>Mario eats a Super Mushroom
>Turns into "Super Mario"
>Getting hit turns him back into "Regular Mario"
So is this Mario's real size?
Mario eats a Super Mushroom
No, Mario can regress to a child size if mortally wounded.
It's his malnourished form, eat your vegetables and you'll look healthier
mushrooms aren't vegetables
this is why peach wont date him, mario is a manlet
Yes they are retard, anything high in calcium is a vegetable
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There are three Mario forms. Your pic is Small Mario, then there's regular Mario and finally Super Mario. Originally Mario turned into Super Mario in the platformer games, but now Small Mario turns into normal Mario. Mario's "real size" is how he looks in Odyssey compared to the humans, which is him in his default form. If he ate a Super Mushroom he'd likely be as tall as them, or at least close
If I beat you up does that mean your beaten up bloody body is the regular you?
goddamnit it user
>compared to the humans
w-what species is Mario?
Mario is human, just a different type of human. It's like how there's multiple types of dinosaurs or other animals in the Mario universe
Like Homo erectus vs Homo sapiens
something else entirely
Thanks for reminding me I need to replay Odyssey.
maybe if i eat a super mushroom