Does anyone know if this is legit? It would definitely explain why it's taking so long for information about SMTV to come out.
Atlus fired Kazuma Kaneko and anybody who mentions him is fired
Other urls found in this thread:
Good, his art sucked.
doi will do smtv though
This is really crazy if true ..
Kill yourself
does this twitter nobodies word have any weight, if so thats a shame cause his art is great
sounds like bullshit
and the rights thing is perfectly normal when you're working for a company
More information here
why the fuck are people believing some twitter who without a source?
his art is the only reason i know anything about smt and persona.
I'm going to say the K word!
So he sold the rights?
I literally asked if anyone knows whether it's legit or not
Fuck SMT and SMTfags.
Did you look for any sources first? Is there any particular reason to believe this actual nobody?
Nah i'm too lazy which is why i'm asking Yea Forums
Hmm I require sauce
Does it even matter what I roll
You're a retard.
Artists not having rights to their work is common. Even in the US. For example the creators of pretty much every capeshit character don't have the rights for them. And the money made varies wildly. For example Len Wein created Morgan Freemans, Lucius Fox, character in Batman trilogy. He also created Wolverine. He got more money from the Batman Begins movie than every X Men and Wolverine movie combined.
tldr Complaint fuck artists worldwide
There are a lot more protections for some artistic classes in Japan.
it's some faggot on twitter so i doubt it
ask the literal who because now I'm curious
Oh yeah? I'm interested to hear more about that.
Wouldn't surprise me, glad I got those art books years ago.
>Atlus fucks SMT fans over even further
What a shock
This is an imageboard not a news outlet, we have no journalistic standards to even pretend to uphold
Then why are you trying to get your news from here?
It stinks, but out of those franchises, Persona's the one that by far brings in the most money. And money talks.
So why are you asking Yea Forums for a source
I thought firing wasn't a thing in Japan?
>this is an imageboard, not a news outlet
Then go to one, we aren't here to do anything for you faggot.
Sorry that was a typo. I meant sauce. I am preparing a big bbq and want to know a good sauce.
That's because DC handles royalties more generously than Marvel despite writers trying to get royalties from both
Starling earned more money for KGBeast appearing in BvS where he wasn't even named KGBeast than he did with fucking Thanos in the MCU
explains why Atlus never ports their games to other platforms or makes HD remasters. Their internal politics must be aids.
>Starling earned more money for KGBeast appearing in BvS where he wasn't even named KGBeast than he did with fucking Thanos in the MCU
Bullshit. Or at least this has to be before Thanos was the main villain in the literally highest selling movie ever.
Catherine and Radiant Historia were single games, hardly franchises
You just don't hear about it because anyone who is fired is tainted for life and their only options are suicide or homelessness.
At this point, Sony shoud just acquire Atlus from SEGA
Id rather not, if anyone should buy them it should be Bandai
source: my ass
His copyright plug is gone but he likely sold his share to Atlus
Fucking crime if true. The man has a very unique style. It defined the Persona and SMT series.
Even if it isn't true, its strange what became of him.
Sony would fuck them over even more.
The developers want to go to Nintendo.
If it's true, there's nothing stopping Kaneko from talking about it
Nice try OP but I'm not that easily riled up by Twitter man screencaps.
Stop linking CP you fucking monster
Unless you are Hideo Kojima
>wtf i can't believe nintendo cancelled all their games except mario, pokemon and smash
A company that relies solely on one IP is not long for this world
smt never ever, faggot
>Believing random twitter trannies seeking attention
They did phone ports
>unironically wanting a Californian company to buy a Japanese studio
The collective weight of Japanese society stops people from doing that. It's one of those cultural things.
Shut the fuck up. His artstyle was ugly in the 90s and its ugly now. Nothing changed
He's like a really respected artist isn't he? an accusation like that would fuck Atlas's rep
Not really.
Great news, his art is not sexy enough so fuck this faggot
They want to keep the Persona games on Sony because it's part of the "brand" or some shit, despite the fact that they have several games on non sony consoles, though in 5's case it's simply because they published it
He talked a bit about how banks were refusing him loans until and office buildings refusing to lease to him and he had to seek out and appeal to people he had personal connections with to get those. It's why Kojima Productions office is literally across the street from Sony. Japan society can be fucked. Kojima was lucky he had networked well before leaving his company to have individuals he could rely on.
Absolutely, which is why he won't do it. Rocking the boat, even if you're the victim, is a huge no-no that is ingrained on japanese from early childhood. He probably thinks that if he got fired then that means he is a burden on the company and it's his fault. Him suffering is preferable to him causing any problems for other people. It's totally fucked up.
Wasn't Konami actively pressuring health insurance companies from doing business with him?
the entire smt empire is based on his artstyle
if you hate it that much what are you even doing here
just kill yourself
I wonder what EAtlus plans to do when nowhere near as many zoomers buy P6? I can honestly see sega farming out their IPs to other developers while Atlus is put on the licensed movie shovelware again
Nah. I'd imagine MAYBE 10% of Atlus' modern audience even knows who Kaneko is. The others are like "lol who's that nobody? smt? whatever, when's p5r?
So Madarame was actually Atlus?
No. He said the banks and office building leasers are just like that. They did it on their own without Konami needing to put pressure. Japan society is just fucked that a bank sees a guy that parted with a company and chooses to deny loans or let him lease an office.
The health insurance was something Konami did to some different employees not Kojima.
what licensed movie games did they do?
Half of those aren't even Atlus franchises, just games that were published in the west by them (read: not published by Atlus in JP).
atlus got too big for their britches
bethesda is next
Neat. Now can you remove Joker from Smash already?
I would rather Square Enix bought Atlus
It's impossible for Bethesda to fail. They could have 5 more F76 shitshows and people will forget about it when they show TES 6.
Never underestimate the rabid cult-like following that Bethesda has.
Honestly if I was in that situation I would just move to America, just not California
8 out of 12 were developed by them, unless I'm mistaken on Radiant Historia
Odin Sphere is a Vanillaware game, you mung.
As someone who really liked what the elder scrolls used to be, I hope the rest of us wake up
What, so SMTV could take even longer to develop?
Well like that other guy said Kojima is the exception to ones life being ruined if you leave a company. And only because he was fortunate to have certain connections to individuals willing to help him out. Like every bank denied him but he was fortunate to have a friend he could call for help at a bank and get a loan.
Absolute shit taste in this thread, Jesus.
>It's still 66% accurate
Kaneko is based
makes you wonder why Sony decided to support him
66% is more than half
At least it'd actually come out.
They're still making EO games even with a hardware shift that made people question if the series had a future
Friday the 13th on NES
Why aren't the jannies deleting that link to CP on tumblr?
>They're still making EO games
Next Stage is currently MIA just like SMTV, which is even more worrying since EO games aren't really high-budget to begin with, so i'm not sure what could be taking this long.
>his art is not sexy enough
Get a load of this faggot.
Who is this skinny cat dude?
I mean it has been over a year, but we don't really know if they were even far into development at all when they announced it. I wouldn't say it's MIA yet, but it has been long enough that we should be expecting news soon
Wasn't kaneko more than just an artist too? At least with recent stuff like IV and strange journey
HD development takes a lot more time and resources than making 3ds games.
>being this gay
i miss the old pale-goth designs and depressing stories mang
That was the most cringeworthy video i've seen in years.
my uncle works there, bro. where does your uncle work? shittendo? get the fuck outta here, loser.
Capcom should hire him. He's had collaboration with DMC and his design can really help some of the other IPs of Capcom.
What video? I'm always down to watch some cringe
Kazuma Kaneko artbook that came out last month, his name is literally in the title
F. Now we know why there hasn't been any new SMT V footage/news in ages. It's over bros, Personafags won.
>ugh smt was so much better before the fanservice
>he says with his example of quality being a LITERAL tittymonster
I liked DDS and TMS but this image is always hilarious.
>smt 5 will now be about friendship since oldguard is getting kicked out
Welp, at least I can still replay smt 3
Don't say I didn't warn you
What's worse is that this is probably the most exposure DDS will ever get in the Youtube sphere
Do you notice that on every game Tetsuya Nomura works on now his name is in the copyright? On the box, main menu and when you take a screenshot? It's not an advertising point. The same goes for Uematsu. Uematsu owns every piece of final fantasy music he has made.
Kaneko co-founded Atlus. Technically he should be the owner of at least half their IP.
Isn't Atlus a lot like Konami in that most of the people in charge are boomers who don't really know or care much about vidya? I remember hearing that somewhere.
sega sammy is that
Never. The Raidou games suck and are only good for the setting and character designs.
Never mind, I lied when I said I was always down to watch some cringe
soon based raibro
Maybe a combination of California HQ slightly removing them from the usually Japanese bs and Kojima having a personal friend or two at Sony with influence, kind of like Yoko Taro knows a guy at Square that lets him avoid most Square horseshit.
Square Enix is a terrible company that mismanages their talent constantly. They have no idea why they are successful and just blunder randomly into and out of profit year by year.
was he fired or "fired"? you need to do some really serious shit like embezzlement to get fired in japan otherwise they stick you in some shitty closet to force a resignation like square did to sakaguchi after the spirits within bombed.
I suffered through the whole thing. Clemps appears as a guest and makes the video halfway tolerable but a lot of the "tips" they give are outright incorrect or they obfuscate important details. They also spend very little time on the story and characters which are probably the game's biggest selling point.
Forgot to quote
>Everyone in this thread including OP is being a massive retard
Great, if true that means the only remaining thing separating SMT from generic high school animu shit is gone.
Fuck you.
Would you have ti any other way?
If you're an artist and you give a corporation control of your art, you are a retard and deserve to get screwed out of royalties and licensing.
It is when the egos collide, see also Kojimbo.
You're fucking delusional.
Kojima, Tabata, the waifu dev from Ghostwire and this were all technically on paper not firings.
Conversely, oldfags and people not into waifu trash will absolutely flock to any product which prominently features his style, so if this is true hopefully he jumps ship to someone less cancerous than Atlus.
Not a SMT/PS fags but his design for Inhert was kino what a shame.
Look at all the gems in ps2 era. What a fucking waste.
Hs should join the team who did Caligula. His art and influence with the P2 writer's script would be kino.
Not even memeing or trying to doompost byt I think SMT5 is actually dead.
i miss trauma center...
It would explain a lot. I have bad feeling about it too.
Was Caligua good? I wrote it off really early and never looked at it since.
>No social life
>Still has 600k yen to drop on a video game.
That...doesn't add up.
>you will never have enough money to hire your favorite artists for a project because they're all used to fat paychecks from mega corps
Remember, if you don't buy Catherine: Full Body and Persona 5 Royal, then you'll never get SMT5.
At least the man has taste.
Man I fucking love SMT But Atlus can fucking die in a fire, Considering how awful they treat Persona, their fucking cash cow, I can totally believe that theyd fucking take the art rights off of the guy who basically created what SMT looks like
you are supposed to multiply, not divide by the no_social_life factor
You can have a job and no social life. In fact that just means you have more money to blow on vidya.
they'll just cancel it faster. Atlus needs to burn.
Not in Japan you can't. Work life and social life are one and the same.
It's one thing to be a NEET that watches anime and shitposts on basketweaving forums, but whaling on a video game takes something most otaku hikkomori don't have: Massive amounts of disposable income.
In fact, when you're dumping that kind of cash on a mobile game, it implies you AREN'T spending much time on it, because you're also buying all the grind shortcuts.
Catherine came out after Persona 3 and 4.
Odin Sphere is from the same generation as P3. Devil Summoner 2 came out after P3.
SMT5 is being developed for the Switch right now.
Stop being retarded.
I know you're probably joking, but why would any SMTfag want to support Atlus ever again, if this is true? If they really did cancel SMTV, then they're pretty much telling us, that they threw us under the bus for their new Persona zoomer audience.
>they just showed new stuff at TGS
Stop. Being. Retarded.
Based facts poster BTFOing annoying doomposters
Fuck Doi.
>devil summoner 2
i got the preorder edition in the big plastic box with the plushy
i display it as a centerpiece
its my favorite
Nope. welcome to The Disney Company, a parasitic fungus growing on the corpse of some dudes drafting and design studio.
Most of the left are singular games and not franchises.
And Etrian Odyssey + Mainline SMT are still alive.
They didn't? Atlus at TGS was literally just P5R
Nope, Disney and marvel are literally that fucking trash. There's a reason people on Yea Forums fucking hate the mouse.
Kaneko is a legend. Him and Meguro have contributed so much to the smt franchise. That would be so fucked if Atlus did that to him.
I'm not going to lie, if this ends up being true, I'm done with Atlus. I'm one of those smtfags that lives up to all the memes that people have about us. I mean I love SMT, but absolutely detest Persona and its fanbase. For years, Atlus has shit on us while catering to Persona niggers and their high school anime faggotry. This would be the final straw for me, it would be an absolute betrayal. Go ahead and call me an autist over sperging out from some random tweet, from some literal who. But it's really something I could see being done by neo Atlus. Since Persona 5 was a huge hit, they don't need us anymore. God, I fucking hope this isn't true.
Some of their design teams are really good, but the company management of resources is absolute shit. They regularly take all of their teams off of their projects and force them to work on some random game in crunch for the next 2 weeks, when they could have just delayed a single project and had two teams working on the game for 3 months and avoided the massive crunch where 90% of people are just putting final content in the game without even understanding what the rest of the game is going to look like.
>ass and chest of a 10 yr old boy
Yeah you're gay
Half the time they never move the teams back either. FFXIV has been bled down to a skeleton crew over years to cover for the fact that Nomura can't finish a project in a timely manner to save his life, despite being more profitable than anything he has ever made.
It's not like anyone will be getting SMT at this point. Atlus is too busy milking its shitty dating sim.
Why does this have a section about FGO in it?
Scans when?
>10 year old boys aren't hot
this right here
let it all burn, we will fill the void eventually
this is bullshit and you know it.
I'm glad she didn't die
You do know most of the nocturne devs are still at atlus, and most of them work on persona
Didn't they remove all the smt songs from the jukebox in nu-catherine too? Holy shit, SMTV literally never ever, sorry guys.
they even caved in and made smtiv:a more like a persona game too...
>Didn't they remove all the smt songs from the jukebox in nu-catherine too?
Wait, what? Fuck, this is getting worse and worse the more this thread goes on.
It's over.
>mfw SMT is dead
>japanese company acts like retards more in 11 news
Get ready for the announcement next week.
>"We are discontinuing the poorly performing Shin Megami Tensei series in order to focus exclusively on bringing more Persona games to fans worldwide. Please understand."
The fact that Fatlus posted this as if they were proud of it is very telling.
It's just going to be Persona and nothing else from here on out, isn't it?
If it's any consolation doing so would literally bankrupt Atlus. They don't seem to realize that Persona 5 selling 3 million can't carry a company. Makes me wonder how much they think Pokemon sells because they're treating it as if it's bigger.
Damn, he won in the end...
[Citation Needed]
>published SkyGunner in the USA
the only good thing Atlus did
cult mentality is what all big corporations strive for these days because it makes them guaranteed to succeed no matter how much they fuck up
So Atlus published Matrimelee, huh
Atlus won't go bankrupt because they're a Sega subsidiary. The worst thing that could happen to them is daddy Sega forcing them to make ports.
Well if some guy on Twitter says so then it must be true.
This is a load of bullshit. The attempt from SMTfags to victimize themselves because Persona is more popular is pathetic.
They were referring to FGO's version of Scathach, dumbass.
>Doi is now the new main artist for SMT
I hope SMTV never fucking comes out.
This is now a gunner thread. Fuck nu-atlus
That mentality only goes so far though. If Bethesda did release another 2 FO76 tier shit shows then the 4th game in the row would either flop or require crazy redemption.
But that won't happen because Doom is soon. So if they release another shitter it would just be one bad game since Doom. The in succession is the key part to killing a franchise or company diehard fanbase.
femme is cute
*sips* Ahhhh, now that's a meme i haven't seen in a long time. i miss 0chan
So what is Kaneko up to now then? Just retired and went back to the flower fields?
Goodbye good video games
Goodbye early 2000s zeitgeist
welcome garbage
I think you are trying to doompost.
He’s practically been retired since the Sega buy out. There were rumors he was against it. There’s nothing substantial though.
I want my cool 90s, 00s atlus back
nu-Atlus is fucking normie shit
>Go ahead and call me an autist over sperging out from some random tweet
You're an autist. You're also a retard with delusions of being some second-class citizen in ATLUS' eyes and you've let your mind be polluted by memes.
At this point i think Nintendo would be the only company dumb enough to do that
>tfw made a couple SkyGunner YTPMVS
>made one of this song with Terry Crews Old Spice sources
>it was amazing
>project is now deleted
Welp, I can still remake it and make it better than before using my new knowledge so..
>no skygunner intro song using terry crews as utauloid
It is very suffering having autism.
Etrianbros have it much worse
Fellate a shotgun.
So what happened to SMT V?
>Another thing that bothered me was the trend of the main character always being portrayed as someone special -- a legendary warrior, for example. It was the equivalent of saying you can't succeed unless you're from a wealthy family, and I just couldn't stand that. I wasn't born with special genes, and I'm sure most other players weren't either. No matter who you are, if you're given a chance and have the guts to try your best, you can become a hero... That became the concept of Megami Tensei.
Based Kazuma he is a man of the people, of course he hates this new corporate atlus.
Fuck SMT. SkyGunner is better
Didn't they end up retconning all of the SMT protags into being chosen ones
yep, fuck atlus and fuck SMT: apocalypse
>be an amazing artist
>if I can make it anyone can LOL
>Another thing that bothered me was the trend of the main character always being portrayed as someone special
If the main character isn't the most special character in the setting then there isn't a point in him being the main character. This is fucking retarded.
Yes that is 100% his point, what is yours?
the reason the main character is important is because of their accomplishments not that they were chosen
dont know why i had to explain that to you
Normal people don't have accomplishments like that, that makes them special
How can you like the chosen one, born amazing bullshit? Sounds like you’re the retard.
>their accomplishments
That they are able to perform because they are special.
Obviously not. The only reason there's more Persona than anything else is because low-effort, low-budget spinoffs of Persona sell. Outside of it's spinoffs and adaptations Persona is treated almost the same as their other series, it gets re-releases, but so does almost every other series they have, it took forever to release P5 itself, just the same as it's taking forever to release SMTV, Project Re Fantasy and a new EO. None of these games are comparable to an outsourced spinoff like P5S and there's nothing to suggest that for some nonsense reason someone at ATLUS is making the SMTV team stop what they're working on for the sake of some P5 spinoff, despite them not being made by the same team.
ATLUS aren't taking forever to release SMTV or anything else because of some conspiracy within the company to kill off everything they have that isn't Persona, if they intended to do that they would have done it long ago because Persona being more popular isn't anything new. We wouldn't have even had the SMTV announcement if they were doing this. ATLUS are just incompetent when it comes to releasing games on time and they announce shit way too early, by their own admission in SMT's case. I find it absolutely ridiculous that SMTfags are even willing to act so victimised whole ATLUS have announced plans for an EO game. You'd have to be a complete retard to think ATLUS would ever drop SMT but keep EO going, and if you ever thought about any if this more than not at all you'd realize that nobody at ATLUS has some personal vendetta against you for liking SMT.
>reason for being the protagonist
Oh no, he's brain dead
Damn, then Persona 6 has a chance of not resembling lanky pancake assed gas station crack ghoul dog shit. I have no idea how you urchins have put up with the terrible art style of Atlus games this whole time, it seriously looks terrible. Consider this a win in your books, I'm happy for you all.
Better than becoming weebshit series #52,847.
They point is you can be a regular joe and be the protagonist of a JRPG you don't need to be the choose one, that trope gets old quick.
The main characters were already special in SMT though. You had the reincarnation of Adam, test tube Jesus and Lucifer's candidate for a new general.
>ass and chest of a 10 yr old boy
That's just called being asian
it's an abusive clause most westerners enforce, but in Japan artists retain their ownership unless specifically stated. Atlus is basically trying to americanize their process, and this include scamming its own team.
That’s SHIN Megami Tensei. Kaneko cites Megami Tensei.
looks like segas stupidity is really rubbing off on Atlus.
>You'd have to be a complete retard to think ATLUS would ever drop SMT but keep EO going
Sega just lets them do whatever, this is all atlus and atluss fault alone
Kaneko had been phased out ever since their 6th gen line up bombed, Nocturne and DDS1&2 didn't perform particularly well
Cozy straight up left while Kaneko stayed in some reduced capacity
I can see a bunch of suits in a Sega boardroom deciding to phase out SMT because it’s not profitable enough.
Man what the fuck is going on with Atlus
And Hashino, the director of those games, got placed in charge of a game currently in development hell.
Sega doesnt interfere with fatlus to my knowledge, its probsbly just them trying to milk shitsona and getting rid of staff they dont care about anymore
What are you talking about, he started up a new studio in atlus, they released Full Body just this year and there's no indication that Re Fantasy is in development hell
God I hate you retarded twitternigger zoomers taking everything literal who says as truth.
atlus literally had an artshow where they displayed his art, but not his name
need sources or this is literal who twitter drama faggotry that nobody in their right mind would care about.
the horror
Why didn’t he invite Kaneko?
>Rance's new turn messages have him talk like a content middle aged man all of a sudden
What happened? In the beginning he was all loud and shit every turn now he's just calm
This true or what.
looks like SMTV was cancelled to me
>literally who said thing
Fuck off. Twitter fags should be permabanned
Yeah and the protagonist of megami tensei is a genious programmer
The only 'nobody' protagonists in the series are in MT2, and SMT If..., but even then I may be misremembering with MT2
The protagonist of smt1 is the reincarnated soul of Adam, the protagonist of smt2 was genetically engineered, the protagonist of smt3 was turned into a demon by lucifer, the protagonists of the smt4s are both reincarnations of important characters in the lore, the protagonist of SJ is a highly trained interdimensional marine though I guess he does pass off as an everyman in his specific profession
>they literally removed Kanekos name from their business cards
>Latest Report “Shin Megami Tensei V” is actively being developed. I’m sorry that we could not update you on a follow-up report. The adoption of Unreal Engine 4 and implementation of details takes a lot of time. I would appreciate it if you could wait for an update for just a little longer.
Back in 2018
If anything removing Kaneko will push it forward.
>bad thing good
sure shill
Fuck you, Doi. Your “art” sucks.
Kaneko being the bad thing that's holding smt back. Don't forget how he tried to strong arm Strange Journey into SMT4 when no one else wanted it.
holy fuck, sega. stop ruining video games. I feel bad for Kaneko, even when people don't let him draw anymore because his art is too mature for these stupid persona waifufags, he wrote a bunch of scripts for SMT4
>genius programmer
Lol, that really played into the story of Megaten huh
sj was better than SMT4 anyways
Literally who
>tried to strong arm SJ into SMT4
How awful, thank god we got the real SMT4 instead
Shit taste
You dont understand.
The protagonist of for instance SMT STRANGE JOURNEY is a regular soldier, just a run of the mill soldier. His accomplishments are his own due to his training and force of will, not because he's a reincarnation or chosen by god.
This is an example of a "normal person" protagonist which i find more compelling
An example of a "chosen one" character is Nanashi from SMT4:APOCALYPSE, Nanashi from the start of the game is already an reincarnation of a great hero from the past and an hour in is bound to service to a demon to give him his power. I find this less compelling. Not to say that "chosen one" protagonists arent always shit, the nerevarine from Morrowind is a great character.
It's true. One of their female co-workers accused him of fondling her during a drinking party.
the nerevarine being the chosen one is very much up to player interpretation, which is why it works
>art is too mature for these stupid persona waifufags
Stop being retarded. Kaneko's art is great, and there are things about it that may be off-putting to a general audience, but it's not "too mature" for Personafags. You're not high minded for having the pedestrian opinion that Kaneko's art is great. You can acknowledge that it is great, but don't act like you can only recognise that because you're "mature" enough to get it.
Unrelated but
>Guy in OP's pic just spams Vaan wank and shittalks FFX every other post
>*not to say "chosen one" protagonists are always shit*
You don't have to be chosen by god to be special, he was lucky to be born a person capable of such things, that makes him special
Shit taste.
Yep, i think SMTV is cancelled
>An example of a "chosen one" character is Nanashi from SMT4:APOCALYPSE, Nanashi from the start of the game is already an reincarnation of a great hero from the past and an hour in is bound to service to a demon to give him his power
Which is why you don't want to get Kaneko involved.
Disney is the worst. ANYTHING you draw, even off the clock, is their property.
Came here to post this. Not an SMT guy, but I love his designs for Dante and Vergil's DTs in 3.
I get what you're saying, but it's also true that both Soejima and Doi have a more conventional style with more mainstream appeal while Kaneko has a very particular look to his art, especially the human character designs
Huh, sounds pretty based to me
Thats not my argument though. Of course their accomplishments make them special, its about how humble their beginnings are. Obviously the character themself is "chosen" by the player and designer making them special, but thats irrelevant. The protagonist of SJ couldve been any soldier on the Red Sprite. The character's orgins are irrelevant.
That's only like 6 grand in us dollars
Not sure what you meant by this post. SMT4 and SMT4:A especially were mostly just supervised by Kaneko and he wasn't able to influence them as much as SMT3.
I know IV was but what did he do for IV:A
...he supervised
>and SMT4:A especially were mostly just supervised by Kaneko
He was literally one of the two writers for Apoc.
Really? Yikes.
why we just don't do the same thing the pokefags are doing for their national dex problem and start complaining in the Atlus official twitters with something like #BringBackKazumaKaneko?
>The game's world and basic scenario were created by Kazuma Kaneko, while the script was written by Yusuke Miyata.[1][2]
>basic scenario
Yes, so he came up with plot points
>sega literally prior to the merge officially said they will have a hands off approach and let atlus do things their way
>retards saying its segas fault
there are hundreds of other valid reasons to shit on them but at least give credit where its due
All 5 of us wouldn't make that much noise, not at the level of a gorillion autistic screeching pokefags
He came up with something, writer he was not
So... Izuna is going to remain unemployed, then? I really liked her games.
>The game's world and basic scenario were created by Kazuma Kaneko
Which would make him one of the two writers and someone Miyata has to consult with at all times you absolute fuckwit.
You do realise that being a writer doesn't mean you work solely on the main plot, right?
fuck off adachi, you're just a lazy, jealous piece of shit
This doesn't sound true.
Shonen jump owns all of the manga in their comic except Hunter x Hunter because of a special deal.
Nigger it would make his position and influence incredibly vague
its not segas fault
its just segas stupidity rubbing off on to atlus
sega is easily the most incompetent developer out there, if not top 5
besides, they wont announce SMTV being cancalled until after their other switch games are released as to not crater their sales
>The game's world and basic scenario were created by Kazuma Kaneko
Dude that means he wrote almost the entire game, concepts and all like all of the smt protag being Messiahs.
You are a faggot nigger.
>Kazuma Kaneko goes to Capcom and starts drawing for the DMC series
>We get DMC3-style DTs again
If he wrote the outline and concepts used in 4A then he's the one at the top when it comes to writing.
Good. His early designs were fucking great but he's been shit since he switched to digital art. Though SMT is dead anyway and even if SMT5 comes out it'll be shit
>but he's been shit since he switched to digital art.
I'm so tired of hearing people who have no art brain say this. His art improved dramatically.
>game's world and basic scenario were created by Kazuma Kaneko,
Read this again and tell us what you think it means.
Yes, he's not the director, he's not even a producer, he had literally 0 creative control over anything, he came up with a "basic scenario", you have no clue what that entails, writing the outline and concepts used in 4A is pure speculation on your part, the only comment expanding on it is that medieval Mikado/Tokyo dynamic of 4 was his idea
Sure if you like everything coming with a layer of sheen and same faces.
Based. Trannies be seething
What other Switch games? TMS isn't going to sell anyway.
Do none of you retards even fact check anything.
Hes still at Atlus
Do you genuinely think those things comes from the switch from traditional to digital and not because it's a thing 90% of artist suffer in some way?
That's the thing.
He hasn't been fired, but between Atlus refusing to make statements and the removal of his name, something that could be used as adverstisement for Atlus unless they can't means there are some difficulties inside the company.
he's not been fired and might not be, but shit is happening and SMT seems to be the one msot affected by it.
i hope not his art along with the heavy atmosphere of old smt games drew me to the series
>pure speculation
Ironic coming from the person who said this without a shred of evidence
>he had literally 0 creative control over anything
In any case right in your own post it says he wrote those things unless of course you don't know what
>The game's world and basic scenario
that persona 5 musou
imagine how hard their sales would get fucked if they announced that SMTV was cancelled
What are the odds that Atlus is unaware of the internet and that people know they removed SMT music?
If Atlus is banking on that game and fucking TMS to stay afloat they're even dumber than I thought.
Do you really think that'll sell on Switch?
Great idea user! This is your lead director and character designer say something nice about them!
do you think those sales would be better if they announced SMTV was cancelled?
I'd say Nintendo or Bamco. I feel like they would fuck with them the least.
Said what without a shred of evidence? He wasn't credited as anything but setting planner, and demon designs obviously since they still use the same designs as always
You sure seem to have a solid idea of exactly what it means, so come on and elaborate on exactly everything that "basic scenario" includes
he dropped the thick lines, character designs are less detailed and more "le quirky" and colors are really washed up and all males look like twinks now
Considering the musou, Persona and smt audiences are three entirely different audiences? It'll sell like shit regardless of what they do.
The really fucking hack artist that gives everyone a placid expression and a hairlip?
Still waiting on source
>He wasn't credited as anything but setting planner
Stop reading Wikipedia and actually look at the credits you idiot.
okay retard
I'm reading articles, you dumb cunt
Maybe you should get off wikipedia yourself
>first bayonetta
>then metroid
>now smtV
nintendo is fucking imploding
>I'm reading articles
Yeah sure you are which is why everything you're saying is contradicting the credits of the game itself, right?
Except for the part where they're keeping a decent release schedule for their actually popular IPs
shounen jump doesnt have the rights of these mangas though
but the point is the game industry in japan is really different from the manga indsustry
in general mangakas have really strong power over a right regarding their works due to historical reasons, and if these creators say anything about the works treated by other parties, these comlanies cant do anything against it, but designers in game companies are just an employee for his company, then does not have any rights over his works, basically
Atleast its a unique style compared to every other anime game.
Can we talk about how this is the reason why games remasters of classic SMT and old Persona games been getting shitty new art that replaces most if not all of Kaneko art? I'm talking about Strange Journey, Soul Hackers, Persona 1 and 2 getting worse art in their remaster than keeping Kaneko artstyle.
Also don't forget that they changed the Persona 2 novels and game guide from having Kaneko art(which was made exclusively for them) getting replaced with shitty art.
Yeah ok
kill yourself faggot
>shounen jump doesnt have the rights of these mangas though
Yes, they literally do.
They are on the copyright.
#wow #whoa
Not that user, but I do remember the main reason Negima's manga ended was probably because there was a bill that might have changed the Japanese industry like the American comic industry where artists and creators get fucked. The creator ended the manga with a rushed ending so they could have the series on their own terms, and in the end the bill was struck down.
In the end, who knows if it was necessary, as his actions might have helped to stop it from passing, but it was a good manga and the sequel isn't as good imo.
I want to take a shit on their face
his art isn't cutesy enough to appeal to the otaku and weebs
I bought my Switch primarily for Platinum's titles, I'm just being realistic about Bayonetta not being a system seller for most normalfags in a way that Pokemon and Animal Crossing are.
>be hired to produce work for a company and get paid regularly for said work
>be surprised when the work you produce belongs to the company
come on youngsters! making drawings isnt any different from making TPS reports or wheelbarrow wheels. just because its art doesnt mean anything. you also cant use the factories schematics for making pencil holders or the companies program source code just because you had a hand in making it.
also, yeah its normal for companies to not allow their staff to leak information to the media
this is a fake news though
nothing changed regarding rights of mangkas as far as I know
if that happened it would be really big news then mangakas would be uprising but nah
Who's that? Only Kazuma I know is based Kiriyu.
Tbf pink hairs sucks, glasses are indeed no good, losers deserves to lose their money, TMS was one of the most interesting game from Atlus in a long time and I love Tsubasa!
>nothing changed regarding rights of mangkas as far as I know
user, that's what I just said. It's in the post.
Corporate were TRYING to get the law changed to benefit companies more than the actual creators, but the law change DIDN'T go through.
>That first comment
what I wanted to say is the story itself is a fake news
you should stop trusting these bullshits english news that is a kind of bad translation
Oh, fair enough. I've seen the story mentioned on multiple anime sites, but it's not like I can read Japanese to confirm the actual sources.
Not really, that would entirely depend on the contracts. Also Atlus isn't the same company as the one he started with, the original was bought by a holding company and dissolved, meanwhile Sega created a shell company that bought said holding company when it went bankrupt acquired Atlus' IPs and resumed the company name.
But it's fucking ugly. You can't honestly look me in the eye and say that it's BETTER than a generic style. Unique does not mean better. It's an ugly style.
Imo its better immensely
In my opinion it's not.
I prefer it to the nusona style at least
Generic anime art is really fucking ugly too
If i knew you personally i'd think a lot less of you. But anonymously i couldn't give s shit.
His designs for the demons are what made the series so big. Imagine if all the demons looked like generic edgy overdesigned power ranger villains like Doi's designs, it would have been forgotten
I can
No, it's just bland.
lmao how the fuck do you lose the rights to your own fucking drawings, god dammit?
Copyright Laws in the current form need to be nuked off this earth already.
Now we can expect
>Persona 5 Arena
>Persona Musou
>Persona Q3
>Persona 1&2 Remake
>Persona Gaiden
>Persona Mobile Gacha
>Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army 2
>Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army 2
Worth it.
>lmao how the fuck do you lose the rights to your own fucking drawings, god dammit?
Because Disney spent a lot of money to make it so that you can buy the right to be the "original creator" of something after the fact so that they could rehash their IPs forever because they'd never enter public domain
>persona 1 remake
As long as it restores or adds an option for the ps1 music it'd be kino.
Although shatlus has already fucked it up once i doubt theyd do it justice today.
Nah dudes if anything we'll get a remake for Persona 3 instead. Persona 1 and 2 might as well not exist for Fatlus.
First we have to shut down Disney and undo their fuckery, they've completely destroyed copyright law for the past century, and did it so dirty that it fucked over many other countries' views on their own copyright laws.
>stuck with persona 3/4/5 shit forever
welp fuck me sideways
At least it's now biting them in the ass with the MCU shit with Spiderman or whatever. All the capeshit fanatic normalfags are shitting themselves in anger over it and some of them are waking up to how bullshit it all is
I really hope Royal and P6 flop so Atlus actually does interesting stuff again.
This guy gets it
>mouth breathing nigger thinks adding LOL to the end of anything devalues what they say and makes it so they don't have to form an actual argument against it
If you think he just crawled out of his moms ass an amazing artist, you're just seething at your own lack of skill and trying to use the concept of talent as a way to cope with how shit you are and your inability to properly apply yourself.
Caligula was God awful, the remake was actually even worse and totally devoid of any attention to detail, both plotwise and basic design wise.
I wish too but not gonna happen sadly
reminder that matthewmatosis thinks persona 5 is the highpoint of atlus
>Literal who on twitter?: *says thing without source*
>Yea Forums believes it
So did he molest someone or is he suffering from some mental illness, which Japan is notoriously known for pretending that mental instability isn't a thing?
Atlus' Tiki was also extremely based. It makes me sad we'll never see a Vocaloid Tiki ever again.
Oh fuck it's all true. What the fuck man? Fuck
Fuck off back to .reddit retard
A big appeal of SMT has always been Kaneko's demon designs, sure there are plenty of mediocre ones but there are tons of great ones just because of how much he churned out. Getting rid of him was the worst thing they could have done.
Maybe he did something criminal. Know what im sayin'?
Pretty based. His early stuff and most of his demon designs are good, but I can't stand how he makes humans. They all look so jank.
>A big appeal of SMT has always been Kaneko's demon designs
They have Proto-Pokemon on their hands and they never bothered marketing based on the demons. The face of the Megami Tensei series with literally hundreds of demon designs is some fucking Japanese twink who moonlights as a thief.
Imagine if Ash alone was the face of Pokemon and Pikachu wasn't even a footnote. That's Atlus with Megami Tensei.
Anyone wanna bet E3 2020 will arrive and we still won't get news on SMT V?
sooo, there are literally 0 new good jrpgs on the horizon. sw/sh looks like shit and smt 5 is dead.
as i was typing this i remembered there was a new tales game announced maybe that will be good?
Nah 5 is likely not dead, just more Doi and guest artists than ever before.
No source but seeing what Atlus has become, I wouldn't be surprised if it was true.
This is the only good scene in both the anime and the game:
There, you don't have to watch/play it now.
>In fact, when you're dumping that kind of cash on a mobile game, it implies you AREN'T spending much time on it, because you're also buying all the grind shortcuts.
Both GBF and Fate/GO will still require you to spend a lot of time grinding events because there's no grind shortcut, only grind fuel replenishment.
The part time job meme is real.
>rushed ending
If anything it doesn't end early enough.
FPBP. Genuinely one of the worst artists people around here fellate
Did you have tits when you were 10yo?
>no one knew a bad and outdated artist left a company too good for him
no shit
D-during the what user?
atlus got his ass
It's hilarious how every single company goes the exact same path, no exceptions. Gotta fuck the people who made you who you are as hard as possible for that sweet taste of money.
I'd rather have something dead than being kept alive at the cost of its integrity.
deleted my old partially finished post because I hit enter by accident
>almost 400 posts in this thread
>nobody knew that Kaneko's name has stopped being associated with Atlus since TWO THOUSAND FUCKING FOURTEEN during the index split
The Atlus co-established by Kaneko was destroyed during the index split and the current Atlus is a new company that was completely formed from the ground up, that's why Kaneko's name was never in there.
Please do your research in jap and stop endlessly speculating with second/third-hand resources in English.
Oh he drew that dmc3 devil trigger?
Oh that kinda blows, hope he has work i I guess. Only Vergil DT in 3 looked good tho
No one actually cares, it was funnier the way it was before.
>Only Vergil DT in 3 looked good tho
Every single one of Dante's DTs were cool as fuck and still the best in the series. Suck my peepee.
I love a good old rumor mongering like during the days of the pre-DmC release but it's just too painful seeing you niggers tossing something around that has been solved almost 4-5 years ago.
So whats he doing now?
I’m sorry but blue with his design is amazing, I can only half pass Dante. Sorry amigo
Your Joker rep, ladies and gentlemen.
See what happens when you vote for the wrong fucking character?
Definitely cut from the next Smash, lmao.
nobody voted for croker
you guys sure are going crazy over a tweet with no source whatsoever
After 4, the should fired themselves entirely.
Wtf happened to fucking SMT spin offs in the near future it seems is it because development cost of the consoles are too high compared to the 3ds?
SMTfags jump at any opportunity to complain.
he probably raped a girl for the company to be that harsh...
I am pretty confident sony is trying to purchase atlus
>SMTV cancelled
Hope you are ready for more persona 5 spin offs.
>franchises then and now
>P3 and P4
Both of those games came out around 2006-2008, Atlus still has a bunch of other titles out like both Devil Summoner and Blind Thinker titles and then other titles soon afters like Strange Journey and SMT IV.
One Persona game comes out two years ago and you despair like a fucking child. Get over it, there will be other games.
Stop cherry picking and warping the actual truth.
That logic is just as bad as desperate smt fags saying Persona 5 would only come to switch if you supported SMT 5
It's probably just a buyout of his art, not a firing.
>Persona 1&2 remakes
We'd sooner get P4 and P3 remakes...
Not that I'd mind those happening but still
Those failing wouldn't help, if anything it'd make it worse
Kaneko also gets credited as series demon designer up till SMTSJRedux, so there's that.
>people still havent caught on to fatlus announces a game then says fucking nothing until 3 months before it releases
According to the article he "retired" from his role of main illustrator to become the producer of games since the 03 split.
He does some illustration side-gig from time to time but when it comes to illustration for Atlus games they let the new comers handle it to develop their skills, which is pretty valid because it's fucking retarded to only let one guy solely handling the art direction.
to be entirely fair, joker's design is pretty sick
Based. Kanekofags are all literal trannies
I'd say Jack Frost is SMT's Pikachu
Shut the fuck up and then kill yourself, holy shit.
>No source whatsoever
>No evidence
Any products you create on the company's time belong to the company. This applies to everything, from art, to code, to patents. It's always been like this.
Okay but why a literal who would know this?
Soejima does the character designs for Persona you fucking brainlet
Kaneko stopped appearing as the copyright holder for his designs for a few years. This could mean many things, but he has definitely taken a step back in SMT designs to Doi and hasn't been a creative lead since as early as 2013. This is perfectly normal, he's doing gigs on BL covers now.
I just want the guy from devil survivor back, i loved his thunder tits and samefaces
Sony is still a Japanese company. Semi-related, it's Japanese law that Japanese companies can not be sold to parties that aren't Japanies citizens. So, for a crude example, Blizzard couldn't buy out or even merge with Sony.
He's doing Digimon now as far as I'm aware?
Wait I actually want that last one
Do you really think someone would just get on ddsnet and lie like that?
Raidou was Kaneko's pet project. With him gone, Raidou is gone too.
>Nocturne HD remaster never
Atlus have always been greedy, but nowadays, and thanks to P5 success, they are more blatant.
? No. In fact, the devs of SMTV have talked about making one, or a remake. I don't remember specifically.
SMT3 is kanekos game, I don't think atlus is scummy enough to do a remake without him.
Tell that to Koichi Sugiyama and Nobuo Uematsu
based user
dab on these retarded boomers
Personachads literally cannot stop winning
>>nobody knew that Kaneko's name has stopped being associated with Atlus since TWO THOUSAND FUCKING FOURTEEN during the index split
I thought his name still appeared with stuff like just getting credited with demon designs and shit. Always wondered what happened now that he stepped back from working on the games, since IV was his last direct contribution via scenario writing
And he's far more humble and successful than you'll ever be, faggot
It's Yamai speaking here, so I don't think he wouldn't have Kaneko at least supervising in the unlikely case it's not just a straight remaster of SMT3Maniax
cost of production is what's keeping them from making new IPs and producing more titles for their other IPs
Didn't Kaneko do some guest designs for some dungeon crawler last year?
Anyone got images of what he gave
Ever heard of an NDA, user?
Sega isn't going to allow a subsidiary to be total dead weight.
I like Doi
Did Kaneko even do anything other than drawing yaoishit recently?
They're going to do one and it's going to be on the same level as the FFVIII remaster!
He's fine. He shouldn't bother redrawing Kaneko's stuff though SJ Redux looked awful.
>He shouldn't bother redrawing Kaneko's stuff though SJ Redux looked awful.
That wasn't him
Sounds like bullshit, why would Atlus do that ?
Oh, it was a certain Odagaki. Sorry for that.
because atlus has gotten possessed by the spirit of greed, so they are currently pulling a sony and going full retard.
nah, a lot of hikkis just spend their parent's money on these games because japanese society dictates you can't throw your son out for being a sociopathic leech, family first always and forever
The protags of SMT 1 and 2 were ALWAYS choosen ones. The protag of 1 is literally Adam reincarnated and the protag of 2 is a fake jesus clone. They were never 'every mans'
Even Demi-fiend was choosen by Lucy
was this real? not gonna read the thread
Demi-fiend wasn't a "messiah" but yeah, he was a mix of chosen one and wrong place at the right time due to lucy picking him + no reason.
Most of the everymen are in spinoffs
I fucking told you this when SMTIV was coming out but no one believed me. Atlus is fucking cancer they shafted Okada - the man that created SMT and Persona and held Kaneko and his art hostage for years. The first signs of shit getting bad was after Raidou 2 but even them people wouldn't listen. People that enable atlus ad their shitty SMTIV and it's abysmal Apocalypse are the true cancer.
Yeah not so bullshit when they kicked their own founder from the company for more shekels
Demi-fiend was just a troll by Lucifer they turned out to be something interesting.
This post is the truth
>japanese sameface 'artist' #329 gets fired
wow, what a shame
>was just a troll
Nah, though he wasn't considered anything serious until he managed to take down another Fiend. I'd say he was more like a low stakes gamble that he didn't expect to go anywhere until it started to show promise.
>first signs of shit getting bad was after Raidou 2 but even them people wouldn't listen
Elaborate great one
>Catherine fullbody
Well, this picture aged well
Any SMT game where you can't pick hard mode from the start is shit, don't even (you) me
He's right. Firing Okada after III's flop was an impressively bad move and set a precedent. I don't agree with him on everything though, most games Atlus releases outside of Persona are still fine and SMTV is confirmed as not going the route everyone feared Apocalypse was the first step in. It's just that they now will go after the big bucks.
SMT is the same shit
Last game atlus allowed Kaneko to actively develop. When the first one came out Kaneko was very proud of it, Raidou is according to interviews his passion project and he had lots of plans for him. But if you played Raidou 2 you'll now how much it is of a asset flip so he must have been working on a tight budget compared to the previous one. After Raidou 2 you'll never see him in a deciding role in Atlus games he's been relegated to a "featuring art" in credits now
most SMT games don't even have a difficulty choice
Not him but, most SMT games are shit too bro.
I thought Okada blamed himself for III's flop and left of his own accord.
Generic chuuni occult animu shit>generic highschool animu shit
Doi is fine.
Could be, but Atlus could've prevented it.
>Rondo and Nine good I swear m8
i never said they were all good, faggot
lol fuck no.
>Apocalypse is a masterpiece I swear on me mum!
Has the best gameplay in the series.
Good one m8
what does then?
nocturne or strange journey
both you actually have to prepare for bosses instead of just facerolling in 4-4A
if you think you don't have to prepare for bosses in IVA you are lying
You have to eat a bullet and die user, shits taste like yours shouldn't be allowed to be passed on.
Vanillaware is basically owned by Atlus at this point.
dreamboum's a real nigga
Hope they don't get shit canned if/when Aegis Rim underperforms.
I remember playing this game, but can't remember anything apart from Izuna's Izunas.
The original Megaten protagonist was a genius programmer + reincarnation of Izanagi. Chosen ones are nothing new,
Dude's great, but the tweets about this are bad and too exagerated. Like, really, "face instant termination". There's no proof to back this up. Same with complaining about SMTV later on when it's following the course of other Atlus releases.
Die nigger you deserve death and suffering
Probably still in development since they only reallystarted like a year and a half ago apparently. Like, fuck, are you people not used to Atlus announcing something and then being silent on it forever? Happened with P5 and TMS and I guess ReFantasy and now SMTV
Stop sucking so much dick faggot
>they only reallystarted like a year and a half ago apparently.
Nah. They're just using a new engine for them and making the assets they'll reuse for the next 5 years or so on other games. The Persona engine looks like a nightmare to use, seeing how the history of P5 development went.
Old version of Nekomata. I like the new version more.
Vanillaware won't be owned by anybody as long as Kamitani is around.
They're officially an Atlus subsidiary right now, user.
When it comes to the legal side of things, sure. But their publishing arrangements with Atlus make them de facto Atlus subsidiary.
Being Izanagi reincarnated kinda did I think.
That's not true
Is it not? I'll have to check again.
Based weeb-triggerer
They have a close publishing deal, but Atlus doesn't own any of Vanillaware.