Uh Capcom? Look, you did a fantastic job on DMC 5 and all, really you did, but one thing you fucked up. Vergil's DT as well as the lizard demon designs. You guys do know that tails don't come out of the fucking back like that, right? A tail is supposed to come out of the bottom of the spine, just above the buttocks. You done fucked up with Vergil and the lizard guys Capcom.
Uh Capcom? Look, you did a fantastic job on DMC 5 and all, really you did, but one thing you fucked up...
Other urls found in this thread:
Who cares, nerd?
scalie fagoot
Lizards also aren't supposed to have jet engines growing out of their limbs and head.
Not the point. That isn't how tails work on ANY creature, period. It looks stupid and unnatural.
Is this bait or autism?
It's a legit criticism. I'm not saying it makes the game bad, it just looks stupid and unnatural for a tail to be that way.
It’s a magic demon. Get over yourself you pseudo intellectual furfag nigger
Not sure if bait, but Dante's SDT was designed for DMC4, but never made it in, so they used it for 5. The weird placement of the tail is because it's supposed to have been his sword transformed. Vergil is just his twin in DT as well, despite Yamato having different placement.
>It looks stupid and unnatural.
Bitch, are you for real!
This is either bait, or autism. Either way, sage, ignore, and move along.
The head tail/two spines is by design and was there since DMC1
It isn't bait, fucking look at it. It looks retarded.
Yes, I am "for real". I have never seen a demon design with a tail like this in any game. Devil Kazuya in Tekken has a tail and it's normal, not coming out of his fucking back.
2 spines is such a retarded ass concept holy fuck. Good idea, so what happens if someone cripples one spine, do both get fucked? That's like having two ballsacks, why have 2 fucking weak points out in the open like that?
it looks fine user, i never even noticed while playing, please contain your autism
Why can't we just talk about DMC? Why does every thread have to start with the same intellectually dishonest bullshit where the OP plays dumb to incite people.
That's still worse than the 3 design, but it looks so much better than what we actually got in 5
"Realistic" graphics were a mistake
>"Realistic" graphics were a mistake
You're just making things up to bitch about because those two things are totally incompatible.
It's design choice, user, they are designing fantasy monsters that look cool, not something that needs to function in real life.
>I have never seen a demon design with a tail like this in any game
But you have now
So what's the problem?
Are you retarded?
It doesn't look fine. Due to the tail coming out of the back and not the buttocks, it makes the tail unusable as a weapon. Vergil and the Blades can't smack anyone with their tails or grab anyone with them. Demon evolution is a failure. And don't go hurr durr demon evolution, one of the notes flat out says Furies evolved those claw blades and super speed to better hunt prey, so demons do evolve. Vergil evolved wrong.
There actually is a function to it as it offers more articulation for movement and balance.
Explain why in the game's notes it says demons evolve to suit their environment and a desire? Fury's blades and super speed is a result of that. Why the fuck would they or Vergil evolve useless tails?
>Due to the tail coming out of the back and not the buttocks, it makes the tail unusable as a weapon.
This is absolutely bullshit and untrue.
>Trying to imply the art in 5 isn't aiming for realism
Okay, I guess I'm just imagining the insanely washed out colors and focus on definition over style
Go fuck yourself
How? It's growing from the wrong area! Tails properly grow from just above the buttocks.
Why does the top one looks so much cooler than the one in 5? It's basically the same
Why the fuck not?
Do you have fucking brain damage?
Yet not a single demon with a tail uses it in its attacks, same for Vergil in devil form. Because the tail is useless. The demons evolved the wrong way. Nature wouldn't make that mistake, no animal irl has a tail that way.
It's not a "proper tail", and this is not real goddamn life, you absolute sped
>Why the fuck would they or Vergil evolve useless tails?
To smack people
Fury evolving claw blades makes sense. It makes it deadlier in fights. It evolving super speed also makes sense, it makes it easier to attack relentlessly while unseen and avoid attacks as well.
Now tell me how does the tail growing from his spine help him in battles? By causing other demons to laugh at how useless and retarded it looks, catching them off guard?
>no animal irl has a tail that way.
Because tails evolved as part of the spine, and do not always have a specific purpose
Evolution does not have a plan, stop being autistic
So wtf is it then if not a tail? A useless piece of spine growing out of the back for no reason other than to give opponents something else to target?
>Fury tries to attack
>Dante grabs it by the "head tail' and hurls him into a wall
Good job demon evolution.
Tails evolved to give animals balance as well as a weapon to use. Lizards use tails to smack enemies with.
How can they smack people with the tail when it's attached wrong and can't be used that way? The tails are too short, proper tails are long enough for this to work.
>Okay, I guess I'm just imagining the insanely washed out colors and focus on definition over style
You are actually. The game has plenty of stylistic designs, looking at just Vergil alone. And the colors are all as ranged and as vivid as they ever were in DMC.
What you were imagining is that DMC5 is less colorful than this example.
>demons are natural creatures
Yeah I guess biologists have autism for pointing out shit that looks wrong. I guess archaeologists have autism for stating dinosaurs had feathers and weren't oversized lizards.
Probably because the combination of black body and red details, like lava on a volcano, are perceived as more dangerous and cool. The bottom one looks like a dork with some blue pants.
user you're trying to apply real world logic to otherworldly fantasy creatures and you're making a big fool out of yourself in the process. Demons are not animals even though they exhibit their features.
Show me a biologist or an archeologist who gives a shit about DMC because I'd much rather be talking to them than your faggoty ass.
So Dante's SDT doesn't look like a shitty WoW monster, it's actually super bright and colorful and interesting
I was wrong for liking the DT design in 3, there's nothing cool about it at all, it's just as shit as everything else
Thanks for proving me wrong buddy
almost like demons aren't natural beings
The game flat out says they have evolution in the demon world.
The one in 5 looks more like the top one, user
It doesn't have any of those colors
This is like complaining about pokemon designs not being realistic because they have evolution
Yet dmc 5 says they can evolve, why would unnatural beings even have or need evolution then
>Autistic enough to compare mythicals demons that can use spatial rift to dinosaurs
Pretty sure you are just troll because there is no way in hell someone with that level of autism can possibly exist.
I know, I misread as you comparing top and bottom one. The one in 5 seems to have more volume in thighs, and then there is bigger wings, making the whole form look more red than black.
It doesn't look any less vibrant than his other DT forms. His form in 1 is very bland, funnily enough "washed out" as is he in 2. 3 is novel but it looks totally incongruent with the entire series. It's slightly more red, and that's about it. 4's design is about the same in color richness, and it isn't hurt in this game oddly enough yet you still wish to imagine problems.
>Tell me about him, why does he wear the mask?
It's not actual evolution, autist, the individual demons metamorphose to reflect their desires.
I can grow a tail literally where ever they want.
and everyone in this thread says you're a flat out retard.
Why the fuck would they desire to grow a tail that way then? And if that's how shit works how come no demons went
"I want to beat Dante really really bad" and just evolved some bs demon form to kick his ass?
I have a BS in biology. And I like DMC. And I’m a lawyer.
You know a braid-tail is pretty cool design and I would like to see them more often
For Vergil it probably has more of a function in his flight as instead of flying like a traditional winged beast he seemed to enjoy being a fucking fighter jet.
Not that user, but I have to ask - you think they got this from Resident Evil? Cause Wesker literally mentions that happening in regards to Sergei mutating the way he did.
>When the game is so good you complain about the dumbest shit.
>more volume in thighs
Tell me about it
They should've kept the tail like the concept art
Posting a picture isn't going to make me think it looks any less shit, user
can i sue a lizard if it doesn't hit things with it's tail LIKE NATURE CLEARLY INTENDED
Alright but that's subjective preference that you don't like it. You're still categorically wrong that it looks bad or wrong.
>if demons can guide their evolution, why can't they evolve into the strongest thing
You have to be baiting at this point
Deal with it
Inhale vergil's dong enragement
Vergil's a fucking plane now he needs his tail for balance
It looks cool though. The human modela sucked ass but the actual demon models looked cool.
It worked for Nero
>Inhale vergil's dong enragement
Actually that's just one of Ur reasons tentacles.
Okay, then it's my subjective opinion that it's a generic WoW monster with monotone grey skin and basic realistic orange fire coloring used as accents, with the only standout coloring being in extra tacked on effects
Nero has the highest base potential because he's the most human
Capcom has to be baiting us at this point.
>that it's a generic WoW monster
Diablo is hardly a generic design amongst Blizzard concepts.
>with monotone grey skin and basic realistic orange fire coloring
Huh. Weird. It's almost like pic related.
>with the only standout coloring being in extra tacked on effects
What makes them "tacked on" as if they're not meant to be there? That hardly seems like a rational standpoint. It's also hardly fair as he's obviously glowing red over most of his body just as Vergil is similar blue.
I don't think you actually know what you're talking about and are just angry because new thing = bad.
You seem like a moron, dude.
thats the spine
No. I’m sorry to bring you this troubling news.
>Can't tell the difference between red and orange
>Thinks specific attack effects that only sometimes show up count as part of the base character design
You need medical help
For the record, Vergil's looks relatively dope despite sharing most of the same basic design, neck yourself
Okay, I got you covered. Step one is enter into a contract with this lizard. Pay it to hit things with its tail. Then if it doesn’t, we can sue it for breach of contract. We’ll have to get creative with your damages, though. Or we can add a liquidated damaged clause to the contract and define failure to hit things with your tail as a material breach. We can make it an express covenant that the lizard will use commercially reasonable efforts to hit things with its tail.
Now you're getting it! Sing a long with me!
Actually only the core and points along his head are glowing orange. The majority of his body is Red. The fact that you're ass pained about Dante's design but Vergil's identical one doesn't bother you just emphasizes the fact that you're indeed a dipshit.
You can feel free to not like it all day but you need to shut the fuck up with trying to make "facts" to validate yourself.
Second verse, same as the first! Nobody is allowed to dislike things about my precious perfect masterpiece!
It's a cape with a tail, not an extension of his spine. There.
Complaining about a fucking tail is moronic man.
Nobody said that. But saying "I don't like this" and "this design is bad" are two separate things. The fact that you can't distinguish these statements says a lot about how retarded you are and how fucking pathetic you look getting incensed that people won't allow your feelings to be the facts that God himself chose them to be in your sick little head.
How high and/or drunk are you?
>Actually only the core and points along his head are glowing orange. The majority of his body is Red.
Colorblind-kun strikes again
And Vergil's has the same head as his original DT design which distracts from the generic demon jaw, jets added to the arms, his basic shitty demon skin has a brighter silvery color, and his blue accenting is more subtle and fitting
Who the fuck cares lmao, the ponytail barely even stands out in the clusterfuck surrounding it
Calm down nigger
Ehh I prefer what we got, or a design less reminiscent of his DMC3 design at the very least. The repeat Vs on his body from how his plates and torso segment are a bit too on-the-nose.
Riot and Chaos absolutely use their tails to attack. The only reason I suspect fury doesn't is because of the way its gimmick works and it can't stand put in one place.
Yep that's still mostly red.
That's his normal dt not sdt.
>The repeat Vs on his body from how his plates and torso segment are a bit too on-the-nose.
I agree, it is a bit cheesy
>Who the fuck cares lmao, the ponytail barely even stands out in the clusterfuck surrounding
You do, a little too much tho. Plebbit is more your style maybe you should go be retarded there.
>You do
No, I really don't give a shit
Go cry to the OP if you want someone to argue with about it, actual redditor
>Calm down nigger
You really need to get your head fucking checked, kid. Nobody is telling you that you have to like something. Nobody is saying you aren't allowed to have issues with a design. But you're trying to say that it's fundamentally wrong for no reason other than it doesn't work for you.
Just fucking kill yourself already
I actually just finished DMC5 a couple of hours ago. Somehow it wasn't as fun as 3 or 4, though I'd have to go back and play through it again to get a good feel for it. Being able to DT and Buster with Nero after the finale is nice though.
But fuck, they really wanted to make Nero the special snowflake of this series, huh? I know Dante's story is done since 4 technically but the entire last mission was a giant FUCK YOU and they made Dante unlikable as fuck in this game. Nero was alright in 4 but it got real retarded in this game.
Also, fuck the environments of this game. Everything looks dusty and I know they were going for a more realistic look especially with the character designs but it was boring as hell looking at the same scenery for the entire game, consisting of either the roots/plant terrain and busted city.
Reminder DMC5 is a downgrade
>The weird placement of the tail is because it's supposed to have been his sword transformed.
Oh shit I see it, especially with the bottom pic where it's white and the tip is the same as Rebellion
Wonder how different the attacks would be if they were tail-based instead of sword-based. There's that pic in the back with three tails going out. I guess they would end up being used like how Urizen used his tentacle-branches.
>they really wanted to make Nero the special snowflake of this series
This is the real problem with Nero. Somehow, some way, in DMC of all fucking things. Nero is the Poochy.
>But you're trying to say that it's fundamentally wrong
Because it is, to me
I think it sucks, and I'm outlining the reasons I think it sucks
You're the one construing opinion with fact, retard
>Dante unlikable.
It's you user.
Dante might have acted like an ass to Nero but only to protect him like the good uncle he is.
Suck a wet fart out of my dick lol
>I know they were going for a more realistic look especially with the character designs
Careful, you'll get shot for thinking that around here, you have to pretend it's very bright and cheery, just as much as 4
Devil May Cry is stupid, hokey and dull.
>M-Muh demons and angles!!!
>Cuhrayzy pizza party! lulz!
Hard pass on this childish trash.
You're the one asserting your feelings as fact. Because you never qualified any statement as subjective by saying it as "I don't think it looks right it looks more like a Diablo design and that's somehow not right to me despite my favorite design in the game being a design fit for an SMT game" instead you choose to say "This design looks like generic GARBAGE!" and then when people call you on your bullshit "I-IT IS TO ME!!!" because intellectually you're a fucking coward.
Kinda sad that Dante got his dumb hair thing changed from 3 to looking much nicer with 4 and 5 but Vergil is stuck with it.
It looks better than the ugly dogshit that 4 was that's for sure.
t.bad at vidya
I thought so, reddit rapefugee
>Not preceding every single statement with weasel words makes me an intellectual coward
lmao okay
Thanks for correcting me, person who thinks all thoughts about art are objective facts unless specifically stated otherwise
He just seems like a grumpy boomer with occasional sparks of passion in this game and some of them come at the most bizarre times, like when Nico gives him Faust and he goes from basically hand waving her away to doing a Jackson homage. I'm not saying he needs to be cuhrazy pizza man all the time but he sounds like he's tired of it all and his usual snark comes off boring. It was funny hearing his reply to Vergil's dickwaving contest with "whatever, I don't care, I'm gonna sit this one out" because it was perfect.
They should make a Zelda/DmC crossover!
>dumb hair thing
>Would rather all characters be exclusively covered in spikes and horns and shit instead of having unique interesting designs
Unironically kill yourself
You think your posts are inconsequential drivel from a testy hater and the design is fine for a nip game.
I just don't like the weird DMC3 Metal hair user.
I'm not saying it has to be spikes and horns, just not funky metal hair.
Dare I suggest... Kingdom Hearts crossover? Think about it... they would be perfect for kingdom hearts lore... XD
why does Yea Forums keep spamming this now?
>the design is fine for a nip game.
Oh, so you're a massive normalfag that hates everything that isn't westernized to hell
That explains it
Yea Forums isn't a person, stop romanticizing and website, retard.
Because it's ideal bait.
Is there any depth to V or do I just smash Shadow and Griffon while Nightmare is out to get my SSS ranks? I've been doing that and it's kinda boring.
K barry
Oh, so you're a massive weeaboo faggot that autistically hates everything that isn't 1:1 realism
That explains it
>massive weeaboo faggot
>hates everything that isn't 1:1 realism
Guess even the crazy universal pizza man can grow old eh ?
you don't have to tell everybody you dont like it, but you can. tell us how the tail touched you, tell us how it made your peepee shrinkydinky
Sounds stupid, right? Almost as stupid as complaining about the placement of a tail on a F I C T I O N A L character. Have fun wanking yourself, cretin.
V shines on higher difficulties, you'll get dabbed on if you play him like you would in Human/Devil Hunter.
He's babby mode for journos.
sounds like the name of a teletubby
>Almost as stupid as complaining about the placement of a tail on a F I C T I O N A L character
Yeah, the OP is pretty dumb
You should argue at him instead instead of being a nigger
>V shines on higher difficulties
>Stand in a corner
>Look away from enemies
>Mash buttons
Yeah, I guess he does get less annoying once you figure that out
We've just discussed you'll get dabbed on if you try to play V the same way you do on lower difficulties. At least pretend to have played the video game.
Enemies literally don't attack you if they're not on-screen
Usually it's not an issue because they have to be for you to attack them, but that's not a problem with V's summons
use shadow to launch enemies, charge up griffin attacks, he has different types, use royal fork this move is underrated as fuck
stay sad kiddo
Yeah, like a demon?
lizards do fucking attack with their tails in 5. Did you even play the game?
Tfw the tailfag moved on from Pokemon to DMC
I'm glad I'm not this retarded.
Play the game
Tailfag is a furry who shows up occasionally making threads about the best tails in gaming. He starts his threads with the desire to have a tail like Mewtwo or Charizard.
You'll never be able to play Digimon or Pokemon apparently
Inneresting. This is actually the first time I ever saw someone complain about Vergil's design or any of the demon designs.
I don't give a shit about the tail, I'm just saying you're objectively wrong and a retard
The same reason why an unnatural being would need jet engine horns
The main design philosophy is rule of cool, and obviously you can't comprehend that
Furry huh? Figures, these things go hand in hand.
Looks cool as shit though so fuck off
I think he looks good anons.
It's only one retarded furry having the problem.
When we get Vergil dlc
So never
Fun fact, the hamon line isn't just for looks, it also changes the metal chemically and it goes through the steel all the way through separating the soft and the hard parts, they come in many different forms as well, however it must be done correctly in order to successfully have a hamon line the right way or there is potential in harming the blade, when it is done perfectly like you see in Vergil's Yamato, it can come out very beautifully.
Itsunos tweet hints at something going on.
>Retard user
What did I expect ?
Good to know.
Keep being wrong about things that are blatantly included in the game, nigger
As far as I've seen, he's just referring to a project
And they've outright said that they've stopped work on the game
Or maybe it doesn't and we are looking too deep into it.
How much would you pay for a Vergil dlc?
>ignore the dmc tag
New project could just mean the special edition or expansion.
>done perfectly like you see in Vergil's Yamato
>Blade is clearly hardened along both the edge and the spine, with the hamon just being a tiny line in the middle
nigga what
I mean I get it's a magic demon sword, but if that thing was actually forged, it would have come out of the hardening process almost straight, if it actually survived it at all
If it's worth the wait and includes a Vergil that has new shit with his own decent amount of missions probs 30 to 40. Knowing Capcom it'll probably be dmc 4 all over again.
Ignore him he's just the tail autismo.
Ah, got it.
The hamon line is a result of the differential hardening process, where clay is applied to the blade in differing thicknesses to slow the transfer of heat at different rates, which creates the katana's curved edge, and leaves each side of the blade with a different color, the lighter side being the harder metal meant for striking, and the darker side being the softer metal meant to take the impact and prevent the sword from breaking
If this process is done wrong, the blade won't end up with the proper shape, and would get fucked in combat
>Having an interest in japanese swordsmithing makes me the autistic furry
End your life
But how did Sparda even make it then?
Get over yourself dumb scalienigger
>You guys do know that tails don't come out of the fucking back like that, right?
Tails can come from anywhere they want.
He bitchlapped the god of death so hard he became a sword.
Final Fantasy has creatures with tails like that.
It's almost like that's the point.
>but if that thing was actually forged
It says that it's a "dark-forged" katana. maybe it was forged by magical powers? But who knows, really.
With demon magic, dumpass
He did a loop-de-loop and coom'd it out
I love unature placment of tail and wings in DMC though.
It was presumably just made in a similar fashion to DSD, without the whole 'absorbing two other swords to make it' part
But that's not relevant when talking about the design of the blade from a real life standpoint, which is what I was responding to
T. Retard who didn't think Fusion Reborn was the best DBZ movie
I didn't even notice Vergil's SDT having a tail ingame
Matt is cool and all but if this is DD2 him being in the team makes me worried we won't be able to play as lolis/shotas anymore.
Keep going about not being able to read and understand what I said, retard.
What? Nobody thinks that. The graphics are obviously not as fantasy like they were in 4. 5 just looks better.
The demons in the game objectively evolve, as noted by the in-game documents
Keep being wrong, nigger
Imagine of it's an expansion the size of Iceborne with all remaining characters added and now moves for older ones ?
I doubt you're actually this fucking mad over it...
>have to wait five years for the SE with playable vergil
I'll settle for fucking Ladies Night at this point, just give me MORE
>5 just looks better
Man I love generic hallways made of grey urban rubble
Or generic hallways made of fleshy demon material
I'm super into most of the returning characters looking like strange cosplaying actors instead of themselves
Really like the distinct and interesting parts of the series art design being pushed into the closet and replaced by some hollywood movie designed by committee to appeal to a wider audience
>This thread
I'd like to point some things out
>Rebellion was supposed to be SDT tail, and Dante was supposed to have spectral wings
>Vergil's horns are supposed to be a "genetic trait" of Sparda(side horns), but his entire head piece is supposed to be a mimic to a samurai's kobuto
>Vergil's "V" on his entire DT and SDT is supposed to be a call back to Vergil drawing a "V" on all of his things
>The blue flames on his arms are Yamato's true power, probably all energy coming out of him is the doppelganger power of Yamato
>Sparda bros form is a evolution of Sparda's form but more in line with their own desires, hence why they look like dragons
>Demons aren't meant to make sense, Mundus is a blob, OP is a faggot
I just wanna let you know I loved this so much I screen capped this and saved it as dab.png
Why does concept art always look so much better than what we get, even with big graffix budgets
When Dante is by himself, does he howl at the moon?
He is a dragon-like demon, not a werewolf.
Well that doesn't mean he can't.
It depends at what image you look at, some screenshots looks pretty good, but translating into a game is pretty hard.
He probably would have in DMC4 prototype, in his SDT he would had become feral and attack everything at his sight.
You know this series never had a consistent artstyle
And yet, still fuckin' rad
Well, mostly
I think he looks good
>same game but you can play vergil in bp for 60 dollars
What would happen if Vergil walked in on him howling at the moon?
Oh....Yeah....You can't howl louder than I can!
Non of your complaints is because of realism, and Dante looks great and fits with the rest of his iterations.
Dante's probably the one that's handled the jump to the realistic faces the best, other than maybe Trish
Where Dante's design was hit was everywhere else, his outfit makes him look like a hobo who rolled out of bed and just happened upon a cool red coat, and I don't know if it's because it's too short or the color is slightly off or it's too feathery or what, but his hair just looks weird as shit to me for some reason
Same thing with Vergil, though I hated his hair in 4 too
>his outfit makes him look like a hobo who rolled out of bed and just happened upon a cool red coat
He doesn't look like a hobo without his coat. At least I don't get the impression of it. His hair could've used some bangs, though.
The pants are fine I guess, I just really fucking hate that shirt
I find it cool, but that's just my taste. He looks like a biker with that outfit, which kinda fits with the fact that he's riding Cavaliere.
I would've liked if he got that dog-tag in the concept art. They could explain it as him getting it from a mission from a soldier or something. Would help with fleshing out the world a bit.
>They could explain it as him getting it from a mission from a soldier or something
Shit now I want that too
That implies a really neat and probably tragic story without having to actually say anything
I know, right? I just wish there's more details put to Dante. He has the most experience and did a lot of missions to help others. Putting details for that in the games iterations will be perfect.
Vergil wanted to look cool because he's a fucking weeb, so he evolved a cool tail
But I though demons couldn't evolve...
I thought the game said they did....
>Dante is a broke ass and can't buy new cloths or pau for water and light
>Some day, Dante went into a coma for a entire month
>Didn't took a bath or anything
Dante IS a hobo
Motherfucker spend years in hell with the same set of cloths, beat up and maybe without running water(demon water n shiet), he is another hobo.
Well according to another user, they said they cannot because they are demons.
we love them because they are hobbos, not despite it
Vergil can't be a hobo, he sprang from the his own demon womb with a basically fresh set of threads as clean and crisp as the day he was born, they just changed from elegant blue into dark-like-my-soul
Man needs some fucking hair gel or something though, goddamn
Fuck off, Yea Forums. I know your tricks.
Do you now?