What switch game y’all playing?
For me it’s nothing. If anyone doesn’t like their switch sell it to me, mine got stolen :^)
What switch game y’all playing?
For me it’s nothing. If anyone doesn’t like their switch sell it to me, mine got stolen :^)
Other urls found in this thread:
>plus tip
But wait, I heard you Burgers have a habbit of calculating tax AT THE counter. So how much does this thing cost over there?
>No EA games
and this is supposed to be bad because...?
you listed 2 pros in your con list
...wait there's no interest browser?
around $320
Been playing Fire Emblem. It's pretty fun, really like how Persona-like this one is. Also got Animal Crossing on the horizon. I also have a PC to pirate AAAshit, so if all my normie friends hype up some generic open world title, I don't miss out on it.
>No 8th-gen games
The Witcher 3, Doom, Wolfenstein, Doom Eternal (when it comes out), Mortal Kombat 11, Fifa and NBA
>No AAA games
See above.
>No EA games
Oh, that's a good thing, unless you're a fucking retarded normalfag who loves their soccer games and live services.
>No rockstar games
L.A. Noire
>It only does ports
Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, Mario Maker 2, Luigi's Mansion 3, Yoshi's crafted world, Smash Ultimate, all the other Switch exclusives
>No internet browser
Use your fucking phone. What are you, Chris-Chan?
>No streaming media
YouTube, Hulu
>No voice chat
The aux port has a microphone ring. Shitnite, warframe, smite, paladins, DC universe online, and friday the 13th use it.
>No free online
Same as the other piece-of-shit "consoles".
Complaining about a lack of EA games on a gaming platform is like complaining about a lack of Ebola in your drinking water
>Breath of the wild isn’t a port
Regardless I miss playing smash, because again, unironically my switch got stolen.
Please delete this.
>The Witcher 3, Doom, Wolfenstein, Doom Eternal (when it comes out), Mortal Kombat 11, Fifa and NBA
Aka some of the trashiest most downgraded ports ever to exist and are literally not worth touching in any circumstances over any other nonbutchered version
>See above.
See above
>Oh, that's a good thing, unless you're a fucking retarded normalfag who loves their soccer games and live services.
Implying less options is bad in any way, it would mean more people actually owning the shitstain of a system and a possibility of attracting actually good games
>L.A. Noire
If you weren't retarded you'd realize this isn't actually developed by rockstar and is laughable in comparison to any actual rockstar dev'd games like GTA or RDR
>Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, Mario Maker 2, Luigi's Mansion 3, Yoshi's crafted world, Smash Ultimate, all the other Switch exclusives
So a port, a new game, a port with dlc, an unreleased game, a new game, and a port. So two games, one of which is pretty damn shit, good job I guess
>Use your fucking phone. What are you, Chris-Chan?
Again there's no excuse for basic functionality practically everything else has. Even the 3DS could do it.
>YouTube, Hulu
YouTube is memes and streamers not actual produced movies and TV shows with a budget. Hulu is nice but there's way more than just that, it's a joke that other common services aren't available.
>The aux port has a microphone ring. Shitnite, warframe, smite, paladins, DC universe online, and friday the 13th use it.
>actually defending the voice chat
No fucking excuse faggot, the voice chat is a total piece of shit. Only a literal handful of games have working VC and it's because they had to code it themselves because Nintendo switch online is 30 years behind the competition. And the aux jack doesn't help with docked
>Same as the other piece-of-shit "consoles".
>other things suck at x do it's okay for us to suck!
At the very least PS4 and Xbone give games monthly and ACTUALLY WORK online
I really like Katana Zero :)
basically my favorite game atm
Shut the fuck up Arlo
>tfw angry about gamefreak laziness but also still kind of want to play sword/shield but also switch seems like garbage in general
What do? Is BotW actually good if Ive never played a zelda? Is Ultimate alliance 3 fun? Those are literally the only games other than fuckin pokemon im interested in
I've been playing yokai watch 4. It's fun, but totally different then the previous entries
PC wins again. When will you retards get a PC and stop playing on limited hardware for children?
Oh shit that came out?
Isn’t that askiisoft?
How is it?
Currently rolling with Star Link and Daemon X Machina
Yeah how’s that switch emulator coming faggot.
Oh, cemu isn’t even any good yet?
Come back to me when your machine can do more than be a botw box.
Wait till it comes out and here what people have to say?
I've heard that MU3 is good. Not amazing, but definitely worth playing if you enjoy those types of games. I think the most consistent things I've heard is that the performance could be better, and the story/characterization isn't as cool as past entries.
1. How's Starlink? Toy-ware aside, it actually looked like a fun sci-fi space shooter.
2. How much mech customization does DXM have going on? Does it live up to the PS2 Armored Core games in terms of end-game options?
Yokai Watch always just seemed like worse Pokémon, what’s the deal?
>No Rockstar games
Its perfect then.
OP is fag. No ones gonna sell you a fucking switch on a basket weaving forum.
Depends on which state of Burgerland you're buying in.
Not on your life, Mr. Nintentard
Its decent. Its weird it has some base building aspects to it. Fox dlc and the model ship is pretty cool thou
No, less options overall. But hey its a first for the switch. Also feels more like God Eater with mechs.
>If anyone doesn’t like their switch sell it to me, mine got stolen
hold up
can anyone tell me what's wrong with ports?
the more games on one console, the better
Never ever buy a console just for one game.
Pokemon is easily the worst Nintendo franchise anyway, why do you give a fuck about it?
Still better than the ps4.
Why the fuck does Yea Forums talk about Nintendo and Switch like CNN talks and obsess over Trump?
>being a switchlet
>being a MAGApede
Are you in the UK? I'll sell you mine
doesn't even have netflix despite being the perfect device for it lmao shit system
I see what you’re trying to say but no one has ever bought a Nintendo console for multi platform games.
Fuck the GameCube was powerful as fuck compared to the ps2 and it still lacked in multiplats, you buy the Nintendo console for Smash, Metroid, Zelda, Animal Crossing and couch play.
Now we have all of that, plus the added benefit of portability and cool hybrid of home console and portable, it’s the best place to play any indie game and it pretty much went from being semi portable to all in with double the battery on the regular switch and a actual feasible portable console like the lite
Look up the crying Nintendo wojaks and you will realize its a handful very lonly autists.
Also look up Ops picture it is literally posted since the Switch release in an ultimate faggotmove to throw some shade at it, failing miserably because most of it is factually wrong see
>he doesn't own a $2000 gaming pc, a ps4 pro for exclusives, and a hacked switch for the exclusives, ports, and emulators
No because the 3DS and Wii U ones were both entrypoints for hacking.
Why do you retards keep taking this bait?
links awekening
playing saints row the third
So this is the power of the switch... To play old ass 2011 games sold at full price...
Can't wait to buy red faction guerilla and re4 again!
>ports for ps4
>ports for switch
Old ports sold for a very high price and running at 30fps in 720p in 2019*
Fixe it for ya you faggot
He has to stay in his smelly cum-stenched hovel of a bedroom to play games.
Thank fuck I'm an adult.
>forgetting sony copied nintendos directs
>30fps ports on PS4 is okay
>30fps ports on Switch is unacceptable
These have become my favorite threads, just oozing with sony fags upset their overpriced boxes have become irrelevant. No E3, no PS Experience, and 2 shitty nintendo direct rip-offs is all they've had the last year.
>buying games
for your information i pirated this port of a 2011 game that i've already played on better hardware
Both state of plays were so bad that the nindies that came around the same time looked like proper good E3 conferences in comparison.
How about not playing on consoles at all you fucking fat retard?
Then why are you defending the PS4?
i wish i could play games but they are EXPENSIVE AS FUCK
Console war is a normal thing on the internet and, obviously, it's normal on Yea Forums, but Sony fanboys are especially triggered after a certain event. You know, like not being at E3, or when Digimon for Switch was announced, or when the DQ11S demo came out and it turns out it runs really well. I have no idea what caused butthurt today, but let me guess: no games.
It was a good start of the year, with Resident Evil 2 remake and Ace Combat 7, but after that - nothing.
PS5 is coming out next year and Sony is acting like PS4 does not exist. A fucking WiiU was a disaster in terms of sales, but Nintendo still put games on it. Sony said, ''yeah 100 mil PS4 sold, fuck our consumers, they will play FIFA 20 and Death Stranding''.
>How about not playing on consoles at all
So we should just play nothing then?
Astral Chain and Daemon X Machina
no rockstar games? why is LA Noire on it?
I don't even own a pisstation. I just like to make the nintendoids seethe
why not make both seethe? Thats far more funny
I should've expect extreme stupidity from the consoletards
Offtopic: Phantom Doctrine is on sale, 9,99 euros. To buy or not to buy?
Is it ''closer'' to XCOM or Hard West in terms of gameplay?
not him but its a Wii U port
But Yea Forums is a Nintendo board, what's the point of making fun of a population that's not even there to fight back?
Expect constant review bombing in the coming weeks for all the upcoming Switch exclusives this year, the salt will be overwhelming
Sony loyalists are as much if not more guilty of constant thread shitting
could add that you dont need online to play the best game: Fortnite.
>No EA games
>No Rockstar games
>No streaming media
Not like that wouldn't be great, but there are.
I have 2 hour commutes every day and taking my desktop with me to play 2D platformers isn't exactly a good idea.
What's the relation between the ps4, faggotry and libcuckholdry?
No but I’ll pay for shipping depending on how much you’re willing to sell it for. Obviously I could just go on ebay but I’m hoping there’s some user who legit doesn’t like/doesn’t care about their switch and will sell it for at least minimally cheaper than average asking price. I know that’s a fucking longshot but having a somewhat shit job in overpriced CA while going to college while taking care of wohman (female) makes expendable income not as easy, and I bought the fighters pass and Nintendo online right after Joker came out and then got it stolen the next day.
Since then I’ve been trying to cope with all these new fucks that look super fun, but it sucks.
Though I have no idea how I’d do this if I found someone anyway, since I wouldn’t want to be ripped off or give the impression I would try to rip them off.
this is how you make it tolerable:
No one cares about your shitty problems calfag, stop being poor
You realise everyone is just laughing at you.
Don't worry bro, you can emulate those sweet Nintendo games in a few years.
faggy progressive exclusives (horizon, tlou2, uncharted: the lost "yas queen" legacy)
sony mandated censorship (female nudity is icky, it's okay to censor things i don't like!)
Why would I emulate something that can run directly on my nintendo switch?
>muh switch emulator
why dose this matter when half the appealing games are ports which are already on PC?
it actually runs fine for plenty of other games now
>botw box
come back when your box doesn't melt in its dock.
>I love 5 FPS and big dicks in my mouth