I remember playing this game but I don't remember it being any good
>zombies spark when you hit them
>that purple fog
I cringe.
>that health bar and ui
it's shit
So far it's practically 1:1 with shinier graphics so good enough imo
I don't see this doing very well. It was a neat game but not anybody's favorite. It's also very short
It really loses some of the atmosphere without the black fog of war
Looks fine but that UI really needs a do-over
The high quality graphics look very jarring with that janky ass movement and archaic, simplistic combat. And those sparkles are a bloody eyesore. Not a fan overall.
I don't like how the zombies don't get knockbacked when you hit them, because it makes it very easy to get hit by them or to be overwheled by a group because there's no way to not get hit now. Also, the way zombies just fall over when they die and disintegrate looks very bad. Besides that it's too bright, the purple fog doesn't look too good, and I HATE the sparks that fly off when you hit the enemies.
I do like the fog of war on the map though, and the map design and layout. Very atmospheric.
Gonna say the same thing I thought when I first say gameplay snippets - for better or worse, it looks like MediEvil, warts and all. Nostalgiafags like me can fuck with the camera and combat straight out of 1998. Newcomers, we'll see I suppose. Know what you're getting into, the coat of paint is fresh but the gameplay looks like it's as old as it actually is.
Yeah what's the deal with all the glowy particle effects. The animations also somehow look jankier than the original. Though maybe that's because the PS1 game seemed to intentionally have very few frames, like it's a stop motion animation. This has more frames but they're pretty awkward looking
I hope it's fun to play.
thank god they got his model right and not that piece of shit they used in battle royale or whatever
>not anyone's favorite
It's in my top 5. Gallowmere has long been a favorite video game world of mine, and I attribute the game's influence on me for my appreciation of future games like Bloodborne.
wished the zombies moaned instead of that new gargling bullshit that got popularized in the 2000s.
I'm gonna visit my dad next summer and we can play through this like we did when he rented this and the sequel for me from blockbuster
>All these Zoomers hating on fucking MediEval.
This is my opinion, and I expect people to disagree with me. But I was kinda hoping they'd... improve on the gameplay. But right now it seems slightly worse. Was kinda hoping a bit of dark souls combat to be completely nonest but for allowance for platforming.
Come on man at least spell it right. And I only really dislike this remake, not very into the new visuals. It did make me feel like replaying the PS1 game though
Honestly, I'll accept if they took even so much as a glance at MediEvil II's controls and adopted/refined things from there. I don't see why they wouldn't at least do that.
Animations look weird on Dan
The sword swinging specifically
Its NRS tier bad
It looks less like actually slashing and more like he's trying to get something off a stick
Loving the weapon switch at the tap of the triangle button. I think MediEvil II allowed for weapon switching but the input wasn't that intuitive. Wonder what button dashes will be assigned to then.