LGBT the game
AI: The Cucoldium Files
Other urls found in this thread:
Note that this "Date" is also your main character
She's 12, she doesn't know any better. Let the sassy orphan enjoy her innocence
yeah, in catching AIDS perhaps
What evidence do you have that she's a fujo?
Is that even a real screenshot?
That's misogyny.
>one annoying 2smart4you character says annoying shit
yea let's just ignore everything else in the game
Initially I thought the main character was gonna be a broody ZTD Junpei type
But nah he's a full dumbass
the last 10 threads werent enough for you?
also NSP when?
It's like 30 seconds in the game, it's probably not everywhere and easily ignored
cry more you fucking baby
girl in this picture is canonically 12 years old btw
Look, Ma, I posted it again!
That's just the first time he uses the X-Ray in the game, he didn't even know she was in there.
He uses the X-Ray frivolously in the maid cafe
The scenario writer is a retard who literally considers DDLC a masterpiece in the game's history of the world.
No, it's ageism, if anything. The healthy, anti-child kind that prevents child labor exploitation.
> only one
Yes, only one.
That character isn't an annoying 2smart4you smug retard. Mama just makes innuendo and has a silly look. She's a decently entertaining character.
Mizuki is just annoying and I'm glad I ended up completing her route first which means the rest will be improvements.
I mean the dude is known for writing waifu-killing meta VNs and DDLC is absolutely a masterpiece in waifu-killing VNs.
DDLC is "what if all the characters were mentally ill"
>another fucking thread
obligatory before anyone cries "translation team did it"
That's definitely not presented like it's a good thing in the game, that's for fucking sure.
Do you have any idea what it means to be a landwhale in Japan?
this is what the japanese actually think about gays
Did you miss the "in waifu-killing VNs" part? It's like saying something is a "masterpiece of the slasher movie genre." It's not THAT high a bar to set. It's short, sweet, lays the trap and springs it quick. The purest essence of the dead waifu anti-dating sim. Granted, you have to like dead waifu anti-dating sims in the first place to appreciate it.
um.. OP already posted that, pay attention
Would someone be kind enough to take a moment from politics and tell me how to rebind keyboard controls on pc?
>Being this obsessed with a game you'll never and never had the intention to play
You're more mentally ill than gay people
>make game no one has ever heard of or cares about
>have a character randomly say "gays are ok" or whatever
>Yea Forums publicizes your game for free for months on end
Is this game serious? Don't make me retroactively hate ZE.
>posting a 2chan thread as evidence for what the entire nation of japan thinks
top kek
I suppose Yea Forums is representative of America's view on race?
considering he's made this thread about 20 times I've stopped looking at the text, seems he's evolving
>Can't fuck or date anyone
What's the point?
it's probably a different OP, a normal OP would intentionally not post that so it generate more replies through people going
I'm about to start playing this. I don't know much about this game.
There are routes for the female counterparts ala VN style? Does the girl in the OP have a route? If so, I want to finish that first so the rest isn't annoying.
should I install the -CODEX version on a VM so I don't get malware
it's entirely fine unless you got it from a dubious site
the crack is a bit finnicky though, it doesn't work for some people (codex been a bit shit lately)
what is even the context for this scene? it comes off as really patronizing imo
she's pretty much in a gay bar talking to a gender neutral character, and just a 12 years old that no one would see be offended by in-game
I seen EGS oldfags rate DDLC highly. Nothing wrong with that. You just hate everything western.
>the crack is a bit finnicky though
there's nothing wrong with the crack you retard
MC ask here if she hates gay in front of a scary mama in a gay bar
3 years since ZTD release and threads already bottom low
Yea Forums changes a lot
>some people
is it so hard to understand
just go look at those russian forums or about anywhere else, you'll see tons of the reports that weren't happening with codex stuff until recently
It's because the young girls both see you as a father figure, and you do adopt the loli, and the MC actually does have a love interest that they've forgotten about behind their amnesia wall.
Please tell me this is only for the dub
They did their own translation and everything is pretty much in-line with how they want it and accurate (this was simultaneous release too).
The only place where it's a bit off is when translating jokes.
>just go look at those russian forums
there's literally nothing wrong with the crack retard. everything people are having trouble with are problems with the base game just check steam forums.
It's the same as in jp.
sure whatever, clearly you haven't kept up with the recurring issues with codex lately
sure whatever, clearly you're a retard.
is Spike Chunsoft SJW???
>father figure
Shit, not gonna pirate it then
Yes bro. It's SJW game
At least the people who bought this game will have no problem self-inserting
the fuck are you talking about, japan in general is like this
They created uncensored PC versions for crystar and the conception remake. How are they responsible for sjw content if the translation is accurate?
>tfw you will never have a WOKE 12 years old browse through your computer history and check your cuckoldry videos
what the fuck happened to japan
japans been putting trannies in games since the nes era what are you talking about
contrary to retarded weaboos and deluded fools on here japan is a lot more socially liberal than most videogames or the government would make you think.
it still makes me chuckle how idiots still cling to the whole japan not being "degenerate" thing
and that's a good thing because it looks fine when it's anime and not trying for realism
>yet another retard who doesn't know that Japan has been putting """""degenerate""""" shit into their media for literal decades
Where do you clowns even come from? Get the fuck out of my hobby.
Thought I'd translate a few of the replies
yep, I'm thinking they're based
If it were just the mental illness at the end and not lolsorandom meta nonsense it would have been better
you mean this games not anime and its realistic?
look I hate sjw shit too but to pretend japan is just now doing that shit is rediculous
The statement is one quarter correct, gays have been contributing to math and science, it is the Lettuce Bacon and Tomatoes that are dragging the team down.
no, don't put me in the same bag
the only reason this is really bothering anyone is that japanese stuff typically doesn't use the term "LGBT", you'll have stuff like BL and the like but not that
The first guy who invent the computer is gay you know
Sure, since "SJW" has meant "anything that triggers my fragile conservative sensibilities" for years now.
>cherry picking
just conveniently not translating shit like
it's just nip Yea Forums basically
I just translated the first few ones and then moved onto the ones with a ton of likes
It's not like translation isn't time consuming for a JSL
>I want them to apologize to the rainbow
how many times will you make the same thread?
Are you a homo?
What's up with Yea Forums's obsession with wanting every single game to fail?
Danganronpa was super redpilled. After Kodaka left there is not much time left for Spike.
It have stuff like BL you mongering retard. Pirate the game and come back after playing it.
I love how Yea Forums makes fun of overly sensitive sjws who complain and throw fits over the most inconsequential crap in a game while making threads like these.
Yeah, they're insatiable dumbasses who demand to be pandered to. What a buncha babies. Now excuse me, I need to bitch about a game I never heard of because it doesn't pander to me.
Amazing post. Now go and prepare your anus for your daily dosis of gay aids ridden nigger dick, user.
I never meant that it didn't, retard
absolutely seething
So what game is this and why do I keep seeing so many fucking threads on it?
Are you 12?
a mixture of genuine seething over OPs image and a few anons spamming threads about it, as in literally making 1 within a minute of the last one dying/getting JANNY'd
Nigga, this is pretty much the only japanese game acknowledging lgbt bullshit and it's gonna tank.
It barely just came out yesterday, and being from the Zero Escape director (aka 999), it gathered some attention.
And then there happened to have a part that's perfect to bait Yea Forums, and now it's being spammed
It's the new Uchikoshi (Zero Escape) visual novel, and it has a really cool premise and cast. It even had a weird ARG going up till its release, but I guess this is all Yea Forums can talk about because culture war is everything now.
Then again, who am I kidding. Yea Forums is always like this.
>implying Date doesn't insert himself as the chad
well said my sir
No, Yea Forums is fine. They just hate politics is all, despite never ever shutting up about politics on this board.
It's definitely not hypocrisy.
Look at this fucking clown being triggered like a tumblr bitch over an okama stereotype that's older by decades than he is.
You just have to think of the dialog as ironic japanese humor.
>Reply to me twice immediately
Oof... Yikes and cringepilled ;)
>Nigga, this is pretty much the only japanese game acknowledging lgbt bullshit
based retard
I mean do you not realize you can romance several men in the newest Fire Emblem game (though tbf 2 of the 3 are weird not full romance routes) and a shit ton of lesbian ones?
and that's just a recent popular game
also friendly reminder the wife of the Prime Minister is well known for being pro-LGBT shit, the opposition parties (the non more right than the LDP ones anyway) all openly support gay marriage, and Japan has the most liberal attitude towards LGBT shit in Asia
>Despite the political opposition, a survey by Japanese advertising giant Dentsu found that 78% of people aged 20 to 60 favored legalizing same-sex marriage, up from 51% of those polled in 2017 by public broadcaster NHK.
it's just that retards on here don't actually pay attention beyond surface level discourse
I never heard of this game before today, but I'm intrigued
fuck this thread, fuck uchiokshi, fuck video games
Catherine Full Body is pro-gay marriage
>he resorts to crying samefag
I'm detecting high levels of asspain in your post
Ok, do this game have waifu features? I know the fujobitch is like 12. Lolishit is worse than gay enabler so I want to know if i can marry any cake?
>Take his time to reply to me this time
I wonder why... XD
thanks, adding this game to my ignore list.
nice shop, that's not how it looks from my end
just do it dio, it's nothing but despair after VLR anyway.
Good post. Here is your (You)s to show Reddit they are talking to a true 4channeler
Swallow the truth buddy. Japan is just as fucked as we are. Time to surrender them to the Resetrannites!
>I mean do you not realize you can romance several men in the newest Fire Emblem game
Only one dude is romantic you lying sack of shit.
>and a shit ton of lesbian ones?
All of which is simple pandering options, none of them are treated as a ''win'' for LGBT, it's only mentally ill trannies like you who keep parading this as some kind of inclusiveness.
And boy did it work out with all the faggots crying rivers about the fact you can't make a married man cheat on his wife for you.
>it's just that retards on here don't actually pay attention beyond surface level discourse
Nobody gives a shit about japanese politics, only that outright lies like the op above aren't shoved down your throat in japanese games since we got plenty of that in the west.
If you cant edit images you could just dont post any images. It is an obvious paint picture
Neck yourself, tranny.
>ignoring gay people will make them go away
Yikers... Have sex
>blue hair is a preacy annoying monologuing no fun cunt
who knew anime could be this real
imagine unironically beating it to NTR
what I want to go away is people complaining about gay people because they're a lot more obnoxious and in my face
gay people just hang out on twitter and I never seek them out
My waifu is Florence Nightingale.
Japan always have been certain acceptance for faggots but mostly for sexual stuffs. By example, the girl who mention that line on the OP is a huge fujo
I knew not to trust Uchikoshi after ZTD was absolute shit, but this is not the kind of bad I was expecting.
take your meds schizo
>Isn't LGBT related to the hardest rape?
Ok incel
>Whole threads, all day, of cishets sperging out about one line of text about gays
Everyone complaining sounds like a supreme idiot
>LGBT acceptance % actually dropped
thanks trannies
>Only one dude is romantic you lying sack of shit.
but seriously did you not read my post?
you can "romance" Geralt and Alois as well in terms of getting them to S rank
>All of which is simple pandering options,
>claims only one game acknowledges lgbt bullshit
>gets told otherwise
>b-but it's pandering
damage control much?
>it's only mentally ill trannies like you
uh oh he started crying tranny, seems I hit a sore spot
>Nobody gives a shit about japanese politics
considering my original post was literally about japan in general it is quite relevant my triggered friend, they're not very based if they all support that shit IRL now are they?
>only that outright lies like the op above aren't shoved down your throat in japanese games since we got plenty of that in the west.
top kek
you do realize it's a word for word translation right?
this is the japanese audio:
This is nonsense. Japan doesn't have the "kill the gays" reaction, but more like "let's laugh at these weirdos". Lack of violence doesn't mean that they still aren't on the outside of society. Being treated like a freak might seem like an improvement, but it's hardly the homosexual utopia that some people imagine it as.
So this character is considered obnoxious and unlikeable in-universe, right?
every time
Yeah, I think that's what he said too lol. That Yea Forums cries sjw to anything that doesn't fit into their own politics
Just absolutely seething
>This is nonsense. Japan doesn't have the "kill the gays" reaction, but more like "let's laugh at these weirdos". Lack of violence doesn't mean that they still aren't on the outside of society. Being treated like a freak might seem like an improvement, but it's hardly the homosexual utopia that some people imagine it as.
t.guy spewing shit out his ass based on his perception of japan
Cope harder
Bought. Based Uchikoshi
>The old man dressed like a girl is definitely another illness
>LGBT ought to admit that recognize a variety of propensities lead to the development of Nijiura Lori Shota Pedro chemo all Mitomero! !
>>What do you do when T girl enters men's baths?
>I'm G, so I'll attack
fucking based
Take your own advice
>Should be LGBP
>you can "romance" Geralt and Alois as well in terms of getting them to S rank
You can't, it all end up being fplatonic no matter the sex.
>claims only one game acknowledges lgbt bullshit
Nothing you said disclaimed that. Three houses don't acknowledge LGBT, there's one gay and a few lesbians, what's so special about that? Meanwhile, you've got this girl spewing outright bullshit and lies about LGBT communities.
>you do realize it's a word for word translation right?
And? Garbage is garbage. If the author drank the kool-aid then his game will rightfully tank.
Which is the norm for his work anyway.
>No you
Hmmm sweetie, go to sleep
You know that drag and tranny clubs are a thing in Japan right? They're a really tight knit community there too none of this is really western influence it's just shit Japan's had for a long time. Tokyo Godfathers goes into that community a bit but it's not often touched on in anime so dumb weebs won't know it exists. It's amazing how we've come full circle. Ten years ago dumb yaoifangirls thought Japan was a gay haven where gays were loved and welcomed with zero controversy, and now you have incels who think they don't exist in Japanese society at all.
They did that after butchering Zanki Zero and not unfucking the PC version
Have sex.
People just want respect...
The disease reached Japan I see
>can't even get the name of one of the characters right and expects to be taken seriously
Didn't even read the rest of the bullshit you wrote
We're really never going to be able to discuss this game because of a few lines of dialogue from one intentionally-written SJW character, are we
fucking damn those nips are brutal
>Yea Forums hates politics
>politics get shoved into games
>Yea Forums complains about politics getting shoved into games
Makes perfect sense, actually.
Man why cant all trannies be like that one guy (female) from the movie Tokyo Godfathers
>An outstanding person
>Comfy to be around
>Sacrifice her happiness for the well-being of his/her friend
>Would be a hell of a mother
>You can't, it all end up being fplatonic no matter the sex.
which is exactly what I said in my first post? based retard
>Three houses don't acknowledge LGBT, there's one gay and a few lesbians, what's so special about that?
>there's romancable gays and lesbians
>it doesn't acknowledge LGBT
fucking nani?
how many levels of mental gymnastics are you on my dude?
>And? Garbage is garbage. If the author drank the kool-aid then his game will rightfully tank.
>claim "lies like above aren't shoved down your throat in muh japanese games"
>when that's exactly what it does in this game
it's been a long time since I've seen terrible damage control of this caliber
The disease has always been there
Jap media has always been full of liberal progressives preaching antiwar, environmentalism and homosex narratives
Pretending every anime game is underage panty quest is just hiding from that obvious truth
how do you type without a brain stem?
>dumb yaoifangirls thought Japan was a gay haven where gays were loved and welcomed with zero controversy,
only the super retarded ones considering old yaoi shit is notorious for plots related to that
Gilbert, was in a witcher thread so geralt is on my mind
still seething my man
Bullshit. Yea Forums has a tendency to make up their own agenda even if there were no politics to begin with.
>Uncharted 4 has a black lady in it with afro hair? What a fucking shameless liberal propaganda piece!
>The former gay ribs and woman ribs are coming
not an argument nor proper response my seething friend
fun fact most people don't know is the Japanese teachers union (and the teaching profession in general) are dominated by the commies/socialists
>which is exactly what I said in my first post?
You implied romance with two older male in Three House and now lie about its supposed existence. Learn to talk, sweetie.
>how many levels of mental gymnastics are you on my dude?
There were gays and lesbians before LGBT, having gays and lesbians isn't automatically LGBT you projecting twat.
>when that's exactly what it does in this game
Glorifying LGBT doesn't mean I have to accept it
ah yes, not at all because of the feat she did in-game despite the protagonist's history
Yea Forums just wants to bitch because it's a bitter nest of whiners.
At least people will shit on the hack directly instead of the localizer buffer.
They did their jobs right this time.
from my first post
>though tbf 2 of the 3 are weird not full romance routes
I literally spelled out that weren't full romances the first time around my man
>There were gays and lesbians before LGBT, having gays and lesbians isn't automatically LGBT you projecting twat.
>gays and lesbians aren't LGBT
what is LGBT to you then?
and I'm not sure how you believe gay and lesbian romances in a game aren't furthering LGBT shit
>Glorifying LGBT doesn't mean I have to accept it
your acceptance (or not) of it is entirely unrelated to our discussion m8.
just because you don't accept something doesn't mean it won't happen
ie if I don't accept death will I not die?
That user's already strawmanning the complaints.
Don't bother.
A Reminder that the creator of this game is a westaboo and is friends with every western WOKE game journalist you can think of hell he even fallows anitubers like Mother's Basement He's pure fucking cancer
Can you fuck Mizuki? This is important.
Exactly. The majority of Yea Forums probably hasn't even played Uncharted but they've already made up their minds about the agenda with no context.
Want another? Life is Strange is a dumb, mostly walking simulator game where a girl gets time travel powers and uses them to save her friends and solve a local crime.
But two girls kiss that one time so the whole thing is an SJW conspiracy.
I agree with wanting the rainbow back.
Based Uchikoshi is a cuckbro? Real niggas always self insert as the bull.
She's your daughter (adopted), my dude.
that' surprising, since i thought he actively shat on burgers during one of the Q&A sessions for VLR
>don't be so close minded
This is the same shit idiot LARPers here say for laughs, why is this different?
really depressing that i haven't been spoiled on anything regarding this game's plot. old Yea Forums would just spoil the plot and move on. i don't even know the basic premise for this game, only "AHHHHHHHHHHH BROS IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR SOMEBODY SAID THAT GAYS ARE OKAY AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
i fucking hate every dumb piece of shit ITT
don't listen to random retards that don't fucking know anything beyond what they've seen in twitter screencap threads on Yea Forums. the only reason ZTD even got made, regardless of quality, is because so many western fans supported him. Yea Forums fucking put together a massive campaign to show him that they liked VLR and wanted the sequel.
i thought this was supposed to be too kyo's first game
chug bleach
my life might not be worth half a shit but if dying meant killing you i wouldn't mind so what's it gonna be big boy
unironically i hope you die
jannies have been autistically culling some of those posts, idk if they still are
>I literally spelled out that weren't full romances the first time around my man
You keep talking about it like it's an argument in your favor when it clearly isn't.
>and I'm not sure how you believe gay and lesbian romances in a game aren't furthering LGBT shit
Because inserting LGBT in a story that happens to have a few gays and lesbians is nothing more than projection. It's that fucking simple, Edelgard happens to like carpets and dicks but that doesn't make her parts of any kind of ''LGBT'' bullshit, she's part of her own story, she's a character that isn't supposed to be representing any real-life causes and to believe otherwise is asinine. She has her own identity.
>just because you don't accept something doesn't mean it won't happen
See, this right there, is why people like you are despised. The belief that your rotten ideology is deserving to be inserted in fiction is arrogant beyond words.
sure, you first
strangely for those games (at least 999 and VLR), Yea Forums always been very heavy on the use of spoiler tags and it was near impossible to see a spoiler in any thread unless you wanted to
I didn't check for ZTD though, honestly didn't care for that game.
Don't be so close-minded.
What's more stupid, the autists getting triggered by any mention of gays or the retards that fool themselves into thinking the game wants you to hate the character because she supports fags?
The fact the author didn't seem to learn from ZLR
the only reason to have played ZTD to begin with was to shitpost it on Yea Forums. there were some great threads. probably the last time i felt that Yea Forums was a usable board.
that having been said i bought that shit on launch and while it was crap many laughs were had and at least we got some closure
the venn diagram of those two groups is a circle
Hope none of you fucks actually buy this trash
He also thinks DDLC and DR3 are masterpieces he has no taste
How young are you zoomer retards? Okama/tranny shit has been a staple in anime shit since like the 80s.
God I wish I could beat the shit out of zoomers
>after ztd
Wait until the retards who don't play the game find out Mizuki's dad's new lover is a man.
>You keep talking about it like it's an argument in your favor when it clearly isn't.
considering the original argument was
>there isn't LGBT shit in other games
when there clearly is here (ignoring your hilarious attempt to claim gays and lesbians being romanceable in a game doesn't count) it absolutely is
reeeing about 2 of the 3 not being full romances (and this only on the gay side) is semantics
>Because inserting LGBT in a story that happens to have a few gays and lesbians is nothing more than projection. It's that fucking simple, Edelgard happens to like carpets and dicks but that doesn't make her parts of any kind of ''LGBT''
do you need a reminder on what LGBT actually stands for retard? "Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender"? it is pants on head retarded to argue having gays and lesbians portrayed as normal and romanceable is not "LGBT bullshit" as you put it
>is why people like you are despised
>people like you
and what is that exactly? also kinda cute when you'd be screeching if I started blaring retarded buzzwords like "incel, alt right, /pol/ack" etc. etc.
>The belief that your rotten ideology is deserving to be inserted in fiction is arrogant beyond words.
I'm pretty sure accepting the fact that something happens doesn't mean A: that I support it or B: that you can't oppose it my angry retarded friend.
to use the death analogy again just because I recognize death will happen doesn't mean you actively want it, nor that you can't oppose it
but evidently all this is going way over your head
Pre-ordered actually.
No for real though. Yea Forums's bitching is only exposing the game to people who never knew about it, so....
it'll keep this tear fest afloat for another week
I enjoyed ZTD even though it was dumb. I was waiting for years for a new Uchikoshi game and you know what faggot? Fuck you, I like it. And yes I digitally preordered it on the eShop. Way better graphics and animations than the older games he's worked on, interesting gameplay concepts, I'm having fun. And if he makes fun of LGBT and cuckold porn in the process, it will just make me laugh. Unlike you fags I'm not triggered by gay people. Also this protagonist is already way better than Junpei and Sigma.
>literally every thread on this game eclipsed by autistic screaming
I don't mean to sound insensitive but autistics should be gassed
there hasn't even been a thread on this game yet, notice the OP post, that's not how you start a thread to talk about it
Are the Japanese discussing this game at all or is it dead on arrival over there?
if you put leftypol shit in your game you will get /pol/ in your threads it's cause and effect /pol/ attracts /pol/
This. I expected the thread would be talking about the game but it's just retards talking about one forgettable line. They're no better than Resetera.
Are you really that fucking obtuse? Are you clearly unable to understand that LGBT is a fucking movement, a belief? That this discussion was created by the comment of the op about Mizuki comment about lgbt community?
You keep saying Three House is LGBT and that's your goddamn problem. You're so far up your own goddamn ass that you can't understand that those fucking letters, LGBT, represent a goddamn movement, a modern belief that keeps projecting itself everywhere you see like a cancer.
Saying Three House is LGBT friendly is completely wrong because the characters aren't representation of gays or lesbians.
The MC has a waifu you retard.
>get /pol/ in your threads
>on Yea Forums
a very revealing Freudian slip there
He is going for that western audience, after all.
That will help make the character more self-insertable for the players.
might as well just discuss the game on reddit at this point. that's how bad Yea Forums is now
/pol/ seeps where it isn't wanted and will find any piss poor justification to do so. If you consider that one line leftypol shit you need help
You should thanks us /pol/chads for keeping you gay ass game alive. We never gave too many fucks about any other Spike games beside Danganronpa
>Are you clearly unable to understand that LGBT is a fucking movement, a belief?
are you too retarded to realize the entire point of said movement is to "normalize" Gays, Lesbians, (hint hint), Bisexuals, and Trannys?
>You keep saying Three House is LGBT and that's your goddamn problem. You're so far up your own goddamn ass that you can't understand that those fucking letters, LGBT, represent a goddamn movement, a modern belief that keeps projecting itself everywhere you see like a cancer.
once again, I'm not sure what mental gymnastics you need to do to somehow claim gays and lesbians don't represent the LG(lesbian,gay)BT movement but since your autism evidently won't let reality penetrate I digress
> because the characters aren't representation of gays or lesbians.
>the GAY and LESBIAN romanceable characters aren't representations of gays or lesbians and aren't normalizing those kinds of romances
o I am laffin, give me whatever drug you're on
>that one line leftypol
that whole character is nothing but a embodiment of tumblr she consalty betches at you for being sexist
Whatever. Can anyone just tell me if it's something the translators added so I know if I should avoid this game?
Talented at getting GRIDS maybe
it's in the nip version too
And you seem to believe that fiction = representation somehow. Boy, Three House sure fails really hard at being just that since all the lesbians can fuck men.
>/pol/ will literally never stop seething about this game
god my dick is so hard
I'm ignoring a shit game and shit dev that I dislike. I'm not attacking them or shitting on them, I just ignore them. Does that make me the bad guy?
why does something as silly as this upset Yea Forums and /pol/? is it because you thought japan was your ally?
MC is for bossu
A character speaking blatant falsehoods and not being called out on it is annoying regardless of the country that wrote it.
>And you seem to believe that fiction = representation somehow.
considering it's a romance route for gays/lesbians yes?
>Boy, Three House sure fails really hard at being just that since all the lesbians can fuck men.
did you notice the key word, Romances?
also ironic since technically they're bisexual if you want to get down to brass tacks, which makes this line irrelevant since in that case they're representative of bifags
but do please keep up the gymnastics
It's retards like this who come from /pol/
>bluepilled little girl thinks fags are cooled
>redpilled protag/guardians wants nothing to do with faggots and recognizes them as mentally ill
seems like good writing to me.
I wish this board and /pol/ got nuked tbqh. AI doesn't deserve to be discussed with this faggots.
So what, it's a character- teens are like this now.
Your own delusions that a character being bi somehow further the lgbt cause is more than enough gymnastic for both of us my retarded friend.
>they'll waive their gender dysphoria around then entet the women's restroom
W-What? Date already has a waifu. Did you finish the game?
> >redpilled protag/guardians wants nothing to do with faggots and recognizes them as mentally ill
He's a cuck though
if anything, AI was made for faggots
>Your own delusions that a character being bi somehow further the lgbt cause is more than enough gymnastic for both of us my retarded friend.
you do realize the entire reason lgbt shit got legalized/promoted was because their presence/love got normalized through shit like this right?
it's kind of hilarious you're denying one of the major reasons the shit you hate has become normalized just because you can't concede the argument, lmao.
This was probably NTR in japanese
Not him but while his main chick is Iris' mama he could still have Boss as a side piece. They HAVE known each other far longer after all.
you can't rid of her you have to deal with her or miss out most the latter half of the game
just stop with the strawman
What's the difference?
>"Love" has many forms
holy shit
It is. The game also alludes that Date has that "female captured spy" style JAVs on his computer as well.
Which route is this line from? I don't remember getting this.
Nigger I can't even understand what the fuck you are trying to say
You should observe objects in every room then, there's tons of dialogue when checking objects.
Join me and ignore this game, LGBTQAPPLE are attention seekers, boycott their game, ignore them and don't feed them attention. Fuck faggot dev.
>normalized through shit like this right?
No, it happened because people lobbied for it, not because of projection in fictions.
There's been gay and lesbians characters in plenty of story well before this fucking lgbt nonsense and to lump characters in this shit is to rob them of their identity.
that bitch does not bench 300 pounds. no fucking way lmao
Then don't play the game and quit whining like a bitch. No tolerance for LGBT stuff and yet you are a big fucking queen
what happened to their country
I'll have you know that NTR is for chads and bull who see themselves as true men conquering women.
Cucks are the one giving it a bad name
I enjoyed ace attorney, danganronpa, 999 and your turn to die. Is this game in that kind of puzzle/mystery story good GOOD?
did they fuck?
good lord you're fucking insufferable get paralyzed for life
don't buy it for the puzzles, they're trash in this one
characters are great though
He's a closet transgender. But for me I'm going to boycott their game and will not whine about it.
I see. I literally didn't even know she said that. I usually want to check everything so I won't miss stuff but damn.
git gud ESL
>No, it happened because people lobbied for it, not because of projection in fictions.
based retard, and how do you think they got to the point people actually caved to their lobbying?
because gays/lesbos/bis were normalized in the media, then people started coming out more so you'd know more "normal" LGB people, then people actually sided with them changing the laws
It's quite hilarious that you, someone who clearly dislikes LGBT shit, is arguing that LGB characters in fiction AREN'T the Trojan horse they were
>No tolerance for LGBT
this character in general is annoying hell there are gay characters in japanese games that are more likable than her and she shows the mentality of creator of the game
They might as well add pedophiles to LGBTIQTZLJMN+
Did you NOT read what she said? She literally confirmed they fucked many times on the table.
>animal husbandry mentioned in the translation
it was definitely the cuck angle
if I'm making retards seethe I'm clearly doing something right
I really hope every thread gets derailed by this garbage. The main fucking character is a canonical cuck, you can't swat that away as being a parody portrayal. This truly is Res*tEra's game, they can have it.
Cuckold here. Do you realize how based we can be? You will never realized the pleasure you get from forcing your partner to fuck the most animalistic and muscular unknown man you can find and tell her to enjoy it if she actually loves you while avoiding to clarify if that guy she never met before is free from sexual diseases. Just thinking about it makes me hadd
>retard didn't even finish the game
Will cunnyfags or dogfuckers get a spot on the diversity train after trannies?
i know pedos were on there at some point before, but you can fuck a dog legally already in some places
>he doesn't self-insert as the bull
honestly what in life would actually feel much better than cucking some guy's wife or girlfriend? knowing that she on a whim decided that you were a better sex partner than a man she had been with for some time, and letting him know right in front of him that you are the superior male? Knowing that you have free access to sex, while some other loser deals with all the boring relationship shit men don't like? Really the only thing that would make a man feel happier than being the bull is being in a happy, mutually satisfying relationship with a beautiful woman who you genuinely like for who she is, but also happens to be gorgeous and make your dick diamonds.
also who knows, maybe saying that he watched cuck porn was just a translation of him looking up netorare porn, which is fairly popular in japan, but the closest thing to it in the west is cuck porn. Of course, there's constantly an interracial aspect and element of big black cock fetishization that goes with cuckolding (even though by definition, cuckolding itself inherently isn't racial at all and could be a white guy cucking another white guy, or an asian guy cucking another asian).
Yea Forums doesn't self-reflect, do they? I look at this thread and wonder HMMMMM Why do devs never take their complaints seriously?
He probably didn't even play it. Most of the autists shitposting here didn't even play it.
Wonder why a fucking Okama bar is making /pol-v/ fags seethe so goddamn much when there's one in the champion district in every single Yakuza game. Guess you'd have to actually play games to know that, and not be a twitter post shitposter.
>tranny shit is okay when Japanese do it xD
I unironically wish I had the chance to take a base ball hat to the back of every weebs head
>It's quite hilarious that you, someone who clearly dislikes LGBT shit, is arguing that LGB characters in fiction AREN'T the Trojan horse they were
Famous people coming out is what started the flood, there hasn't been any influential piece of fictions with gays and lesbians before shit started to get normalized via normal efforts.
You're projecting bullshit, as all LGBT folks do.
>Date's a cuck!
>when he literally has a waifu
Shhhhh. They didn't play the game. Let them continue acting like schizos.
>she looked stunned and went "wow I had no idea"
was she being sarcastic?
i bet you think people who watch gay porn aren't gay
it's just ironic right xD
Tell that to your wife's boyfriend.
This cant be real. How is that this people dont get a proper treatment?
>there hasn't been any influential piece of fictions with gays and lesbians before shit started to get normalized via normal efforts.
you never watched television/movies in the 80s/90s/2000s did you? I see I've found myself a retarded zoomer
>You're projecting bullshit, as all LGBT folks do.
>cries projection
>assumes I'm LGBT because I don't buy his bullshit
it's quite ironic because this completely ignores history where people fought to keep LGB characters out of media precisely so they didn't normalize it, we're truly in the clown world timeline if you're arguing otherwise
...Do you think cuckolds don't have love interests?
Have memes rotted your brain?
Do you realize that if the connection with the woman is stronger, the cuck gets harder when she is fucking another male, right? Having a wife makes you an even bigger cuckold
>tfw finnish
They really haven't. Their posts are honestly making me lose braincells.
This is what anime does to your brain.
well to be fair it barely came out
I just threw it in my backlog and will play it after I'm done playing what I'm playing right now (which will be a while)
You're acting like this normalization only started in the 00's.
This shit has been going on for way longer, although way less intensively.
But hey, keep denying while not refuting any of that other user's points or proving any of yours.
Oh and don't @ me.
I miss drag queens like Divine
Well I already reported the thread so mods will hopefully nuke this thread and this game won't have to suffer any more of this autism. Reddit is unironically better for game discussions than this shithole.
>homos and gays are different
Is that Pellek?
to me this just looks like taking the piss out of lgbt. you have to bend the knee so hard to avoid their wrath and tweets and media storms. Instead of bending the knee, these devs broke their own legs.
They dont believe this bit of text, they know their players wont believe this bit of text.
hell, even trannies and fags wont believe this bit of text. But it's bought them protection and everyone knows its insincere.
The game looks shit and i wouldnt buy it either way.
>well to be fair it barely came out
It's a 30 hour game. It doesn't take that long to beat. Even so why are you even here?
You know what they say
Happy Waifu, Happy Laifu
Does this ever get old?
>autism: the post
OK bye :^)
>I'm not a cuck! I have a wife!
There wasn't a fucking LGBT movement in the goddamn 80s/90s/2000s you braindead fucking moron. Sure gay clubs were around where people got pozzed and drag bars in Japans with fat mamas were around, but there wasn't any global community.
I'm probably than you are, fellow boomer.
Main point still stands, a gay character in fiction isn't automatically part of the LGBT community.
Umm, what? How do you even get cucked if you're not in a relationship with the girl?
>same autist keeps responding to my post over and over again
lmao at this faggot spinning himself in circles because he can't bring himself to admit his precious Faggot Emblem has been compromised by poz since Fates
Its over, Japan got pozzed.
jk, its just a cucked literal who dev team trying to get clout with controversy since without it their shit game will flop
Did you even play the game?
I intend to have a daughter and raise her to be a total slut. I want her to be a top shelf thotty. I want random chumps like you sending her donations to patreon after jacking off to her instagram. And then one day she can bring home some rich Chad husband who will help to pay for my retirement while Chad's superior genes fuse with my offspring to ensure my grandchildren are by all means, superior to myself, while still including my genes. It's the closest thing a person could do next to genetically augmenting themselves in some science fiction way that doesn't exist yet.
In comparison having a son is a much bigger gamble. Yes the dice might roll perfectly and he gets all of your best traits, and somehow is essentially a Chad even if you weren't so Chad-like. Or he could just be an average Joe who's similar to you, not so bad yet not so amazing otherwise. And worse yet, he could end up being some Elliott Rogers level incel who hates himself, never passes his genes and brings literal shame to your name for the rest of your life even after the police have gunned him down.
Suggesting that the mentally ill need therapy is problematic, you should encourage them to indulge in their mental illness and cause irreversible harm to their bodies through expensive surgical mutilation instead.
>actual autism
Most of the schizos in this thread haven't.
Does being an obnoxious retard ever get old? There are plenty of posts pointing out that as long as you keep your personal garbage to yourself no one is going to give a shit. Are you just here to vent because you hate yourself?
>You're acting like this normalization only started in the 00's.
I'm sorry did your eyesight fail for a minute there?
because I literally wrote
>80s, 90s, 00s
>But hey, keep denying while not refuting any of that other user's points or proving any of yours.
lmao what points? your argument has devolved into
>it wasn't furthering LGBT shit because just having gays/lesbians/bifags in a game doesn't further LGBT stuff because it only refers to what I think it refers to
and keep bringing up pants on head retarded shit that would make people from the moral majority of the 80s shake their head at its stupidity, which tells me you genuinely are a zoomer. and what other anons? it's been the two of us outside of the occasionally seething "kill yourself" equivalent
but it's evident you're out of gas and are just going to walk away thinking you "won"
>There wasn't a fucking LGBT movement in the goddamn 80s/90s/2000s you braindead fucking moron.
outing yourself again zoomer, since we were already having gay marriage fights in the 90s in hawaii, just to name one instance
>I'm probably than you are, fellow boomer.
care to speak proper english my drunken friend?
>a gay character in fiction isn't automatically part of the LGBT community.
>a gay character in fiction isn't automatically a part of the lesbian/GAY/bisexual/transgender community
unironic clown world logic here
>came out about ~50 hours ago (or +48 hours if japanese version)
>expect people to have finished a 30 hours game already like they have absolutely nothing else to do
Bitch looks like she has a glue-on nose from Squidward.
did you?
how is having a waifu mutually exclusive with being a cuck?
how are you even one without the other?
Makes me feel bad man, looking back at when I was playing the gba games and it was about the game and not waifufagging.
>tfw there's actually a Somnium Files discussion board now
Neat. So I don't have to post with you retards now. Keep on seething.
what an absolute mong
>a gay character in fiction isn't automatically a part of the lesbian/GAY/bisexual/transgender community
That's right. A character in a fantasy world who happen to be gay aint part of your fairy community.
>lah lah lah i can't hear you i am right and you are wrong lah lah lah
Man, I miss old Yea Forums. It had retards, yes, but they were smarter than fags like you.
enjoy your subreddit
And thus the closet cucks got BTFO
Uchikoshi is a fucking hack, has always been a hack, and the people who pretend he can write are retards.
I dont think he understand how gay people actually hate the LGBT community
Nigga it's one in a series of like six jokes about types of JAVs Date has on his computer. Other types of porn he's got include cosplay and "woman spy".
dude morphogenetic fields lmao
>A character in a fantasy world who happen to be gay aint part of your fairy community.
>who happens to be gay
>isn't LGBT because I say so
you can't make this shit up
>how gay people actually hate the LGBT community
t.more shit blown out someones ass
A grand total of what.. 6 "gay" characters in all, all forced to bi, grasp some better straws.
The tragedy is that there's glimpse of genuine talents but it's mired in letdown and retardation.
truly a game for fans
Where is the crack? The torrent on Codex's site just directs back to the game's page.
>you can't make this shit up
yes, and?
don't tell me if you have browser history of porn you don't care for
Don't reply to the sperg. He has a mental illness
there is no community named "LGBT" in three houses retard
kill yourself
evidently something entirely different to you than what it actually means
>a community
care to cite what it actually means there m8?
>t.more shit blown out someones ass
do you know how many have been outcasted for wong speak and conservative gays are completely excommunicated there is no free speech in the LGBT community two the line or else it rubs many the wrong way
Just watching it as a joke, haha
What the fuck are you talking about? What is your attention span? 15 seconds?
So, what? He watches porn that isn't cuck porn so his cuck fetish doesn't matter anymore?
Holy shit talk about self-sabotage.
And once again, right wingers have failed to produce a single game of any value
>do you know how many have been outcasted for wong speak and conservative gays are completely excommunicated there is no free speech in the LGBT community two the line or else it rubs many the wrong way
*wrong speak
*toe the line
I suggest you improve your english skills user
secondly I see not a source in site for your retarded notions
>Catherine Full Body is pro gay marriage
>Kojima is anti-Trump
>now this
It’s over bros...we lost
What about Isis Simulator?
cant you guys spam this and pretend the game is based?
Not everyone that owns a gun is part of the MRA, not every gays are part of the LGBT community.
based mom
still a better game than persona 3 houses or catherine full homo
In 10 years
Keep giving them inches bro
So now that the dust has finally settled, can we finally put the “Japanese games aren’t political” meme to rest?
Absolutely disgusting.
Okama claim themselves to be WOMEN not some genderfluid xer snowlflakes.
No... this can’t be... no.. NOOOOOOOO
I expected better from this guy. I actually enjoyed the Zero Escape trilogy despite ZTD's faults. I'm playing it after finishing Zanki Zero recently and it's an obvious step down in terms of writing. Both come from the same studio but the writer really makes the difference.
>Kojima is anti-Trump
>the media
oh noes
>liberal colleges
oh the horror
>social conservatives hating on you
what a shock
I hate to tell you but the "LGBT Community" does not consist of its mediafags and college kids, both of whom will reflexively shit on literally any conservative gay straight or bi
as for the social conservatives what did he expect?
Death Stranding is a metaphor for fucked up and broken Trump's america is.
Yikes, I'll pirate it when it hits steam then.
Thanks user.
three years later you're still angry. let go user. unclentch thine buttocks.
You're not based you're just a genetic failure. Natural selection practically doesn't exist for humans anymore but nature, uh, finds a way.
And so now on some deep subconscious level you know that in order to propagate the continued survival of our species then you have to remove your own pathetic genes from the gene pool.
I'm seriously thinking this is a discord tranny raid trying to sabotage the game release at this point. The game is full of lewd and weeb stuff just like any Japanese visual novel/action game like Ace Attorney. We can see how many reviews are fucking retarded from people that never liked this kind of game and want to kill the anime culture.
>I hate to tell you but the "LGBT Community" does not consist of its mediafags and college kids
but it does consist of crazy leftist who will try and drive you out and they will succeed
try going to a LGBT parade with a MAGA hat on and see what it gets you
/pol/ completely, utterly, BTFO LMAO
I agree with you, I'm replying to the guy who was trying to smugly assume there was were actually gay people in FE when he knows that was a crock of shit, they were only allowed to be "gay" if they were bi. Nintendo hates fags and pretending otherwise is quite insane.
So where can I discuss this game?
I wanna talk about what a dumbass Ota is.
What a bitch A-set is.
Why did Date not react to So being his father?
Normal people don't even respect each other anymore... Why should we all respect some mental disorder instead?
>PC gaming
I wish A-set could just make an official discord at this point, it's hard to discuss any game in this shitty board. It's full of underages.
Then stop forcing yourself into everything, people want a break from gay shit so let them have a break from it. Constantly rubbing their nose in it just makes them angier.
How does it run in switch? Digital size?
So who the fuck translated it into english?
you are retarded
You're talking like an SJW
No, if I was talking like an SJW I'd say
>A character speaking like that is problematic and the country that wrote it needs to do better #Here'sMyPatreon