suck on my bungus
Risk of rain
us east/south monsoonç
Oh cool new thread gonna deliver this now, if anyone wants to take a crack at making the last panel an edit too, go for it
us east/south niggas
last 10 man run was hell
walking turrets >>>>> stationary turrets
funguscucks lose again
8/10 since the last one isn't a toy.
Is there a more useless item than the Shield Emitter?
Oh boy, I got a static 25 HP shield 45 minutes into a Monsoon run, that sure is going to help me out
I know, I tried but couldn't get it to look good
I guess I should go try harder....
>risk of rain
>it never rains
how can you defend this?
white daggers
imagine thinking dagger is bad
>pick up Transcendence
>Huntress achievement doesn't pop after Delta
I'm fucking mad. Does it have to be Topaz shield only or some gay shit?
in the first game, it only ever rains on the last level.
your sins will never be forgiven.
when there's no cover you run circles, literally get close to it and sprint around its legs.
where's the 10 man?
>hating free dps
Coming right up. Altering stuff.
going back to weeb games after the game refusing to be played
Ten man Risky 2. CTRL+alt+~, connect
>Anyone can join at any time
>Sacrifice enabled
>Enemies with items
>Be forewarned, the current modding API is having issues with stuttering.
I'll probably have to quit and make changes if it's too nuts considering enemies with items.
Yes. Just do the no damage Mercenary strat for Prismatic Trial with her.
>glacial elder lemurians spawn on stage 4
>in panic, forget which MUL-T tool I'm on, think it's rivet when it's buzzsaw
>suck myself into the horde and get 'sploded
I like this saw.
does attack speed affect it? I can't tell
NA Monsoon Run
Have they said anything about proper modding support, like workshop
This new skill UI is begging for player mods
This shitty meme doesn't work when the name literally states that it may or may not rain.
>can only do decently if i play Engineer and cower behind a rock while my turrets do all the work
why am i so bad at this game
I'm tempted to work on a 2hu mod but I know it would be too much for me to do alone if I want to make it decent.
If you know how to model, I'd be willing to help import it in.
Does anyone have any screenshots of the new lore entries?
Grapple more
It rains on the new map
>hurr grapple wisp bad durr not optimal dps
>People like this a lot since and now a variation.
You guys really make me want to redo it now Loader is in.
Love this survivor
New achievements to unlock skins, skills, and Loader.
>DefeatSuperRoboBallBoss EngiKillBossQuick TreebotDunkClayBoss CommandoNonLunarEndurance MageFastBoss BurnToDeath HuntressCollectCrowbars EngiArmy TreebotLowHealthTeleporter LoaderSpeedRun CommandoKillOverloadingWorm ToolbotKillImpBossWithBfg ToolbotGuardTeleporter HuntressMaintainFullHealthOnFrozenWall MercDontTouchGround MageMultiKill MageAirborneMultiKill DefeatSuperRoboBallBoss MercCompleteTrialWithFullHealth MercCompletePrismaticTrialWithFullHealth MageClearGameMonsoon ToolbotClearGameMonsoon TreebotClearGameMonsoon MercClearGameMonsoon HuntressClearGameMonsoon CommandoClearGameMonsoon LoaderClearGameMonsoon EngiClearGameMonsoon
I love how her special attack is basically
>So how do we make this character deal with swarms? Ah fuck it just let her throw out some floating AoE which kills them all
>be me trying to get the teleporter crystal to low health
>get a fuckign 1% crit , instakill it and take damage
>reset the run
even funnier because she has 0 need of it
Are you the original artist? well dang, nice work. I love your loose, yet limited color pallate style.
ARIGHT motherfucker I tried harder. This is the best I can do, my image manip skills blow
Yeah I really hope the next update fleshes her out a bit more. She's a ton of fun, but there really isn't much to her. Just throw out R>Grapple>rocket punch>wait for cooldowns, maybe punch when if it's safe and convenient, repeat.
She's harder to control than other characters, but once you have a handle for it she's incredibly simple. I fear that she may be so simple that she becomes boring once you get tired of the grapple physics.
So, which challenges correspond to which skill unlock for artificer?
Its a cohesive design, which is probably why it might get boring. Its all designed so perfectly for one thing.
Loader is really underwhelming
WAY too gimmicky and item reliant to be a solid pick for long runs
>play monsoon with loader
>get to the second stage
>stage boss is a horde of big overloading beetles
>have no damage based items so it's an automatic loss
thanks game
this time the royal beetle guard targeted an enemy through the crytal and one shot it so I took damage
At least two of them are so cohesive that most of the time it feels like they're a part of the same skill, and they totally overshadow the other two.R is so uninvolved it doesn't feel like much of a skill. It requires only slightly more thought/effort than having an ability that's just "you start with a worse unstable tesla coil lol". And her M1 often just isn't worth using.
If there were better reason to grapple onto her tesla she might be more interesting. Like maybe if it super charged her M1's for a while to do extra electric damage, or if doing that gave her her old shield so you'd be safe to get in and punch things.
I wish elites didn't spawn on stage 1-4 at all
check the tooltip for it
Wiped. Open.
Its moments like these where I truly wonder "What the fuck was Hopoo thinking?"
Seriously, trying to perfect run two stages with an Overloading boss at the end is insane if you attempt to play it normally and a fucking chore if you try to play it optimally.
They couldn't even be bothered to add a "Quick Reset" button to the esc menu for situations like these, you have to go back to the Trial Menu and then the Lobby menu and reselect Mercenary before you try again and fail again because the challenge requires a stupid amount of precision and patience.
All this for a skill that people say isn't even as good as its stock skill counterpart.
>missed it
Why is Huntress so popular? shes all i see in pub games
Massacre gives the M1.
Chunked gives the M2.
Orbital Bombardment gives the R.
Yeah, thought it would fit RoR best. Since we're all used to 1 style, well that's what I assume most RoR2 people are from.
I don't think it's all that bad when you know the route to take. The real problem is what happens when the next one comes around? How are people going to get it when there's no topaz printer? Is every prismatic trial going to have to have something that makes it easier to do this challenge? Does anyone in the world actually LIKE the trials? It seems like they plan to add prizes for ranking highly, so I guess that means skins?
There should be some prismatic trials that are always available alongside the rotating one so that people can say "Oh, just do trial 6 for to get that skill unlocked!".
typically first new survivor people get, aim assist, fat ass
Easiest character to brainlessly play. Also in ironic fashion, the worst character to do endlessly long runs with as her auto aim shit is useless later on.
wait is there a printer in stage 2?
First new character for most people, easy to play, and thicc
Yeah its in the tunnel to the right that leads up top
easiest when you start the game and you never see her flaws if you always die 3rd-4th stage
Literally no reason to not use spiked fist over normal grapple
why are these challenges so fucking retarded? You either need to hit late game for every single one or get reeeaally lucky
>long run with no lunar items on commando
its not that hard but it just takes longer. glass is what makes lategame so much fun
>12 crowbars on huntress
more like "spend 5 hours praying for good rng" WHERE THE FUCK IS COMMAND, HOPOO
>be in the air for 30 seconds on merc
again, rng dependant cancer. you need mags, chrysalis, after burner, feather, or alien head and it took me a full hour getting the right items before it kicked in.
>instakill a teleporter boss as artificer
considering that late game, bosses come in pairs, you need to have a lucky early game before they start spawning 2. basically demanding head stomper early. Have fun wasting coins cycling the shop. Fuck you
>perfect run on a specific level on huntress
basically requires late game and topaz cheese
why are wisps spinning this patch?
more than once per run I see a great wisp just freaking the fuck out
What does the legendary hammer do? I haven't gotten the damned thing yet.
>>be in the air for 30 seconds on merc
>again, rng dependant (sic) cancer
>he doesn't know
After 5 hits reduces enemy armor by 60 for 8 seconds. Hard to tell how good it is, but it seemed strong against the special Sirens Call boss that is tanky as fuck even late late game. Seems like a anti-special boss thing for gold boy and floating sphere
The RoR art style is really fucking great so ty.
early access
People gifting the initial second copy to people who didn't give a fuck about the game artificially boosted the player count early on then the long wait between pitiful updates killed it
hit an opponent 5 times and they'll get a debuff to armor
Literally just jump down the fucking bazaar hole
Wiped, open.
>Was doing great
>Wondering what was killing me so heavily when there's no enemies around
>Saw the bullets just as I ragdoll
Fuck Clay Templars.
Spanks anons. Lemme guess additional stacks only increase duration?
did 10 man crash?
reminder to post art to the booru
Yeah, another 8 seconds. Pretty awful stacking since everything but tanky bosses will die in 8 seconds, and you constantly just reapply it
how do i unlock the new skills?
how are you supposed to post art to it if you can't make an account? Isn't that booru abandoned anyways?
Yea that's fucked. Thanks, just another one to not look forward to. Alongside that stupid fucking daisy.
So, would you consider this better or worse than its predecessor?
Is it worth trying to do this shit or should I just do this XML cheat?
Last pages of the Logbook for the millionth time.
16k players is pretty good for a fucking indie game that isn't multiplayer dependant
compare that to lethal league's player base or cross code
It's just a question of whether you're a shitter or not.
They're all pretty manageable outside of Merc's R skill. Cheat the fuck out of that one, shit's AIDS.
loader seems really fun, but is she any good?
>how are you supposed to post art to it if you can't make an account? Isn't that booru abandoned anyways?
oh for god's sake
my bad, hadn't checked up on it in a while, was wondering why there were no new additions
where are we supposed to upload art and lewds to now
I mainly use Merc, I got the one for staying in the air however I'm not sure how to do a prismatic trial without taking damage
Nah, Shattering Justice is great. 60 armor is like 35% damage resistance, so it's a big DPS increase. It's just bad to get more than one. They need to make it so that with two you can stack the debuff after ten hits for like an additional -30 armor per stack.
Might be about the same. New one has over double the armor reduction, but only works after 5 hits while that one works on the second hit.
I don't know, but this got delivered last thread and as the person who requested it I just want to say I love it.
abuse the current seed and stack brooches
Nope, they can actually fuck over a run do to how they scale with glass and making health gate abuse impossible.
Topaz. There's a guaranteed 2 in the current Trial. You just need to always have as much Topaz up as possible. Keep going even if you get hit to figure out where ALL the Topaz are so you can rush them.
Also 2nd boss is an Overloading jar with legs, have fun.
How do I get to like this game, this game is trying on me.
>friends all love it and play it a fuck ton
>I play and it's just the same shit every session and just sometimes you're stronger and sometimes you're weaker and have no real goal
>feels like total fucking garbage if you don't get correct items
>feels alright if you manage to finally get good items
>friends are actively engaged fighting a basic bitch copy pasted boss fights for 20 mins while it's just putting me to sleep
I want to like it but fuck sakes this shits boring as hell
>played the fuck out of it in the first couple weeks
>experienced everything it had to offer
waiting for substantial content
Just edit the xml.
The challenges aren't particularly bad except for a few stand out ones, but generally I didn't feel accomplished at all doing them.
It ended up making me stop having fun and start hating the game.
It's not worth it honestly, especially since the hard as fuck ones you are going to cheese with topaz so it's not like your doing anything actually challenging, just frustrating.
>ONLY 16 thousand players
oh no... oh NO NO NO bros please tell me this isn't happening!!
adding on to that, with the 3 drones in the 1st stage and beetle guard if you can bring the 2nd boss's health down to below 4000 then two instant shots with the preon gun should insta kill it
What character are you playing as? Have you tried them all out?
doesn't help that it's not in a great spot atm either
>nerfed hp regen
>monsoon enemy hp bloat
>item bloat
>poor character scaling, so it's just the items doing all the work past the 1st loop, your skills are just tools with which to apply procs
>no command
>no artifacts
>bandit got shat on in favor of reddit plant
>many community suggestions went unanswered because drizzlet QA team didn't ok it
>new stages heavily punish you for lacking in a skillset determined by rng
Here's how, and be fast you have like 30 hours before a new trial starts:
>start trial
>immediately turn 180 degrees and zip across to the bridge
>buy topaz brooch from the shop that's there
>jump down and go into the 'secret' room that's not always there
>buy other brooch
>break time crystal in there it explodes on death so finish it with shift or R
>break time crystal outside
>go through cave tunnel to buy a drone
>go up and buy gasoline and break final crystal
>do boss
>grab ALL items
>level 2
>immediately break time crystal where you spawn
>leg it to the cave on the right and print all your items to topaz brooch
>run down to shipping containers to get preon accumulator
>go up spiral cliff to get fuel cell
>go back to printer opening chests along the way
>print until you have 7-8 brooches
>go break time crystals for money
>save up around 600-700 depending on how fast you were first stage
>buy big drone by teleporter
>make sure you have healthy shields BEFORE buying drone or it will kill everything you try to gain shields from
>start teleporter
>fire two BFG's at boss for 80% of its health
>stay far away as drone finishes the job, you don't need to stay in the circle for a trial, just kill the boss
There. It's a lot easier than it sounds.
roguelikes aren't for everyone user, its okay not to like a game sometimes
Actually a big fan of the first one but I agree.
Maps should have been randomly generated but following a theme for each area. It's not like the maps we got are all that great designwise and it would add to the replayability.
I at least hope we get the order artifact soon so we can actually properly try the builds we want.
What would you say about RoR1 challenges?
not sure if it'll work for you but sometimes I go in with some goal in mind. something like lifesteal merc, eternal missile pod merc, cooldown merc, helicopter merc, or etc. that I try to lean my build towards
>fire two BFG's
woolie is that you?
Right that's what is sad about it. Great if you can get it earlyish, but unnecessary once the partial auto-deleting starts.
>reddit plant
I have. I played the first game even.
I've just started to default to commando every game and just am not having fun.
I fucking had a blast when this game first launched but I just can't stand playing it atm
I've played tons of roguelikes and love them. This game just.. is fucking boring. Like if I was to play most other roguelikes, I'd be injected into at least new situations. This game just seems like the same shit over and over and over and is just boring.
>artifact soon
only thing keeping me here
sorry for mass reply post. I just really really want that spark to flash up like I did when the game dropped.
>it's gonna be full forever
Is there a link to any of the ror2 models anywhere? Would it be hard to go in and get them myself?
Watch when Artifacts come back.
People will be playing the droves for a while, trying to bug break Origin, RoR2 style.
None of these are "do poorly balanced for half the cast monsoon for a loop and a half "or "do 3 stages without getting hit so abuse a single item"
RoR1 was mostly things that would happen as you play the game rather than lol just don't get hit bruh.
The only one I had to go out of my way to do in RoR was drown 20 whorls.
>that pathetically sad jul - sept dead gap
>Get shotgun for commando
>Have no good runs on monsoon for the rest of the day
>Get good damage items, then get like 7 monster teeth and no movement
>Get good movement items, shit damage items, enemies scale too fast and I die
>Get good health items, see above
There's no way to salvage a bad monsoon run. Doesn't help that I never saw more than 2 backup mags in a single run all fucking day. Jesus fuck. Can shit items just be removed from the pool please?
it's getting to the point where I'm going to learn how to mod just to remove all the shit items and typed chests from the game
Scorched update was cool, but wasn't that much compare to this one.
People are waiting for artifacts, and if hopoo can implement fully model swaps for skins, I'm all for it.
it's not even that chronobauble and fireworks can't be useful sometimes, but I'll die and look at my items and I have 15 fireworks and 1 syringe
I hate this shit
I hope the artifacts are different than ror1. Fun balls were cancer in 2d, but I think they could be way more fun in 3d
I feel like the shitty artifacts just existed as a challenge for origin, and it shouldnt be like that. No one liked enigma, distortion, or spirit, and spirit would be fucking awful for anyone but huntress in 3d.
not to mention, we already have glass
typed chests are goo, the issue is that the items you get in them are mostly shit. Warbanner is fucking garbage, stun grenade isn't dps, none of the healing items besides the slug are good, etc.
If the game scaled you r base stats better per level then it'd be fun regardless of difficulty and you wouldn't have runs gimped by bad rng.
being able to get warbanner from damage, healing, and utility chests is not ok. the typed chest pools are fucking garbage.
You might just want to stop playing until launch, when there's an actual ending to the game. It probably would have changed significantly enough to be fresh
Closed. Should be up again in an hour. Might turn down Sacrifice and disable enemies with items. Thanks to all who joined.
How does the item pool in this game works compare to the first game drops? I sworn item weight works better there, or maybe there were more useful items compare to situational ones?
Sorry you can't into fun, user.
I'm the guy who was trying to find out the name of the walking turrets on the last run, and I think it's either EngiBeamTurret(Body) or EngiWalkerTurret(Body).
I've been trying to bring the fuel array to stage 4 to unlock rex and i keep getting fucked by taking hard, sudden hits to bosses that make the thing explode. the farthest i got was being carried by lucky pickups as engineer but i spent the fuel array on a useless equipment drone in scorched acres. i can't help but feel there's no characters as good as engineer or t-mul who i can't even do the challenge with, commando's done me no good
name of daisy in the games files might be "TPHealingNova" if you want to try disabling it
is "EngiWalkerTurret"
just unlock loader first, then use her
ror 1 challenges required command, but only a hand full were frustrating. WAY better than 2's
getting a ton of cleavers on screen was a cool challenge without just using alien scepter, I did the 0 enemies one without knowing, the list goes on...
but holy shit, just look at miners 50% health challenge for the teleporter event and compare that to a fucking perfect teleport on merc TWICE against an elite boss without old glass's 500% damage. what was hopoo smoking, kek
it does. it scales beautifully too.
That's odd. I can't change myself into it. How'd you do it?
Merc is easy mode with invulnerability
you're gonna have to do it user
merc drizzlet
there's no other way with the shitty regen nerf
Huh. Then what's EngiBeamTurret?
Haven't played since before the Rex patch.
Why the fuck does monsoon feels so goddamn impossible now? Has enemy/player scaling changed? Also why in the hell do half of my items end up being chronobaubles, rusted keys, berserker pauldrons or shield emitters?
"Fixed" natural regen.
Health regen was apparently set to Drizzle levels (250%), and that got fixed.
Also, do you know the numbered ID for the daisy?
Rex was the only character I enjoyed playing and now he's completely fucked with the regen nerf.
Thanks Hotpoo
i personally use this method
if you want my copy of the file i uploaded it here
no idea, could try it out
>numbered ID
i have no idea how to find that lol
they nerfed base health regen
they accidently had drizzle regen on every difficulty. I also have a suspicion that AI aim is more accurate on monsoon.
the main difference between monsoon chads and drizzlets is that people actually value defensive items and healing. Having 2-3 slugs is enough, but medkits and stealth kits become life savers
holy shit , volcanic egg is fucking garbage
stealthkit is good but medkit is still absolute trash imo
>is that people actually value defensive items and healing
>Just get good RNG to offset the nerf to the regen that the game was balanced towards bro
Nice Pro-Tip
You know, that's what confuses me.
Why would you outright removed it without a fallback. The items and everyone was so used to this that we have to now relearn doing moonson. Enemy vs Player balance unless you're a lucky shit with items is all over the place now.
so, do i used spiked gauntlet or not? free damage seems nice and i don't really mind pulling things towards me but less options to get away sound kinda rough.
its damage is good for the first loop and its usefull to survivors who lack vertical mobility
Just because its focus is on early game doesn't mean its bad. It just serves a specific purpose.
It turns out Hopoo "accidentally" had drizzle's 250% regen buff working in every difficulty.
Y'know, for months now.
This is definitely not Hotpoo running out of ideas on how to make Monsoon harder and then resorting to "fixing" things.
Without a final boss, it just feels like your efforts are wasted, even if that final boss is a pushover.
Why does this game have handcrafted levels when they're the most basic bitch shit imaginable? A procedural level generator could make better-looking and more interesting levels than the ones we have.
The first level is literally just a circle with a spiral staircase & a bridge on it, for fuck's sake.
It'd be cooler if you were invuln while using it and the explosion did more, it's a death sentence after the first couple stages.
Cool concept but it needs work.
monsoon, I'm tired from trying to accomplish that shitty Merc challenge, cut me some slack.
it's literally a straight up upgrade you absolute brainlet
Medkit is good for the first two levels. After that max health scales up too much for it to do anything. But just having one early can improve your survivability a ton.
I don't use it because more often I want to jump into a mob of enemies and not hook a smaller enemy in.
an item that is good on two levels alone is a terrible contender for an item slot given you'll still be getting them the entire rest of the game. meanwhile an item like slug is great the entire first loop and still relevant on the second
>implying monsoon wasn't rng dependant since day 1
>implying I havent been shitting on hopoo for not giving us command even if it means missing the other artifacts for months
we are in the same boat, bud
Bring me the moon, son.
>is that people actually value defensive items and healing
People always value that even in the first game playing monsoon, First Aid Kit, Monster Tooth, were 100% a must when playing together. Mysterious Vial is still no where in this game at all even with the new regen changes.
I still can't forgive them that they neutered Monster Tooth compare to its predecessor.
US East
I kinda just stopped playing until updates came around and the circle continued
I can into fun. I just would rather play a game with a goal or progression.
You're a golden boy if gameplay alone leaves you satisfied
>>implying monsoon wasn't rng dependant since day 1
user I can clearly tell that there's a difference in how monsoon works now. It was a bit rng dependant earlier on but it wasn't this fucking bad. If you don't get the absolute jesus run then you're probably gonna make it to stage 5 if you're really good at the game and get absolute shit.
I actually wonder if scorched acres was better than this update because this one ruined so much, and added useless skills and shitty challenges.
>I just would rather play a game with a goal or progression.
i thought thats what the challenges were
found EngiBeamTurret
seems like something unused, cant move with it
previous update we got carried by white guillotine, the item RNG was still bad then.
monster tooth necklace needs to be restored to its former glory of vacuum healing orbs to offset the HP regen "fix"
Weird. Guess it must've been an early idea for the walking turrets?
Mercenary drizzle is probably the easiest way without cheesing it. Remeber you don't have to carry it 100% of the time, if you find an equipment, pick it up and swap it back before you leave the level.
You can also play Mul-T in multiplayer, and steal someone elses array and use R to switch and never switch back until you get to Rex, it won't blow up when its switched out.
Has anyone got a list of the new skills?
If you want them with a skeleton, I think there are people who have ripped them but you'll have to ask around. If you're okay with them being in opposed they strike in game you can just ninjaripper them
Hey I have that mod with the smaller bust.
Can the mods be gotten just from threads like these or is it on the nexus or something?
>purchaseable turrets and shrine of the woods are so bad nobody even remembers them to complain about how bad they are
well I play commando and huntress, and I fucking love the new huntress r and commando shotgun
I even like merc's new abilities so much Im gonna start playing him, YOU HAVE 40 HOURS TO GET HIS R, BTW.
but yea, the challenges aren't fun, but every class has different options and loader is fucking BASED, and the new items are nice
I actually hated the scorched acres update, Im not gonna lie. that map fucking sucks and it suffers the same problem that the water level in the first game did.
You have waste so much god damn time walking around gigantic ramps to get up floors, and the stage is built in a linear fashion. Meaning, if you spawn in the middle you have to waste time backtracking for chests rather than moving in a circle around the map and always going forward. and fuck rex, hes mediocre as fuck.
Why do you guys want Command? What is even the point of playing a rougelike if you just give yourself the best build every single time?
>Why do you guys want Command?
Because we find it fun? Nothing's stopping you from playing without it.
I'm not someone who really cares about command, but options are always fun, it can be nice to use a command run to see what items work best together in what quantities so you can know what to prioritize in a normal run
In ror1 it was mostly balanced by funballs, 100% elite enemies, etc. but in ror2 i have no idea how funballs would be a threat to anyone but melee characters.
Gimme a hint on how get new survivor
You have to eat all the eggs
you have to eat all the eggs
You have to eat all the eggs
Thanks for the info lads.
You have to eat all the eggs.
Loader's being modded right now. WIP here.
What's the deal with the dreams in the bazaar between time?
Just a stage selector.
>trying to unlock loader with my friend
>go to the newt bazaar after stage three
>dont look at the images too closely, simply pick the clearly not red stage, so we go to the wind area
>it says you "dream of gold" instead of wind
>end up at the golden golem area when we leave
what the fuck
What the FUCK is happening.
Open. Sacrifice lowered, no enemies with items.
I'd like to get them with their skeletons if possible, ninjaripper hasn't been to kind to me lately. Mainly just Huntress and Artificer for now.
Because they can't let go of Yea Forums's RoR1 rules they spent years with and can't except that not everyone loved those rules.
You're not eating all the eggs.
>Because they can't let go of Yea Forums's RoR1 rules they spent years with
Wrong, otherwise RoR 2 would have been dead on arrival here.
>and can't except that not everyone loved those rules.
Wrong. Also, dumb phoneposter.
20 multikill is for M1, it gives you a plasma bolt that has a larger AoE but no burning
15 kills while in air is for R, it gives you a super jump that launches you into the air and does AoE damage and stun on launch
1 second boss kill is for M2, but I have no idea what the skill is
Making the mother of all omelettes here, Jack.
>second round
>get new map
>fuck new boss didn't spawn
>brother tells me he does'nt spawn in random, you have to force it
>fuck, well I'll pick up all the chests since I did the teleporter thing first
>boss randomly spawn right before I get back to the teleporter
>still have no idea what I did to make it spawn
It's very simple, user.
You ate all the eggs.
You have to eat all the eggs
>basically requires late game and topaz cheese
Play the current prismatic trial and cheese the topaz printer and preon, it counts.
i'll join soon, i have to take a mean shit
Is late game drizzle significantly harder than it used to be? It feels like it ramps up a lot quicker than usual.
just lost a monsoon run to the ball boss after i killed the eggs
what do i do to cheat unlock loader
You had a good breakfast.
Someone put me out of my fucking misery, I've been playing Commando for 10 hours trying to get a good run to kill an Overloading Magma Worm but Jesus Christ. I feel like he did way more damage back at release, right now it feels like it takes a solid ten years to kill anything unless I get lucky and find some Glass.
Loader boss does not drop a guaranteed red on kill. I just got a fucking hoppo feather from it.
First we lost the guaranteed preon, then we lost the guaranteed red. Thanks hoppo
mod user give the huntress her thicc ass and tits back
lobby open
Wait that probe dude is supposed to drop a red? When I killed him I couldn't find anything. I was honestly going to avoid that area over the fire place but a free red might make it worth it. Also hows the new hammer? I got it on a run but didn't notice to much from it. Granted I didn't get to far in that run to make good use of it.
SAUCE NOW YOU decent user
Join my looby and ill try to remember
Am I retarded? Where's the Preon chest on the Prismatic?
We need one more
Just do a 20 stage Drizzle run and you'll end up killing a few long before finally getting to 20 stages again.
It drops near the glowing pillar. Enjoy your chronobauble
I've gone like 3 for 3 with reds now.
just shoot harder
how do i make it say yes kind anons
Play Engineer
Inside the top cargo crate right behind the pillar you spawn in front of, it's the security chest. Get there within 10 minutes to get it.
Make sure to grab the fuel cell in the small chest on the pillar ramp first, though.
Fresh lobby restart, get in here
but I've gotta do loader. and I think I may have overdone her a little bit again
I just want to say, user, that you are incredibly based. I just tried this and got it on the first try. Thank you.
I feel you man I havent played commando since before the update before scorched acres and I was just trying to get a run going with him.
>rush teleporter
>get shit on by stone titan
>rush tele again and kill titan after 6 minutes
>get owned next stage
>farm level 1 get zero items that actually increase my damage output, enter stage 2 at 9 minutes
>get owned by wandering vagrant and brass contraption spam
compared to
>pick merc
>rush tele
>shit on boss before tele even charges only dipping below 50% hp on a mistake
>rinse repeat
>have fun
fuck commando's damage falloff especially. why am i doing half damage just because they're more than 5 feet away? Fuck you. Remember when Commando was good? Used to be my second favorite class.
Ah, I somehow missed it.
Did the thing without it though.
>Posting whores to bait people into joining your lobby
Fuck off
Which items pair best with Rex? Which commando grenade skill do you prefer?
stealth kit
backup mags
crit scythes
No such thing as overdone lad. Unless we're talking a decent steak
>play with Yea Forums
>everyone insists on spending like 4 minutes on each level before starting tele, then spending another 3 after it's done doing god knows what
>while always playing monsoon
>invariably die on stage 3 or 4 because it's fucking 30 minutes and we only have 3 levels worth of shit
wtf i thought Yea Forums was good at this game?
just all items were pretty worthwhile in that game, versus now where they're not.
Wiped. Open.
so the difference between people who think they are good, and people who play the game, is buying one or two slugs, and keeping a single stealth kit. Stealth kit was always good, as was slug, medkits are and always will be trash as long as they heal flat amounts and not percentages.
Have sex
Mul-T more like Ins-L lmao
It's like $20 user
I know, right? I wish I had a way of getting updates as soon as they dropped. Hell, I'd pay a little bit of money to get any future updates right when they come out.
If only there were a way.
>early access
>buying something you play for a few hours then wait months for patch
even subnautica with its constant updates has faster torrents than this.
Now do it again with Huntress if you haven't already got her version of the challenge. Its far easier with her.
Go play subnautica then
alright, have fun waiting for a crypto miner MEGA link faggot
If you don't think a game is worth $20 a wait for a few days to play an updated version of it shouldn't kill you
Do the same setup that was mentioned in the first post but just as Huntress? sounds easy enough
same user
>a single heal, damage, chest is guaranteed to spawn on the first level every game
There I fixed it. No more need to spend 4 minutes to find out whether or not you can handle the first boss in a reasonable amount of time without risking death.
The problem is wisp/golem tracking is too good for them and they instantly die to Vagrant and more often than not Grovetender. The woods healing should last way fucking longer or be a much bigger AOE, it is beyond trash.
It has been less than 48 hours I'm pretty sure.
Yeah, the second level is the one she needs to complete without taking damage to unlock her new R which is great. The best part is that she can just shoot the explosive barrels to fill her health up with the brooches.
What's an optimal strategy for keeping the walking turrets alive? Assload of leeching seeds and scythes with an assload of syringes and giggles?
ye I get that, but why is he a reddit plant?
>that boss with the 1 hit K.O pillar
wait, so how do unlock the new skills?
get the ally ping mod or get lucky with items.
Didn't they fix that
Shrine of the woods could just be free to be honest and it'd actually be a decent addition to the game. For those level 1's on distant roost when you have no healing items. Somewhere safe to retreat to. The turrets are just absolute irredeemable shit. All the downsides of the basic gunner drone, but it is stuck in a useless corner by default and cannot come with you to the next stage. Fuck, just make them free too if they aren't going to be buffed some other way. They're taking up the point budget for chests, and not worth the money to buy.
If money barrels can be free why can't these pieces of shit?
Commando new m2 seems a little too good desu
I don't like Loader, too gimmicky and hard to set up in situations to be practical when to get the same effectiveness with someone like Commando you point and shoot
His new grenade is not that good
It's worse lategame. Default M2 is a longrange DPS increase that there's never any reason not to hold down both mouse buttons unless you're saving for a backup mag volley. Default M2 scales really well with items and if you get a cube it becomes extremely good.
Shotgun is pretty much a must take in monsoon though for commando's shit early game, but the game isn't balanced around monsoon.
Good stuff user, it took me a couple of tries because the beetle guard didn't stop stealing my kills
If you dont like the new skills, you are fucking bad
every skill besides commando grenade is good
>commando grenade is too unreliable to be good
>but it's ok because commando's default R got a massive buff and is now tons of fun to use
I feel like Arti's new R is fun, but not very good unless you bank on getting a shitload of backup mags and depending on those for DPS. Missing out on flamethrower and dicking off waiting to cast stuff isn't very good.
the saw seems too risky for mult and merc's new r just doesn't seem worth
>takes 14 seconds to kill 3 wisps and a lemurian
>have to do this complicated grapple and charge punch bullshit
yea I'm thinking loader sucks
get his new m2
eats bosses alive
>rolling into an imp and twoshotting him
don't have sex wait until marriage
I love merc's new r
it does more damage early. if you just want to have an obliterate run on monsoon, its a better option. eviscerate is for lopping.
>Shotgun is pretty much a must take in monsoon though for commando's shit early game
Yeah I pretty much play monsoon exclusively. I feel like you can tank not having the aoe later on because gas/wisps seem to spawn every single time
>Wisp spawns behind me and taps me for five health for the twentieth time
well in ror1 loader had some badass tesla coils which zapped every motherfucker on the map if set up correctly, so think of it as a homage to that
maybe i'm just bad but i cant imagine playing merc without eviscerate for the iframes as well as speeding around the map, just not for me i suppose
Thanks much!
Put your sound up. They make a sound when they spawn. Follow this
guide and there are only a few places where they're a threat(right before you do the beetle queen, and as you're printing amulets) as long as you're doing your best to get the last hit on everything. Just save your R and Shift for them during those times.
use topaz brooch/aegis, it puts your health """above 100%""" while shield generator doesnt. If you get hit with a topaz shield and dont get taken down to 99% or worse, you can still get achievements
just get a rainstorm late game with huntress and just have alteast 4 topaz brooches
for merc, there is guaranteed 2 brooches in the current seed and a printer in the second level's cave. You have 40 hours to get merc's new r before you lose out on topaz cheese when the seed resets.
Really hope they add the towers as her alternate.
look in the logbook at challenges
healing drone is value desu fellas
playing Engineer is like playing the game on easy mode
especially if you get cooldown reduction and 5+ shrooms.
With regen nerfed even the gunner drone I'd always ignored has a use now since it is really good at killing wisps for you early on.
Those turrets being fixed in place is the worst fucking idea ever
Chronobauble change
It has a (1 - 1 / (0.05 * n + 1))*100% chance of freezing things in status for 1 second.
>while shield generator doesnt
I swear Shields not working has to be a fucking bug. It says Y/X instead of X/X for a reason.
I expected more webms showing off the high velocity fisting and webslinging.
I did some cool stuff yesterday but my shadowplay fucked up. Will try to get some stuff recorded today.
hopoo either forgot about psg or just wanted it to be trash while having an another S tier item as a common
Why don't the new turrets target fast enough? I understand they have less range, but they have a distinct delay when switching targets point blank
Does anyone feel like this game has sort of just become a healing/speed check, at least as far as Monsoon is concerned? I really don't recall RoR1 being -this- item dependent, or at least not when it came to getting certain items, but maybe it's just nostlagia.
Maybe a bigger complaint I have is that it never feels like the game is giving you any breathing room even when you manage to pull away from the mobs, because titans have infinite range once you're locked on, and wisps honestly don't feel any better. It just doesn't feel as fun to manage enemies, but maybe I'm just being a bitch.
Just got Merc's new special, but how the fuck is anyone going to do this one this seed is gone? This shit sucks enough with infinite topaz + ez boss one shot, but how the actual fuck are you going to do a hitless merc run when it's not like this?
You'll wait for another good seed with a stage 1/2 Topaz factory.
fucking loved that game and nobody played it
unironically one of the best indies of 2018, and NG+ update just released
Wiped. Open.
>I really don't recall RoR1 being -this- item dependent
thats because ror1 had OG glass and command. vanilla ror was a bullet sponge hell, so dont tell me thats what you meant. you were literally one shotting everything because you had 500% damage at all times, and if you died with command there was just no excuse unless it was the shitty laggy multiplayer
Has anyone ever found the Eccentric Vase useful for anything aside from taking shortcuts around the map as low mobility characters?
You don't. The challenges are fucking bugged.
time to dump another 40 hours of my life. Fuck me, ror2 update and cross code. there goes my life
show me the skins
Probably because nearly everyone played 1 with glass and command on. RoR1 without glass and command suffers from the exact same problems 2 does, but we're just stuck with them in two because Hopoo decided no artifacts until winter..
why isnt that loader's default skin? thats straight up how the character is supposed to look
I want to like Engi's new turrets but they're not as consistent at putting out damage
Commando's grenade is mostly fine, I just think they need to shorten the fuse time a bit. Enjoying the other skills though
Cause RoR2 Loader =/= RoR1 Loader.
I understand but slightly disagree
the suits and equipment are the same. Loader's pack is the same so it should look the same
it was only a few days ago, user. You didn't miss much. Time to lose another 40-50 hours plus they added new arenas and shit
its been a good week
pff user plz. I had 80 hours before 1.0
Now that I can agree with.
>most of the skins are just black/white
I hope they add more skin challenges later, it's a good idea but I only like a few of them
Be careful what you ask for user.
>Obliterate yourself on Monsoon without dropping below 100% HP
where do I usually get this mod?
I mean in regards to survivability. I never actually played with artifacts or online for the most part, so I do remember shit being bullet spongy early on and even late game to a certain extent. But I really don't recall it being this fucking difficult to catch your breath in 1's Monsoon, compared to the never ending gang-bang of sniper sighted titans and wisps while you're trying to fight a boss in 2. A full arsenal of healing items seem so much more necessary in 2 when it comes to sustaining damage from enemies, but it's also been ages since I played 1 so who the fuck knows what I'm talking about.
The arms were probably made by a different company.
That folder.
Just slap the contents of the zip into your Risk of Rain 2 data folder.
so just refresh whenever I think it's updated?
If they add any more challenges that require 100% topaz uptime then I'm just gonna xml all their future updates, fuck them that Merc one was awful
ror1 had way harder early game on monsoon, lategame was a joke tho
>Obliterate yourself on Monsoon within 20 minutes
>Kill a Teleporter Boss with no items equipped after the 15 minute mark on Monsoon
>Clear 100 Stages in a single run as this character
>Pick up at least 1 of every item in a single run as this character
It updated
holy shit user, that post made my day
now shut the fuck up already. stop giving them ideas.
>>Clear 100 Stages in a single run as this character
Fuck yeah. I'd say bigger, rounder tits, but that's just me.
Keep up the good work, omae.
they put it as an unlockable because if they switched it up nobody would want the skin
I don't understand how to clear Artificer's 1-second boss challenge
I've gotten as instagib as it gets both but no luck
It's fine, because you don't have to actually unlock it legitimately. Stupid challenges deserve stupid unlocks.
Do you have alt versions with the clothes still?
>tfw no mommy loader gf to caress you in the strongest of arms
Oh baby.
you couldnt stand still to use fungus because of orange elite rockets, but healing was pretty much the same. I think the only item we dont have is the permanent regen increase that applied in combat.
Keep in mind infusion was fucking busted and gave you literally 9999 hp and we had guardian heart which got ruined when they turned it into PSG
healing was almost the same but you didnt even need healing
god i made it to 60-70 on monsoon or so once and i was pretty fast per stage. almost fell asleep
What damage items should I prioritize on Engi? I know Rejuv Rack and Nkuhana’s are the Reds to get, but what about green and white?
a whole third dimension kind of necessitates more means of survivability, yes
>A procedural level generator
even first RoR wasn't procedurally generated it just switched ladders around and opened/closed certain paths
Literally this, animefag btfo
>No one liked enigma, distortion, or spirit
I beg to differ
I wish she had saggier tits
Syringes are your best offensive still.
>people are finally realizing the value of early game drones thanks to the regen nerf
at least one good thing came out of this. Healing drones especially, not just for the heals but because of how tanky they are.
"Closed." Testing enemies with items. Anyone's free to jump in, just don't expect a normal game.
There's no real way the player can disrupt enemy lock on, and the shit eating faggots on the discord don't want you to be able to, they also love the dumb regen nuke, amongst other things.
Too much of the game is out of the player's hands, versus ror1 where in 2-d it was a lot more manageable.
That Loader he posted is alt colors, I just booted it too and found she has a grey thong.
I mostly want artificer with huge tits and thighs but sitll have her outfit
Loader and her rocket punch and Spiderman swing are the fucking most fun I've had in a game in ages. I'd fucking love to see a character action game based around that moveset
God this new update is awful because of the HP Regen and AI spawn changes. All he needs to do is put the Regen back and it'll be fun.
It feels like such a chore now.
Engi's moving torrents are a huge downgrade considering how much he relies on Fungi. Also the moving turrets means the AIs never get baited to them anymore. His whole kit falls apart with moving turrets.
Moving mines are decent though. But not as strong.
I can add her jetpack and skirt back. You want her to have a shirt too? I'm in between a couple of models at the moment.
moving turrets would be fine if they retained their old range
I think you should have alternative versions so people can pick and choose
But yeah I'd like to see both jetpack and skirt and maybe even shirt alt
tfw mod user will never be your friend on discord or steam :(
Well considering this arti is much bustier than her vanilla, would you want an open shirt with her boobs hanging out or a closed shirt?
>having a fun run with some friends
>finish loop 1
>abruptly enemy hp scaling flips the fuck out
>shit is more inflated than a korean mmo
Did they change the scaling or something in the latest patch? The enemies weren't a threat, they just took fucking forever to kill, and I don't remember it being that way when I last played months ago
Not him, but open shirt sounds great.
>Tits so fat she can't button her shirt around them
open shirt sounds amazing
Oh yeah also, since you wanted the jetpack back, should it be the same jetpack? Or slightly smaller? Or something else?
the same probably
Depends on how badly it clips with her ass.
Small jetpack would be fine if there's a clipping problem otherwise base is probably fine.
And if possible, tilted outward a bit so she doesn't sear her fat ass when jetting up.
Unfortunately the jetpack has to be in the one place where it clips the most.
>not wanting steamed hams
>loader has miner's second ability
>arti has "to the stars"
I think hes out, lads
also maybe a loader version where she still has the cage and pants on but no breastplate
Ouch, that sucks.
stfu mod user
Everyone knows that the sexier a woman's body is that the hotter it is for her to be dressed modestly, and the more modest her body is the hotter it is for her to be dressed sexily.
I still have hope for Acrid and CHEF
He's been confirmed out by the dev's for awhile now. Same with bandit, HAN-D, and sniper. None of those three are returning.
The last 2 characters are both brand new.
>Inb4 Providence
proof or it didn't happen
It was in the discord. My shrugs are all you get for not believing me. You can keep hoping if you want, but it's not happening.
you can bait the magma worms off the cliff in the new stage by standing on the farthest jutting cliff spikes near the building
the catch? the map is random and sometimes the spike doesnt fucking appear
i will continue to spread this knowledge without a single video evidence
based af
It's on his fucking twitter you dense moron. You can look yourself bandit came last in a fucking poll. So banditfags like me are left hanging in the wind due to hopoo saying his gameplay is fucking boring. LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING BANDIT WAS FAR FROM FUCKING BORING YOU FUCKING SHITLORD OF A DEV SUCKING OFF RANDY! BANDIT WAS ACTUALLY FUCKING FUN BECAUSE OF THE YEEHAW TIME YOU GET TO FEEL WHEN BLASTING THOSE LIGGER LEMURIANS IN THE FUCKING FACE WITH THE REVOLVER
So you're saying you like it when busty women wear clothes that can barely contain them?
Need a few more players to help test. 4/10
"They will not be added", or "We have no plans to add them", or "We have discontinued development on them"? There's still a good chance that we'll get more characters past release since the game did so much better than Gearbox expected.(pic related)
It's not my picture don't judge me for it not being a screenshot, I wouldn't play that trash.
Modestly as it giant tiddies in a turtleneck sweater, or a well-fitting dress shirt, but she's so busty that it greatly overpowers the normally non-sexual nature of those clothes. And flat chested girls whose bikinis barely cover their nipples.
>low aoe build
>double dunestrider boss
>they nig themselves back to full health twice because i can't kill all the mobs
Shoot all the bad guys
This 'his playstyle is too boring' excuse is fucking dumb. They've changed other characters enough so they can change him too. All he needs is the M1 and M2 to still be bandit. His M2 can either be given a built in crowbar effect, or a guillotine effect in order to better scale into the late game.
The stealth and bomb can be changed to stuff that let him better fit into this game. It's the same shit with people saying "oh we can't have loader in ror2, her towers wouldn't work well in 3D!".
I unlocked shotgun on drizzle, then got two glass from the bazaar on monsoon which carried me to stage 7.
So where do you stand in this chart?
Bandit is in the files tho
I made it all the way up to stage 6 after defeating Aurelionite but even he was unable to help with the 6 stone titans during the tele event
use his shotgun unlock, its way better for early game and not looping, which is the point of this challenge
get good items, cycle the shop as much as possible for items you need and glass.
SIX ON STAGE 6? Either you're exaggerating, hit a mountain shrine, or went incredibly slow. You've gotta take some risks to clear quickly enough to not screw yourself over later.
I'll help you user, post a lobby number :)
yea hes in the files, so is han-d, and they are going to stay that way.
they confirmed they aren
>I really don't recall RoR1 being -this- item dependent
Never got 3+ leeching elites packed into a crowd without any damage items?
Objectively correct taste.
>100% consistent Monsoon strategy for every character
>get Missile Launcher or Capacitor first stage
>Go to Bazaar and get Gestures
Seriously speaking though, you need to rely on the bazaar a lot if you want to make runs more salvageable. They're adding more worthless shit to the item pool however. The new worthless Shadowfade and dragon egg especially.
What this game needs more than anything is a rear view mirror
Sick of getting some random beetle shockwave or elite wisp shotgun to the back while trying to deal with something much more immediately dangerous
it was around 30 - 40 minutes when we got to stage 6
It was only a friend and I
How do you beat the commando 20 stage challenge?
I've been playing with friends, and we've been rushing the teleporters ASAP (no more than 3.5 to 4 minutes a stage), but we always get bogged down after the 3rd loop, even on drizzle.
Did they change enemy spawning and health? Drizzle on stage 13+ honestly feels like Monsoon.
lobby num 109775241054908924
Strides are pretty good for some characters they're just boring to use, and take away some of the individuality of their moveset. Which is actually kind of cool thematically because it's like they're become less of themselves and more of a mutant with these alien artifacts
there's your problem, you should be arriving at stage 7 at 30 or less
Well, that's what the tard said in his own words. He honestly can fuck himself for not applying himself thoroughly there. Bandit was literally 99% finished, he's just being a lazy cuck saying he's boring as a way to possibly avoid having his new RoR2 snowflakes be outshined by the old. Or, I'm just a seething banditfag still upset over this
>The new worthless Shadowfade
Shadowfade is fucking top tier on commando, it's a better rollout with actual i frames and it does a ton of healing. Shit is a life saver on monsoon and pairs insanely well with the tonic.
Literally just go it solo on drizzle, loot everything besides lunar items and become a normal death God.
get glass and topaz for barriers
fuck i'm retarded
disregard this
It's honestly bullshit that he's not being added in, sure he feels similar to Commando, but he's different enough that I'd love to use him.
He's basically complete in game, they could just add him as a freebie secondary character with the next update and tweak him later. He's fun as fuck.
>even on drizzle
I was going to suggest playing on drizzle, but looks like you need to just git gud.
But if you really need real advice, don't rush on drizzle and pick up every item.
I'm probably rating it worse than it is because the first time I got it was as Loader. The sheer feeling of Loader without Shift made a very very poor impression in my mind. However, would you really want it on any character other than Commando? Huntress and Rex maybe I guess.
>make it to rallypoint after looping
>rushing teles, geot lucky enough to get capacitor and wake of vultures
>getting by on the skin of my teeth
>roaming imp overlord and 4 teacups
>suddenly notice I'm on fire
>one of his spikes nicks me as I'm strafing
So is Commando is the ultimate dice roll character currently? People say Artificer has it bad this update but at least she can nuke most mobs before they become an issue early game.
Also you can use it to fly up. Roll is more fun, but it's hard not to view strides as an upgrade.
it's pretty damn great on artificer too, the ice wall does next to nothing anyway
IT works for loader, but it's ahuge tradeoff, and you basically have to stack attackspeed once you get it. It's a downgrade for Merc and loader, and pretty much a sidegrade for everybody else but commando. You only want to take it as someone else if your healing is dogshit, but you could also take transcendence too.
Truly closed. Thanks to all who joined, thanks to those last anons who helped out. Truly.
>bigger bazaar actually got an update while we were playing
hostfag get on it
Isn't that kind of counter intuitive? If I'm doing 20 stages, shouldn't I try to do it as fast as possible to minimize enemy strength, rather than looting everything I possibly can?
>4 claynigs on stage 7
did you accidentally hit a mountain shrine?
People got bored of the game, it got released way too early in development, the game was good and the game is still good but what's the point of playing when you've already done everything you could have done?
Many people are just waiting for an ending.
Anyone want to start a lobby to farm skins?
personally i did it by rushing to stage 4, stopping at the bazaar on stage 3 to force abyss, then grinding for the red chest and repeating
What is this strat?
God I suck fucking cock at Monsoon. I only just managed to get hard carried once for a skin.
Rushing is for multiplayer where about most of the items on a stage can trivially be bought after the teleporter event. In single player, being thorough and collecting every single item will make you a God essentially. Drizzle is not a time crunch. Just get everything to become powerful and you will walk over everything. There is more difficulty coming from stage advancement than the passage of time. If you pay attention, the difficulty bar literally jumps every stage you progress.
If I want to test stuff with the skins, should I just cheat them in? I feel like I could eventually get that obliteration on monsoon eventually, but I don't exactly have the time.
Shit, didn't mean to reply
>Maps should have been randomly generated but following a theme for each area
Not randomly generated, it kills a game even faster.
I think maps should stay "handcrafted" but rather have different objectives, currently it's always "Go activate the teleporter, kill boss, wait until it's fully charged, leave", it's fairly boring when you do it 10-20-30 times.
The plot of the game was about a giant transport spaceship being torn apart by meteors and falling into a wild planet, leaving all those crates scatered. That's why you appear from a scape-pod and why there are so many crates and weird items around.
Nope, just played through normally was about 30 minutes in if I recall.
All my commando runs have absolutely shit luck lately, if it's not constant Vagrant figths, it's some horde of many bullshit that takes forever to kill, sometimes as early as the first teleporter
Only one player can get a skin per game, right?
When will they add the final stage?
Looping around maps just makes everything feel pointless to me
Either the rain was a meteor rain or a debris rain
>Watching streamers not use Loader's swinging momentum to its fullest
It hurts so bad
teach me how its done
>>Watching streamers
>they accidently had drizzle regen on every difficulty
I like how that their excuse to nerf regen so any criticism related to it while be met with faggots saying "haha you played in Drizzle all this time"
It's obviously not an accident.
Is there a way for us to mod it back in?
>>Watching streamers
Did they fucking sack-whack the enemy spawning AI before releasing the patch? It's like it's fucking angry at me, trying to make the game as frustrating as possible
Just lower the difficulty, or adapt.
They removed regen and added more elites, enjoy
Drizzle is extremely boring, rainstorm was just fine and with the spawn changes the regen nerf hurts even more
I know, I can't help myself
It's hard to explain, but the best way to learn the feeling for it is to get good at attaching it and then looking away from it while still moving so that you swing yourself around the point instead of moving towards it.
I'd rather bitch and moan till hotpoop actually fixes it back to where it was, or makes defensive items worth a fucking damn.
Heads up the ability you get from this challenge fucking sucks ass
cycle the shop for reds you give a shit about. really the key is clover + meathook + ukes + crit + will o wisps + ALOT of attack speed. if you have to choose between syringe and crit, you take the crit.
Crit>A.S.>tougher times>anything goes. That is your thought process when looking at shop terminals.
waste some runs obliterating for coins and then dedicate one run to burning coins. Just because you cant get glass and other lunars doesnt mean you cant take those reds.
do not under estimate 2+ wax quails. They are honestly better than a single dodge roll. Fucking S tier item. , kill the worm first
commando likes clovers above all else, teslas, headstomper with wax quail combo, a single behemoth, 5 meathooks, brainstocks lets you hold r, ceremonial dagger
I usually recommend skiping dio, but if you are really scared, take 1. rejuv rack is ok, but you dont need more than a single one if you have even a single crit scythe
pass on the mask, vultures, afterburner (if you are doing well, you wont need a single roll), and the opinion is not good on commando without rejuv rack
The regen nerf literally is what made white healing items and both of the basic drones worth a damn. Yes they still suck badly in late game and that should probably be fixed, but at least they have the niche of safely getting you to the point where your offensive+mobility items can start carrying you.
>The regen nerf literally is what made white healing items and both of the basic drones worth a damn.
They aren't and still suck, nerfing regen didn't change fucking anything, you just notice how good the one or two good ones were. I always used to buy a regen drone or try for a slug before the nuke, the only one that still works is the slug until you are constantly in danger and can't heal in the late game.
The only way around it is transcendence or the shadow-walk, with maybe leechseed and scythe with chaining bullshit. That's fucking terrible.
rainstorm is still easy calm down bitch
>Oh I have to get 2 slugs now
boo fucking hoo, you can still just walk around laser beams and not get hit. you should really only die if you fuck up against a boss
What would be a good model replacement for the golems/titans? Big bipeds make me think of giant robots.
run before i slep
>Have yet to run into Overloading Worm
I just want the shotgun
>boo fucking hoo, you can still just walk around laser beams and not get hit. you should really only die if you fuck up against a boss
ask me how I know you don't play monsoon.
US btw
transcendence is literally worse than slugs. It takes 7 seconds of no damage to kick in
healing has been better than shields for quite a while now, but 5+ topaz brooch is still a god like item
What did the update do? Is it still the exact same easily survive for 2-3 hours, then quit? Or are there more worlds/a story yet?
suck my fucking dick I play monsoon all the time
Regen got nerfed to the ground and the game now spawn even more elites.
>Is it still the exact same easily survive for 2-3 hours, then quit?
they made monsoon harder and loader has miner's coolest ability and is generally too fun
every survivor got a cool alternate ability that you have to do a shitty challenge to unlock and then one shitty ability. they behave like a loadout when you pick your character.
I just spent three hours getting to stage 20 on monsoon and now I don't know what to do
BTW invisible enemies need to yeet, or at least have their inviso-field halved
slugs only work out of combat like the red whip, once you get into the later maps it basically doesn't work, med kits suck dick, leech items only start to matter when you chain like a motherfucker or have stupid high attack speed/procs, monster tooth has teh same problem as meds in that you need 20 of them for it to do fucking anything,the knurl is alright, but it's a fucking yellow item so you're never seeing that on a regular basis, and the es sheilds only work in conjunction with trans or if you happen to get a few of them for layered health. Brooches are more an armor thing and is one of the only scaling defensive items in the game.
That's complete dogshit.
Transcendence works as Merc, or with a stealthkit wher you can stay undamaged for a bit and regen, might work with the lunar mobility replacement too.
How are you in danger with slug in late game? You realize that just means 'haven't taken damage in the last 5 seconds' right? Nerfing regen changed things EARLY game, but a healing item/drone bring you back to where you were before the nerf.
Low tier healing items were always bad because compared to the base regen they didn't add much. Now that the base is higher they're more valuable for early-mid game despite still not adding too much healing.
If your complaint about the regen was in regards to the late game, then I don't know what game you're playing where you think that's relevant.
Golems with big square tits.
>If your complaint about the regen was in regards to the late game, then I don't know what game you're playing where you think that's relevant.
When you're in a group, and you're having to defend the point solo it's very fucking noticeable and it's awful. Bad enough most shit one shots you anyway, now you have to worry about bullshit chip damage coming in from fucking everywhere that you can't see because the director will just keep spawning shit till you can't see the god damned screen.
>hoppo STILL hasnt added the QOL change to multiplayer scaling where if someone rage quits or leaves, the scaling goes down
AAAAHHHHHH. This should've been added already. It's a pain in the ass when you're playing on the second level and someone's already raged quit in a 4 player monsoon lobby.
109775241054920973 lobby open, 3/4
engi has no skin?
Can somebody PLEASE confirm this shit isnt accurate
if hotpoop really fucking made the exact same mistake with arti's new m1 of having a stupidly insanely low proc rate i'm gonna shit
I think monsoon is now where it should be. Wisps and lemurians actually have to be killed early game rather than ignored, and if you take a titan laser to the face like an idiot it actually puts you in a really bad situation rather than just one where you need to play slightly more defensively for a bit.
I have never found chip damage to be a threat past like stage 8. It's a threat when you've just been nuked down to 1 hp, but drizzle regen was never going to get you out of that situation and you needed shit like harvester's scythes, foreign fruits, or now daisies which you're bound to have come across by then.
>Wisps and lemurians actually have to be killed early game rather than ignored
The issue tho is that while lemurians are easy to dodge because of their slow projectiles, wisps use hitscan, and spawning in large means you'll get hit. Losing 3/4th of your health early game to a single group is not a good start and now it's almost mandatory unless you play a character with i-frames.
Have they ever said if parents and children were coming back? And if so can we get Chanson back as the official family killing theme?
EU/US east
You just have to play more like you do in late game during the first few stages now and actually pay attention at all times. It's difficult... but that's what the hard mode is supposed to be. Enemies spawn in such small numbers early on that you can listen for them spawning behind you, or you can just check your back every now and then instead of just pushing forward while wisps slowly build behind you and then having them sneak up while you're on the boss. If you're losing 3/4 of your health to wisps then you are simply not paying attention.
2 slots
game bugged but we back (US)
>play hardmode
>it's hard
>enemies hit me
>i'm punished for it
Maybe making rainstorm a bit easier and then adding a new difficulty between rainstorm and monsoon called 'hurricane' as the new default difficulty would be good, though that's likely an overreaction to just a regen nerf.
>enemies hit me without a chance to dodge or avoid the damage, thus taking away all player agency
use your ears.
Retarded anime poster
>just a regen nerf
haha nigger :)
Third user here. Fucking love CrossCode. Can't decide whether to make my NG+ run a blowout or Dante Must Die mode.
how does that help me avoid hitscan weapons?
What, are you not a newtype?
Wisps make a distinctive sound when they spawn giving you time to kill them before they shoot even if they're behind you. They also make sound before they shoot and unless they're directly above you you can jump to dodge them. Just buy a drone if they're that big an issue for you.
The whole point of a hard mode is that it is hard. If it is hard for you, that is normal. You don't have to play it if you do not want to.Trying to make it easy removes the whole point of it existing. Just like trying to make wisps a zero threat at all stages of the game makes them pointless.
There's a risk of death too, every time your fat ass gets up to make some more tendies, but that doesn't mean you'll die every single time you get up to make them.
"RISK", the potential for.
Huntress' is just her under ice aspect too. Kinda lame.
anyone know how i can edit my save or find a save file that has all the new shit unlocked?
Anyone else not feeling the new merc skills? The uppercut objectively does more damage, but it feels off and unfinished. Doesn't help that whirlwind connects into your M1 more smoothly, and that sometimes the uppercut cancels out your third M1 swing.
The only model change is Merc, every other characters have a shitty retexture. Thanks hopoo, totally worth the pain.
>Friends so bad that they cry and moan like punk bitches over the challenges
I hate newfags
someone post a lobby
commando is new model too
the helmet is slightly different and hes got knee joint things
US East, Monsoon
No, commando's also a model change
faggot I joined and you closed it