Imagine being so autistic and getting salty just for one line of dialogue.
Imagine being so autistic and getting salty just for one line of dialogue
Other urls found in this thread:
>letting them take an inch
who cares, Rin is superior to that tranny anyway
Imagine not standing up for your beliefs when we're already second class citizens and get games months or even years after the jap release, then with content cut, or censored to boot.
>people who actually would have bought the game don't because of censorship
>"people" who wanted the censorship don't even buy it
honk honk
imagine having so little in life that you repost other people's tweets on Yea Forums
Meanwhile over at the CHAD SpikeChunSoft
Literally can they be fucking stopped?
>Danganronpa V3 fucking DESTROYS Persona 5 in 2017
>Doesn't need to censor transphobic shit in their games because they don't even write it in the first place
>Games have GOD TIER writing, unlike Shitsona 5
>Let them take an inch
>People have been saying this for literally years
>Still have yet to take a mile
Fuck off
>another tweeet screenncap thread
>I’m tired of being treated like a ResetEra user.
The fuck is that supposed to mean?
>shitty excuse just to talk about Persona 5, again
"LGBT are perfect and great, I love LGBT, they are the best and never bad"
"Here's an innocent joke about gender"
>It's fine guys, just a nigger standing in front of me
>It's fine guys, just a nigger with his dick out, standing in front of me
>It's fine guys, just a nigger in front of me with a huge erection
>It's fine, he's just forcing me on my knees
>It's fine, he's only poking my cheek with his tip
>It's f- grlrglegleglegl
>It's fine. Gulp.
Made me laff. I hope this was ironic.
Tell us user, do you often fantasize about being raped by blacks?
I sure do.
Based alt right minority gamer.
>some faggot nobody from twitter
fuck off
>would have bought it
Let's not kid ourselves.
Unironically not buying if they censored even one word.
>making a thread criticizing someones use of money
>"imagine being so autistic"
i think you have a pretty good idea
I doubt you know what autism actually is, consider how much you use it.
All the time. But I still wouldn't let censorship slide.
You were gay all this time and didn't know about it.
Even if it was censorship of faggot propaganda?
Nobody bought it anyways.
kys resetgender faggot
anyone who changes their games for trannies like you must be boycotted and destroyed
>In the Japanese version too
Any form of censorship. Even though I don't approve of devs shoehorning it into every game they possibly can. I liked Celeste, but definitely not for the "story" that was happening.
Inb4 before "complaining about it being changed makes you exactly the same as the one got it changed"
>after debating with myself
literal autism, opinion discarded
Bravely Default was the inch. Bravely Second was the mile.
It's funny because even as someone who doesn't want this type of shit in their games I ain't buying it if they censoring it lol. Good job translator-kun and friends, maybe next time you'll learn that cultural differences exist and that's part of why we like foreign media.
dial 8
You know the alternative is they just don't bring foreign games over anymore?
weebs are autistic, surprising literally nobody over the age of 13
Imagine being so autistic and getting salty that a stranger has the gall to express their personal opinion on something.
Seriously, how the fuck does it affect you that this person doesn't like censorship?
Erica is still the best girl even if he has a dick
complaining about people saying that "complaining about it being changed makes you exactly the same as the one got it changes" makes you exactly as the ones saying that complaining about it being changed makes you exactly the same as the one got it.
If it hits the numbers it won't matter. Don't pretend that isn't the case.
me gusta
That's how tyranny works. They take an inch each time until you've got nothing left to give.
>six million yen to you
>please let us marry, kay
You could just shut up about your worthless opinion.
Never budge, user.
>think of the children
Based soccer mom
They censored more games in the 90's.
And probably when they release the "Complete Full Body" version, will left the line intact.
Checks out.
If it's just one line of dialogue then why censor it?
Kill yourself then. Weeb games are worthless anyway.
People weren't nearly as aware of the censorship in the 90s, nowadays when we can instantly have everything translated with near 100% accuracy there's 0 excuse to change lines, people will know, and people will complain. There's also no company imposing restrictions this harsh. Even sony doesn't do anything against dialogue/text, only images.
Localization will always exist no matter what buzzword you use.
Censorship is bad
Play it in moonrunes then, weeb faggot. That's what people have been doing since the 90s.
This is not localization. It would be localization to replace the joke with another. But to remove the line, and the animation associated with that line entirely? That's removal of content, that's not okay. It wasn't okay in the 90s when nintendo forced it down everyone's throats, it's not okay with MS doing it during the 360 era to stay relatively child friendly and hold their marketing, it's not okay now, with sony doing it.
It was not, is not, and never will be okay.
You defending it doesn't change that you're supporting censorship.
I did. I'm just saying that other people won't, they deserve to be able to voice their frustration.
so idk if they're being sarcastic with the dialogue or not, but if i think about it that way it's 100x better
>This is not localization
It literally is. Stop twisting words to fit your zoomer agenda.
>Treated like a resetera user
What's that supposed to mean
Unless it's censoring fag propaganda.
i cant imagine not having principles
how fucking sad is your life?
thanks for letting me know so i can also not buy it, fudge packer.
>they deserve to be able to voice their frustration.
Fucking write a song about it, pathetic weeb.
I don't understand what this has to do with anything.
DRfags need to be euthanized. Then the Personafags are next.
one angry fuckboi wants clicks
Is there anything more pathetic than a weeb gamer?
ive see this episode. its just missing the "my daddy wouldnt like this" line
good, i'll take it, it's better than masquerading fan fiction.
They localized it with censorship, yeah.
Based Maki fan.
They're doing it with ever imported game. I can't think of a single one where something wasn't censored.
At what point does it become a mile? Where they just remove the entire game?
>tired of being treated like resetera
>cancel preorder of game that makes a tranny joke
I dont understand... it's acting exactly like a trannyera user.
>Rin is superior to that tranny anyway
And that’s only because Rin technically an amorphous blob alien creature that shapeshited into looking like a cute human girl.
A Yea Forums user.
Uhhhhh no sweetie. When we do it it's based.
fuck they going to make me put then in the list?
>Mirrors Edge Catalyst
>Wolfenstein 2
>Wolfenstein young lesbians
>Mafia 3
>Watch Dogs 2
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>Revolution 60
>Depression quest
>far cry rage 2
>life is strange 2
>Mortal kombat 11
Tekken 7
Kingdom come deliverance
that would imply in tranny's actualy buying the things they complain about
what is fucking bullshit
it did average, it doesn't belong anywhere in the list.
only knew Erica was trans because of spoilers i read beforehand. Would never have known with the 2 playthroughs i did.
So they basically erased a transperson, isnt that bad by sjw standards. Or do they mentioned it on some route i just didnt take?
When's the last time you actually thought something was funny?
How the fuck did you not know?
Mafia 3 was the best selling mafia
>Implying people who threaten to boycott over politics actually buy games
/pol/ types only care about vidya as a propaganda tool to "redpill the normies"
everyone above me is a faggot
/pol/ funded a colum cancer charity ONLY to trigger people by calling it asshurt foundation
wasting money to help the case is no problem for /pol/
So why do you care so much you fucking retarded faggot?
Just kill yourself and I'll be happy.
if they make another PMD game that isnt shit let me know.
the character is supposed to be annoying.
In the past, if they would've care, everything could have been translated with near 100% accuracy too!
Standardisation process and budget aside, the reason for censorship something are mostly the same reason, a cultural problematic at the time the games is translated, in the past, games with religious imaginery were censored cuz those time the society were sensitive to that matter.
>/pol/ types only care about vidya as a propaganda tool to "redpill the normies"
/pol/ types aren't the ones actively trying to censor media.
>defending censorship in any shape or form
shill,troll or dumbass which could it be
that's waaaay less important than your previous two points lol, I definitely don't give a shit
Lib scum also use that argument whenever they try to take our guns away.
Unironically kys
>remove line to be more "inclusive"
>OP proceeds to be ableist
Wow user. BE BETTER.
Mother fucker, they've already taken the whole damn thing! Video games are fucking terrible now because of people like you who refuse to draw a line in the goddamn sand!
AHAHAHAHA. He says as Alabama bans a cartoon episode.
stop playing western shit or westerm versions of jap games
Find a hobby catering to you.
god damnit it
by the looks of this and this it looks like he already did it
>they have yet to take a mile
Are you one of them "special needs kids" I've heard about?
And then what? Have more hyper-sensitive people trample over that hobby? Get fucked, faggot.
Man, that's some real ESL posting.
I had one, then (((they))) took it from me.
>Video games need to be more inclusive
>Except for you. You can go find another hobby.
>the straw that broke 1000 camels backs
I didnt know rimworld was anti sjw
what happened there?
No, you picked a super popular entertainment medium and thought it was made by and for conservatives.
No one is excluding you. You demand others be excluded for you to feel included. That's a personal problem.
dev got tired of fsjw bullshit and told then to go fuck thenselves
same with tekken 7 and kingdom come
>it was made by and for conservatives.
looks like it is
glad i bought it
>Go find another hobby
>No one is excluding you
Yeah, raping my franchises to death with political correctness is TOTALLY not exclusionary.
Go back to Resetera cunt.
im so glad george carling is dead so he doesnt have to see the way the world is today
I'm going to make this VERY clear to you, since I know that you're fucking stupid.
If a conservative forced your favorite game dev to alter their content because they found it offensive, that would be bad. And yes, they used to do it, and that's fucking bad. HOWEVER, we don't live in that world anymore. Now it's the DEMOCRATS who are pushing for censorship towards your favorite media.
If you support censorship, if you turn a blind eye to censorship, and if you accept censorship of ANY KIND then you are a piece of shit who does not value art in any way. Period. Stop turning this into a left vs right shitfest, you cum guzzling faggot.
Yes but this falls apart at
>video games are art
>No one is excluding you
you assholes actively go out of your way to get games banned and censored so people who like it can't even buy it anymore.
how is that shit not "Exclusionary" you hypocrite asshole.
Oh, piss off, dickhead.
>You demand others be excluded for you to feel included. That's a personal problem.
Absolutely zero self-awareness. The NPC meme is real.
>No argument
As expected from a, "video games are art" brainlet.
But being a Nazi isn't acceptable these days.
You assholes force everyone to censor things you don't like.
>Being against sjws when evangelical outrage has down more damage than any group could ever even dream to achieve
What group do you think caused the ESRB to be formed, or forced GTA to be pulled from shelves when the hot coffee mod was found?
You retards think changing a line for trannies is censorship? lmao
forever seething
I always felt like we sort of need to change the definition of censorship to fit with the modern times. People tend to believe that censorship can ONLY be done by the government, but that's just not the case anymore. Censorship, to me, is the suppression of information. Anyone can do it. If I threatened you with physical harm so you don't release information that I don't want leaked, that's censorship. Cancel culture IS censorship, and it needs to be stopped before it goes out of fucking control.
>If a conservative forced your favorite game dev to alter their content because they found it offensive, that would be bad
This happens daily with shit like the trans flag being in Celeste and Gears. Fuck off.
>You demand others be excluded for you to feel included.
This is like fine art, it's so perfect, god I hope this is the punchline to a joke you've been setting up this entire time and you don't genuinely believe what you just fucking typed. I could read this line over and over. The absolute hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness is astounding. I want to put this shit on my wall.
I'm sorry, did Celeste and Gears remove the trans flag?
>lol I was stabbed in school therefore your issue with beint bullied doesn't exist
>lol what are proportions
yeah LOL
I have no idea what you anons were arguing about before BUT
like it or not games are art. Everything is art.
Dude, cancel culture could only be stopped in 2012 and you all didn't take it seriously. It's the norm now, and the young generation raised on it has yet to join the real world.
>Give them an inch, they take a footlong BBC
>People weren't nearly as aware of the censorship in the 90s
and also the censorship motive was completely understandable in context, we knew it was just idiots at ESRB most of the time being unreasonable boomers
rather than the censorship being blatantly aimed at appeasing a group of people who don't work for esrb but act like they deserve the same authority
Do people actually believe SJWs are bullying them by censoring lines that would hurt a trans persons feeling
That was then, and this is now. Evangelicals a pieces of shit just like SJWs are pieces of shit. If you have this Marge Simpson mentality of "I don't like it so it needs to be stopped" then you are a piece of shit.
Now, let me ask you, have any evangelicals managed to actually cancel any games TODAY? Because I can name thousands of games being slandered by liberals for being somewhat off color and not catering to them.
the young generation is the most right leaning in decades
i'm glad the left started listening to sjw, just pushes everyone to the right
based retard
No, because the devs refuse to cater to bigoted morons.
But that doesn't stop the conservatards from trying to strongarm their politics into everything through harassment.
This is so empirically wrong that I have to ask how you even came to this conclusion
I'm sorry but this is some bullshit. Conservatives have done jack shit to censor games the past decades. The only relevant thing that has happened with conservatives was a about a month ago with the "Violence in Games" shit again and no one has given a shit about them since.
Please give me examples of harassment.
I can point to you COUNTLESS threads on Resetera of people plotting to talk to advertisers, talk to the police, try to exploit hate speech laws, and trying to find any way they can to shut down games that they deem offensive.
Meanwhile the worst you'll get from conservatives is a thread on Yea Forums or an article on OneAngryGamer
Oh no some rando on Twitter said something
here's a left leaning site that makes the statement
What does Catherine gain from a third, gayer route? Did anyone need a new version of this game? Besides gays?
Is socialmedia posting the most based and redpill posting on Yea Forums? I used to make game threads but they just 404 in 10 minutes. Now I spend that 10 minutes instead looking around Twitter and Facebook first and then I can enjoy my comfy thread for hours.
>A thread about Catherine where nobody here was going to buy it regardless of what side they are on and are using it to push an agenda
It's somewhat lame what they did but don't pretend that you guys cared about the best puzzle game
Video games are constantly scapegoated for gun violence, even by Trump
games went to shit so this is all we have
>any game discussion going on
>"No, you know what we really need to talk about? TRANNIES"
Haha yeah. Imagine getting triggered over something so inconsequential, like those guys who made threads about that one game with the cute anime girl talking positively about SJWs
I agree that Trump is a fucking idiot right here, but he hasn't tried to actually censor the games yet.
Still a piece of shit for making the claim though.
Carlin is the reason why this is happening anyway. He invented clap-ughter
It doesn't matter if he makes a move, he's already scapegoating and throwing games under the bus. Leaving someone else to censor games is not less bad. It's every bit as cowardly.
Read the Pew Research data instead of a fucking article.
>Gears 5
Add these
it's not rape if he's fantasizing about it.
it's not really forcing for you is it?
Why should I play a shitty game with a bitch who only says sjw garbage when she opens her whore mouth?
This was an easy find
Also Forbes is about as liberal as Fox business. The publication for rich old boomers is liberal? Get out of the echo chambers
This. Zanki zero had gay propaganda too. They even removed the only content that wasn't sjw shit in it.
I know you don't, kike.
>Your evidence is invalid because it uses WORDS instead of GRAPHS AND NUMBERS
Okay autist
>me gusta
for some reason i always knew it was a mentally ill spic making these threads
>what is zanki zero
>Data is less important than opinion
Kill yourself
You're the only person in the universe that gives half a shit about lawbreakers.
They removed the scenes where you see a kid's panties, and also the 'love' scenes with the child versions of characters that were identical in dialogue to the adult ones
If removing pedo shit is censorship then sign me the fuck up
>Still have yet to take a mile
do you live under a fucking rock?
It's one thing to not let your kids watch a shitty, gay, flash husk of its former self kids cartoon. It's another to not be allowed to watch it by the state. Quit being such a pussy Alabama.
Careful user, you wouldn't want to be the next game dev who "commits suicide" and then has their reputation smeared forever.
Needs more numbers than ALL CAPS.
The mile is censorship becoming so common that fans have to anticipate it and celebrate on the rare occasion that none is found.
Name one Japanese video game in the history of the industry that has had literally nothing changed or censored during localization.
These threads might be the worst type of off topic breads on Yea Forums, even worse than the "my le waifu xD" constant spam, désu.
You incels are absolutely obsessed.
>using incel unironically
>off topic
I'm gay as fuck and i won't rest until every game you all could potentially love includes and uplifts my sexuality while also not subsequently affecting your lives in any way.
Super Mario Bros for NES
We're well aware, resettranny.
So wait, what do women want?
well when you're hobby gets destroyed, you end up with a lot of free time
Where my nigga Ampharos @?
thank you for noticing and respecting my plights
Please explain how a perso thrusting their sexuality into every corner of a hobby, nay, industry, won't have any effects on those who enjoy the hobby.
Imagine if every home renovation show had to feature at least one macho steroided chad who wouldn't stop talking about smashing pussy. How does that not effect your enjoyment of your gay home renovation shows
>weeb picture
>ironic weeb
>japanese letters google translated
>australian flag
Why isn't there a system in place that would silently eradicate people like this, as if they never existed in the first place?
There would be absolutely nobody missing their absence.
>a game that wasn't even 10 years old was too problematic to remain uncensored in a rerelease
Hard to believe just a few short years ago this insanity hadn't plagued us yet. I'm almost looking forward to what madness this next decade will bring, how can we top this?
>my hobby is being an outraged retard on the internet
This is why your country is clown world now.
That rando on twitter is a fucking retard and don't seem to understand how translation and rescripting works. Fuck EOP's and fuck people that think this is censorship.
>not subsequently affecting your lives in any way.
X: Doubt
the only reason you people care is because nothing more important is happening in your lives.
>haha i'm gonna sit and watch the world burn!!!1 *munches popcorn*
machismo and hetero bullshit is literally thrust down everyone's throats in all media constantly
one line of homo dialogue will not kill you or even disrupt your day for more than 3 seconds. Press your mouse quick and skip over it and move ahead.
Not much else to do when every hobby gets infected with sjw
This but unironically.
Because there is no God.
>don't seem to understand how translation and rescripting works
I'm retarded. Please explain it to me.
didn't we just find out that isreal has been spying on the white house
like we actually have proof
Oh no
I'm arguing with a Common Core kiddie
When fighting back gets you ostracized in America and jailed everywhere else there's not much of a choice. I'm not ever going to pretend this is normal, sorry.
Videogames are better than they've ever been. There's a fantastic game coming out just about every 2 weeks nowadays.
you'll be fine
im not sure how trannies expect to be accepted when they entire existence is to ruin the fun of others
Imagine giving a shit about third-rate Japanese vidya because you're a dumb a weeb.
good effort
Look at where you are, you umbathed wad.
That's not an excuse for being a retard.
>literally bullshit
so this is the IQ of 41% percenters?
Then someone must take seize the throne
Heck yeah my fellow enlightened man! People who care about anything are just sheep
It's amazing how cartoon war episode is more and more true every day.
You know who else was "born this way"?
Fetal alcohol syndrome babies.
It was there in the original. It was changed here. It's censorship. Go smoke some more pole, apologist.
>breeders... in this day of our lord 2019
disgusting. you hate to see such closed minded values..
Can you at least try not to make an ass out of yourself?
I meant you're being a fucking hypocrite, dumbass.
Those randos seem to really have some influence if they can get things changed constantly
How am I being a hypocrite?
So i'm up in fairy world, talking with my good friend Jorgen, a real von strangle type if you know what I mean, big German man, arghh i'm gonna tear you in half little man kinda guy, any way, i'm reading Da Rules and there's nothing, NOTHING! about wishing for gay porn, there's straight porn, but nothing for gay porn, and so I point this out to Jorgen and he's getting all mad and everything, and i'm saying, what If someone said something to that Timmy kid right. Oh, wait a minute, he wasn't German, he was Austrian. [Booooo] ehhh fuck you the joke still works. So anyways, I head down to earth and this kids eatting Oreos off the ground, I dunno I guess he likes Oreos, maybe it was related to a wish?, I don't really hang around the guy that often to be honest, ever since last time when he put me back in my lamp. I mean it's a nice place and all, but I got all the furniture from Ikea and let me tell you, I was stuck in there for hours, if it wasn't for there food court ,I would have starved in there, WHY do they have a food court anyway? I don't know but I heard there hotdogs are sold at a loss to attract new customers. Anyway I go up to Timmy and I'm like HEY, wish for gay porn.
Why should I? You're not.
a reminder for idiots that defend censorship
Reminder to always consider the profile pictures of anyone who posts or likes something on Twitter so you know whether their opinion means anything whatsoever.
This post gets a failed grade.
>hm you complain about the enemy in front of you but what about this enemy that left decades ago hm? i am very intelligent
>they take an inch
>it's thee 63,360th inch
>lel it's just an inch, they haven't even taken a mile!
Nothing wrong with state enforcement, especially if fags are the cost.
I sure made an ass out of myself by calling a mediocre game exactly what it is.
I mean it's still censorship so i don't see how that matters
There you go.
No one cares. This is an anonymous image board. This is the one place where (you) matter the least.
>Retard who posts on Yea Forums calls others dumb weebs hurrrrrrr
the little girl just want to be nice to mama, come on it's cute.
>Nothing wrong with state censorship
ftfy and of course it's wrong
So do you think every other line that was changed in every DBZ game ia also censorship? Or the Anime whenever it got rebooted? If your answer is yes, you're retarded. You dumbasses rarely notice subtle changes until some dumbass screams censorship on social media. Get educated and go fuck yourself.
You realize all those inches add up to a mile eventually right?
>playing weebshit in the first place
snap, yep, cringcompilation
I want to go back to when I laughed at Jack Thompson's crazy attempts to get violent games banned, it was worlds better than this shitshow where people are crying about pronouns, sexism, exploitation, and a ramping up of stupid censorship(that isn't to say shit never got censored back then).
Still have lots of work to do then to make video games less homophobic, transphobic, and inclusive. Thanks for the pep talk!
Gamergate was a mistake.
166 retweets, 521 likes (me gustas, wtf 9gag much?)
Pearl clutchers are on both sides of the compass and regardless of what side of the compass they're on, I hate their fucking guts for messing with my vidya.
It's completely bewildering to me that people get this upset about this kind of thing. I can understand some of the other outrages Yea Forums likes to jump on, but localizers toning down shit they think could be controversial for local audiences has been happening for decades.
Acting like videogames will fall under sharia law if you don't go full retard and refuse to buy every time a thigh gap gets covered up when this has been going on for as long as it has and fairly little has changed is ???????????????????
Am I in the wrong thread? I thought this was the thread where OP was firmly on the side of censorhip.
And being retarded makes me a hypocrite how exactly?
Umm sweaty, it's maam
>all these /pol/virgin magapede animeavatars
>localizers toning down shit they think could be controversial for local audiences has been happening for decades.
What makes you think I stopped being upset about this practice since it started?
You are sincerely retarded, dude.
>said the weeb
pot and kettle, my fat virgin friend
it amazed me how so many people are just ok with censorship
if baffles the mind
I just got to this scene last night. I thought it seemed weird since the subs only had 3 words while Vincent in Jap dub kept talking for several seconds, then Erica gets pissed but if you only read the subs or use the Eng dub it makes 0 sense for her to get pissed.
From my understanding, at least that's what I've heard, Vincent doesn't want to take her advice because she is not a real woman. And that is somehow offensive.
So, let me ask all the trannies on this board, because I know you are here. If you consider yourself to be ''real women'', why to you use the term 'trans woman' instead?
Stupid question, I know. Because you don't know the answer, not will you give one.
>Imagine being so autistic and getting salty just for one line of dialogue.
a compass is round so it doesn’t have more than one side, technically :^]
Work on your metaphors
and if you want another example look at treehouse they were allowed to get away with censorship for so long they would eventually go on to make the abomination that was the fire emblem fates localization
The slippery slope is real
I'm gonna play Skyrim and kiss my bf and no one will stop me.
I agree, it was better when I put my fingers in my ears and screamed because of how insecure I am
Nu-Yea Forums is far too gone. Lots of anons defending and advocating for censorship
>what is a political compass
Yes and? That doesn't change that nobody should give a shit about some game barely worth playing.
Imagine being so autistic and getting salty just for one tweet
something you never specified, dingus
Don't be obtuse.
>ummmm I don't really want to translate all that
>lol just make them stay silent like the brooding Ninjagos that they are XD
I bought Classic on steam earlier this year though, not buying Full Body
I'm retarded, what's the problem with the scene exactly?
Either you're not a native English speaker or you're underage. Which is it?
have sex
>inb4 dilate
nah, i’m not a character from one of your cringtastic atlas anime novels on playstation lmao
Even though it was censored, liberals still refuse to buy it.
It's more like they take inches one at a time until they've taken 12, then they start taking more feet because it feels normal now, then they start taking yards, and it continues until they're taking a mile on the regular.
i’m no fat weeb tho, which makes me better than you by default
What the fuck are you on about? I'm not the guy you were responding to, I just told you to stop being obtuse.
now these are the people we should pander to
This can't be real.
Nobody could just obliterate content from a game for no reason and get away with it.
that's actually a bad localization
that's also something actually worth advocating for and getting a bit upset over because it directly effects the quality of the writing of the game
writing a large twitter tangent about how you refuse to purchase the game because they removed a character's panty shot and how you refuse to buy the game because of it makes you look like a maniac
Underage then. Good to know.
>that spacing
>gays are a disproportionately overepresented among all pedophiles, sociopaths, schizophrenics and virtually all mental illnesses with such a strong correlation that cannot be explained by enviromental/societal elements
>extremely high suicide rate compared to the normal population that is found is the same percentage in virtually all countries
>the tranny variety has a suicide rate even higher than schizophrenics
>b-but what about that juul pedo
>even thought jews have also a high correlation with pedophilia, homosexuality and all mental illnesses
>censoring their game not to cater to incels coomers with depression and a cross dressing fetish but to cater to the roastie Liberal feminists who will not only defend to death the porn sickos right to jerk off in the ladies room, but who also DOESN'T PLAY VIDEO GAMES
Why cant the mods just ban twitter screenshot threads already?
>buy my game or you're a maniac
I can spend my money on what ever the fuck I want
it's like you think there is some kind of obligation the costumer has to make or some shit
It's fun watching liberals squirm.
Extremely high suicide attempt rate. narcissists and borderlines are very adept at using suicide as a tool for emotional manipulation
i'm just telling you facts
if you're furiously screaming at a developer that you refuse to buy a game because a minute detail no sane person would notice has been changed for local audiences, you're not communicating "gee, I should really do better to please my fans," you're communicating "what an obsessive weirdo, I probably don't want him as a fan, anyway"
This is how things get to that point when localizers think they can get rid of something without backlash they will remove more treehouse and square enix are proof of that, you're one of idiots who thought horse armor DLC wasn't going to go anywhere aren't you?
do you think westshit, full of sjw propaganda this days, is better?
why is watchdogs 2 on the list is it because one of the antagonistss is a fucking landwhale or the onions ceo dude?? all it had was shitty memes and dude bro lets be hackers., other than that the gameplay was alright and improved since the garbage original
>try to cater to libshits so that their shitty puzzle game sells better
>libshits don't buy it regardless because their standards are expectedly retarded
I'm out of the loop.
What does resetera have to do with anything.
Don't think it can be done since this board relies on screencaps for gaming news. Plus, we don't need a domino effect.
Multiple outliers in the Japanese industry have taken a mile and given away franchises to western studios where they are killed.
We get it, you don't care about censorship and go to leddit.
bitching on an anonymous image board is not screaming at a developer.
My god you're fragile
Back to Discord, you disgusting transfag.
>"just vote with your wallet, bro"
>don't buy something because you don't like it
>"wtf bro, stop being autistic and just buy it."
Imagine being so autistic a single line sand blasts your vagina so hard you need to change it because you have no sense of humor.
>"what an obsessive weirdo, I probably don't want him as a fan, anyway"
If and are any indication, liberals the LAST group of people you'd want as "fans".
I already bought the uncut version a.k.a classic
>I’m tired of being treated like a ResetEra user
then stop acting like one
Why buy this? You can hack a $15 Craigslist PS3 and play the original uncucked version for free.
Morons who buy remasters deserve to get cucked by shitty sjw tripe
>then stop acting like one
Explain, mobile poster.
Thanks for this.
>no explanation after over half an hour
That's what I fucking thought, tranny.
>I'll buy it anyway
is me in January when TMS Encore comes out.
I just want to play the damn game, dammit!
>Why buy this?
New character? Even then, it's still a shitty puzzle game that you could easily "hack a $15 Craigslist PS3 and play the original uncucked version for free" like you said and then just watch the lacking cutscenes on YouTube.
Get the fuck
That leddit link wasn't for him but the other people in this thread so that they can laugh at those commies' shitty edits. Don't get your panties in a bunch.
It's on pc though, and the thing changed in that is the erica original name in the credits, the line in op is still in pc version.
>300 posts
>140 ips
god you pussies will bite this bait everytime
Do fags actually enjoy all this negative attention these days? I can't imagine they do, they're basically being scapegoated to be hated by everyone with every new little censorship mishap or the likes.
I'll be "serious" on Yea Forums for a minute and suggest gays need a rebranding or something, this obviously isn't working anymore.
I know that guy, friends woth him when I still use twitter, based.
Twitter kicked me out after I told Wil Wheaton to commit sudoku. Hopefully everyone from the anti-censorship community are still fine.
>creatives been typically left-leaning for most of history
>bruh wtf why are writers such libtards
>stories with strong conservative messages are always wreathed in the same bland cynical life-has-no-value garbage
>one of the more influential pieces of conservative pop culture, Starship Troopers, is now more remembered for the satirical movie taking a fat dump on the writer's original ideas that were presented with zero irony
I'm not sure what is going on here, obviously I missed some drama with ResetEra
They always take an inch, until you noticed you've already given a lightyear.
Never been a problem for me, the only thing I might lose is my time.
>reddit spacing
>creatives been typically left-leaning for most of history
Didn't know history started in the 50s
>most philosophers and inventors are right wing and beyond
Literally nobody wants to stop you, that's the whole point, fuck off with your persecution complex you narcissistic spaz. As a general rule for 99% of people, nobody cares enough about your personal life to want to stop you from living how you want.
Imagine buying censored games lol
Sorry, I was busy playing VIDEOGAMES
isn't that what you faggots do on a daily basis tho?
Imagine being so autistic you chop of your own dick and then ruin the lives of whatever coworkers that don't know the pronoun you invented for yourself 3 seconds ago.
you have to back, trans-nigger
>bruh a lot of these dudes from thousands of years ago are right-wing by modern standards ergo it's proper to look at them as staunch conservatives even though what's acceptable shifts a LOT with the passage of time to the point where the 1960s to now, a timespan of under a century, are like night and day as far as social and moral standards go
>a smart man born in the 1700s brought up in a by our standards extremely conservative society who has had his norms and morals shaped by the times would be uncomfortable and lean heavily right in our time, that means I'm right
Misery LOVES company. They want revenge against anybody and everybody for something nobody did to them. Let them cut bits off themselves, I don't care, do what you want. If they're a friend of mine I'll call them whatever retarded 19th century first name they think they can pull off, but you're still a man, I'm not going to pretend otherwise.
Imagine dedicating your life to being a weeb but still not knowing Japanese.
If lefties are the creative ones, how come all their songs start with "hey hey, ho ho"?
Yes Comrade! Tell them how it is! Give us an inch, we just need an inch thats all we ask!
Every foreing game is always somewhat censored, thats why you should buy games made in your country and same language instead.
If you want to experience the "original creator vision" then learn japanese and stop complain.
>thousands of years ago
over than half of them are not even 2 centuries old, some are decades old
>are right-wing by modern standards
again most were considered very reactionary at the time too
>the 1960s to now, a timespan of under a century, are like night and day as far as social and moral standards go
except generaly speaking the west has had more social changes in this last century than in thousands of years prior
>a smart man born in the 1700s brought up in a by our standards extremely conservative society who has had his norms and morals shaped by the times would be uncomfortable and lean heavily right in our time, that means I'm right
you just refuted your own point about creative types, congratulations
and yet nobody can raise any counterpoints to what you say, they can only screech and deflect.
Right wingers offer nothing of value to culture, an usually seek to erase it in the name of "combating degeneracy" as though it weren't peak irony.
what a spoiled fag
>again most were considered very reactionary at the time too
Isn’t there actual stuff to be mad about like all the SMT music and the alcohol trivia gone?
>If you want to experience the "original creator vision" then learn japanese and stop complain.
Sony's censorship policy applies to the Japanese versions as well.
Because we played that game year after year, all its end on is playground "n'uh, he was a liberal" because your point of perspective is so twisted around left-right politics that did not exist at the time.
Not to mention most people considered "creative leftists" would demand executions for anyone responsible for this "tolerant and progressive" society.
>yet nobody can raise any counterpoints to what you say
How can one raise counterpoints to facts, samefag-kun? What he said is factual, the implications are the incorrect part.
>Right wingers offer nothing of value to culture, an usually seek to erase it in the name of "combating degeneracy" as though it weren't peak irony.
Now that's just you chapotrannies projecting, not to mention the right is more about upholding tradition and social order than to combat the origins of its decay, that's more of a third position ethos.
>people can be liberal by historical standards but conservative by modern standards
what bro that's not how it works bro if they were conservative they were conservative
please give my reactionary ideology validity just because everyone is a slave to the times they live in
You pressure developers into censoring games you don't like because fuck people who doesn't share my ideas. And we must just shut up.
Censorship threads always bring attention to the tourist issue.
I'm glad I decided to pass on this. I already played the non butchered version during 7th gen, so I have no reason to support this censored garbage. It's because of faggots like OP going "b-but it's just one line of dialogue", why things just seem to keep getting worse. Seriously OP, unironically kill yourself.
are you having a stroke?
>tourist issue
>it's well documented that if Yea Forums got a huge influx of new users from anywhere, it was through /pol/, during and after the US elections in 2016
nah there are hundreds people from a secret discord group working together to promote liberal ideas on a weeaboo image board for some reason
People like you will unironically trigger a 2nd Holocaust just like Jews rightfully starting the 1st with their parasitic behaviour
the irony is that both inferences are correct and are very well documented, except it isn't hundreds of groups.
that and the fact that dispite both being cancer, one of them belongs here less than the other.
Didn't Subnautica do well?
>tell people to vote with their wallets
>they do
she's 12 and her favorite game is fortnite
It was there in the original English release, now it is not. It's censored. Kick rocks, faggot. Last (You) from me.
You but the leftist propaganda is paid propaganda.
Anyone got some shareblue screenshots?
You are literally the same kind of autistic maniac like the twitter guy who made a storm on a glass of water, games decades ago were way censored worse
a line change and a dead name removal is really nothing in comparison.
Just because people vote with their wallets doesn't mean they're right.
you give these people a inch
Unlike you, nobody else here is a tranny
>censorship happened before and it was bad
>lets continue it today!
You can stretch it to almost everything in life. The point is that it needs to be gone, and if you let it go loose, it will only grow and grow.
Imagine being so autistic and getting salty because OP is being so autistic and getting salty just for one tweet.
>Just because people vote with their wallets doesn't mean they're right.
Yes it does mean exactly that.
>it's another niggerfaggot thread
it was proven you convicted sex offenders didn't play the jap release and lied about everything regarding it back in feburary. we already know nobody played the western release.
You know this argument works the other way better
>stop caring about it REEEE
>get AIDs
Imagine condoning censorship.
None of you would give a shit if they censored things you don't care about or hate. I still remember the China threads where you faggots talked about how "based" the chinks were for banning certain video games for their "morally questionable content", or how they ban rap. Don't pretend this has anything to do with morality or free speech.
Yeah fuck normalfags, fags should just fuck the children. Who cares lmao! THey aren't me!
At least in FE Fates they were removing game features, that is a valid complaint to not support censorship but just not buy a game because a line change that probably you wouldn't hardly notice anyway if wasn't by a guy on the internet is quite retarded.
Honestly thought that was the implication before I checked the pic.
>scared of catching AIDS
user, it's cool now. In some states you can legally work in kitchens and lie about your AIDS to partners. Nothing to fear!
Maybe if the society collapse, but censorship will hardly grow up. Now LGBT things are quite delicate but maybe in a few years you could joke again about all this topics.
Imagine supporting mentally ill people and them censoring free speech
Meanwhile there's been literally a thread every fucking hour whining about some nip including some LGBT bullshit in his game and you autistics screaming that the localization team must have added it in, only to learn it's the same in the nip version so now you claim he's been "corrupted" and it should be taken out.
But that's not a push for censorship, that's just you based MAGApedes purging degeneracy from video games for Glorious Kekistan so you can make another gender bender thread and jerk off to guys in girl's bodies all night in celebration (but that's not the same thing okay!).
You'd know people already bitched about that if you hadn't blocked them.
you could play the english wii u version with the decensor mod and get much closer to the intended experience, on either a softmodded wii u or an emulator
I will punish censorship
I will not buy this game
Damn... that strawman got absolutely demolished.
>implying that's what I'm talking about
Not to mention that's a pretty weak example given that it's easy for the same people who constantly call chinks bugmen and spam that Tienanmen Square copypasta to say they oppose censorship if it offends Winnie the Poo. It's not their own ideas being called into question.