How the FUCK do you play this trash without physically dying of neutron-star-levels of cringe concentration? The term "ironic weeb" tends to be bullshit most of the time people use it, but this is, OBJECTIVELY, the most ironic weebshit game I've ever played.
>"Teehee, videogames, amirite?"
>"Ooh, fanservice! But we're self-aware about it, so that makes it okay!"
>"Do you know this anime cliche that happens in EVERY generic anime ever? Well it happened here, too! But we pointed it out, so that makes it a joke! That's what jokes are right? Just pointing out things that you know are gonna happen?"
This game has absolutely NO artistic merit whatsoever; it is the Borderlands of videogames. There is nothing new to discover ANYWHERE here: gameplay-wise, story-wise, or theme-wise. It's just a bunch of anime and vidya tropes strung together with bog-standard turn-based JRPG combat. The enemy design is terrible, almost never matching the environment you find it in, and the voice acting makes me wanna drive a steak through my eardrums; the only reason I didn't do so was because the localization team were too cheap to afford a full voice-over, so half of the scenes have no sound other than the music which is okay, I guess. The ONLY people who would enjoy this are soulless weebs starved for anime titties, have already played all the localized weebshit they could find, and don't know nearly enough Japanese to play some of the more obscure Japanese titles.
Nepfags, can we talk?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm pretty sure NIS started this shit. Ironic lolicon pandering used to be a huge thing.
>Ironic lolicon pandering used to be a huge thing.
No it's not
I don't think ironic means what you think it means
Trying too hard to fit in.
>I didn't do so was because the localization team were too cheap to afford a full voice-over, so half of the scenes have no sound other than the music
found the ironic weeb
It's really quite simple
Don't touch the localized version of the games. Import them and it's significantly less meme filled, cringe filled and the moments of seriousness are actually kept in tact.
That said Nep games aren't that good. Genkai Tokki is better, followed by Galapagos RPG games followed by Dungeon Crawlers with Nep games as last. They're too safe gameplay wise and don't do as much as they could in that field.
Ironic weeb detected.
I don't understand people like OP. The game makes it incredibly clear what it's all about from the get-go. You'd instantly figure out if the game is meant for you or not just by looking at a few screenshots. Did you actually download and start playing the game just to complain about it?
>it is the Borderlands of videogames
Isn't Borderlands the Borderlands of videogames?
No one said OP passed Kindergarten. He hasn't learned how words work yet.
have you played disgaea?
but no, NIS made it popular, but it's been around since fucking cardcaptor
Just a CUTE game.
More like NISA and their cancerous """"localizers"""
>OP eats shit intentionally then complain about it being shit
There's a fan service scene not even 10 minutes into neptunia 1. You should know what you're getting into by then. Not to mention the occasional threads here. They should give you enough clues on what kind of thing these games are about.
Reminder that our goddess gave us her blessing. Ironic weebs trying to shit on the Neps can officially fuck off now.
> the only reason I didn't do so was because the localization team were too cheap to afford a full voice-over
Nearly every scene in Rebirth 1 is voiced in Japanese, great way to out yourself as a dubfag.
No shit, it's a parody.
>using dub
It's a parody and it know exactly what it is and acts accordingly which is why I like the series so much
Also seeing as this is an impromptu Nep thread, is 4 Goddesses connected to any of the other games or is it basically stand-alone? I bough it with the coupon from the Humble Bundle a while back but haven't touched it because I didn't have enough RAM to run it when I first bough it
You are not familiar with the main artist are you
From what I heard it's another's spin-off.
>drive a steak through my eardrums
The biggest crimes were commited through the shittastic """"localization"""" that you can only expect from >nisa, and then IFI continued to shit the bed doing the same.
They ruined even further fucking EVERYTHING.
>The fact she's been voicing Nep for so long her come back as Shiny Luminous has her using Nep voice for her Finisher.
>get to hear LUMINOUS HEARTIEL ACTION in Nep's voice
Top cute
When on earth would you ever need to use a stock image like this?
I was very surprised it exists myself.
For proper steak safety talks?
Probably the best spin off we have. The plot is basically the Neps beta testing a new MMO.
I stand by the fact they should have gotten the SAO HR devs(Aquaria? Aquarius?) instead of Tamsoft for it. HR was great.
These faggots think ‘ironic’ means ‘anything with any degree of self-awareness which is bad to do because I dislike it’
The combat is quite lackluster. There were more varied move sets in Blanc vs Zombies, which is saying something. It's just one string for ground and air attacks. Everything else is simply fantastic though. They really nailed the presentation (and translation). The sprite expressions in particular are adorable. Not that VII didn't do a proper job already, but having 4GO keeping it up is encouraging for the next mainline game.
The most optimal way to play this game is to stock up on HP and MP heal items and just spam skills over and over, refilling as you go. The normal attacks become more and more worthless as you progress.
this is why i play neptunia games
This is entirely on Compa. They asked Tamsoft to make the combat more clunky than their usual stuff to simulate old school MMOs, which is what the Neps are playing in game.
Takes less autism for me to play it than it does for you to post it.
Fuck Compa
user no, she is pure.
nep butt!
Really makes you think
She be back, wan day
Blame NISA for ruining the franchise.
In the JP version, it has no cancer.
In the US vsrsion...
>JP Neptune: I want to challange Vert
>US Neptune: i want to kiss Verts bubbly
Someone translates the Japanese version to actually know whats going on actually instead of puppy cancer?
Also, Neptunia isn't always lighthearted, look at Conquest, Rei Ryghts, Kurome.
It has actual backstory that makes me want into the lore, actually im the only one who is interested in lore and nations instead of fanservice?
If im making a Neptunia fangame, based on the outside world you know.
>Nintendo's bullshit
>Sony's bullshit
I want to make a dark nep instead of serving fans, i making a kino fangame.
But i don't know about how to make models, what neps models are made?
Of course, i don't know if i actually making but im making a better dark story than IF.
Im not making edgy, don't worry Shadow, im making a dark story based on the industry today.
Of course im putting easter eggs on actual characters, its only a small cameo.
>Dr Eggman
>Kagamine Rin
>King Dedede
I just want a Nep game that is kino instead of bunnys.
A lighthearded moment won't hurt that much, but if you do like NISA, then you already ruined the franchise.
>nep players
>even the slightest amount of self awareness to feel cringe
user ive got some news
>How the FUCK do you play this trash without physically dying of neutron-star-levels of cringe concentration?
I usually play neptunia games while watching some movie or anime on the other screen. It's basically just something for me to keep my hands busy.
nice a nep thread that I can nep it up
Pc user and never played a nep game and confused on what the first one is or where to start. Any advice?
Played plenty of turned bases jrpgs since she's so not bothered by attack spam Combat if that's a thing.
I agree about all the games up to MegaDimension. Megadimension is legit a good ass game.
Rebirth 1
When can I marry small nep?
Hot grills > gameplay > graphics > atmosphere > level design > music > story.
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth 1 would be the first game you should play on PC, it's a remake of the original PS3 HDN, though it changed the story a lot.
The order would be RB 1 -> RB 2 -> RB 3 -> VII, the rest of the games aren't part of the story and can ble played in any order, but I would still start with RB 1 because it's the best at introducing the important characters.
Play rebirth 1>2>3>megadimension nep vii, the rest are spinoffs or arent available on pc like the original nep for the ps3 or producing perfection on the vita that are exclusive
how was that Super Nep RPG by the cancucks?
The humor and banter is spot on, story is fine but gameplay is worse than usual, it feels jerky and pretty awful to control too
you would think that control and feel of a game would be the first thing to get right. Everyone knows Mario 64 and how it was made also thanks user i'll pick it up one day
I like Nep games. I am not an ironic weeb and have no connection to ironic weeb culture. I am an actual real nonironic weeb who lives in Japan. I think the games are cute, fun, and not offensively bad but rather just mediocre which is perfectly fine, I don't get the hate.
no shit nep is garbage, look up the term kusoge and you find a picture of neptunia. fuck knows why it sells, I guess some retards fap to the cg of the mediocre-at-best girls
>the next mainline game.
When is it going to come out anyway? It's been years already.
Because I don't fucking take games seriously and enjoy "deep" stories as much as shit like nep.
>gameplay is worse than usual
Sasuga westcucks.
She's not sexy though. Like, at all. She has a twig body and awful dress sense. Even nepgear is sexier but only very slightly, due to her hairstyle and height, but she's still anorexic. Only Noire comes close to anything remotely resembling sexy.
Yeah yeah, but 5pb. is the best.
how the fuck did you misspell Cave this badly?
Bullshit. The budget senran ripoffs were fucking bland regardless of the amount of combos because it's all the same shit you spam until everything dies. CDN was simplistic but actually worked, more or less. I mained Uni, and it was fucking fun, if with cheese because lol ranged.
Because I didn't. I typed out very distinctly "5pb.", not "Cave".
>have heard countless times how bad the asset reuse is in this series
>finally finished rb1 after years of trying, bought rb1 & 2 in a bundled sale forever ago
>move on to rb2, explore the very first map, hey at least this normal battle theme is way better
>on my way to the exit realize it's just the snow map from the first game covered in grass
>literally the very first map in the game is recycled
Your keyboard is broke then
And it just gets much, much worse from there senpai. That will be $40 + tip
Yeah, I was naive enough to actually pay for this shit years ago, albeit on sale. Definitely pirating the rest if I continue and have been using creamapi for dlc. Think I need a long break before I think about continuing.
Anyone else getting turned off by the lack of challenge in the neptunia games? I enjoyed Omega Quintet (which basically has the same battle system) a lot more than the last neptunia titles by virtue of that alone, even if the plot was nonexistent (basically neptunia without the memes plus harem). VII and VIIR are on sale now on eu psn and I can't convince myself to get either. Death end re;quest too, any opinions on that one?
Re;birth series are remakes of the original games quickly made by Felistella, the map recycle is nowhere as bad if you get the PS3 ones.
Omega Quintet didn't have the same battle system at all it was far superior as were the characters, story and maps. I just with the true ending wasn't locked behind doing EVERY FUCKING SIDE QUEST INCLUDING EASILY MISSABLE ONES REEEEEEEEEEE
Nep VII and 4GO are better when it comes to that.
I like the games, but reusing the exact same dungeons in every game is absolutely degenerate and I can't fucking defend it. I don't mind the rest of the game being bland or whatever, but seeing the exact same maps in every game is tiring and it makes the games look a lot lazier than they need to be. I didn't want to believe they even reused some dungeons in Nep VII before I played it, but they did. At least most of them are new and look pretty nice, the music improved a lot too.
You are exaggerating. IFI makes sales all year long and you can buy the whole Neptunia collection for like 20 bucks. Even the DLCs get discounted fairly often.
Yeah I liked it quite a lot, Aria is easily best girl. You can't deny the similarities in the battle system, even if it is indeed superior. Ironically i got this and Fairy Fencer F on sale without knowing that. I always thought that the patented IF/CH JRPG mechanics were top notch, from a programming angle, what with them letting you skip animations mid execution and all.
Fairy Fencer F is probably my favourite out of the lot, they actually tried with the plot, and Tiara was awesome.
Talk about FFF, that's even easier than Neptunia somehow.
Yeah, I noticed "ironic weeb" turned into another meaningless buzzword for "stop liking what I don't like." "Ironic lolicon" seems to be an extension of that logic.
It was a welcome change to be sure,even if it was easier.
I mostly just liked the fact that it was fully dubbed, unlike Neptunia, where they skip half of the scenes for budget reasons. Kaiji Tang pretty much made Fang for me; just the sarcastic delivery on his lines got a fair amount of chuckles out of me.
Haven't played DERQ yet, but from what I read, it's half game, half VN, so the cutscenes extend for a long time before you can go back to play. Basically, you play the game while you are in the virtual world and the VN sections are in the real world. If you get turned off by real long walls of text, then you probably won't enjoy this. Also I've read the combat is kinda unbalanced and unfair at times, not in a good way.
I'll probably play it eventually just for the novelty, since edgy JRPGs are pretty rare nowadays. I recommend you to pirate just so you can try it if you are not feeling confident about it.
If you want more options, Dragon Star Varnir is another one of their edgy games, but this time is a standard JRPG. They used all their artists in this one, so it looks pretty unique compared to other CH games.
>Dragon Star Varnir
How is it? It didn't really interest me from what I saw (except for the fact that it has dragons from Kiseki), but it's $25 on play-asia right now so I'm thinking of trying it out.
Agreed, heck most of the dub was awesome, Matt Mercer as Apollonius was a treat.
>ironic weeb tends to be bullshit most of the time
Aahaahaa, not on your life.
I gave a try to these games because I liked the character designs, but reading the plot progression text and story dialogues made me lose 5 IQ every 10 hours or so, so I eventually stopped as I can't justify playing a JRPG where there is basically no story. Shame.
Thanks for the info. I don't mind the VN stuff, but I'll probably go with DSV for now, which had completely slipped under my radar. I ll moat likely get DERQ as well in the future. A quick note for other anons, DSV has 2 censored images in the PS4 western release so there's that too.
truly patrician taste
i like tiara, but effol true got one of better girls with character development
So in other words it literally Lucky Star: the Videogame
I'm just gonna be greedy and say I like all the FFF girls. Harley has the best body tho hot damn.
Little girls make my pp hard.
>Tanaka Rie will never give you a blowjob while mimicking Nep sounds
>She will never bounce on your dick while moaning "Juuuump!", ""BOING!" or "Kangaroo no you ni!"
Why live bros ;_;
Done? Weebs are gonna weeb. Can't do much except for nukes.
Nep is so cute, I love her. I got blessed myself by having a cute loli-child little sister, we really love each other, life is great
/nepgen/ - Neptunia General #1549
I guess you need to have something wrong with your brain to play these games
>NIS started this shit.
NIS didn't start this shit, Idea Factory started this shit.
She sounds like a scratchy old yukata lady who chain smokes
>humor and banter is spot on, story is fine
>gameplay is worse than usual
Now guess who did which parts between the leafs and CH.
Which Nep would actually put out?
>Omega Quintet
>Same system
I'm thinking you mean Fairy Fencer F
The twins.
I think he meant NISA since for some reason they almost always get attributed as being one in the same.
>NISA stream announced
>All the idiots asking for D6
How have they not yet realized NISA won't announce new games?
You play it in Japanese like every Japanese game. Dopamine fast for a couple of years and you can learn it too.
Goddamn that game sucks. I finished it, but dammit it sucks. (Compared to the other games.)
Ram is a whore
All neps are.
Blanc is pure
are based
ly for anal.
Its funny because she does tend to slip into Nepu voice when doing videos
And now, stretching.
It's simple, I'm not a fag who "cringes" at things when they aren't behind 1000 layers of irony and cynicism
I would do that to Blanc 5 times every day
I'd probably be willing to forgive the abysmally shitty writing if the gameplay was even remotely decent
I've played "worse" games but I think the time I tried playing the first neptunia was the most soul crushingly miserable time I've ever spent with the game and the fact that this series is popular enough to be a yearly franchise just makes me fully believe people will eat any old shit if they can jerk off to it
Noire will do anything for shares
aren't they all?
Is it that time again?
So, like, when are they going to announce a new Neptunia game? Hasn't it been like three years?
Brave Nep came out and wasnt good, at all. They announced Ninja Nep a while ago but supposedlyvery early into the dev, we are still yet to see the "exceed 1000% expectations" title they mentioned at least 2 years ago, but I think the time is nigh, its less than a year until the 10th anniversaryof the franchise
>the fact that this series is popular enough to be a yearly franchise
Not this shit again. People who clearly don't know what they're talking about should really fuck off.
the first time i heard about this series was through a shitty vn made in ms paint by a talentless tranny so that's all i need to know
I like the gameplay
Neptunia is the most soulless RPG ever made.
I actually became a fan after Mk2 but after Re;birth2 I realized the games are never going to get a decent budget and I'll be seeing the same Agarest assets decades later.
I'm half tempted to buy Super Neptunia RPG but I've been so burnt out on the series.
>How is it? It didn't really interest me from what I saw (except for the fact that it has dragons from Kiseki), but it's $25 on play-asia right now so I'm thinking of trying it out.
It's okay.
Gaining skills on an individual character basis sucks and you are extremely limited in the skills you can equip (5 melee, 5 spells, 5 devour, and 5 passives and the capacity of each category can't go past 20)
and the Kiseki dragons are all optional bosses
All 4 mainline games have translation patches for the pc versions that re-localize the games and remove all the massive amounts of meme and reddit speak.
I've only played RB3 with a retranslation and it was just as bad even if somewhat different.
The people this series panders to are incapable of self-awareness. It is, by far, the lowest quality products Compile Heart makes, and yet they're the best selling and most profitable.
All their other IPs have gotten an increase in quality. Nepshit is still the same old copy/pasted assets and unfun, horribly balanced and repetitive games. Even that flagship Megadimension VIII game was a copy/paste.
Retard, what do you think a localization entails? Do you even Alexander O. Smith? The retranslations are objectively bad because they miss the point of a localization entirely and provide raw, dull literal translations that are fucking garbage.
Trails in the Sky is equally guilty of this exact level of fanfic, but people love it. Same goes for Disgaea. Nepshitters are just supremely autistic compared to those fanbases.
>can we talk
no, we type
I like Uni
I had a similar reaction.
>start playing the game
>there are nations called lastation, leanbox and lowee
Fucking seriously?
Most reasonable user in this thread.
>I like eating shit
Good for you bro
>objectively bad
>raw, dull literal translations
The irony lost upon you is astounding. And for the record, it having a proper name does not make the process any less retarded or acceptable.
So you are saying localization means replacing entire (fairly normal) conversations with le epic memes? I think you should go back.
Music in VII is probably the best it has been. The boss battles and opening/ending themes are all great.
A long-running series having that many generals is a lot more excusable than /ksg/ still existing after one entry in 2011 (or 2012 I don't even remember).
Post more neps dork
>We need to talk
Thread title followed by
>Long winded shit fit
Is a common thread format used by Retardera posters. Kindly fuck outta here OP
The first Neptunia game fucking sucked, I couldn't finish it on PS3 because it kept freezing during a boss fight.
Can't die from cringe if you don't suffer from cringitis.
Love me some weeb shit, but I fucking hate these translations.
Change some simply "Yes" or "Understood" to "yeppity hippity totes for sure Nep Jr" or some shit.
Fuck, I thoght this would change when Nep went from NISA to IFI but they are the same crap.
Nep is CUTE
i strongly believe you can't be an anime fan without either being oblivious or developing cringe immunity over the years
Can you relate to this?
Unironically yes as I started playing Nep at a very difficult time in life, so having these lighthearted games helped a lot
Cringe immunity is just learning to not take yourself so seriously all the time.
Sort of. The “Let’s Get Nepucated” event thing messed me up really bad.
No, because Nep is a retarded stupid imbecile.
Give me Nepgear / Blanc at least and you'll have a deal.
The "people" who like these games have no taste
Yeah it's a bad game, who cares.
What i take issue with is
>"Ooh, fanservice! But we're self-aware about it, so that makes it okay!"
There's absolutely nothing wrong with fanservice either way, go back to resetera you nigger.
>This game has absolutely NO artistic merit whatsoever
Fucking good. Pretentious "games as art" shit can go fuck itself.
Yeah I'm playing through re;birth 1 mostly because it's in my backlog and it's a slug. Constant mandatory grinding sections and pretty uninteresting moe shit. Yes I know the later games are supposed to be better but I like starting with the first one.
I will say that visually it's great though and I want to play long enough to atleast meet all the story characters.
fuck off Blanc
Use other people’s saves and/or hack. Basically turns the game into a visual novel, but as said we are here for the characters and art, not the gameplay and grind.
There's suck (NISA screwing the pooch) then there is SUCK. Super Neptune RPG is just garbage. There is no excuse for how terrible it is.