Artifact 2.0 confirmed.
What's wrong Valve? Can't cash in on fads like you used to?
Artifact 2.0 confirmed.
What's wrong Valve? Can't cash in on fads like you used to?
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A heavy update would save them. Unfortunately Gaben is too smooth brain to realize
What the fuck is DoTA Underlords?
They probably programmed it over the weekend.
It started out as a DOTA 2 chess mod that got insanely popular for some reason. Valve and everyone else jumped at the chance to make their own rip off version into a standalone game. Thus, DOTA underlords
Trying to cash in on Autochess, which is an utterly mindless gametype.
Ding dong diddly
40k daily is kind of a lot though
like isnt that as much as tf2 gets daily?
it's still beta right?
all I remember is they took 3 weeks to do ti and vacation cause they want their employees to have happy lives or some gay shit
they said something about a huge patch soon which is more than you can say for artifact
Is Artifact even getting updates still?
last we heard is they're in it for the long haul
leaks show that artifact will become f2p with all cards unlocked and just given away and not touched again and underlords and dota will share inventories with artifact and you can customize the cards in some ways using them
Please explain the business model behind this cash in. My smooth brain is unable to comprehend.
They used to make shit, built shit
I doubt it'll happen
Valve sees Riot making game. Valve copies Riot game which ends up being inferior to the original
Is this another thread we have to see 2-3 times a day for the next month from the reposting steam hating autism lord?
Cry about it
>Similar response to other threads
Yup seek mental help or kill yourself you fucking nutjob. Imagine spending all your freetime shitposting on Yea Forums.
I can only imagine, so tell me about it. How do you do it?
40k is nothing compared to TFT's players
Nice projection faggot you spam the same threads for months on end and have been going at it doing this shit for years now. You are the definition of mental illness. I know what to call you now. Your the ACK of Yea Forums because you have zero self awareness.
>tfw valve doesnt make games anymore, and when they do they are cashgrabby flops
I quit playing because they made massive fucking updates every single week and I couldnt keep up with the metagame.
Reminder that there is an autochess SC2 gamemode in the arcade.
They've been teasing a big update for a while actually
>Valve copies Rito
>AutoChess was a Dota mod
>they literally asked to hire the original autochess dev but agreed to each do their own thing instead
>somehow riot is involved in any of this
>Game starts off strong but dies faster than dog on a Vietnamese street
The problem with Dota underlords and literally any autochess game is fact that these games are heavily RNG dependent, it doesn't matter if you are good at this game because all what counts is what you will get in shop and what other players get in shop. I remember how my friend played this game for first time and won this game because at first 4 rounds of game he already got 3 star axe and after next 5 rounds he got 3 star slark with basher.
They were late in delivering promised features. No solo ranked mode, no underlords.
They are working at a snail's pace.
Is this another obsessed autist thread?
DOTA itself is heavily RNG dependent
Can someone explain how these games have players on them or are they just full of shitty ecelebs on twitch/youtube
Valve games have no traction with ecelebs/youtubers.
Are you the obsessed crybaby?
>Reminder that there is an autochess SC2 gamemode in the arcade.
Does anyone play it?
Bro, what the fuck?
You made this thread like twice an hour at times. Take a fucking break.
It's relatively new to my understanding but it does have people playing it. Some koreans made it and it's been translated to English.
Cry about it, bitch
Not the fault of underlords, but the fault of a fad ending.
Can't you see a fucking bait moron? How could it be more obvious fucking green frog faggot
seething china chink
Seething bitch boy with mantits
Quit making threads like this I don't want to be reminded that I bought Artifact.
Valveniggers need to stop trying to expand dota 2 with other games, they are all doomed to fail.
It's not the lore that people like, it's not the art, it's not the universe.
It's the goddamn game
Can someone fucking explain to me the appeal of autochess? It's chess that basically does most of the work itself, right? That sounds fucking lame. Why would anybody want to play that?
To be fair, they could make a good expanded lore Dota 2 game if they made it with some fucking soul for once like holy shit. Maybe make a rpg where you can choose race or something idk but that would require effort.
I forgot autochess was still a thing, thought it was going to overtake battle royales by now
No, they need to stop trying to make Dota 2 more than what it is. A clusterfuck of retcons and asspulls to justify a sequel on steam.
And there's nothing wrong with that
A Dota 2 Porn RPG where your party choices are
-Templar Assassin
-Phantom Assassin
-Drow Ranger
-Queen of Pain
-Death Prophet
-Legion Commander
-Naga Siren
-Vengeful Spirit
would work. You don't start out with all of them, but instead encounter them as you progress through the story. Most of them will be part of the main quest but some of them will be encountered and recruited via sidequests like Yuffie in FF7.
Party structure will be the usual 4-person party with turn-based combat
Each character will have her own unique class and skill tree.
As they go through the story, they get fucked by monsters during gameplay and during cutscenes
The player starts the game with CM receiving a letter from Lina requesting her help with an urgent matter
Yeah but mods are always flavor of the day. Dota (the original one) was the single exception because of it's possible longlivity.
Minigames like Dota autochess have only flavor of the month potential. The only way to get money from it is to make it a mobile game, cash in from rich chinks and then forget about it half a year later.
Trying it to make as a newcoming of christ and a big deal on PC will only make it flop harder, because as I said, it lacks the longlivity. As a mod in a game it's fine, but as a standalone game it's shit.
Same fate follows TFT, which is also dying althought Riot still desperately tries to save it like doctors are trying to save stage 4 cancer patient.
this is sad but true. i actually kind of like the universe they've built up but there's nothing to gain out of expanding on it because nobody's going to fucking buy into any of it. the playerbase for dota 2 is literally 80% third worlders who just want to play a free game. they aren't going to put any money into a retarded spinoff
Only good idea in this thread
>valve has a meme 'work on whatever' company structure
>it supposedly killed videogames like ep 3, HL3, F-stop, Stars of Blood and Prospero because the employees apparently have the attention span of a 3 year old and just got bored of working on them halfway through
>However mindless cashgrabs with no wiggle room for creative freedom, soul or anything actually interesting to be done with them got made back to back within a year
I've literally never met a person in my life who says he played dota 2.
I'm convinced only the chinese like it and they're not people
It's poor foreigners
i think the genre itself doesn't have much longevity. there just isn't much variance in the matches, you just buy the same and watch the AI tussle a bit, then you make your best effort to mitigate the RNG until the game ends. i'm being reductive but it doesn't really feel like there's much replayability in the game, which is a stark contrast to something like dota 2 which has nigh infinite replayability due to fucking trillions of hero combinations possible for a match. the RNG is also very difficult to mitigate in artifact, and you very often get punished for the correct play and rewarded for a bad play, which makes for a somewhat unresponsive experience once you graduate from shitterdom and want to start improving. i don't know how it got so popular in the first place, i think it's just fun if you are still a shitter or if you don't really care about winning. but this just means that it won't have much player retention by design, since few dota fans want to remain a shitter forever
no it's not? if it were, you wouldn't see smurfs or pro players owning the fuck out of games even 500-1000 lower mmr than theirs
>the RNG is also very difficult to mitigate in artifact
lol i meant to write underlords
jesus christ
Jethuth qwiste
I could see that work! Good idea user
I liked Dota 2. But then they changed it too fucking much and I can't into it anymore.
i really like this game but my internet is soo fucking shit atm that i can't even play it.
>2019 valve
>making games for heterosexual males
lol make the romance choices the furry and fat male characters and they might make it
they fucking need to add the item trading, do some advertising and for fucks sake, add the underlords to the game.
Why don't they make mobile games if they want quick buck from retards? Seriously, how the fuck plays gacha-like games on PC?
Are Valve too retarded to even scam properly?
>2019 user
>making sane posts on 4channel
lol he'll just drop some schizo rhetoric about gays and furries completely unprompted
>Why don't they make mobile games
that's what theyre doing with underlords
have you been missing that steam constantly bans hetero erotic VNs while allowing all types of furry and gay shit?
Couple of my Steam buddies I had forever play it, but I'm pretty sure it's only because they're still Valvefags.
to be honest, i don't care about any kind of erotic VNs
But can you play it on mobile devices? Because that's the most important aspect. Microtransaction shit worked in CS:GO and TF2 because there's a big meaty game attached to it, nobody's seriously gonna turn on their PC to play a game that they could play on a phone while taking a dump, right?
oh. The I guess I should do some research next time.
The spammer never slows down. This is his life.
>Valve sees Riot making game.
Vale saw modders making a mod for DOTA 2. Riot cashed in on the AutoChess fad... How retarded can you be?