What's the appeal of zelda games?
I've played TP, OoT, PH, BoTW and LA.
I don't get the mass appeal.
They're not shit but no way are they perfect games with perfect scores.
Why are people so crazy about them?
What's the appeal of zelda games?
I've played TP, OoT, PH, BoTW and LA.
I don't get the mass appeal.
They're not shit but no way are they perfect games with perfect scores.
Why are people so crazy about them?
casual adventure games that aren't easy enough to be considered kids games like Mario or Kirby but aren't challenging enough to filter plebs/normies from enjoying it
the series hasn't been good since the early 2000s
Who doesn't want to play as a cute elf boy? :3
The atmosphere is unmatched for me. No other game makes me feel like I'm adventuring in a real world quite like the Zelda franchise, even when that world is sometimes abstract and quirky as fuck.
not a true fan
the original adventures still going strong
I just really like triangles.
>no true scotsman
I disagree, the latter entries feel too much like the player is being treated as a special guest in an amusement park rather than going on an adventure. As far as atmosphere I find the From games to be unparalleled by any other game in the industry thus far
play alundra
My problem with this series is that outside of OoT and TP it never really seems like hyrule is an any real danger. Most games in the series don't really have a sense of foreboding. I enjoyed the impending creeping darkness that those two games portrayed.
So far the best one I've played is wind waker. I did like minish cap as well.
>Most games in the series don't really have a sense of foreboding. I enjoyed the impending creeping darkness that those two games portrayed.
>that hyrule is in danger
>I've played
no you haven't
What's a 'hardcore adventure game' then?
>Most games in the series don't really have a sense of foreboding. I enjoyed the impending creeping darkness that those two games portrayed.
You missed by far and away the best game in the series for that.
Termina shits all over Hyrule. You actually care about the people living there and it's not just some arbitrary kingdom with Zelda in it that you have to save.
I want a fucking spooky Dead Hand encounter in Zelda one day.
Outside of OoT and MM, there really haven't been any 3D Zelda games I enjoyed. I straight up dropped Wind Waker when I got to the triforce hunt segment because quite frankly it was just so stupidly tedious and obnoxious that I just didn't feel like it was even worth playing any more. I ended up watching a longplay of the rest of it and I can honestly say that in terms of gameplay, I didn't miss out on a damn thing worthwhile aside from the final fight with Ganon.
That's a problem I've noticed with Zelda games in general though. The devs are prone to adding in absolutely pointless padding to prolong the gameplay when it's not even needed, or allocating time and resources to incredibly stupid shit that pretty much nobody would enjoy like the Ocean Temple in Phantom Hourglass when they could be making shit that people will actually like
>Link falls into a mass Grave
>Ambushed by what appears to be an amalgam of rotting corpses
MM did the best job of delivering a sense of overall doom, simply because when you get right down to it you're not actually saving or helping anyone until you actually defeat the mask. Everything you do for the people gets reset once you have to rewind time and if you don't, everyone in the fucking land dies. Everything you do up until the end is just a temporary solution
I just wish the ending reflected who you managed to save on the last day, rather than be a cop-out happy ending for everybody except for one.
I'll build you a strawmann and burn it down
To be honest, I like the idea of the Ocean Temple in PH.
That you can't stay too long in one area because you'll die or that there's phantoms that are almost impossible to kill.
The only thing I wish that the dungeon would overall had some better bosses and better boss.
I played OoT as an 11 year old and left such a deep imprint on me that I loved Zelda games ever since, although I never quite enjoyed any of them as much as I did OoT back then.
Partly because I got used to the Zelda formula, partly because I got older, but the games also definitely declined in quality a bit (or a lot, depending on the game). BOTW was a fresh breath and a step in the right direction, but it didn't even come close to OoT/MM.
In a large part I think that is because OoT and MM are finely crafted experiences with lots of themed areas in which nearly everything serves a purpose, whereas 90% of BOTW feels like randomly generated content (probably isn't, but still) that has no real meaning or interesting purpose.
Zoomer can't understand game design. Whodda fucking thunk it?
It's a simple concept. Not a action game where you're judged on how cool you look beating the enemy, but not really a rpg or arpg where you have to micromanage what armor to wear to negate poisonous fire splash damage or equip spells. You just whack things with a sword.
I was the same OP, I thought Zelda was a narrative focused games with puzzles sprinkled throughout. That's mostly what I got from Majora's Mask, but that game was trying something new and it payed off being an interesting experience although I'll never play again.
Honestly the first Zelda game is the only real one since it's an actual adventure game. No narrative focus,no predictable puzzles; just exploration at your own pace. It's a stretch to call Zelda 3 or Ocarina adventure games when they game only lets you explore levels when it decides not when you decide.
Demon's Souls/Dark Souls are great Zelda games that have the balls to give the player actual freedom. Just because Nintendo makes a game and slaps Zelda on it doesn't make it Zelda, Zelda should've become synonymous with the word adventure but that died when Zelda 3 came out.
You really haven't played A Link to the Past? You'll understand when you do.
i played Zelda1, ALTTP, OOT, Oracle games and and links awakening. and i'll be honest, i dont understand why people love OOT so much. i thought ALTTP was alot more atmospheric and felt that OOT was heavily inspired by it(ie, the dark world and future have the same lonely atmosphere of wanting to kill ganon).
i really do think 2d zelda is the best play style