What are your favorite gay characters from video games?
What are your favorite gay characters from video games?
The dead ones.
Way to fuck it up, retard.
Yea Forums isn't video games. It's just the incel complaining board
Me :^)
imagine fucking up the thread just for a unoriginal unfunny lol so edgyXD dank 4chaner joke
Strap a machete to the end of a jack hammer shove it up your ass and turn it on you worthless faggot
Definitely OP.
I like how he goes from just representing gayness, and goes beyond into becoming a big super gay.
im just doing the funny joke dude. i cant think of any characters i like from games ive played who are canonically stated to be gay
Edit: Wow, my first gold! Thank you, kind stranger!
Yeah, it was just the most obvious joke in the world, get your head out of your fucking ass.
Oh Pee
guaranteed 500 replies
who's that guy from the Yea Forums game who makes the threads?
Well at least you're Yea Forums's favorite OP
those arms are thicker than my legs
you can beat the shit out of me no problem
How to get a boyfriend as a man myself? I have never seen another fag.
Boring thread
Reply with your dong name
Le follow or hivemind XD we did it reddit!
Fuck off faggot your post was as generic hive mind as hivemind generic shit can be
Arcade Gannon
Zevran in Dragon Age Origins. You can go through the whole game without knowing unless you take the time to get to know him and the moment you tell him it's not your thing, he's fine with it and it's never brought up again.
But also Balthier
So what the fuck is wrong with gay people and trannies' brains that makes them such monumental genetic fuck ups?
idk let's cut you open and find out fag lol
Daily reminder that the asshole/rectum is not a sex organ. Thus putting your penis inside one is not considered sex. Thus gays are still technically incels. Is masturbating sex? And lesbians is the most dishonest sexuality there is. In the end they still crave for a man’s dick.
Probably the same thing that's wrong with straight guys who are permavirgins shitposting on Yea Forums all night that makes them such monumental genetic fuck ups as well.
>Daily reminder that the asshole/rectum is not a sex organ. Thus putting your penis inside one is not considered sex. Thus gays are still technically incels. Is masturbating sex?
What is sex?
If its gay then theres no way i would like it.
A better question is why are there ''''''straight men''''' who are obsessed with gay ass fucking?
also BJ's too
I can't name a single gay video game character so I don't have one.
Taric, league of legends. which is the only gay videogame character i know, implying he even is gay
What does taking dick in the ass feel like?
really depends on how much you relax but to be honest generally unpleasant.
OP from Yea Forums
This nigga let someone fuck him in the ass
It's like taking a shit, except it's going in and out
Cranky Schlongmassacre
it feels like taking a shit but backwards
The first few times it feels like you’re going to poop every time the dick goes in and out. After a few times that feeling goes away and you’ll become a cockslut who likes taking it raw and having warm loads shoot inside him.
it feels like taking a shit except you're the shit
>turns out OP is openly gay and basically just got complimented a lot
fucking ass weaboo
damn that's real
Fucking Tit-Massacre
Wish i'd knew
>Dangly Dickman
Kinda boring.
Probably Tony from GTAIV
is boypussy better than regular pussy?
I have a question for you gays. Are you fags capable of normal long term monogamous relationships or are you all in those cuck open “relationships”?
hurf durf feggtz git off mai vidyer
le ones that are le dead XD
i'm a pol nazi who hates fags, but the nigga cute? what can i say
I have a question for you white boys. Are you whiteboys capable of normal long term monogamous relationships or are you all just watching tyrone fucking stacey?
did you think that was funny?
That gay elf from Dragon Age Orgins turned out to be a good friend. Kanji from Persona 4 was cool and i liked Jun from Persona 2.
Who is this Yea Forums?
Did u?
I for my part actually preffer videogamediscussions
kill yourself faggot
lets talk about gacha games then
I thought it was pretty funny
really starting to hate gay people
no you didn't
K, they are shit. It's a shame the best Jrpg franchise (Star ocean) went mobile.
>they are shit
Cmon user, that's a sweeping generalization and you know it. Have you tried one?
Thanks dude. Hope you stay mad
Dangly BananaSmasher
I dont really feel like trying them, since gacha allways implys gamble simulator. Whats the appeal over lets say: playing dark messiah on my pc instead?
>Arcade Gannon
came to post this
Nothing feels better than having a dude give you raw dick and shoot a hot load in your guts.
Trophy Thomas
t. the white boy watching tyrone fuck Stacey
If you can play actual vidya instead than go do that instead. Gacha games are for those times when you're on the go, only playing for around 10-15 minutes a day.
This. It feels amazing
>Tasty Spaghetti Deliverer
Sounds like a support character in an Italy themed RPG.
>Long Ass Man.
>getting mad after getting called out
Long Penisman
Gay here. Getting creampied is not fun. It's fucking messy as fuck and the cum is constantly dripping out of your ass.
>those triggered faggots
literally Hard Penis Lover what the fuck
>not holding in daddy's loads
just marry a woman
I would think being able to feel the top firing a load inside you would feel intense especially when you feel his dick start twitching while grunting
God damn I need to find a bf.
every faggot on Yea Forums is prison gay anyway so not like he could
>prison gay
Nah I just enjoy men. They are fun
prison gay faggots always delude themselves
So gays don’t have sex? Does that mean they aren’t really gay?
I don't think he cares if it has a dick or not, he just fucks whatever's cute.
Not even close. I enjoy theirs masculinity. Also what are actual gays then?
actual gays are kids who were raped by pederasts