>steam profile
>last online
>1460 days ago
Steam profile
Other urls found in this thread:
who is this guy I keep seeing being posted?
A traitor
a Google employee
A little girl.
>e celebs
We used to play TF2 and Dead Rising together
your mother
>doesn't know the meme master
E-Celeb threads are not bideo games
Hey, I seen a picture of this cuck in a swimming pool with his Gf and some other dude while the other dude was hugging his gf from the back while the cuck looked sad.
It's one of Googles trophy-employees, if you want a true answer. They tamed Mote.
If he looks sad about it then he isn't a cuck, you chucklehead. He's just a pussy for not confronting his gf about cheating on him.
Passively accepting it counts as being cucked
discernment of patrimony wasnt involved therefore cuckoldry isnt an issue
there will be a time where people will no longer joke about not knowing him i don't wanna be here when that happens
He's the founder of Facebook
user I....
Xirs name is Richard Kyanka
Howdy y'all.
Dude, if you're really aware of how many newfags are here you'd already know a ton of people aren't aware of him. In time it will be most people.
An ex-Goon from Something Awful
just the luggage lad
the founder of 9gag
Unsure how much I buy into that, a lot of 4chans userbase is still people that have been here forever (ie. don't forget you're...). The newer crowd learns of him though threads such as these.
Tom Fulp founder of Ebaumsworld
mine says they're "online" 3 hours ago, but it's really just them turning on their PC, haven't played a game with them in 8+ months
I have never installed steam.
Poole's closed.
So what the fuck is he even doing at google?
Is he a hardline SJW now?
I miss him, bros.
I miss moot.
Elon Musk's little brother.
Sigourney Weaver's best impersonator
Christopher "moot" Poole aka The Meme Master
the google whistleblower
a furfag
A traitor that got literally cucked by some girl that did her thesis about him, then run away crying from the thing he created.
some cuck
Jesse Eisenberg
Reddits CEO
He works on google maps in their Tokyo branch.
Founder of 9gag and creator of rage comics
wonder if he found a pure maiden asian waifu
I wonder if he met up with Snacks, who also made it out to Tokyo.
Edward Snowden
>almost 5 years in post moot era
>shitton of turists that never experienced moot hijinks
I feel really old right now.
I still vividly remember his last goodbye on Yea Forums. It's hard to believe how many years have gone by.
Hold me anons
Hold my dick, faggot.
fuck you
Kill yourself drama faggot
What the fuck has it really been four years
Time flies when you're a faggot
His name? Albert Einstein.