Why isn't there any hype for this?
>Open World DBZ Action RPG
>Story goes up through Buu saga
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
Other urls found in this thread:
Cause it's another shitty "play through Z story" game.
Btw why do black people love dragon ball?
>open world
Yay, large amounts of space I can't interact with.
I already played Legacy of Goku 1, 2 and Buu's Fury. They were structured better
>It's generic.
>wow another dbz game retelling the story of dragon ball z but this time it's "open world"
It's the first time I hear of this and I honestly don't care.
What's the issue? CC2 is developing so the gameplay is bound to be better than xenoshit
fighterz should never have come out. Now every DB game with "fighting" mechanics will pale in comparison to the utter soul that was that game. Except for stuff like LoG2 and Buu's fury, I guess.
>I already played Legacy of Goku 1, 2 and Buu's Fury. They were structured better
Went to an all black middle and high school, they loved Shounen shit from DBZ, DBS, Shingeki no Kyojin, Naruto, Bleach, but oddly enough nobody gave a shit about One Piece.
From the combat we've seen it looks exactly like Xenoshit
Because people think because it's running through Z again that it's shit. Even though a lot that's been revealed shows it's got quite a bit going for it.
The combat looks like watered down xenoverse. And xenoverse combat was pretty bad. Think ill skip this one
And? What's the issue with replaying the story with a modern graphics engine and open world gameplay? Sounds dope to me
>They were structured better
So you've played through Kakarot?
I haven't bought a Dragonball game in years. Is this actually going to be good. Mind you I haven't played through the DBZ story nearly as much as the rest of you
they don't, it's confirmation bias
Hyperviolent low IQ Space apes who steal technology from the people they share society with, being oppressed by the white lizard man until he genocides them.
It's a relatable tale.
>they don't, it's confirmation bias
user, blacks and hispanics unironically love shounenshit.
>2D boomer shit
it's confirmation bias. These are just the only black people you interact with, so you assume they all must.
All races love Dragonball. Latinos love it way more than Blacks.
Shounen is the only anime worth watching desu
Will this game contain the sacred ointment though?
The animations and art direction in that game are above anything they've ever done for any DBZ game
So seeing animation and combos from games like Kakarot are just generic
user I live in a black neighborhood and went to a black/hispanic school and used to live in Puerto Rico, I think I have a good pool.
This better be bait.
I really hope that isn't the final cover art, it's dreadfully fucking boring and lame
Everyone has played the z story a billion times
not the ones you replied to but you are delusional if you really think that, i can defenitely 100% comfirm that black people love shounen shit anime
It's not. Imagine watching moecrap, might as well watch Dora the Explorer LMAO
>Yay, large amounts of space I can't interact with.
Why do entitled redditors always expect GTA quality content in all open world games?
We already get to play through the story; flying around a huge area and destroying shit is icing on the cake
>threads are plagued by Yea Forums tards
>little new info shown
>just falling to the exact same talking points now like with
That's why.
Fucking this. Dragon Ball games are at their best when they are their own stories or 'what if?' stories. We've played through the Z story dozens of times now. How am I supposed to give a fuck regardless of what it's doing otherwise?
It's a fairly straight forward tale about hardwork and determination winning out over insurmountable evil. Also chimping out gives you super powers
Upvoted!! You tell them user!
I'm glad I don't discuss anime with you.
Fuck off shill
I don't get hype for any modern game. Cautiously optimistic. But I've played a heap of Dragonball games I don't see what new things this one brings to the table.
Legacy of Goku did all that, thsy tried with DB Sagas and it sucked. Ill decide when it comes out.
Gameplay looks like trash and I don't need to see the DBZ saga retold again.
>talking points
is he wrong?
back to your nignog tekken thread
>is he wrong?
copy+pasting the same reddit opinion over and over. you tell me?
>someone actually made this
>someone actually bought this
No, dragon ball games are at their best when you can pick your favorite character and just jump into a fight with an npc or your friends. Db games died after raging blast.
Raging Blast is my favorite DBZ game, followed by Legacy of Goku 2.
>Db games died after BT3
Pretty much this, it's fucking annoying that bamco and shueisha are under the impression that people are still getting into dragon ball when the complete opposite is the case cause the market is oversaturated with shonen, any newcomer will go watch the anime first. This is shit is getting so tiresome.
It's been said more times than there are games that did Raditz to Boo at this point.
>Story goes up through Buu saga
New and exciting.
BT3 is overrated as fuck, budokai was better.
Imagine not being good at fighting games.
Let me guess, you think you're human too, awww.
Cause black people are afraid of water and boats.
Wrong, we still got good games after bt3. It's towards the end of the xbox360/ps3 generation that they started going to shit. Xenoverse was the nail in the coffin.
Correct, but it was still a good DBZ game that served a unique purpose. Another would not come along until DBFZ.
I can confirm this is true.
DBFZ is just another generic fighter with a db skin.
>Wrong, we still got good games after bt3
Name one other than FighterZ.
>DB threads are better even on Yea Forums
Why are the threads on Yea Forums so bad? I go into them and genuinely feel like I'm in a thread with 13 year olds that came from some shithole fan forum from the corner of the web.
Raging blast 1 and 2, burst limit, fusions, world mission, dokkan, ultimate butoden, extreme butoden.
Blacks hate One Piece because all they see is the pirate ship and all they can think is "Ship = Slavery". I'm surprised the uneducated drop-outs never tried to get One Piece banned due to imagined images of racism, slavery, White dominance, etc.
Cause jannies don't do their job.
none of you niggers mentioned legacy of goku 2 and buu's fury, none of you have taste.
all of my family loves it im not sure why but when we were younger me and my cousins all watched dbz together anytime it was on. the one thing all black guys including myself love is DBZ
This post, dear anons, is what happens when your only interaction with blacks is on the Yea Forums.
i dont hate one piece and ive never met another black person who says ship = slavery what kinda bait is this
Dragon Ball would be more fun as an Action RPG. I just want to have adventures while flying on the nimbus cloud and hitting red ribbon army baddies with my nyoibo.
All rehashes of BT3 or just trash like dokkan.
Probably because those came out prior to BT3 and would therefor be irrelevant to the discussion, nig
>Another DBZ game with shitty graphics.
Not even mad, just sad that DBFZ was a one thing only. Now we're back with those meh "muh grahix" DBZ games trend after Tenkaichi 3.
Are you retarded by any chance? Half of those aren't even arena fighters.
Looks like hot garbage.
>shitty graphics
room temp IQ
>numbers pop out of enemies when you hit them in an action rpg
Instant ignore.
>Half of those aren't even arena fighters.
Yes, those ones would be covered by "trash", user. Can you read?
>trash like dokkan
Dokkan is pretty good though.
>Raging blast 1 and 2
You know these aren't really new. nor really good, what were they thinking with changing the guard button.
>burst limit
Tech demo.
The rest can be legit, but they were never seen as big DB games since they were handheld.
just looks like dbz to me but i would really like for arcsys graphics on a game like this
Raging blast 1 was great you double nigger.
why do people hold legacy of goku 2 in such high regard but shit on this? It was literally all grinding and fetch quests in between actual story fights
ArcSys 2.5D sorcery has ruined every Dragonball game for me. Everything looks like half-assed and rushed if it isn't ArcSys' signature 2.5D style
i'd be totally down for this, especially after the rather disappointing games on the GBA.
But, if it helps, LoG2 and Buu's Fury were still pretty fun.
>anime game not looking like anime is good
Face it, DB games peaked at Tenkaichi with cell shading (perfected in Burst Limit). Everything after it was a stepback being DBFZ an isolated case, because that one is actually 3D.
>Bootleg Tenkaichi
RB 1 and 2 were good though, burst limit was great too but it just didn't get enough attention to get a sequel.
Supersonic Warriors > FighterZ
I'm not shitting on it personally. And I agree with all the grinding but if you compare LoG2 to the first game it's a massive improvement to it. I played it last year and it holds up.
>2D game looks like 2D anime
Whoa... who would have thought?
Literally the same game, online was fun as fuck.
>3D anime game
You tell me what the problem is
They're really not once you get down to the more intricate aspects like combo chaining and exploits. Even the movement doesn't seem as fluid in RB.
Those games are 16-17 years old now. There hasn't been a modern non-fighting DBZ game in a long time.
*is better than bt3 and fighterz in your path*
>ive played it a billion times, therefore everyone has
>lol xD
hey user
jump off a bridge you fucking faggot
My fucking nigger, I still play this at the arcade near my house.
CC2 is the one developing and they did asura's wrath
>There hasn't been a modern non-fighting DBZ game in a long time.
Nigger all we got for nearly 10 years was non-fighting DBZ games until DBFZ came along. We were stuck in a fucking nightmare of near shovelware tier arena brawlers endlessly.
RB2 was good, better than one by a landslide but they weren't to write home about since the were reskinned Tenkaichi with slight downgrades, same with Burst Limit which was Budokai HD simplified and very, very, very downgraded everywhere else.
What game?
that's your brain on /pol/ user
unless, of course, you live in or near some shithole ghetto, in which case, sucks to be you
>ywn go to the arcade and play super dbz with your friends again
Why did you have to remind me?
>going up to Buu Saga is a "feature"
Why the fuck is this something to highlight? It should be a given by this point.
>use subtitle "Kakarot"
>doesn't start from Dragon Ball years kid Goku
This is a wasted opportunity. Saiyan to Buu Sagas have been done to death. Bamco should start focusing on DB, GT, the movies, and Super now that it cleared a few sagas. I like GT in hindsight
>Xenoverse gameplay
Unless Bamco made some major renovations, this gameplay is horrible. Poor tracking, awful hitboxes, the camera doesn't work like it shows in trailers, and the combos are more braindead than DBFZ. The only reason people put up with it was the novelty of having your own oc donut steels.
welcome to Yea Forums user
enjoy your stay
We get it you’ve never talked to a black person
This. Xenoverse did it right because it changed stuff with your OC but Kakarot looks like more of the same
yeah let's forget that piece of shit ever happened
Goku and Frieza > Jiren
Broly > goku and frieza
Therefore broly > jiren
Heroes does the same thing but better.
If that's the boxart then it's fucking awful and tells me nothing of the game other than that Goku is in it.
This is a completely different developer from xenoverse. These guys did the naurto ultimate ninja games
>>use subtitle "Kakarot"
>>doesn't start from Dragon Ball years kid Goku
Goku was NEVER called kakarot s a kid, you need to calm your ass down.
No shit retard, people wanna play DBZ not some some fanfic
3D arena fighters are still fighting games. Barring Online the only two non-fighting console games were the Dragon Ball game for the Wii, the MMO, and the card game. You could maybe argue Battle of Z but for the most part it's been all fighting games. Even if Kakarot looks like your typical piece of licensed crap it's something that hasn't been done in a long time.
Fuck Z
You know what would be a good setting for an open world adventure game? The original fucking dragonball.
Back when the characters weren't unstoppable fucking aliens and there was some actual charm to the world.
Agreed but they wouldn't make any money unfortunately
>3D arena fighters are still fighting games
Why can't we have more games like Supersonic Warriors 2 where we see alternate versions of the story from the viewpoints of the other characters?
This might be the dumbest thing I've read all month.
No. It just has fighting, blacks love fighting. See the FGC.
something similar to the tales combat system but with goku and frens
>bait this bad
Well hopefully we at least get some good filler side quests.
Yeah poor Bandai-Namco is just fuckin' strapped for cash eh.
They could never just use the infinite money they make shitting out anything with DBZ on the box year by year to once in a while produce something new.
>Let's make one of the most ambitious games in the DB franchise
>And make it so the player can't go Super Saiyan
You would have to be fucking retarded to think this would be a good idea.
How does it even work? I see it looks like xenoverse. Did they get rid of the hub I dislike? It was fine in 1 but i really didn't like it at all in 2.
Yeah, now let's try to forget that Super happened.
Same with arabs, arabs love DBZ.
Z-babby detected
Most people are Z-babbies hence why user's point is valid.
Super saiyans fucking suck.
This isn't ambitious it's just another dbz fighting game with a big empty map, it's like budokai tenkaichi 2 but with xenoverse combat and fishing.
>DBZ SSW GBA is great
>DBZ SSW2 NDS is shit
What happened? How it could be?!
>DBZ AotS sequel never ever.
Super was cool and funny, I don't get the hate. Not as kino as some past moments in Z but still enjoyable.
Who cares about it? Xenoverse 2 at least let you make your own character they should make a new version of that or update 2
Dragonball is only fun when you're fucking around with the canon with movie villains, game villains and OCs that's why Heroes is so popular
>arcsys graphics
>possible on open world game
Maybe in 10 years, maybe.
They forgot how tedious it could be to level up and open those fucking doors for sidequests
Burst Limit as Infinite World failed because they were released on the same fucking year. Both games seem that never existed. they werent market either like Tenkaichi and Budokai games were
10 sucks says they censor the Raditz hole again.
I wouldn't call it shit. Supersonic Warriors 2 was flawed, but I kinda liked some of what was done with it.
>10 sucks
Very good post. It pains me to see supersonic warriors passed over for the good, yet inferior sequel.
Are my boys Tien, Yamcha and Krillin playable? This will determine wether I get the game or not.
Alright we get it already you can fucking stop with the “epic retelling of the Z saga!” make something new or atleast do something db
Nope. Support characters
I never said that wasn't, I only implied that it's stupid as fuck to limit the game for fucking that of all things from the perspective of making a good game.
How is this not an action RPG? Action-oriented combat with rpg elements
At best you're only getting other Saiyans to play as.
Not if you're a business.
Gross. I'll stick to DBFighterz then.
never said it wasn't, I was just specifying
This but unironically
>all these avenues for potential stories in the Dragon Ball universe
>all of these different planets and universes that could have something done with them
>"haha let's retell namek again"
Fucking why?
That's why I specified "from the perspective of making a good game."
Ignore the other replies, it has been confirmed that you will be able to play as all of them.
Why would such a perspective be at all relevant in this thread?
I'm hype because we haven't had an actual decent DBZ exploration game. I wanna immerse myself into the world.
Yes it should have been Dragon Ball first tho, and it should be on Switch
>should be on switch
if the switch can't run it, it can't run it
pretty simple
The combat is more simplistic than Xenoverse, which shouldn't even be the damn case, and the boss fights are structured more like basic shoot-em-up bosses that also involve punching. The fanservice for the world exploration looks interesting, but it'll just be filler fluff in between the story beats (like beating up Red Ribbon robots for Eighter when Goku should be actively heading for Gohan's position in the plot). The entirety of the game's design contradicts basically the entire drive and design of Toriyama's writing, and the game's actual design is honestly incredibly simplistic and fairly barebones beyond the novelty of "HEY ACTION RPG WITH SEMI-OPEN WORLDS AND DB FANSERVICE".
I don't care that CyberConnect 2 are making it. They've done better in the past.
Nice bait
>Xenoverse combat with extra particles on top
I'll pass
It is simplistic, but this probably the best we're ever going to get as far as a single-player experience with exploration. CC2 isn't a huge company and I doubt namco is giving them a AAA budget
how so?
im not saying it can't, just saying if it can't - besides, it should be on all the systems if anything
Piccolo is playable.
That doesnt mean they cant add or allow other characters to be playable as a dlc or some secret unlockable.
Like, it will be pretty odd if you cant fight as Gotenks against Buu and you are using Piccolo instead with Gotenks supporting
It should be on Switch later like how it happened with Fighterz.
>Stories of DBZ games usually just includes major fights and then skips over to the next saga.
I'm only ok with it if it's going to go through the effort of including an more in depth story than what you usually get. When was the last time you got to see Dodoria and Zarbon both having the role they did in the original story? Tenkaichi 2? Budokai 2?
Is there some reason the games just refuse to do super.
I mean I know shows not best but it be nice for something new in game form
nobody cares about those fucking scrubs. Xenoverse had it right with what if's, ocs, and other alt shit
GT is better than super
Honestly watching the SSj2 Gohan vs. Perfect Cell fight tipped me into not caring anymore. Gohan should be curbstomping him for the scene, but instead it becomes like a ten minute long battle of looping, flashy patterns and attack spam against a boss with more that twice the health you have, so Gohan's big moment gets deflated into just pattern escalation and big stat numbers.
>dragon ball sagas 2.0
>not FighterZ 2
>not Xenoverse 3
Dragon ball isn't really too good of a series at all, and making games for it ultimately come down to the amount of content it'll actually have and if it even plays decently. Why would you want to get db sagas 2 with way less content for playable stories (which will most likely be DLC) over xenoverse 2? Even without DLC it has a bad but unique story that you can laugh and shit on alongside tons more playable characters, muh OC bullshit, etc etc.
im sold desu
They will save Fighter2 for next gen and milk it 1 with a season 3 with only 4 characters.
X3 is still possible this gen, since those games are cheap as fuck. X3 will definitely be 1+2 with all dlc and 20% of new content on base game(probably that Heroes anime plot) + more dlc for the next 4 years
There will never be another DBZ game that tells the DBZ story better than Budokai 1
>fully animated and voice synced cutscenes with actual great direction and choreographing
>has its own unique graphics style that's not just a simple cel-shade attempt at recreating the anime
>features lots of characters like Zarbon, Dodoria, 19
>the Funimation dub actors had learned better from their original dub but weren't completely burned out yet, this was the first time they'd ever rerecorded these story lines, so their performances were the best they ever got
>Story of Hercule
>What If stories like Cellin
Too bad they never did Buu in B1.
what's with the boxart? Look like a typical Funimation distribution.
Excellent, I might get the game then.
Yeah, maybe some heroes characters now that Heroes is a global game, and they can tie the games together with Fu. More interested in other forgotten or side/throwaway characters like Ledgic, 14, 15, 19, 20, Caulifla, Kale, Tao, Eighter, Roshi, etc. Cheap and easy to make, but they're wasting time and resources on kakarot which is a bit dumb, cause it's such a bastard of game.
Honestly, Budokai 1's level of effort but expanded would really just be great, if it had good fighting attached at least. Burst Limit's the only game that's come close as a borderline remake of B1, and that game still cut corners in comparison despite the HD look and cel-shading. And Xenoverse has good ideas but poor execution and downright shitty animation and "choreography" if you even want to call it that.
This. The story was always the worst part of Dragonball... I have no idea why they think people want to sit through it again of all things
Do you have any more totally real interviews that totally happened? It's an under appreciated meme format, in my opinion
People saw One Piece World Seeker and realized Bamco open world games such even by open world standards
Super was actually enjoyable, despite the first two seasons being a rehash of the two films released prior to Super
and then i can't forget to mention that there was a hell of a lot less filler bullshit, a lot less dumb shit going on that was aimed for children. got to see a lot more action with the Beerus vs Champa bits, Zeno Expo, and the universe tournament. sure there were some rather unpleasant sagas - like planet potafu, but it destroys GT and it's shitty sagas any day of the year
Xenoverse is Dimps though. And that wont stop Bamco from releasing a PS4/PS5/Xboxs/Switch/PC in 2021 along with Fighter2
They can also throw Moro into X3 by then
Because it looks like dbz sagas hd
Super has some fun ideas and interesting moments all dragged down by being offensively cheap and non existent fight choreography.. Toei is terrible.
Yuck. Even GT was better than Super.
Season Pass?
More like, I'll pass on the game until I can fully pirate it's complete final version on PC
>wasting money on another dbz game instead of just supporting dimps for xenoverse 3
>wasting resources (the people making db sagas 2) instead of having them help dimps out.
All the time spent on Kakarot could have been spent improving upon the guaranteed money maker instead of a cash grab that'll sell movie/super/GT arcs as DLC even though a lot of that content was in xenoverse 2 by default. (Meta and normal cooler, the shadow dragons, super 17, hit, BoG, RoF, turles, slug, etc etc) Can't wait for the tree of might DLC in db sagas 2, wooooo 2005 the year of the gamer.
I know a built black guy from Alabama in the Army who loves One Piece. Talks like your typical black guy, too.
well, each and every time i do think of watching GT, i always dread that shitty Super Android 17 saga.
shit literally makes no sense with every precedent Z already set
>shading of the characters looks worse on the GC
>backgrounds look way to dark in the PS2
It needed a perfect mix.
>that stretching of american op
Thanks for the you, but I've only been on Yea Forums, /x/, and /w/
It might just be his capture method of the PS2 version, but the more washed out tones isn't necessarily a bad thing depending on how you experienced the anime, honestly. I'd like the GC shading were it not for the fact that everyone suddenly got a fucking tan as a result of it.
I fucking love One Piece. I cooled down on all anime for a while to try to become a socially functional person, but I still read one piece every week. I made my best friend watch the entire series just so we could play Pirate Warriors 3 co-op
>open world
Is this 3D Legacy of Goku or not. That determines my purchase.
Another SHIT artwork with the shiny flesh and detailed hair.
I thought they learned from the broly movie that we like that art style. Guess not.
>Making excuses for boring, empty "open" worlds
no john you are the redditor
Oh yeah. Naruto has a shitton. Too bad I can't them though. They always started with
>Kishimoto stated that
Some actually used them seriously.
Americans hated One Piece until about a decade ago because the 4kids dub was just that bad.
wtf Broly would have died of laughter at Jiren's height?
Wasn't the last console game where we actually got this Battle of Z?
I have trouble with this game because Old Broly > Nubroly.
I get that Nubroly is written better, but 8ft tall Green Sadistic Juggernaut is cooler than space Tarzan.
XV1 and 2 basically have you play through the story again with little variations.
What makes you think Broly will be in this game at all? Also, I'd prefer a segment that ends in you playing as SSB Gogeta beating the shit out of Broly than playing through any of the previous Broly movies.
I don't think he will. He might've been if it was Old Broly tho since those movies take place in the Cell and Buu arcs.
I think post-game Super DLC is far more likely.
nice substitute for their daddy issues.
>when that sick ass track kicks in for Super Vegeta the first time
>Why isn't there any hype for this?
It's the same fucking game every time, and it's been going for 20 years. People mock pokemon and call of duty but dbz takes the fucking cake.
>But you can play as this irrelevant secondary character or this random oc for the first time now!
Cool, I got tired of dbz games at the end of middle school but to each their own.
Because making a RPG out of a story with so little ennemies is stupid.
GC needed the shaders being made manually which wasn't really hard. So yeah; they were kind of lazy.
>every DB game with fighting mechanis will pale in comparison with one of the worst DB fighting game
You're dumb as shit mate.
When the game was announced they mentioned Broly
And other Z movies, since it seems the first 2 Z movies are in
Broly isn't even real
Neither your waifu.
Broly is just the antithesis of Goku
A super Saiyan who is just rotten to the core, Where Goku is fun and cheerful, Broly is maniacal and sadistic. That's supposed to be their dynamic, though, admittedly, It wasn't conveyed properly in the first movie.
Regardless, Reboot Broly ruins this.
>Open World
>It's the same story that's been done so many times in games
>Why do they keep making games with the Z storyline? Make more What-if games!
>Buys Z storyline games anyway
>Doesn't buy What-if games
What do yall expect really lmao
Wait, but haven't Dragon Ball games changed over time, they started as barely being 2D fighters and card games, went to being really shitty fighting games, then got somewhat better with the Budokai and Budokai Tenkaichi games, then got worse again.
Then there was the weird Xenoverse games with MMO elements and Dragon Ball FighterZ which while casualized for non-fighting game fans, is by far the best fighting game in the franchise.
Oh, and Dragon Ball Heroes, if you can accept tons and tons of mini-games, it is fanservice heaven and it actually has several unique arcs and villains, even focusing on completely different versions of the Z-Fighters obtained from the multiverse.
It does have quite a few elements from Xenoverse, but change them completely, like the Supreme Kai Of Time actually fights and is implied to be really strong, as in, stronger than anyone in Z and quite probably stronger than the likes of Omega Shenron and even some Super Villains...not Beerus level, but at least Heroes makes it clear why she was chosen to become the protector of time, plus, it just leads to one more character being playable.
>empty map
>ps3 graphics
>ps2 animations
It looks like a game from 2008 desu
>stronger than the likes of Omega Shenron
Who isn't nowadays.
>Broly is just the antithesis of Goku
If he was he would have been a good saiyan who smacked his head and became evil.
The problem is that, maybe maniacal part aside, Broly is just like the other villains, sadistic and relying on awesome power with, at best, having the factor of being a berserker to distinguish him.
Reboot Broly being more generically a tormented guy forced to be evil actually makes him more unique compared to most DB villains, i mean, the last time we had villains that weren't bad was...in the World Tournament arcs, and that's mostly because Tien was just a contestant, and i guess one could maybe count Jiren?
Whatever, i actually ended up feeling like Super Broly has more to distinguish him from the other villains and while i do miss the Mayan aspect of his design, i still like the new one.
Besides, Old Broly is still around in games all the time, DBFZ, Xenoverse feature him and Dragon Ball Heroes mostly uses him still, i think the latest trailers have pratically only used Old Broly, albeit, one that has become a SSJ4.
Arabs even think that saiyans are the same race as them
More than her Xenoverse incarnation at least who never fights nor is there any indication of her being a good fighter.
Heroes shows her as a young Kai(before getting her regular job) just casually dismiss blasts from powerful demons that are implied to be Dabura level, and her current self fights a villain that is handling SSJ4 Goku, Vegeta and Gohan to a point where they have to fuse into SSJ4 Gogeta while still having a hard time...and the Supreme Kai Of Time wins with one move, though she does state she had been saving energy for a while before doing said move.
And Heroes does have her being stated to be a match or almost an equal to the Time Patrol versions of Goku and Vegeta, which in the game have gotten strong enough to beat Super Goku and Vegeta, so who knows how powerful she really is.
Because Dragon Ball Z's world isn't interesting. As soon as Kaioken was introduced the series became less about adventures and more about power levels. The Dragon Balls stopped being an interesting thing after Namek when they literally just became "revive my dead friends at the end of the arc".
4kids dub was atrocious.
This is honestly the only time I'm excited for a new DB game. I remember playing budokai tenkaichi 3 and liking it as a kid and ever since then I've been hoping for a (good) Dragon Ball game. This could be it
You'd think they could empathize with a protagonist that couldn't swim.
>As soon as Kaioken was introduced the series became less about adventures and more about power levels.
user, the entire saiyan arc was Tori drumming into you head that set power scaling doesn't exist.
>This could be it
It's not.
I want to like this and I'll probably buy it but it looks so bland. The combat looks BLAND.
The combat looks even more boring than Xenoverse.
Black people love dbz, and anime, because its not made by white people and doesn't feature white people in it. Blacks could be as nerdy and geeky as any race but its their unfathomable raw hatred towards white people that hinders them from enjoying any fiction featuring or created by whites.
Asians, whites, middle easterns and latinos dont give a crap about the race of a cast, but blacks do. this is why they always demand blacks in everything.
>its their unfathomable raw hatred towards white people that hinders them from enjoying any fiction featuring or created by whites
Then why do they love comics?
>this is why they always demand blacks in everything.
Not really? Usually it's white people demanding things be more multicultural
What said. If you watch og dragon ball power levels were even worse
>goku gets shot by tao
>would be dead if not for extreme luck
>goes chase korin for a bit
>goku gets shot by tao again
>physically impossible for tao to damage him now.
Z honestly tried to balance stuff out a bit, just the scale was too large to properly work with.
The androids were just supposed to have advantages like not being able to be sensed, absorbing energy, knowing Goku's moves beforehand or never getting tired. Vegeta actually had the upperhand when fighting 18, but got progressively more tired while she didn't which led to him being trounced. It just doesn't make sense because SSj was already above emperor of the universe level by a giant margin and these advantages still aren't reflected in substantial enough manners, but they are there.
The different characters playable in the open map made me think of one possibility.
What if you could play one part as 1st form Cell and you go around the city trying to absorb as many people as you can like he did in the series?
you can spot the brainlets if they say "wow we're playing through the same story again wtf"
daily reminder there has never been a satisfying way to play through the Z story in a Z game. its always the same shitty fights with some lines of dialogue in between and a shitty open world
>musou minigame as Frieza deploying troopes to find the dragon balls and destroying villages
>musou Cell as he eats people to build up energy to find and eat the androids
>musou Buu as he turns everyone to candy until Evil Buu boss fight, then back to Hero side of story
It'd be a nice change of pace, but they would have announced something that cool if they were going to do it.
On this day and age, the folliage still looks like paper.
I really hope those are placeholders
inb4 soul
From what I've heard, the american version of Dragon Ball has rap on it.
I talked to this nigger once on a discord years ago and he told me the DUB version of DBZ intro was better than the Japanese one of other dubs who used Japanese instrumentals.
It puzzles me how he finds it that way.
Anyway, I can assume this is the reason why niggers love DBZ so much, because it was dubbed with rap and niggerisms.
Here's a comparison
Once could also talk how USA niggerfied Digimon but thats another story.
I feel sad for americans who has to experience the niggerfied version of animse
>there has never been a satisfying way to play through the Z story in a Z game
So let me guess, you got into this series last gen.
I don't think you know what a rap is.
>musou Cell
Musou Frieza I get, he has troops to command, but Cell should play like Alex Mercer in Prototype.
whateve, the point is that they like the music
From the way that user described it I was thinking more along the lines of Ultimate Spiderman Venom.
>the point is that they like the music
Most of them hate Rock the Dragon and go for the nip version.
That's a good point I was originally just thinking of Frieza but then tried to apply it to Cell and Buu beating waves of substantially weaker enemies and kept it musou for consistency. If they were actual events in the game I doubt they'd change up the mechanics to much between them and mostly just replace the assets.
fighting looks boring as fuck
The rap was funimation's initial try at releasing GT. With the dvd sets, they just had Vic sing a dub of the original opening.
desu rock the dragon wasn't even funimation. that's an ocean dub opening and people really only remember that because raditz - beginning of ginyu were ocean dub.
honestly surprising that's the one EVERYONE remembers because this is the one dub watchers probably got the most exposure to, at least initially.
and then of course, this is the one funimation has been going with probably the longest amount of time total.
>hold block
>super move
>hold block
is what I got from it
They should do a new "play through the original dragon ball" instead.
They're saving DB for their next low budget title as usual.
Too recent i guess?
It's also hard to do more than just a fighting game story with it's arcs, Beerus and Frieza just appear and fight, the U6 Tournament arc is just that, Zamasu only has him and Goku Black and the Tournament Of Power is just another tournament.
It works well for a Budokai kind of game, but not a RPG or open-world game.
Then again, you don't need to tell the same story, Xenoverse, Fusions, FighterZ and Heroes are all telling their own stories and mostly using wholly new villains and fans like those games just fine.
No one was really mad that Demigra was the final villain rather than Buu or Omega Shenron, no one was that pissed off at Mira being the Final Boss, people liked Android 21 just fine, Fusions had a lot of OC's and that game is well liked and Heroes has pretty much decided to just do it's own villains now with even ones like Demigra and Android 21 just being side villains.
And Heroes is quite liked even if the game itself isn't the best.
Mexicans too.
Same reason black people love fried chicken.
Because everyone loves fried chicken.
Because Bamco is a retarted company who produces a cheap soulless DBZ game every year with always the same flaws the other games had.
They don't listen to the fans and don't know what people really want: Raging Blast 3 or Budokai Tenkaichi 4.
Xenoverse 2 and DBZF are the only decent games we have since RB2, all the other games are reasons why Bamco is a cesspool of lazy japs: Ultimate Tenkaichi, Battle of Z etc.
They want to milk the cow dry.
I'm excited. Been a long long time since I've played through the Z story and I'm more interested in the sidequests and RPG mechanics.
The combat looks ... fine I guess. Atleast the dashing looks cool and fast.
I just hope we get to play as Gohan for a long time. Always chose him when I could in the LoG games
>Art style is off
>Gameplay will probably be shit
>Looks like it might take a lot of alternative routes with the story that will drag the pacing to the absolute boredom
That’s why.
Ironically, Dragon Ball franchise only has about five games over the course of three decades that are actually worth playing: Dragon Ball Advance Adventure, Dragon Ball Z on PS1 (that one where you control several fighters at once), Dragon Ball Tenkaichi Budokai 3, Dragon Ball FighterZ and Legacy of Goku II.
>gameplay is just a rehash of Xenoverse, even down to the RPG elements
>the open world looks big, empty, and bland
I have no idea who's excited for this. Looks like dogshit desu
Sagas was a beat'em up, not an RPG.
>And? What's the issue with replaying the story with a modern graphics engine and open world gameplay?
We've already seen/read Dragonball Z, do something new Scamco-Bandai and Toriyama.
The Raging Blast series was decent by itself, but the random changes to the gameplay really weren't worth it doing away with most of BT3's cast. It's not like it was a completely different system. They just felt like a waste.
I haven't played that game but it has an amazing soundtrack
It sounds so arcadey
I could post the entire OST because every single track is gold
Right now I think the humans are only confirmed for mini-games, not the actual open world part.
I'm excited for it. Fuck the haters.
The only thing I'm too worried about is that it's playing it a bit too safe.
I mean, you say "games", but this is the only recent game that ignored Super.
>wasting resources (the people making db sagas 2) instead of having them help dimps out.
It's a completely separate studio making Kakarot. You'd never get Cyber Connect people going to Dimps just for DBZ.
>lets make a game based off an anime where the only thing that happens is major story battles and comedy talking segments where the main character eats a lot
No fucking thanks. I'd rather have a game full of adventure, challenges, puzzle solving, growth and exploration that consistently paces itself and doesn't revolve exclusively around climactic 1 v 1 fights but the genuine trials of adventure
Oh wait, it already exists. Fuck Z and fuck Mexicans.
>and fuck Mexicans.
DBZ is more popular than DB everywhere. The USA is the place where people couldn't even start with DB though, since it apparently didn't have enough action, so I don't get comments like these.
Don't care about popularity, dbz will always be shit
Because it looks like shit.
>rpg elements
just being able to level up does not make a game an rpg.
>Anime doesn't feature white people in it.
oh you are so wrong
Google the word elements
I'm fully aware, that still changes nothing.
cool, neither does your post
>And? What's the issue with replaying the story with a modern graphics engine and open world gameplay? Sounds dope to me
Nigga we've been doing that for the past how many decades now?
Not the open world part sure but come on at least do something interesting with the concept.
Like games based around What-If scenarios similar to Heroes or BT/RB.
The funny thing about this post isn't so much how wrong it is on every level but rather the notion that hatred towards whites would be "unfathomable." Even whites hate whites.
severely underrated
People actually are hype for this but you're just stuck in the Yea Forums bubble.
It's the same shit we've been getting for years except this time they fell for the open world meme. You can blame tfs and reddit for forcing the nostalgia meme so hard to the point that bandai thinks all people want is more Z.
Every game since Tenkaichi 3 has been shit, why wouldn't this be?
Cause muh e-celebs like it so it must be good!
>shitty combo moves instead of being able to unleash attacks when you want
No it wasn't
GT>Super get over it newfag
people still didn't read the season pass.
after the z story c2 is gonna do a move style original story.
I haven't played it, but I really don't see how any other db game in existence could be better than BT3.
Gameplay looks lame and I don't want to play through Z again. Another lazy Bandai cashgrab.
>pay extra to actually get an original story
I don't need to buy Xenoverse 2 again
Because most niggers are lazy pieces of shit that'd rather steal from others or sit on their ass all day and watch japanese cartoons.
Absolutely based
i dont think you know how C2 does cut scenes, storytelling.
i would like it if they also did mini stories of the "movies" released. like tree of might and cooler.
But...DBFZ came out after Tenkaichi 3, didn't it?
Pretty sure that aside from smaller roster, it's better than that game in every way, then again, i never thought the Tenkaichi games were good games necessarily, just good DB games.
>it's better than that game in every way, then again, i never thought the Tenkaichi games were good games necessarily, just good DB games
I'm sorry to report that you have completely plebeian taste.
>Tech demo
T'was better than any BT game if you don't care for Freeza Grunt #450.
By being actually fun and creative
>Gohan dual wielding swords
>Freeza with a bazooka
>ChiChi's moveset is based around Kinto'un and the fan
>managed to make Piccolo Daimao and Piccolo feel distinct
>all this in a 3D fighting game
It is a respectable opinion then, but still one I would contest since BT3 has the most satisfying combat of any db game I've ever played.
>satisfying combat
Every encounter feels almost exactly like Xenoverse, which isn't a positive.
It also doesn't help that there are mandatory Oozaru battles, Oozaru being incredibly poorly designed for fighting as an opponent.
>Every encounter feels almost exactly like Xenoverse
You either haven't played the game or barely remember it if you're going to say that. BT3 is fluid as fuck, has lots of varied combos, and has teleports in a bunch of different contexts to mix things up.
>It also doesn't help that there are mandatory Oozaru battles
Literally just charge up to max power and they're even easier than normal opponents. And that's just a small part of the main story.
Any thoughts on Extreme Butoden, since that game essentially bridges the gap between Supersonic Warriors and FighterZ?
I like how GTfag had to reply three times
I loved it for about a week when I got it around release and never touched it again because it didn't have online.
cause we already played Legacy of Goku years ago
Its not about the quality of GT but the gameplay potential of exploring new planets and adventure
who the fuck cares about Dragon Ball anymore?
wow funimation are lazy hacks
Because even the best DBZ games are only mediocre.
No super
Its just a xenoblade clone with anime scenes
Kek game
Too bad that the GT planets were not that great either, Super also doesn't have much variety of the planets they have shown but at least they never tried to be about a tour through space so bad and generic they had to quickly go back to a normal arc with Baby and even then the space stuff had been so poorly received the staff genuinely thought Baby was going to be the last villain.
It thankfully got received well enough to get Super Android 17 and the dark dragons arcs though.
But yeah, i don't think you should go for GT when it comes to space exploration since those parts and episodes are pretty much hated, at most you get a reference to General Rildo and the only game that really did anything with that idea, Dragon Ball GT Transformation was awful.
Anime games are shit. Go play One Piece world seeker and tell me how much fun that is
hey look at those faggot ass clothes
>same battle system as xenoverse
Don't say that word. If you seriously must at least use "nigga" rather than the hard r variation.
Not the same, worse.
>It thankfully got received well enough to get Super Android 17 and the dark dragons arcs though.
Are you seriously trying to say those arcs were good?
My guess is that it's because it's not finished yet and they have a ton of material to use instead until it's completed.
Are they, though? The best Dragon Ball/DBZ games that I can think of are all fun recreations of the anime story (the Legacy of Goku games, and that one FANTASTIC Dragon Ball sidescrolling beat 'em up on GBA), or just straight up multiplayer titles like Tenkaichi 3.
Budokai 1 had the best story mode in the series. They even went further beyond and added the "What-if" stories, plus episodes for characters such as Vegeta and Piccolo and the Hercule Cell Games.
This is a game where you can fly. The usual complaints may not apply.
My only problem is it looks like the combat is going to be always flying, even for story battles where fights were mostly on the ground like the one from the last Raditz trailer.
>it's not finished yet
Don't expect it to improve.
no faulconer
no buy
Because everyone is sick of playing through the same dumb story a thousand times
Because everyone is sick of playing through the same dumb story a thousand times
Because everyone is sick of playing through the same dumb story a thousand times
I can't wait to play through the same great story for the thousandth time!
I am pretty hyped
It feels like a bigger livelier version of DBZ Budokai 3's pseudo open-world.
And honestly, I want that.
My only problem is that the graphics and visuals have that retarded nu-DBZ Yamamuro look of plastic-y visuals and no cel-shading. If they went back to the Budokai Tenkaichi 3 look but with more polygons or hell if they went with the FighterZ look I'd be much happier.
Thankfully it looks better than Xenoverse, so hopefully there's mods that make it look better.
>over 140 characters
>only 25 are playable
yeah fuck that game
>nu-DBZ Yamamuro look
Kakarot is based on the Shintani style, definitely not Yamamuro
Why does it look like shit then?
>t. never played any of the PS2 DBZ games
the dark dragon arc is still better than anything in super
>goku still wearing the weighted clothing
>not even barefoot
why, because it looked more like the anime? I fuckin' hated Raging Blast
It's one of if not the worst arc in the entire series because of the negative energy retcon, being based on a single throwaway line from the Old Kai referring to bringing people back to life, the horrendous animation and making it even more of a Goku show.
Everyone did because it only went up to Cell if I remember right.
poor execution i guess. Some characters look worse than others (pic related) and too much bloom
Raging blast went up to Buu. Burst limit went up to Cell
>the horrendous animation and making it even more of a Goku show
literally every super arc in a nutshell
except for the final one
4kids killing One Piece is the biggest meme ever. OP failed for other reasons.
forgot pic
Black dude lived in black/spanish neighborhoods my entire life
A decent amount of black people like the db series, but not EVERYBODY.
Big reasons being that
>back in the 90's, you didnt need cable to watch it.
>spikey haired dude always ready to square up
>had as much energy as wrestling with the added benifit of more clothing on the men
90s was a weird time for black people. Media promoted us being violent, and alot of young dumasses were down with it. A lot of crack head shit outside too. Making friends was kinda difficult because there was a strong chance someone you were trying to make friends was
>wanted to join a gang
>already in a gang
>dealing with crackhead parents
The glue holding black kids together was music, video gamess, or anime. Very easy to make friends so long as you had those three talking points, and steer anyone who was a jock, gangster, or druggie in another direction
Nowadays its just acceptable, but thats what ive seen back in the 90s
Some characters look too round, even by early DBZ standards. Then you got shots like this.
>literally every super arc in a nutshell
Except the u6v7, Black and ToP arcs.
What on earth is that.
Is this coming to pc?
Does it really matter if it is?
i can get it for free and mod the bad parts out