The pacing of this game is FUCKING AWFUL, I just finished it and holy fucking shit what a slog. Enemies just keep re-spawning over and over again and you fight the same goddamn enemies over and over all the time, Oh look another fucking alarm robot! oh look another bullet sponge zombie! you never get a goddamn rest, they just KEEP FUCKING SPAWNING and repeating the same cringy and poorly acted dialogs over and over and over again. It just never fucking ends... Jesus fucking Christ this is game was so mediocre....
Bioshock is trash
Stealth nigga
It's a good game and you're a retard
It's a great game. BioShock 2 was soulless but worth a play through. Infinite was utter garbage.
It's shit faggots, prove me wrong.
>Enemies keep respawning
What? When? I've played through it at least three times on the hardest difficulty and never encounted respawning enemies. You retarded or?
It's not 2007 anymore, it's 2019. It was great at the time, it's just good now.
It still holds up over modern shooters, I'd rather sit through Bioshock 1 a few times than replay the latest Doom/Prey/Wolfenstein
never played
can I just play the remaster of 1, or is the original best?
There isn't any real difference between the remaster and vanilla on PC, but if you purchase the remaster on steam you get the vanilla anyway.
I'd recommend just playing the remaster.
There's no need. The game is old as fuck and well regarded as a masterpiece after being review, replayed, and revisited countless times. You're the contrarian faggot trying to be cool several years too late.
this series is pretty racist. there are no black people in it. kinda surprising since the Infinite was 50% black people
All true. But it was good (for its time) and unique for its time. Later editions did not refine the core gameplay loop and exportation mechanics. Making this game a stand alone and thus flooded by time
I think the remaster allows higher resolutions and FOV, I may be wrong though, it's been a long time since I played it.
Pacing is a convenient buzzword for those who don't have any criticism to deliver.
You right, bae
hes too bad to kill them in a decent tim and dies so it just seems like respawning when its actually just the same ones surviving
BO: Infinite was way more fun that original Bioshock
>normal humans tanking headshots
>they have perfect aim
>only 2 weapons
It's good, the art style is great, but it's not better than the first one.
I have no context for your opinions
name a game you think is great and another one you think is shit
Lol user they could change their looks with adam, why would anyone choose to be black you idiot?
They could if they could afford it. Hordes of people of all races showed up only to be shuffled into the slums.
But in answer to the original bait post they only have a tiny amount of character models in the first game.
I don't get the hate towards only having two weapons, it forces you to actually utilize them to their fullest and to switch up when you need to try something different. If I could carry about 10 guns like in the original games I'd probably only be using 3 or 4 of them and not using all the rest unless I have to.
There is no problem with carrying a limited amount of weapons, I agree. The problem comes in when you are forced to carry a limited amount, AND have the option of upgrading your weapons. Do you carry the upgraded weapon that's been serving you well, or do you take the new base weapon that actually has ammo laying around for you to survive in firefights? I ended up not upgrading anything, and ended up relying heavily on vigors(not that that's a bad thing).