Were they right, Yea Forums?
>Sonic was never good
Other urls found in this thread:
Sonic CD is the best platformer of all time and Sonic Riders is the best racing game of all time so no
>sonic cd
the 2d sonic games are ok, but he has never had a good 3d game.
No. It's a good example of why capital-C Criticism of media is such a dumb thing.
And I doubt I could ever respect the opinion of a numale who sits with his legs crossed like a woman.
>jew shit
who cares?
Not according to their other buddies at IGN
I expected this response from NPCs, it's not a game for you, and you will never understand
Yeah, kind of. Also, what the actuall hell happened to Marty and why is it such a well kept secret even still?
Opinions on Sonic the Sissyhog? Chapter 3 of Sonic's New Outlook is out now
>On Prison Island, the only man that cares about Sonic is one that forces him to fuck on a daily basis.
>While fucking a john, Sonic remembers the first time she made love to her first man... well, not a human, at least.
>Sonic is a crossdressing slut, but doesn't want his friends to find out. At first.
>Sonic is finally captured, but thanks to Robotnik's newest creation, being turned into a robot is the least of his worries.
Links for the stories at the strawpoll
Yuji Naka loved playing Super Mario Bros. over and over again, improving his skills to navigate the level. This provided him with a sensation that he wanted to replicate. So when the Needlemouse project fell on his lap, he revisited this concept. But just copying Mario wasn't enough for him. He wanted the momentum to carry even further than just something influenced by player input. That's when he came up with the rolling physics for the game. Combined with the talents of Naoto Ohshima who designed the world and characters, and the excellent level design by Hirokazu Yasuhara, they crafted an experience unlike any other in 1991. Nearly 30 years after its inception, there hasn't been another 2D game like Sonic the Hedgehog that put a major influence or importance in its movement mechanics. Sonic gameplay was always about the tiny details that make it feel just right. That's something the mascot craze of the 90s didn't bother to copy when they tried to challenge SEGA at their own game. Even Sonic Team of today doesn't quite understand what makes Sonic work. The original 4 games were a passion project by a team committed in delivering the best possible experience and game they could. The brand has faultered throughout the years. SEGA lacks a strong passionate leader who truly understands what makes the games great and pushes the team to create a game as great as the originals. The franchise will never reach the height of the original games, there is absolutely no denying that.
And then you have these dog shit game critics with no appreciation of the media they supposedly love make blind and retarded statements like this, it's infuriating. Maybe platformers aren't their thing, and that's fine, but to make such an arrogant statement like this and pretend that you're a good critic is just a sign that the game Journalism industry is at an immature joke of a state. If anything, it's regressed than the 90s era. At least then those people were passionate.
CD's level design will always be trash
>"Just go fast bro!"
>Proceeds to run into a bunch of obstacles that slow or stop your momentum
Sonic was always a case of good mechanics and ideas on paper ruined by really shit level design
>unable to avoid obstacles
No that's just an automated system in the game that activates when homosexuals play it.
Going fast is getting gud.
Sonic level layouts were never like this. Stop making this shit up.
Freedom Planet is what Sonic should have always been.
Freedom Planet is a Sparkster clone
>t. beta
>Saying all this like it's the games fault you can't get good
>current gen sonic fans don't like Sonic 1,2,3+K,CD
>old school fans of sonic 1,2,3 don't like current day sonic, barring successful reboots like mania or generations or nostalgia riddled offshoots like sonic all stars racing
>guys in picture too young to have played classic sonics
by "sonic was never good" they mean sonic starting from 06
>Game journalists
Even telemarketers and toll workers offer more society than these people.