In a few hours, Devil May Cry 2 releases on Switch. Expectations for this massively underrated gem?
In a few hours, Devil May Cry 2 releases on Switch. Expectations for this massively underrated gem?
I expect it to get a metacritic score of 35~48
no one would've blamed capcom for skipping this one and just port 3. Or the entire collection as they should've
>Expectations for this massively underrated gem?
Peak contrarianism right here, if this sells well on the Switch it will be definitive proof Switch owners buy anything that gets ported to it.
I expect to buy it some day on sale.
I expect contrarian journalists to somehow find a way to praise dmc2 "10 Reasons why DMC2 is an underrated masterpiece"
Don't buy it you retarded fagets
Surely Capcom is aware of this and won’t factor in low sales of DMC2 as a reason to not port 3, right?
If you don't buy it, Capcom won't port 3
>inb4 its bad because its a nintendo game
Of course they'll port 3 why the fuck wouldn't they
>it's on Nintendo now, so it's suddenly good
I mostly wonder why they didn’t just port the collection, unless they were being coy and offering the option to get 1 and 3 without ever touching 2. Even ironic sales are still sales so they still threw 2 on their but it had to have been to get people thinking about 3 coming later.
Capcom knows what they're doing by selling the games separately. it's cheaper just to get the HD collection on other consoles. Because you're getting the first 3 games at the same price you would buy 1 of them on switch. They've always done something to dick around the switch release of any game
DMC 2 on Switch's sales won't dictate if DMC 3 will be ported lmao.
this image should be updated
How fucking funny would it be if they released the HD collection after releasing all the ports separately? I honestly might buy it then.
Pretty sure that IS what's going to happen.
unironically more fun than God of War (the PS4 one)
Switch fags happy for any scraps they can get. Even when it's the objectively worst game in the series they act like it's some "gem" because it came to switch and finally gave them something different to play. So sad
>awful support
>waa why aren't they selling these niche old games physically
Not even, dude. DMC2 puts me to sleep like nothing else. At least I can have fun chopping shit and finding/breaking chests in nuGoW. DMC2 is a void that offers nothing of value to the player.
Just give me 3 and 4 again. Would love to play those portably. Already burnt out of 5, switch can't run it anyways.
>Resident Evil
>Street Fighter
>Devil May Cry
Are you actually fucking retarded
Maybe Niche wasn't the correct term, regardless I don't really see them selling well physically.
I wish game design wasn't so hard; dreams made me appreciate just how much work goes into anything, even this horrible game.
Fun fact, the entire wrapper for DMC collection is included in the port of DMC 1.
Thats the reason why the DMC 1 port is 9GB and the DMC2 port is 1GB.
No fucking clue why Capcom decided to port the games separately. I’d be livid if I were a Switch owner. Honestly feel bad for them despite the fact they still buy into Nintendo’s bullshittery.
>underrated gem
Nigga are you fucking serious?
>Expectations for this massively underrated gem?
Where? Is it behind the copy of DMC2?
The only thing I expect is 100 threads a day of people whining how awful it is.
I kinda like DMC2, to be honest, it had some good ideas.
Or that they're just uninformed about the game. The only advertising Capcom did for it was a quick trailer in a Direct, and then tweets about Dante's design.
hes got a pretty great design in 2 to be fair
I mean what else is Capcom gonna show, the "combat"?
That's my point, stupid.
I know, I was just making a dumb joke. I would be surprised if more than 20 people actually end up overpaying for this port.
Many people will because of misleading advertising. The internet complaints can't reach everyone.
This game sucks ass.
i played 1-3 for the first time last year. i figured 2 couldn't possibly be as bad as people said, especially considering i thought the first game held up unbelievably well for being more or less the first game in a genre. i was so fucking wrong. 2 is the most boring piece of shit game i've ever forced myself to play through. if it was a broken mess i might've been able to squeeze some enjoyment out of it, but it was just a snoozefest through and through. at least 3 ruled.
I heard the final phase of the last boss is actually alright.
yeah, that was the one (1) time the game felt even remotely similar to the original, and even then it was on par-to-worse than like every nelo angelo fight from dmc1 due to the controls in 2 feeling like total shit. the battle theme was pretty tight though?
The boss fight is okay but Dante remains sluggish. The Bolverk( the skeleton knight) fight would've also been okay if it weren't for damn wolves, poor camera angles and inappropriate arena. If you fight him in bloody palace, where all the aforementioned problems are gone, it can actually be fun.
>Expectations for this massively underrated gem?
This is peak bizarro, you may not like it but this is how peak bizarro looks like.
I think it's just sarcasm.
Speaking of Bizarro Yea Forums and the associated image, is a cube earth technically a flat earth? It's a 3d shape, but it's flat on those sides.
This but the opposite; GoW puts me to sleep while DMC2 is too hilariously bad it's amusing just like DmC.
I’m sorry, OP, but did you say Devil May Cry… 2? There’s a DMC game numbered 2?? I mean, I always thought it was weird they skipped straight to Devil May Cry 3, but c’mon, you don’t need to go making up games that don’t exist.
The wall running and animations were cool :)
We are going home...
Vie de Marli.......home...
Hopefully DMC 6 brings them back and expands upon the gameplay
Itsuno did say that if he does direct a DMC6, he will bring back wall-running for Trickster.
I expect Lucia to be sex on legs.
i want gunslinger to be useful ever
>massively underrated
Game was ASS
Peak shill
She isnt
DMC2 is trash my guy.
Gunslinger's fucking ridiculous in 5, though, for both style and damage.
Is it true that Trish makes DMC2 bearable?
She'd definitely better to play as
No not even since you'll have to beat the game more than once to get her.
Good ideas
>gun switching
>customizable DT
>Dante's outfit
Bad ideas
>The rest of the game