oh no no no
Oh no no no
How fat are they?
...and they're getting more action then all of us
>ywn watch your wife play borderlands while playing co-op with a black guy
>BL3 date night ruined by 5FPS split screen mode
Poor couple. Hope they found something better to play.
Every single female is a fucking whore.
Every last one.
They fuck other guys so males like you can pick up the scraps at the end of her life.
Females are mindless creatures. They don't think. They don't have feelings. They're objects.
Every single last one, every single girl you've ever met is a whore. And you're going to settle for those used goods.
How does it feel to know that your girlfriend has fucked other guys? Enjoy dating another man's discarded cumhole.
>We don't have kids
Trust me motherfucker, I did not assume you had kids from the information previously offered
I don't know man, I got a pretty good feeling about the quiet girl that sits in the back of my class
>Yea Forums hates other people having fun
>/r9k/ upset again that a guy is playing a video-game he was looking forward to with his wife in a dank-ass pillow fort
All I can think when I see this stuff is how much happier they are than me.
Joke's on you, I've never had one
Why do redditors think people care about being childish
I'm more upset they're playing snorederlands than anything else, what an aweful game
nah my wife knows i'd just kill her in minecraft
Yeah me and my girlfriend would never do anything that childish. Never mind I’m alone and will always be alone
imagine the smell
if women were not "whores" you wouldnt have been born fag. and dont come at me with the retarded "wahhh i didnt ask to be born!!" excuse
Better to play this with a boyfriend. They genuinely love gaming AND getting fucked in the ass. Women just pretend.
>freshly-washed pajamas and shampoo, popcorn being made and a 2-liter of RC cola being cracked open, sound of game console being booted
Unironically have a better sense of self worth than one that is founded on whether or not you can have sex - it's a false narrative sold to you as a fantasy, and that pressure is clearly destroying you as a person.
wouldn't you need 2 TVs to play coop?
I am far too introverted to spend my free time with another human
So this is how the human race ends, huh? Not with a bang but with a whimper.
Out of all of my friends I'm the only one without a girlfriend. It's depressing. I barely talk to people.
All my friends are married with better careers and their own houses
Stop it you fools. Stop biting OP's bait. He's clearly a redditor that came here since its safe to shitpost. I cant be the only one tired of these shitty TMZ-tier gossip thread.
So are guys. People aren’t flawless creatures.
Growing up is similar to that one image where the guy meets his former friend who also grew up, but now has a wife and a child. The child likes video games though.
Every guy ever would be a man whore if given the option. But not every guy is born tall handsome with a good frame. So you’ll have ugly incels who say “hurr durr I don’t need sex just one girl to marry”
That looks comfy. I would never even consider that, unless I had work off the next day.