Anime fighters are garbage. Garbage character designs, garbage gfx, and garbage gameplay. Mindless rushdown with characters each having some retarded gimmick. Quit playing this gay looking shit and play Mortal Kombat 11, a fighter with actual cool designs, fighting that looks like fighting and not gay weeb shit and way better music too.
Anime fighters are garbage. Garbage character designs, garbage gfx, and garbage gameplay...
Other urls found in this thread:
poor bait
manga fighters are better
>He doesn't play OVA fighters
The female chars in anime games are shit designs, try an actual good female fighter
Jacqui is a better black girl design than Ramlethal is.
You said it. Here's looking at you kid.
For me, it's light novel fighters
can you stop breathing you nigger, im trying to masturbate
Wow. You’re so cool. Shall I call you Mandude Maleboy? Shall I buy a fucking beer for you because you play a game with blood?
you're comparing a realistically rendered human character to a cartoon character that has dark skin :)
just take the (you) and fuck off
Try an actual good Black girl design
Op still sucking dick on a regular basis.
Ramlethal's not a black girl. Her colors were picked because the author thought it would be hot. She's a fantasy race shark-toothed learning entity. have your damn (you).
How is that position called?
Sorry I get laid and dont need to play games full of faggot shit and half naked girls
That's why anime is shit, Jacqui actually looks Black, Ramlethal is black but doesn't look black, she looks like generic anime sameface trash
Also, I've played the game, it sucks.
Guilty Gear on the other does not suck and is in fact very fun.
I know this is a bait thread, but Guilty Gear and BlazBlue characters are almost always excessively over designed. UNIST has a lot more simplicity in design while still making every character distinct
>Ramlethal's not a black girl. Her colors were picked because the author thought it would be hot.
She IS black, the author said that because he's racist and doesn't want to admit black women can be attractive, so he designed an ambiguous brown character. That's a real common trope in anime and racist as fuck. Make not Black Black characters so as to not trigger the racists that hate black people. K' in kof is another example of this.
>Ramlethal is black
Where's your evidence?
Try a good fighting game
lol ok
a quick google search says ramlethal isn't even human
MK 11 is awesome and doesn't suck, you suck at it because it isn't a button masher like anime games are
Unist designs suck due to being boring. Anime shit comes in two categories, overdesigned garbage, or boring shit
>le skintight leather outfit covered in 50 belts btw she wears thigh high boots with stupid heels and tons of straps on those too
>japanese schoolgirl but she has a katana and an eyepatch
both suck ass
that exists
it's not very good
Flaaffy is almost about to evolve...
Her skin color, and her body, look how curvy she is, you think that isn't a black girl's body? Lots of anime gives girls black girl bodies. Especially hentai.
ok lol
you're trolling, got it.
MK 11 IS a good fighting game. If it's so shit, you play it then and beat sonicfox and take home all that easy money.
You made the same thread like a few days ago. Get a hobby.
(Don’t) with an apostrophe.
Bullshit, many anime girls have black girl bodies. You're the one trolling because you know it's true but won't admit it due to most anime fans being racist ass white dudes terrified of even finding a black girl attractive, it's all about those superior japanese right? let me guess
>ramlethal is uh japanese, she's just tan, uh she';s gangruo lolol
Oh shit, it's a shiny!
Arcsys made the same game years ago and keeps making it, maybe they should get a hobby instead of churning out shit anime fighters that die after a month?
>shit fighting game = easy to beat pros
it's shit, as in not fun, slow, boring, uninspiring
You had me until you made the false claim of better music.
>Anime fighters are garbage. Garbage character designs, garbage gfx, and garbage gameplay. Mindless rushdown with characters each having some retarded gimmick. Quit playing this gay looking shit
>play Mortal Kombat 11, a fighter with actual cool designs
I find black girls attractive, Ramlethal is a cartoon character, it's that simple shit for brains.
>some madman is turning MK11 into the new Death Cargo on Yea Forums
Those were great times.
Slow and boring my ass, watch this match
Pokemon can't just evolve into being shiny, dumbass.
>You had me until you made the false claim of better music.
Now what?
That track shits all over any music in anime fighters. Anime shit is either bad buttrock, bad metal, or some shit with japanese women "singing" nonsense like "lets fighting love!"
Then how do you explain what just happened? Huh? Yeah, that's what I thought.
Ramlethal is a BLACK cartoon character. Least you aren't racist though.
MK 11 is way more hardcore than Shit Cargo was. The gore and finishers are so fuckin sick, and they had to watch snuff films and shit to learn how to make those
>Report type: Flagrant fanboy thread.
Jack-o is the worst girl with the flattest ass.
Prove me wrong.
Kof has awesome designs
wow guys its a buff man fighting a weird thing in a japanese city street... at NIGHT. So much better than MK with badass ninjas fighting ancient gods in ruined chinese temples in an otherworldly plane...
holy shit anime is so creative...
This is now a fetish thread. Everyone is welcome except OP.
>someone remembers Death Cargo
Good times. That and superior limb based combat were a great time for fightan memeing
KoF characters all either look like bad 80s/90s throwbacks(terry, ryo and his entire family) or fucking godawful visual kei asian popstar shit(K', Iori) or straight up fag shit(Ash, Saiki)
i just like humiliation of any kind at all
Do you actually like any designs at all then? Or are you just le epic cynical man
more proof anime sucks, her legs and feet and arms look great but her face is generic bug eyed sameface shit, replace the head with western style and she'd be perfect
Are fats allowed?
keep making these threads op theyre great positive press for gg
I guess. I don't kink shame but it's very much not my thing past a certain point.
>it got retooled into a beat em' up and the developers did their best to scrub any evidence of its existence
Feels bad man.
>stealth guilty gear thread
Strange but ok.
Who you playin lately?
>badass ninjas fighting ancient gods in ruined chinese temples in an otherworldly plane
That's only cool if you're a manchild. Pic related is what men think is cool
As long as you are not the hacker known as OP.
I Like MK stuff because it looks badass. My favorite characters are scorpion and noob saibot.
Maybe just thick asses, then?
Post more GG gifs please
Can't you wait until tomorrow
Least you agree anime is for losers
I mean, sure, but tomorrow is only two hours away for me.
Ryu vs Sagat is legitimately one of the best fighting game rivalries. Just two dudes on a journey trying to become the strongest. Finding their way by just beating each other up
that sounds so damn homoerotic
Sure, I love huge asses. That size is pretty much perfect for a casual jack off.
You're the best okthanksbye
>due to most anime fans being racist ass white dudes
Aren't most anime fans Japanese?
Were you planning on doing that?
Oh look its the shitposter who called KI an anime fighter
How to create an anime fighter
>have the setting be a generic japanese city at night time
>all the stages must be rooftops or city streets, and the occasional "wtf is this shit" stage
>characters are all highschool students except the "old man"(who is 30 years old btw so old lmao)
>each character has some dumbfuck gimmick like a moba character(this guy gets lifesteal when he's gonna die, this guy can combo any move into anything, this girl lays traps all over the stage, this guy turns into a demon at half health and gets new moves!)
>negate these gimmicks by having actual gameplay be mindless combo rushdown shit
>btw combo breaker lol
Faggot shit.
I actually wasn't, I just like looking at pics.
Most anime fans are white, most japanese either don't care about anime or think it's retarded. Only ugly otaku types like that shit in Japan, you'd get laughed at if you went to Japan and admitted to liking that shit.
just imagine being so puny minded that you fail to realize anime is popular internationally, and intensely popular in Asia. Most anime fans are Asian, that's factual.
You are actually a nigger take your nigger jap trap remix back to your hood and silence yourself forever. this kind of shit trap music with shamisen twing twang overtop is not unique or good
oh btw I forgot
>final boss must be female, either some kawaii schoolgirl character like Ramlethal or some demon bitch with huge titties that looks like she belongs in a hentai game
>Mortal Kombat 11
>"Actual Cool Designs"
Yeah, like Sub-Zero, Yellow Sub-Zero, Green Sub-Zero, Purple Sub-Zero and Dude With Sunglasses
>"Fighting that looks like fighting"
Ah yes, being slower obviously means it's good fighting. Even Killer Instinct is better.
>"Way better music"
Good fucking joke, and good confirmation you've never actually played Guilty Gear
Also you know what I don't have to worry about when I play GG instead of your precious MK? Needing to grind for years for one cosmetic item or buying Time Krystals instead.
Swiggity Swoo, here's your (You)
Those are otaku, most asians fucking hate anime and think anime fans are losers lmao
Pretty funny how Blazblue avoids a fair amount of your complaints.
Of course it's popular internationally. The thing is logically speaking, since Japan is the home of anime it should be the place with the largest amount of fans. Also given how anime appeals to Japanese tastes by a large majority with any foreign tastes being either an afterthought or rare.
Even if overall Asia has the largest fan distribution this only proves that retard saying it's all "racist white people" is a fucking idiot.
>Generic black woman with man face and dreadlocks
Looks like she's a Gears of War reject.
How the fuck is that trap music? Also trap music fucking rocks, you have shit taste.
There's no real point if you're not gonna jack off, user.
genuine question, why does every singe NRS game feels like im slapping people with wet noodles? sure scorpion is "cool" if you're twelve, but he feels like he punches like a twelve year old.
How does she have a man face? Anime girls have NO face, they have no details. I can't even tell male from female half the time in anime as far as faces go. Ky's face is the same as fucking I-No's.
>OP is a literal nigger
OHNONONO There's no turning back.
I'm into bruises and blood.
Not a lot of windup or crank behind the animations. There's a video on this that I saw one time, but I'd have to look for it. It compared SFV's animations (which, say what you will about the game, are extremely good aside from Cammy's janky air throw) to MKX's. The main problem with the anims are that there's no windup. When NRS characters punch, they just extend their arm instead of cocking it or winding up at all.
It's almost like he's talking out of his ass or something.
I just like looking, what's wrong with that?
That's trap music. Now try and tell me what's so wrong with it. That track is fire. if anime fighters had music like that it would be a start.
I love to play jack-o her minions are fun and she is retarded.
Not him but I think you need to look at more games / watch more shows.
There's a clear difference even in the same series between someone like Leo and someone like Jam.
Nothing, I guess. I can keep posting if you'd like.
Bullshit. Those features aren't necessary for animations. MK 11 is trying to look realistic. SFV looks like some shitty anime fight scene with over the top goofy animations for every single movement a character makes. MK fighting invokes watching martial arts movie fight scenes.
Go as long as you feel like.
I saw kill la kill and literally thought ryuko and satsuki looked the same besides the man eyebrows satsuki has
bait but ill bite, you are wrong and dialate
Well I mean, they are related after all.
Have a look.
I'm into bruising and bleeding
But those 'martial artists' don't fight like martial artists at all. They're a hell of a lot sloppier, for starters.
What's his name again?
>OP couldn't get anyone to bite in the GG thread so he made a whole new thread to whine.
You might want to vary up your vocab a bit if you don't want people to catch on man.
so shit like this is what you consider martial artists huh.
Prove ramlethal isn't Black
Give them the old razzle dazzle.
Watch UFC or real fights, people are sloppy irl. It's not like anime where everyone is flawless and never messes up their techniques ever. Real fighting is brutal, messy, and sloppy. Anime fails to capture that, MK does.
Bone structure, dipshit. The game focuses hard on realism in its graphics and tries to keep its women from being "too sexy" thus adding too much definition or chisel to the face making it look more masculine than it should, hence manface. Also you're talking a lot of shit about designs when that's your example of MK's "cool" design and several characters in the series were basically concieved as palette swaps with different abilities.
And finally, calling GG's OST stereotypical anime shit proves you've never actually seen or played it in your entire life.
Fuck I knew it was bad and only heard bad things about it aside from select few but that is fucking Bad
I just hope some of my regulars come here.
Was is kino Yea Forums?
>"Real fighting is brutal, messy and sloppy"
Yeah after seeing I can tell MK11's real fucking sloppy in a lot of ways.
How is it that all of you fags fall for the lowest not even trying bait thread there is? Just ignore it and move on
and have you considered that having shitty, sloppy animations on 'purpose" makes the game feel like shit? and why would people that are almost immortal demigods be sloppy at the ONLY THING they do? it makes even less sense for people would almost limitless stamina to be shitty at fighting.
Rude. We are trying to have a Guilty Gear thread here.
>Doesnt even post an actual good soundtrack like killer instinct
I'm bored at work.
Keep posting
>Gay shit
Posts Jack-O...
Why yes I am very gay for that.
I thought underage people weren't allowed on Yea Forums.
Uh... huh
Might wanna try harder... This is low tier even for Yea Forums
Thing is I know the exact user you're talking about and I hate his taste. But it's fine.
Yes, sir.
user, I have several anons that I've serviced on more than one occasion. Are you referring to the one who likes his booty on the fatter side?
i mean, isnt justice technically a female? a gear reincarnation of one, but still a female. or i might be remembering GG lore wrong.
I still have the VHS for this. The jello water was a treat to see.
Too bad the final fight is mostly re-used animations.
I am, he's very easy to see and recognize with how he posts.
If we assume GG1 lore... Justice had no gender.
If we assume GGX/XX lore justice was a female.
If we assume XRD lore justice was a test pilot that got possessed by "the universal will" attempting to manifest itself in our reality and getting really pissed off when humanity tried to pull the plug.
So does GG. He's pretty much only talking about Melty.
I think he does it so that I can easily "locate" him, if that makes sense. I post in the same way each time, too. I'm surprised no anons have recognized my typing style when I'm actually discussing vidya, like I am in two other threads right now.
The only one that's bad is BB Tag Battle
Fuck it, I'll take the bait
>have the setting be a generic japanese city at night time
Name literally one game
>all the stages must be rooftops or city streets, and the occasional "wtf is this shit" stage
These exist in almost every fighter ever. Is MK3 and Killer Instincts anime fighters too?
>characters are all highschool students except the "old man"(who is 30 years old btw so old lmao)
Name one game
>each character has some dumbfuck gimmick like a moba character(this guy gets lifesteal when he's gonna die, this guy can combo any move into anything, this girl lays traps all over the stage, this guy turns into a demon at half health and gets new moves!)
How is this bad design? Do you want every character to be a shoto or something?
>negate these gimmicks by having actual gameplay be mindless combo rushdown shit
You've clearly never played Guilty Gear or Melty Blood
>btw combo breaker lol
Literally no fighter has this other than KI.
0/10 at least you tried
You could also apply that to the spiritual successor UNI as well.
Mortal kombat games are literally some of the worst fighting games ever made, only reason anybody cares about them is because of the SUPER E_P_I_C FINISHING MOVES!
Your XIV character needs a holiday.
play blazblue
or million arcana arthur blood while listening that cancerous weebshit music
UNI's missing a few, all of amnesia are working adults and there aren't bursts.
It's not about endless stamina, it's about the fact they're still mortal and can still fuck up. Sorry it's not like your anime games where all the characters are flawless and never ever make mistakes and have flawless form at all times. MK feels more real, the actions have weight and flow and impact to them that anime shit lacks.
I just like some big butts ya know.
This is the true soul of competition, and should be a perspective more represented in the fgc
The answer is Uniel to all your questions
when they cover up shitty animations with gore or sjw flair
If anime games had finishers maybe more people would like them? Why can't I burn someone to death as Sol or impale people as Baiken, or blow out someo0ne's eardrums as I-No?
>No other fighter has combo breaker than KI
You can burst out of combos in both BB and GG. You can also break out of combos in DOA
This is the third time I've seen this thread.
yeah bro i need my super epic fatalities?
hold back to block? WTF?
this would have some merit if the characters started to get more sloppy the more health they lost, but it doesn't make sense for demigods and people who fight all day and night to fuck up basic punches and kicks constantly, and when the most basic attacks looks like retards flailing.
I am Todd Howard and I hate japanese people. I think I should show them what a real american game developer is capable of.
So do I, user.
The burst mechanic in BB and GG are different mechanics altogether because they have more utility than just breaking out of combos. I don't think they're comparable to what KI has.
MK characters dont just fight all day and night. They have lives outside of fighting. Cage is doing movies, Sonya and Jax are doing military shit, Raiden is watching for earthrealm threats, Sub Zero is managing a ninja clan, hell even Shao Kahn has to do government shit like managing taxes and debating outworld policies.
You just posted my wife dude wtf
The thing is you're saying "they're form is sloppy because it's never perfect" except that could actually be implemented in an interesting way where the animations have slight variations each time to simulate that. However that isn't the case.
In other words they can NEVER EVER have good form or get closer to good form, they only have their sloppy form which in fact makes the game LESS real because they're form is terrible all the time.
A real fight shouldn't have perfect form all the time, that's true but at the same time NEVER having good form AT ALL despite being a "trained martial artist" like your claiming is even worse. If there was some variation in their form so you had some get closer to good form, some be a little off, you could probably make that work from a visual standpoint but they don't.
So no the actions have no weight or flow and have fuck all impact in every strike except the xrays which have their own issues themselves.
You'll argue "well it has impact because blood is spraying everywhere" but then we reach the issue of blood loss, you could make form sloppier the more blood they lose but again, there is no change, they only have bad form. The blood then loses impact when they clearly lose far more blood than any normal person should before they succumb to the effects of severe blood loss and shock. Thus making the blood look like they're blood packs that actors throw out when hit by anything.
this yung lad is making arguments
Mortal Kombat has always been a second or third tier fighter even at it's best, and only sold on the gimmick of it being controversial for hyper violence. Fucking up the fighting mechanics isn't a huge deal. Bowing to PC culture and censorship is what will kill the franchise.
but in the end, their greatest strength is their supposed fighting capabilities. they save the world from threats not from raiden watching and taking appropriate action, or shao kahn running out of taxpayer money and cant attack earthrealm. its about their fighting abilities and kicking their asses. its hard to take any of them seriously when they can't do one single punch that looks or feels like it has any significant impact.
Sorry, user. It just slipped in there.
explain why no anime fighter has blood despite half the characters in them using bladed weapons, claws, guns, and "wind cutter" powers?
Jax does plenty of punches with impact
Good night frens.
>what is samsho
A mix of CERO ratings and TV broadcasting restrictions to ensure the game can be sold and marketed in Japan and not banned from sale. You do know MK is banned from sale in Japan right?
I love how there's so many unique animations for reactions to these diff moves while anime has none of that
I only play fighting games for the tits and ass and since MK covered up the girls I give zero fucks. I'll stick with DOA 5LR until techmo decides to take their heads out of their asses and make DOA 6 better than 5LR.
Is he right?
Sam Shodown isn't an anime fighter.
Yeah I know Japanese are terrified of MK because the sight of blood causes them to faint. Bet if MK had tentacle rape and NTR scenes instead it would mysteriously not be banned though.
What game is he talking about, Uniel?
t. has never been to japan
>Sam Shodown isn't an anime fighter.
Da fuck am I reading
The struggle of opening people up is actually the real reason why MK is so unfun.
>it isnt because i said it isnt
kill yourself baiter
I would love to, but fatposting can be very divisive, Architect.
>history repeats itself
We had this thread a couple days ago.
Here it is: Samurai Shodown has an anime art style, but, in terms of gameplay, it isn't like a traditional anime fighting game. Some people call them "airdashers", but the FGC as a whole typically refers to games of that nature simply as anime fighting games. Same reason Skullgirls is called an anime fighter, despite its aesthetic.
SamSho is visually anime, but it's not an "anime fighting game" but the FGC's definition of an anime fighting game.
Show me the schoolgirl and schoolboy character in Sam Shodown, or the stages that are Japanese city rooftops and streets and backalleys?
ready stance
by* the FGC's definition
shit bait
(You) for giving me giggle
If GG had graphics like DMC 5 it would be way way way better and sell more than MK
>or the stages that are Japanese city rooftops and streets and backalleys?
these aren't in Guilty Gear either
pretty sure GG has a rooftop or street stage somewhere
Ok but OP said that street fighter is an anime fighter and it’s almost the same as samsho there’s no airdashing and shit like that he said it was solely based on art style and it being made in Japan
COME HERE!!! over the fence
>omg playing zoner isn't putting both players to sleep this is shit
No cause Pachi won SBO
get some taste, nigger
>"Realism = Good"
Except a game with an actual style to it always looks better in the long run.
In 5-10 years graphical fidelity will advance again and games like MK11 will age like a fine milk compared to MK15 or some shit while Guilty Gear will look just as good as it does now because of how heavily stylized it is and how hard the work put in to make it look that way was.
It's like saying Quake 3 looks better than Jet Set Radio.
I'm gonna be honest with you. I haven't even read anything except for what I've replied to. I'm actually the person who has been posting lewds this whole thread. I do play fighting games, though.
OP is wrong. SF is not an anime fighter. It has the aesthetic, but it is not an anime fighter by any means.
I don't think you're right, honestly. MK's biggest draw is its fatalities and fully-fledged story mode. Lots of casual players get the games just to rip their buds in half and have a laugh. It'd be impressive to see it, but I doubt it'd improve sales all that much. Anime is more popular than it has ever been; if people wanted to play GG, they would. It's just that the series has never been extremely popular.
Anyways, back to buttposting.
You can't post that here, you're going too far.
Ok thanks
why is anime game music always so fucking silly? no tension like MK has:
this is bait but I legit can't stand to look at most anime fighters. they hurt my eyes. Plus, who needs all those mechanics? just give me something straightforward like SF or MK.
I can never tell if anons are serious when it comes to fat asses.
MK has music?
hello, buttanon.
This. Too many fucking meters and icons and weird shit going on. Typical anime fighter will have like 5 different types of dashes and jumps and shit.
You wanna hear some good modern fighting game music?
thats why games like sf, samsho exist user. anime and MvC games won't be everyones cup of tea, you have the option of playing more streamlined games with less bullshit.
I'm just gonna delete it to avoid conflict.
Nah, this is the best fighting game track of all time
That's Mortal Kombat X though
Its aimed at a very specific audience who want to be able to do stupid shit like Venom's setups.
That's some bland ass shit, who are you trying to kid?
MK is milquetoast as hell but it's basic, slow and has gore close-ups for the edgy children who want to play a "mature" game and the fuckwits that think it has a good story and that story matters in a fighting game because they make realistic lips flapping action.
>jazz is silly
and you are a retard, as i said before, get some taste you fucking negro
you've been buttposting more lately, you must be enjoying yourself or something.
I'm gonna be frank. I've tried Tekken 7, but I dropped it fairly quick. The aesthetic doesn't appeal to me, the music (to me) is just not my style, and practically none of the characters appeal to me. There were maybe one or two that I'd actuallly wanna play. Plus, the game just feels floaty and the animations looked strange. I'm not saying it's a bad game by any means, but it's not for me.
But I like SFV, so maybe I'm retarded. There's no denying that when the flutes hit at 37 seconds that this shit is godlike, though.
yet anime game fans always dick suck the story in their shit games despite it always amounting to "lol time travel" and other retarded shit
Thar is the most generic boring crap I've ever heard in my life. If it weren't for the announcer and I was listening to it without the video I'd never know if it was from a game or low budget movie or some DC-based shit-show on the CW or what.
Writing-heavy semester has me at my PC more often; therefore, more posting.
>the sight of blood causes them to faint
What kind of retarded second hand information have you been getting and what 3rd world hobo have you been giving hooch to so they'll tell you said info because you couldn't be more wrong if you tried?
Sounds boring, here's some good fight music
on the topic of music. It just dawned on me that whenever we have a fighting game OST thread on Yea Forums you almost never see someone post MK music. This thread is the first in a long ass time tha I had to click on a YT link t a MK song
>"lol time travel"
This is good, but MKX-MK11 music is just standard orchestra action movie schlock.
>But I like SFV
>I like SFV
>liking SFV
older tekkens had some bangers.
I really enjoy the visuals and characters in games like BlazBlue, but when it comes to gameplay I’d much rather play Mortal Kombat.
I think it has definitely improved over the years and is a 7/10 at the very least. I said it. I have about 500 hours played.
Just got here and am now fapping
that's the beauty of it, it could be from some CW show or movie. Unlike anime game music that sounds like it came from a video game, which is lame. I can listen to MK music in the car, I can't do that with anime shit.
Japanese people became terrified of blood after that little girl stabbed that girl at school, ever since all violence is banned from their fighting games so as to not horrify the sensitive people of Japan. Anime fans are especially sensitive, the very idea of seeing their "waifu" get even slightly bruised sends them into rages and crying fits. Just ask DOA fans when DOA 6 added bruising to the characters faces... They even censored and removed the closeups on break blows for the waifu characters so their fans won't be upset.
come on user, stop baiting
No other fighting game has a character as cool as Axl so yeah, I think I will keep playing Xrd only if there were any ECPC players
this is the same retard from the other day that thinks all black females act like sassy ghetto queen sluts and doesn't consider actual people from africa black. please ignore his shitposts and shit taste in vidya and black girls
I see, more is better afterall.
Where the fuck are you seeing those types? No, anime fighting games have stupid ass plots too and it's usually a matter of "Which is the least convoluted". Blazblue for example is a goddamn clusterfuck split between the games, two VNs not even within the same time period and a bunch of light novels that were never localized.
You can like characters but call a story out for being stupid as shit where it's stupid as shit.
If you hate the fast tempo of anime fighting games, just admit that instead of needing to validate yourself. Last Netherrealm game I attempted to play was Injustice 2 and it was so goddamn slow to me that I had to use The Flash just to make it bearable, but I didn't make threads about how it's so much worse than the games I like because some people LIKE slower, more methodical fighters and some like faster, more complicated ones.
>beauty in generic trash
>It's good because you have no idea what it is or what it's supposed to represent!
>praising CW
You drive a Prius don't you.
Furry R. Kreutz or something like that owo.
Fantasia Bunko > Dengeki Bunko
Feel free to scroll up. I've been posting in here for a while, and will probably keep going.
Agreed. When things start heating up near the end of the semester, I might have to cool the posts down for a bit, but we will see.
Time Travel in MK at least makes sense, Time Travel in anime stories basically is shit like
>this guy is the villain
>wait, one of his minions is from the future?
>but wait, the hero is also from the future
>but but wait, the hero is actually the villain who fucked up during a time traveling jump and ruined his world so he turned bad
>now he time travels to stop himself from time traveling before he creates the very future he ruined
>wow so deep...
I won't even get into the stupidity of KoF 13 and the "the evil master of this entire saga is actually Ash's great great great great grandpa but he looks even more like a woman and traveled to the future to gather energy to time travel again to the past to destroy humans instead of just using his time travel power the first time to go back to the past and shit on humans fuck if I know"
Also how come anime game villains look gay as shit. This was the final boss and villain of KoF 13. Compare that garbage to Shao Kahn and you tell me which is cooler. This bitch looks like a fucking elf girl.
I also have sex and play mature games. Good to see you.
Oh I am
If your argument that BB/GG bursts have more utility or deeper interactions than KI's combo and counter breakers then you probably don't even know how combos in KI work on a basic level.
my nigger
Name 5 anime stories where this happens also that happens in tons of western novel and time travel doesn't make sense in mk
You DO know that Shao Kahn is just a fetishist wet dream, correct? Liking his design means you're the bitch in S&M.
So, I'm just going to post actual music now.
>after that little girl stabbed that girl at school
Proof because all you've said so far is misinformation, so you haven't set yourself up as a very trustworthy person so far. Prove your statements.
As for DOA that was from pissing off existing fans by saying "we're going to appeal to edgelords now" and then realizing late in the game that pissing off core fans is a stupid idea so they tried to double down but couldn't remove a new feature that was forced in so they could pretend to be mature. Please learn your shit before making statements.
Is Barkley 2 finally out?
How is a buff manly man with a giant ass hammer more gay than this shit here? Btw this "guy" turns into a big red naked dude for no reason(and he has no dick lmfao)
If it is time to hate Japanese for making fight games with stupid gimmicks then so be it.
Why is Sol's wife such a slut?
Cool. Good luck with your paper writing, dude.
>"Time Travel in MK at least makes sense"
Let me guess, a demigod with time travel powers, right?
You could explain most of every time travel thing in these fighters with a similar concept.
Ironically enough with all your anime hate, a visual novel is one of the few time travel stories to look at it critically and have some semblance of a scientific explanation.
Didn't it get NEVER EVER'd?
Thank ya.
Some boobs to mix things up.
Black women are not attractive. Garyu isn’t niggers. It’s Asian girls with Highlights and a dark tan. Ram has blonde hair. Niggers don’t have straight blonde hair. Ram isn’t a nigger. She’s a garyu.
Waiting for the PC release.
Demos out
Oh, that's a relief.
that's not Sol's wife. It's a half clone of his wife
pic related would be the real wife
Ah... you know me too well.
Removing half of Jack-O's sluttyness still makes her a giant cocktease.
It's getting very late and I have to be up early tomorrow, so I'm calling it quits. I hope what I've posted so far is enough for you boys. Have a good night.
what would be the public's thoughts on this design if it were released today?
Blazblue, Guilty Gear and Under night are too chunni for my tastes what else is there
OP has been having fun for the past few days but there are actually people who think like him unironically
Waiting for the Switch release.
It's supposed to be in December right?
Black women aren't attractive but asian women are? Bullshit, asian women have the same facial features as black women.
Actually in this case MK's animations are incredibly unrealistic. Fence kicks look weird because they are weird and your brain subconsciously recognizes it. You can't muster any kind of force from just whipping your leg around, you have to use your entire body weight. I don't really know what their excuse or justification is for not just hiring actual martial artists for their mocap.
Did you get blown up in Guilty Gear, OP?
go back
Guys, I LIKE fighting games
No Jam torpedo tit sucking mode no buy.
No May spats sniffing mini game no buy.
No Dizzy ntr collectors edition manga no buy.
Arcana heart, dengenki bunko, chaos code, nitroplus blasterz and million arthur.
There's koihime, the shining resonance fighter and ultra fight da kyanta but those don't play like most anime fighters.
MK characters all look they were made in elderscroll oblivion character creator but they never witched it from male to female while making them
Imagine a fight game with a character like this. It needs to be tried at least once.
A little too obvious there.
Guilty Gear is the only acceptable anime fighter because it's based on anime 90s aesthetics and heavy metal/hard rock design. Not that nu-anime moe shit.
I hope her abs get more pronounced in the new game
What is this pose called? Asking for a friend
>Not that nu-anime moe shit.
Ephelt, Bedman, Jack-o, and Ramlethal would like a word with you. Those designs scream shit nu anime trash.
Assuming the position.
I just want a fighting game designed with 120hz (minimum) in mind
just jerk off then fuck off yuri shitter
So KI with rollback turned off.
Yeah, Xrd was a bit step down because of blazblue influence, but most of the cast still holds true.
Agreed, japanese have no tangible imagination. Instead of "Oh shit that's cool and creative that nobody has done before!" it's mostly "Oh hey, it's a reskin of your (Insert anime show/manga title here) waifu"
I want to assume the position.
>asian women have the same facial features as black women.
Maybe if you’re blind.
>Asian women are
They are.
How do you feel about the 2020 redesigns so far
Here's your one allowed Western black female design bro
the beyond good and evil 2 one looks good though, the first 3 are just over all terrible looking fucking artstyles.
not that user and i dont agree with him, but shes like mega dolled up and Instagram ready.
I hate how fucking stupidly overdesigned ArcSys characters are.
Dont forget Red Sub-Zero, Sub-Zero Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Ver., OG Sub-Zero (Netflix) and Gray Sub-Zero.
can they tri a bit harder ugh like if we are gonna have em atleast make em look good. tho beyond good and evil girls face looks pretty good.
people always bitch about black women's noses, but asian women have the same kind of noses
What's wrong with the 4th girl in that pic? Sort of reminds me of
pick one
>How does she have a man face
The avid sexy black-caramel cosplayer girl not the costume.
I know this girl irl. That’s what she looks like without make up. Except she’s sporting a bob cut these days.
They don’t.
oh, shes got nice features then, alot of the Asian girls i know usually have to doll up to look like this tho. pretty nice regardless
Jesus christ how can people playing that differentiate between the characters? Their color palettes are almost the same and it doesn't help that the overly flashy effects are obscuring what the fuck is happening.
If they live in Japan out East Asia in general, you’ll see tons of them. They don’t speak any English though.
Are you blind, retarded or both?
Do you just fucking die whenever mirror match happens?
You chose to post this in response to a webm with two unique silhouettes. Let that sink in for a moment.
>All fighters are garbage.
Fixed it for you OP
thats the thing these were east Asians i knew
>fighting that looks like fighting
Well obviously not all of them are naturally attractive. But East Asians make up about 1/3 of the world’s population. Kanto alone has like 50 million people concentrated in a small area. Like everywhere else, you got a similar ratio of attractive and ugly people. Because it’s so concentrated, you will run into tons of hotties just walking around. Natural 10/10 Asian girls do exist. It’s just super rare they know English.
>he plays shitty western games
makes sense
They're both niggers wearing white, its hard ok bro
Wypipo and their strange asian fetish.
its not hard to make an attractive black character that looks realistic
jacqui is not that character, she was designed by the most white basedboys that think they're parading around the pariah of progress, those same retards that stay in 99% white suburbs and complain that theres not enough black people around.
they have no basis in reality of how attractive black people look like because of that, and that attractive black women are 1 in a billion.
>anime anything
Made solely to bait drooling perma virgins with weeb waifu garbage, that's it
Imagine an adult still playing this kind of shit lmao
>Walks as if wearing heels.