Really groundbreaking stuff there, Dunkey.
Other urls found in this thread:
Dunkey is just getting better and better
>start as a shitty channel about shitty game
>gain popularity because shitty game has a lot of fans and you're good at it
>drop the shitty game when you have about 1 mil subscriptions, start doing joke videos about videogames
>when your popularity skyrockets start dropping truth bombs left and right
>attack microsoft, attack jRPGs, attack shitty companies like Activision, EA and Ubisoft, attack shitty video journalists
>even Nintendo and Rockstar got their smack on the ass
Dunkey will forever be based, prove me wrong, pro tip you cant
i wonder why hardcore cuckoldry is such a common fetish among nintendo fanboys
He's not wrong.
fpbp as always
Humor me again with the same word.
Yeah but he watches his girlfriend have sex with niggers
please tell me you aren't an actual Xbox fan on Yea Forums
Did he finally say it?
Man I wish I'd hate Dunkey the same as you, but he's the most based youtuber on this shitty platform. I remember watching his first vid in 2017 because thread on Yea Forums dropped his last vid. Ever since then I was hooked, he has it all, great jokes, running jokes, good insight in video games industry, years of passion put into gaming and video editing, consistent opinions, he is actually intelligent person and he tries to hide it with his persona. Most importantly - he does not give a fuck about anything.
Remember how everybody got pissed about his gamereviews bashing? Remember how he pissed all weebs with just only two videos?Remember how he shat at all dudebros with current video? He is the ultimate voice of reason and people hate it.
Keep saying it
Idk i think his newest videos, like the past 10 or so, have been unwatchable unfunny garbage. But yeah, he definitely triggered a bunch of fucking losers
Keep saying it.
Keep saying it
not every video has to be funny. Dunkey grew up, you should too
Keep saying it
This affects you in what way?
Keep saying it.
Dunkey is a cuck and Leah is blacked, I win, bye bye
im so glad we finally have a meme to use against dunkey, i never was into cuck porn until this meme started now i watch it all the time. this is what he gets for shitting on octopath. keep saying it bros!!
Really shit thread you got there, user.
>Dunkey is a cuck
do you think she has ever moaned for him the way she moaned for her bull? i mean she was even thanking him
>Dunkey grew up
easy there, it's /ourguy/
>Dunkey is just getting better and better
his "comedy" has hit the absolute shitter, its kind of sad that the material he shows tends to be funnier than his commentary