>join american server
>2-3 americans talking NON-STOP over mic
guess you should have won world war II then
Join in then you little euro twink
yeah americans talk m8, were not introverted like europoors
Stay off our server. It's your wife's boyfriend's turn to use the internet anyways europoor.
>people being social
join them you introverted fuck
Why join an American server if you don't like talking to Americans?
Oh yeah, constant meme spouting sure is great
it's a defense mechanism
if we stop talking then we'll be forced to think
ironic considering all europoors do is spam the mutt meme
>Not flexing your british accent
europe did win world war 2 though
>join american server
>they dont know how to cooperate and run around like headless chicken dying 1 by 1
the show never ends
Why the fuck would you spend your time here then?
>european thinks his feelings matter
>confused 7 year old boners
Fucking miracle I'm not furry degenerate.
>join american server
>hear chinese
>Join EU server
>Players just repeatedly insulting each other unrelated to the actual game in French
>Join Japanese server
>It's just a bunch of white people trying to get laid
>Join gay server
>It’s only fujoshits
party time boys
She have a problem with maintaining proper hydration at economical prices?
what a crummy post
Fucking white people and their... *Throws dart* Hydration
>i hate college
everyone fuckin did this when i was in high school, i never saw it in college
>i hate white people
what would a non-white do instead? buy an expensive water bottle? that sounds like something non-whites would also make fun of
When there was a darkest hour update a few months back, i joined the only populated server which was euro. At the end of the round 20+ people all said gg unironically at the end of the game. Blew my mind.
Try talking, eurosperg. Your accents are all funny and we need a good laugh.
that's how it works, my man
if the nazis weren't busy in russia than the allies wouldn't have made a dent in europe
Props to my man for staying hydrated and apparently dabbing on thots at the same time.
Do you feel in charge?
this kid literally could have brought pokemon creatures to class
I tried talking once, they said "wtf are you doing? you suck"
What game?
>when you're so used to everybody speaking a different language that some people having a conversation while playing is a foreign concept
why do americans and europeans constantly fight on here? why cant everybody be friends :(
underrated post
>OP posts alluring fox woman
>blemished with white pixels
fixed it
literally nobody gets to talk when burgerland faggots like you never stfu, I hope 9/11 happens again.
We both want to live on a beach with a cute Latina girl, so we get competitive about everything.
post maid marian tits
>when you're so used to everybody speaking spanish that some people having a conversation in english while playing is a foreign concept
look i can do it too
>join american server
>Americans are on the server
it cant get lower effort than this
It's never US citizens that shitpost, but Brazilians, Mexicans, and Argentinians.
Mexicans aren't Americans you illiterate europoor
Sure it can.
>join latam server
>2-3 brazileans are chimping out in chat/voicechat
The point was that americans constnatly talk shit
Like tap a poop coming out of their mouth
>hot mic
>fire alarm low battery beeps
You can use voice in Wowcraft?
Mexico is in North America retard.
>high ping fags playing on the wrong continent getting annoying over retarded shit
I love it
Finally some good fucking food. more
but more often than not europoor will take a chance to talk about how much america sucks
it's almost as if they're seething about getting btfo from america by the U.S.
teamspeak, discord etc
>join American server
>Americans are talking
I guess don’t join American servers, then.
why would you hang with the cool outgoing american kids then? wanna be like us boi?
oh yes
forgive me user, i forgot which continent mexico is located in. maybe you can enlighten me
>doesn't exist anymore
>join britbong server
>Adhan starts playing
>posted on Yea Forums
>log a Aussie tf2 instaspawn 2fort server for the shits and gigs
>It's just Americans
>euro joins our server
>carry on because I'd probably avoid the french too
stay off our servers europoor, we don't need you bringing your immigrants here too.
>be European
>speak shitty, funky English
>get butthurt over people politely asking you to repeat yourself until your dumbass makes sense
If you're going to pretend you know English, then at least accept that you won't be good at it you fucking idiots.
Stay in your own servers then dipshit. We don't want you here.
They've got a weird reputation in online games or something?
But have to say, there has been some pleasant times joining americans servers where people play guitar or sing while playing the game. You never see that on yurop servers. Other than the occsional angry russian or polish dude.
fuck off to your euro servers
same with brazilians fuck off fuck off fuck off
Talking to Americans is a mistake and I'm sure Americans know this as well because they talk at each other very loudly without listening at all, It is very entertaining though.
post more please
>do a destiny 2 raid that I never did
>LFG with 5 Muslims
>we get in party chat and they say "we have some questions for you before we play"
>expect basic gear check shit
>"Are you Jewish"
>"Are you black"
>"Is your wife/gf a slut"
>"Are you Christian? That's cool because Jesus was a prophet in the Koran so you are cool by us"
Was a fun fucking raid
muslims can be pretty based sometimes
>eurofag joins the server
>squeaks some kind of gobblegook on mic
>server laughs at him
we americans love the bong accent btw.
dont be afraid to talk to us.
holy shit, I never thought of it this way
The superior American is just the one who can talk the loudest and most often
just say literally anything in your accent
we're so isolated that you'll be the center of attention