>private Steam profiles
What are they hiding?
Private Steam profiles
i play a lot of trash tier weeb shit.
I don't hide anything, I'm just not a zoomer who thinks everything has to be a facebook
This. I have 300 hours in huniepop, and I do not want people to know about it.
benis :DDDD
That's none of your business you fucking American dog.
A lot of random people will judge you based off what you play on Steam and what your profile looks like, honestly it shouldn't matter but to a lot people it does apparently.
Remember to ignore this person. It's some gay dude or tranny that has been posting on Yea Forums for years and tries to get dick pics from people and than will ghost them after awhile. Seriously he's been doing this for years, also he posts on /r9k/ as well. It's pretty creepy.
Why does the whole world need to know what game I'm playing?
>posting as Anonymous
What is OP hiding?
perverts mostly, filled with shame
VAC bans
My insecurity that people will look at it and find it bad or cringe or make fun of me for it or the games I own/play. I'm a very insecure person and I let it get to me really easily when insults are personally directed at me.
Honestly I think people without a online presence are creepy. I mean a legit online presence that links directly with there social life’s puppet accounts are even weirder
played time but then get kicked regardless because you can see their shit gameplay
elitists will check played time on some games in public lobbies so when you are on private/friends only then you get kicked and probably excluded from that specific community
I get a lot of adds from scammers because I have a few nice tf2 items so I go private intermittently
That's because you are under the age of 18.
I'm an old guard when it comes to privacy. I don't see the point in flaunting information out to the public.
I don't want to be part of the community. Nothing interesting there for me and it feels weird having it public when I don't plan on doing anything with it.
How does someone get like this? Lack of guidance from parents? Too much video game culture rotting their brain? I don't understand. What a sad life. I would feel empathy if they weren't such scum. What a waste.
You probably spend too much time online. Lots of people don't build their social media because they can message each other or see each other in person. Often times people who build an online presence, such as on Steam, tend to do it because they live online and want to have friends in the virtual space. Women I know keep their accounts private for obvious reasons and only play with people they know in real life. No point in investing in having online relationships when in person is superior in every aspect, unless you have some sort of mental illness or bad intentions, and I mean that genuinely. Like the post I replied to above.
If attention whores are the worst people imaginable then private accounts must be the biggest chads alive but we will never know.
you should honestly kill yourself
i wonder (((who))) could be advocating for such a thing
The logic checks out. Just ignoring everything and going about your life is pretty great.
My list of recently used names. Worked wonders for SCP before they added the function to check a person's steam profile. New name every single round, always generic enough that no one could search it and find my steamid.
their inventory from scambots that add u just so you can trade whit them.
do you think someone cares enough to do that?
I do too but I dont feel the need to hide it. There is genuinely nothing wrong with being honest about yourself.
making friendships online can be valuable. especially when you enter your mid 20s and it becomes harder to meet people irl. you can have a few friends irl that are your old reliables, then make new friends online from different parts of the world that have stories, experiences, and perspectives that you wouldn’t have found otherwise.
It's true. You stay out of it and live a normal life. People who force their "personality" on you because Steam is a "community" are just using that as an excuse to be pretentious and are not self aware enough to realize no one cares about them. The worst type of people. Then again they're pathetic to begin with because they live in the virtual world like the losers who have high Steam levels.
Could have just had your avatar as you holding $100 and it would have been the same, but you would still have $100 instead of some meaningless number next to your name to make you feel special.
Seeing as I literally did exactly that to get a guy harassed and banned from the Yea Forums server for being a furry and clipping through doors with cheat engine or some shit, yeah.
bless you user, what you did was very important
You're one of those obnoxious people who feels badass behind the safety of their keyboard aren't you?
No one cares, but it's funny because he's a paranoid loser who thinks he has anything of value to offer to anyone.
>and tries to get dick pics from people
No way fag.>I would feel empathy if they weren't such scum
I try this but I'm too socially retarded to make new friends so I stick to the same group from high school. I'm fucked when they start dying off, but maybe I'll get lucky and check out before any of them.
I wonder how many elevator grenades this schlomo died to.
I animate in SFM, but I made the mistake of using it on my main account for a few hours and now it's there near the bottom forever
I was public for years.
My friends know who I am. I don't want to meet new people. Social media is cancer. Steam was way better before Steam Community.
I'm actually a girl
>tries to get dick pics from people and than will ghost them after awhile. Seriously he's been doing this for years, also he posts on /r9k/ as well. It's pretty creepy.
Is this related to the whole dick collage thing that some user tried to tell us a few months back? What does he do with them? Cums on them and then deletes them?
What's with the gaming community and being so toxic? The doxxing thing is such an incel thing to do.
These nerds didn't get bullied enough.
I don't want my stalker ex to know when I'm on.
I don't do that.
I don't want people to know I play Call of Duty
I get bombed by scammers for having a 50 dollar tf2 inventory. it was really fucking annoying.
Kys jew
Where do you think things went wrong in your life to drive you to become the person you are today?
Even if you do this ironically, which is the same as doing it unironically for the record, it's still a sad life to live.
Do you go to school? Do you work? Do you have healthy relationships? Are you improving yourself? Or is this the only joy you have in life?
They just don't care about telling other people what games they play. I think it's a smart decision.
just dont want my exfriend to spy on me lol
that most of his thread replies are samefaggin
And... What would they do with this information?
My life better than most anons.
I'm just dumb about getting a bf.
i kind of want to add you because you're a meme but i don't want yo regret it either.
I don't talk much so the social aspects of every site are useless.
I don't like having social media profiles
I just wanna vidya
do you play world of warcraft classic
idk just be satisfied and I don't want to give them that
I'm trying to pretend like I'm dead so my friends can remember me at my best. I didn't want it to end like the rest of my online friendships did, i.e. with extreme melodrama and arguments and burnt bridges.
Why are you like this? Why are you such a psycho?
Wanna be friends?
Steam isn't a fucking facebook, zoomer. You play videogames in it.
How am I psycho?
>Exist for 5 seconds
>Account is private again
this but only with cute girls on penpal websites
i think anons are reading what that guy said about the dick pics and taking it as the truth
fuck off kys
what do you have against this guy
You have spent countless hours spamming your shitty steam profile (paired with constant avatarfagging of an even shittier waifu) on image boards under the face of looking for companionship when, realistically, all you're looking for is negative attention. You are so lacking in anything valuable to do with your life that you do this on a consistent basis, literally any chance you get. You probably get excited often at the prospect of doing it.
It's beyond pathetic. No normal person does this. Get help, you retarded fucking freak.
stop samefagging
>mfw I realize I have almost as much people in my friendlist as the kuroki autist
I may have an "anime profile" but I swear I am no ERP friend collecting faggot.
they're pathetic trying to get a friend to play wow classic with just because they have an anime avatar
The half of them are scammers or hackers cuz they think it's harder to touch them that way the other half is made out of elitist faggots.
You're lucky Fireden just took Yea Forums off, faggot. This is just since May of this year. Get a fucking life.
People keep fucking requesting to trade with me. So I keep mine private so they can't look at my inventory and ask me to trade.
what's your problem dude
i was talking about the tomoko poster
i just want a friend to play wow with is all
>i was talking about the tomoko poster
well I have something against you not them so kys dumbass
my god this guy is pathetic
imagine devoting so much of your energy to spamming your steam profile
>I have 300 hours in huniepop
i use steam to play videogames, it's not social media. private profile means I don't need to deal with other people.
It's not that bad I think.
It's not that much time.
oh ok
Why do you do it?
holy shit that's fucked up
Not this fag again.
You have done this every single day since at least 2014. That's 5 solid years of nonstop profile spamming. You're a psychotic creep.
I think I remember you posting like 5 years ago onwards and every time I see you post no one has anything good to say about you after they've added you, stop being a weird abusive schizo
The best profiles are a blank bio, mayve just a country listed
Some cheevos or fav games listed
And then just the usual games played most
Who the fuck cares what pc you have, who you are pretending to be, etc.
what the fuck is wrong with this guy
Goodbye :)
i admire his dedication
But what does this weirdo actually do? Does he even accept requests if someone actually adds him? He must be one fucked up mess of a person
I remember reading another thread a few years back where he pretty much told an user that he was worthless and to kill himself or something along those lines out of nowhere
This was back when steam """friends""" threads were up daily
i cant believe this idiot is still begging for attention
i remember him doing this in like 2015
I fucking hate social media and don't want information about me to be public.
I cant believe there isnt at least 1 more person doing it
There were more but they dropped off over the years, especially after the Steam Friends threads started getting nuked on sight; this guy is hands down the weirdest consistent person like Barneyfag but way less funny
To everyone replying to the schizo, this is why he does it. He craves attention and loves nothing more in life than to bait. This is evidenced by the fact he rarely actually accepts requests and, when he does, only baits the person who's added him then discards them briefly after.
OP here, I'm sorry this thread turned out this way. I tried to delete it but for some reason Yea Forums doesn't usually let you delete threads anymore.
retards on Yea Forums like to pretend they're patrician oldfags but in reality they're the biggest casual normalfags in existence
Hazmat steamcommunity.com
adamantium steamcommunity.com
Big Bear Detektiven Jimmy steamcommunity.com
>I'm actually normal
Anyone with a private profile that I played against in CS:GO or PUBG was either a hacker or item scammer 90% of the time.
why do you do it
>tomokofag BTFO
they probably keep it private because of people like me. i really enjoy stalking steam profiles and judging immensely for some reason. steam is probably the closest thing ill ever get to social media so gotta be weird somewhere
I'm a fairly popular musician and don't want my racist comments to come out.
It's surprisingly true.
>Friend at work
>Decide to friend him on Steam
>Hidden Profile
Dude was a clean shift lead. Big beard and glasses and shit. Never would have seemed off.
No way. That's pathetic. He even said but it's hard to imagine ANYONE would have a shred of a normal or good life when they spend this much time doing something this fucking psychopathic and pathetic.
Yeah, with a personality like that it's hard to imagine he's single and been looking for someone for years. Shocker that no one wants some creepy anonymous weirdo who hides behind his random username and gives ominous one sentence responses to everything.
I think he let himself go to the point of where he doesn't even care. He probably just made an online persona and is living through it because it's the only thing he has left in life. Keep in mind that if he is pretending and this is some inside joke then that's even worse.
Probably projecting his own insecurities onto others. Complete loser. I don't think many people even view him as a human being anymore. Just some pest with no value who uses up calories.
I play video games not trying to have a Facebook profile
holy crap it's Mike Love
my 0 friends list
>i really enjoy stalking steam profiles
The exact reason I don't post my profile here ever.
If you don't have friends no one will notice anyway
Post yours then faggot, what do you even have to brag about
what a freak
>good job
>nice parents
>good friend
Once I get my bf I'm set!
Stop replying to him.
nothing at all actually. my top games are mw2, tf2, and garrys mod, i dont have much room to judge. its not like i call people out on anything, or really even care besides a glancing judgement. i just like browsing steam profiles, i dont make anything else of it
The voices in your head don't count.
>Remember to ignore this person. It's some gay dude or tranny that has been posting on Yea Forums for years and tries to get dick pics from people and than will ghost them after awhile. Seriously he's been doing this for years, also he posts on /r9k/ as well. It's pretty creepy.
WTF? Who goes to Yea Forums for dick pics?
lurk moar newfag
Giving him a (You) is meaningless because he's already lost. Someone with a life like that is done for in every respect. You trying to deny him a (You) is pointless, it's all he has left and he's not going to stop. He's been doing this for at least 5 years almost daily.
Stop giving it attention jesus christ people, report and move on
i was taught through all of childhood not to give out personal information online
I've posted the link before. I thought it was a meme
He's been doing this for 5 years almost daily. He should have been banned long ago. The incompetence on this website is pathetic.
I've seen people banned faster for sillier things. They can ban śoy but not his pathetic shit?
Then you dun fucked by ever adopting steam.
>He should have been banned long ago. The incompetence on this website is pathetic.
steam is full of mentally ill people, always use a private profile, this thread is the perfect example.
Don't worry, this guy is crazier than you
Sad but true. Who knew spending all of your time playing video games destroys your brain?
He does get banned. He ban evades. I've seen mods in IRC complain about him before.
If God meant to interfere in the degeneracy of mankind would he not have done so by now? Wolves cull themselves, man. What other creature could? And is the race of man not more predacious yet? The way of the world is to bloom and to flower and die but in the affairs of men there is no waning and the noon of his expression signals the onset of night…
>I've seen mods in IRC complain about him before.
>What are they hiding?
why are you looking?
I got a community ban and they forced me into private
I have a Steam account to play games, not make friends.
but user, ill be your friend
my inventory so i stop getting spammed with friend invites by tf2 shitters otherwise id be fine with letting everyone know how long ive jacked off to skyrim
>he's been doing this for 5 years almost daily
>5 years
FIVE fucking years... I'm pretty lax about what people want to do with their life but Christ-
What a waste of oxygen.
I like the character when I think of him like some Dad character. Let him keep up the character, see what his endgame is.
I never even had a steam friend before, I don't really see the point in socializing on a platform solely meant for video games.
>not setting huniepop as your favorite game on your showcase
He got a boyfriend at one point. Probably had sex too. He's who Yea Forums says you should be more like.
I want to see it happening 5 years from not too. Tomoko CAN be eternal
Can I add you?
>cares about privacy
>using electronics at all
You forfeit your right to privacy the second you even think about stepping within 40 feet of anything with a processor.
The guy flipping shit has SEEN him every day for 5 years. What do you think his life is like? He's here as often as him. Except Tomoko is probably actually having sex. Gay sex albeit.
Which Tomoko are you? There are several.
Not everything needs to be social media. I just want to play a fucking video game, not broadcast it to the world.
>tmw I have spammed my steam profile in the past year and a discord /r9k/ tranny is mostly talked in all steam related threads
I'm even friends with him/her
If anything he is doing something nefarious and we get to be part of something.
>most prolific serial killer
>I remember sending dick pics to that guy
huh? id tomoko
He's new, discord?
I've never even set up a profile and I've had my account for like 10 years. Don't need any of that gay social shit.
I hide my main account, then use Family Share on another account to play my games (there are maybe a dozen out of my 330ish games that don't allow family share.)
Mostly to avoid getting banned for muh hate speech or whatever the tech giants are whining about this week.
Also to hide my identity to the wider internet. I only add personal friends on my main account.
I get in a lot of flame wars and every once in a blue moon some faggot has the bright idea to look up my username and shitpost on my profile
Making my profile private solves that problem, at least
You're just a coomer doomer boomer
>FIVE fucking years
Have you seen Barneyfag?
Not being autistic would also solve the problem.
rate me
>l-look at me guys
>i d-don't have a profile haha
>a-am I cool guys haha xd
>le no friends gang haha
>d-don't need any of that g-gay social s-shit haha
Wouldn't the spammer be autistic for getting so assblasted that he rage spams someone's profile?
wuv wuv.
Stop roleplaying me
This is basically a clash of wills, except replace wills with autism.
His autism is sharper, but you must not sharpen yours.
the irony here is that you're flaming someone for flaming other people
I'm a different user btw. I don't have my profile public for this very reason.
The whole Steam community is a meme beyond friends, chat, and maybe groups/clans.
>steam friend from years ago you haven't talked to randomly comments in your profile
Thanks bud
Like her I will bloom soon.
i have my mom added as a friend and i don't want her to be spammed with crap or to see the crap i play
Seriously though, I've been reading this manga forever now and I'm so glad for her
i've had my profile set to private since I made my steam account over a decade ago
it protects me from scumbag ukranian fucks like that guy who runs SteamSpy and was hired by Tim Swiney because the slav made a business out of stealing Steam user's data and selling it.
>can set your profile to private
>still can't hide what games you play or how long
Said the glowing agent.
I can tell you’re a zoomer because you think privacy is weird. Fuck off forever.
>not setting at least your Inventory to private
Enjoy your scam/spam bots.
Terry, I thought you died.
>take my profile off private
>play DBD/DoTA/L4D2
>receive dozens of angry comments from third worlders
>learn my lesson, set my profile back to private
You can hide your played games without turning your profile private you know.
I have a game on steam and one time a player started stalking me. I work like 10 hours a day and after I usually play games. He started harassing me when I was playing games. Told me to kill myself because I wasn't fixing a bug he had (which I had fixed that morning but it takes time to QA don't-ya-know). Then I blocked him and he started making threads on the Steam page. Now I need to go in and delete his shit instead of playing games.
Because private profile and appearing offline is less stressful.
I pay for furry games, no one must know and I don't care about internet "friends"
For some reason the scrubs on Dead By Daylight spam pages of people who they don't like as if your profile is a metacritic page or something. Putting it to private stops you from getting messages about how little Timmy thinks you're mega gay because you killed him.
Friends only profile. Not interested in Epic chinks using my profile.
>1 VAC ban on record
permanently tainted, too impure for your own waifu
I wish I had the balls of this guy to wear that
I've contemplated setting mine to private so people can't see what I'm playing when I appear offline, but in doing so, it'd send up a bigger red flag that I specifically don't want people to see what I'm playing when I'm offline. Ultimately I leave it public because anyone who doesn't know me IRL won't be able to tie me to other platforms and people who do deserve the two-way sharing.
I do have a few friends who set their profiles private though and very rarely appear online, which is kind of a shame because I like to see what other people are playing on occasion. It's always neat to see someone discover an old game you've enjoyed and getting to talk about it with them or vice versa.
My profile is private because fuck off. I don't need to interact with random assholes on Steam to get my fill.
How can such a small fanbase acquire that much autism?
most based thing i've ever seen
I really don't know. They make up stupid rules about how you are "supposed" to play too, even though they often contradict perks and other features intended by the game. No "camping". Now, if you are just sitting there staring at the guy on the hook I understand that being dumb. But smart survivors will just all be doing generators and just write off that one guy as a loss. Instead they all try and save the guy and wonder why they lost. But it gets worse. "camping" means radically different things to different people. You can travel halfway across the map, but its still "camping" to some people.
No "tunnel". Meaning no going after just one survivor. Except thats unavoidable if one person on the team is obviously playing worse than everyone else. People blame their own lack of skill on the killer "tunneling" them.
There are a dozen other "rules" that they expect you to follow that no one actually follows but if gives people an excuse to be mad and blame the other guy when they lose.
Literally JUST had someone go on my steam profile because I was playing trapper, put someone in the basement, and they all stepped on traps trying to save them. They were so salty after the game.
I have a private profile because I'm an autistic Romeboo and design it in a way that people would think is gay.
I still have it visible to friends but I only have like 5 of them and they don't talk to me anyway so I just do my thing.
I only play games, all of the peripheral bullshit means nothing to me, steam community, achievements, trading cards, ebin :D profiles, inventory. All that stuff is for retarded ADHD zoomers.
Pretty sure VAC bans still show though.
my fetish for not having people I dont know or care about comment on my profile.
They're hiding their 100~ hours in TF2 and "Anti-Cheating" group so I can't fucking convince the enemy team that they are fucking hacking WHY IS IT HIDDEN BY DEFAULT NOW SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK VALVE
>Don't need any of that gay social shit
>You're already a member of 1 group!
A blank info section
no background
no games
no friends ;-;
Go to Facebook or Twatter if you want social media. Profiles are retarded. Mine is private just because I don't care if a stranger has something to look at. And never cheated. I've had my account since 2004.
vinny just because people listen to your sad music doesn't mean you're popular, come home Yea Forums misses you
So you can't hack my account