible
Why is this?
None you retard
GTA IV is a zoomer game too you retards, GTAV only came 5 years after IV
Zoomers would be around 8 years old so nah
Now I remember those endless nights playing the online multiplayer on my PS3, with a small tv, and how dark some streets really looked partly because of said tv and it's gamma.
I remember now those times of spawmning and immediately heading to the Airport, where everyone was hanging out. Maybe you were the ones that rushed to the helicopters to fly them towards other players on foot, maybe you just found a really nice fast car and are just doing laps in the Airport, while people were either trying to race you or bring you down.
I remember Cops and Robbers, how cool it was but how buggy it could be sometimes because of the PS3 infrastructure I presume. But It was so cool anyway, to grab one of those armoured trucks and head towards the goal point, in one of those small islands, the one with the baseball outfield. I remember doing a lot of times these missions to unlock clothes and customize my character more like the way I liked it. Truth be told, there were not many clothing options, but who cared. We still rushed to the airport to fuck around with the rest of the players.
Sometimes I miss this simple fun, raw around the edges, where sometimes you just spawned in an area with no cars and had to walk a lot, when maybe it was just you and 5 other players around the rest of the big city, just fucking around and nothing else to do.
>center the camera on the driver, not the car
Nice post. I'm sure the next GTA will be like that as well.