Nintendo is the Apple of video games

Nintendo is the Apple of video games.

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Dude you can't just insult their god like that

Don’t no evidence needed no discussion needed

The Disney of videogames

Nintendo is the Disney of games
Sony is the Dreamworks
Xbox is _______

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That would be valve

dumb frogposter
dumb wojakposter

>caring about xbox

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Happy Madison Productions


Modern day Apple or pre-2011 Apple?

Playstation is the apple of video games. Nintendo is this.

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Apple isn't the most successful phone and computer company tho

Keep shilling labo for free

I don't think so.

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they make all their money selling overpriced accessories. the switch is such an garbage product out of the box and requires another $500 investment in peripherals (pro controller, wifi adapter, charging station, cardboard etc). It's sad how nintards reward their shitty business practices with open arms.

You take that back!

If anything Sony is the real Apple of gaming. Think about it, they hardly innovate at all and take others ideas but do them in a way that normies can't help but eat up.

Apple sells crappy hardware at extortionist prices because their logo is a cash magnet. Sound familiar?

Yeah, just like Sony.

Nintendo is FisherPrice

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And yet Nintendo allows boobs in their games, compared to Sony.

Come on, now. I can understand if you say Sony is the SJW of the gaming industry. But that company doesn't pull Jewish shit like:
>$300 waggle tablet
>$80 cardboard
>$60 shovelwares like 1-2-Switch, ARMS, Super Mario Tennis, Super Mario Party, and Pokemon LGBT
>$60 remake of Link's Awakening

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>$60 God of Soi
>$60 Horizon Zero Men
>$60 Catherine: Literally Fuck a Tranny
>$60 The Last of My Lunch as I see ugly lesbian dykes kissing as they comment on how much they smell
>$60 Dreams: "we ran out of ideas after 500 3rd person movies, just make your own fucking game"

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cute pic

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This. PS3 era Sony was the Apple of video games.

Nintendo doesn't buy out every dev company in sight.

It was cheaper than other blu-rays, but feel free to stay delusional.

>a $600 game system from 2006 wasn't expensive

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That's correct


>$60 God of Soi
Movieshit but still an AAA game

>$60 Horizon Zero Men
Movieshit but still an AAA game

>$60 Catherine: Literally Fuck a Tranny
Atlus has always been a Jew

>$60 The Last of My Lunch as I see ugly lesbian dykes kissing as they comment on how much they smell
Movieshit but still an AAA game

>$60 Dreams: "we ran out of ideas after 500 3rd person movies, just make your own fucking game"
I'm not sure how much a game creator game should be priced but yeah, let's ignore the existence of Super Mario Maker and Super Mario Maker 1.5, two map editors that should be free but are priced at $60

Come on now, at least put more effort in your arguments. Stop being blind.

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>charge for online without improving the features
>encourage this "you're only renting your games" policy, especially with digital purchases
>shove DRM into all physical copies so they can't be duplicated or copied for archival purposes
>full priced 60 dollar games with gacha, DLC, season passes, microtransactions, and many other things

Surprise surprise, all three corporations are guilty of this, because you jerk them off and whiteknight them against all criticism. Why? Because of brand loyalty. Like a good sheep, you bend to their whims and turn a blind eye to their disgusting sins against the industry. You even see this with PC gaming, with steam drones and epic shills waging console wars for their stupid corporate masters.

But what is the only discourse people have to say? What possible defense do people have for these actions?

>BASED [faceless multi-trillion dollar corporation] CARES ABOUT US

I weep for the industry because of these people.

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Pretty accurate.

I hate how true this is

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No, they're the orange

>AAA game
You don't even know what this means

Except Nintendo only sells overpriced controllers, not overpriced consoles.

No, that would be Valve, dummy.

>the last of my lunch

pretty good

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Don't you just love whataboutism? You can still be awful just as long as you're not as bad as the next guy.