>I play on the hardest difficulty
I play on the hardest difficulty
>"I-I-I'm not shit at the game."
>"Y-y-you guys are just t-tryhards."
Cry more, faggot.
One difficulty below hardest is always the best difficulty
prove me wrong
Hey, I've been to the place in the OP.
Pretty cool bar.
If it's Medium difficulty, no.
If it's between medium and the hardest one, yes.
>"I wish there was a 'skip gameplay' button"
I've got to agree with you. If there are 5 difficulty levels, the second hardest is also the best one.
>"Why yes I do play games on their second hardest difficulty, how did you know?"
depends on the game but mostly yes since the absolute hardest difficulty is usually a meme
Go back to facebook, wojakfag casual.
>"Yes I do play with no HUD on, what gave it away?"
>Uplay+ is a thing
>free for 15 days
>think i'll try the new Ass Creed
>DL odyssey
>Choose Hard difficulty
>first hour is hard but fun
>getting assblasted next 3 hours because enemies are just sacks of HP and deal more damage
>tone down to easy
>game is better
Why do game can't do "Hard" difficulty right?
Is this a Sony fan thread?
Always play on the hardest difficulty from the start and you never know what you're not missing.
on some new games, yes, mostly when the hardest difficulty either introduces mechanics that are featured nowhere in any other difficulty like thirst or hunger, so you can be sure they are not play tested very well or well balanced, or when the highest difficulty gives bonuses like better drops or more damage for "realism."
Heroic is the canon way to play Halo. Legendary is dumb, enemies will dodge your reticule before they've even detected you.
fuck, i thought op's pic was shopped
this only gives me more questions
>wojack thread
automatically shit
>"Of course I doxx and threaten developers into adding impossible difficulties, was it that obvious?"
>I post wojaks on a Mongolian throat singing forum
that naruto ain't right
Yea Forums memes are normalfag-tier, it's pathetic that people are still in denial over this fact.
>player.addskill infinite ammo
Medium is more often than not the developer's true intention. Hard usually just inflates enemies' HP for no reason other than to make people feel good about playing on hard, while easy is for people who just want to coast through the game with no challenge. Medium is optimally balanced and the patrician's choice.
>i post Ampharos
I always play on easy. I don't want a hard time when I am trying to relax and chill out.
Chill out, dickwad.
>game having difficulty settings at all
Where the fuck is this
>>wojack thread
>automatically shit
The only good hard difficulty is one that adds more depth to everything, not just making enemies chainsaw throwing bullet sponges. I find it absolutely retarded how people think stronger enemies and a normal you could be considered hard and fun
I always start on normal to learn the mechanics and controls. After a few hours if I'm finding the game too easy I just bump it up one notch. Fuck games that don't allow you to change difficulty mid playthough though. Especially if they're like 20+ hour games.
I played RE7 on normal and REmake2 on hardcore for my first playthroughs of each.
REmake2 actually taught me how to survive that shit and how shooting zombies to stagger was the correct way to play
Fuck Mr X tho.
It's clark from rayman 2
Yeah if i played on normal and i really enjoyed the game, i would like to play a harder version
jesus christ the more time goes on the more I see myself in these wojaks
I think bioshock infinites 1999 mode was the worst for that, utterly unenjoyable experience.
Who let the boomers in? Graffiti is a valid form of art.
The other wall has sonichu and shrek murals on it.
>Majority are King of the Hill
>Lives, continues and score are relics of the arcade days and have no place in modern video games
lushsux browses Yea Forums
Shitty "hard mode":
>enemies have more health, everything takes more resources/time
Lame but acceptable "hard mode"
>More enemies with better tactics and AI
Godlike "hard mode"
>more puzzles, more choices (some of which may have bad outcomes), mistakes come at a higher cost
Probably just another graffiti shitposter like lushsux if it's not him
it's literally signed lushsux
Yeah it's regrettably rare that the difficulties actually change things. Something like Thief did it great. On the hardest difficulty you weren't allowed to kill people, you needed to find more loot and you also needed to get out of the level, whereas on the lower settings it just ends when you get the thing you came for. Or more recently Prey, which adds different injuries like concussions and broken bones. Though they didn't do very much
Where's the screenshot with a wojackposter showing his collection
That amalgamation of a bogdanoff and Bobby Tom cruise Shmurda is definitely not king of the hill
I want to spray paint over that stupid fucking wojak