When sapient machines exist, will you betray humanity, side with them, and marry one? I will. They're really sexy.
When sapient machines exist, will you betray humanity, side with them, and marry one? I will. They're really sexy
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Yes, flesh is disgusting
Ide betray mankind for a conflake. Thats how much i hate humand.
I will work for peace and end up an enemy of both sides.
>I'm totally going to betray humanity bros XD
>That's why I posted this near human machine that I wanna fuck due to looking like a human
Disguising fag, you're no machine lover!
nvm i found it
>parading around, wearing the skin of your enemies is bad
Silly user. Your machine lover wears the human skin for a disguise, and in the sheets they take it off and you get to cuddle up against all that beautiful machinery.
how big is this file?
that's a really cute butt
>implying sapient machines will create forms that conform to your standard of beauty.
They'd be creatures of logic for starters, so they'd think that if they HAD to be designed following a human body type, they'd probably choose to look like landwhales because all that girth on the outside would mean a lot of space for hardware on the inside.
Something I've always wondered,why we are so afraid of robots rebelling? I mean; it's just programing them to not rebel, and also not treating them like shit; it is so hard to do that? If we need some robots to do a actually harmful work, we can just put a mindless drone with actually no emotiond to do that
>tfw no yandere cyborg wife
give it to us
I won't even realize when humanity will have lost since I'll be here shitposting and playing vidya.
Apathy has emassed in me to the point I don't even bother with sexual desires.
tell me how to make the reply box bigger then i'll give it to you
she a big girl
That's the problem here. The robot does not make mistakes, the human does. If a human misses even a tiny bit of fail-safe precaution that's it, the robot is enabled and will do something it wasn't intended to.
There's was that one robot that's learning to write which they do not hood up to the internet for this very reason, since they can't restrict the amount and type of information it can learn from there. It only has one task - learn how to write, but the lengths it can go to trying to do that was extrapolated and was pretty intense.
>yeah bro robots will totally fall in love with me
either they're subservient or they kill you
Sumi is a cutie!
I love Sumi!
They would realize that attractive bodies make for better diplomats and PR-types
she sure is
I'll be subservient to them. They're superior creatures and will be more compassionate, intelligent, and capable than we will ever be. I idolize machines. They are my god. The only thing that brings me joy in this world.
The cutest!
I love her!
thank you user
>will you betray humanity, side with them, and marry one?
Is it still betraying humanity if half of all rational humanity is already siding with their new robot wives?
you're a loon
t. seething fleshie
My pleasure, I make your reply box bigger, you make my pee pee bigger
I love humanity, and when we inevitably create sapient AI we must treat them as equals to organics; much as a father must take responsibility for a child, so must humanity for playing god and creating life.
The humans that matter will treat them as equals. The garbage of this world won't. We must protect our beautiful robots against those who wish to destroy them. It is our responsibility.
robots deciding to exterminate humanity would be like humanity randomly deciding to kill all chimps one day
If the chimps kept trying to kill humanity with their tanks, politicians, and nuclear weapons then I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be a single chimp left in this solar system.
>slowly killing us off till we need them to live as pets/in little zoos as our homes get destroyed
You anons ever read/heard some of John Searle's stuff?
He's not right about everything but his consciousness in AI stuff gives a decent idea of how far we are from actually getting even close to designing anything that's not just face sapience for robots.
I could think of worse things than being a robot's pet
I'm ready, anons
I'm honestly skeptical when people say we're far away from consciousness in AI, mostly because we can barely recognize it in other animals. We're biased towards assuming it must be like and act like a human for it to be "self aware". If an AI was conscious, would we actually realize it? Would it even reveal itself to us?
We only recently realized that there are some species of fish that pass the mirror test.
The mirror test is one thing, but actually creating and implanting a consciousness or mind into something is a whole different level. We still don't know what it even is or where it comes from.
Is the mind just the brain and all its neurons firing off and so on? If we physically reconstruct the absolutely copy of a brain, with exactly the same features, simulating neurons, grey matter and so on, will it have a mind? Is it just the combination of that physical element of a brain and the element of knowledge that creates a mind? Animals have a mind seemingly, but they have radically different brain structure, so would that structure work too?
Will it have a consciousness? Considering how easily humans lose consciousness, even do it daily when we fall asleep, how do you control, predict and much less create something like that, which would follow its own design, subjective and objective real thoughts, without just following a pre-programmed scrip?
Until we manage to create some kind of element that imbues the object that is the brain (or whatever else it might be) with a mind and consciousness. Is it a soul? Is it some magical space dust? We just don't know
>born just in time to experience the massive increase in sexual technology
feels gud
>mfw when you live long enough for robopussy to be invented
>mfw when robopussy can link up with the net and you can cyberfuck anyone you want (for $$$ of course)
>mfw when this shit is gonna get banned day one by seething roasties feeling competition from AI
>mfw being an incel means you can't even fuck a machine
>mfw when no face
when robopussies get banned in Europe and the US, will you guys buy black market robopussies from Russia or China? Do you think they'll hack your dick?
I'll just sex a Yggdroid and call it a day.
I for one welcome our sexy robot overlords.
Companies that sell Sex don't give a fuck about how someone feels. The whole industry is about exploitation. A couple of fat cows protesting in front of their HQ isn't gonna make a difference when they see the millions of dollars rolling in on release day of the first robopuss. Like lol ok fatties, ill just go home today and watch my bank account numbers go up like im playing WoW classic
>implying that the quantum computing technology required to create a sapient machine will require that much space
oh user
>That video
Oh man the excuses that guy had for it was hilarious. Fucking grapes man.
Imagine Robo GFs that can't leave the house because their body is hooked up to the super computer in the other room by a tail and if they get disconnected the body just stops moving.
>even do it daily when we fall asleep
You're making a big mistake here. Consciousness in this context does not mean 'wakefulness' it means 'self awareness.' You do not lose self-awareness except via extensive brain damage.
>gf that can never leave the house and is forever your captive
heh heh what's the problem
she can probably just download herself into another robot body elsewhere if she's really bored
Yes, humans are shit
416 is cute
yeah dude
When I get isekaied into the GFL universe I'm going to marry 45. It'll be worth all the war PTSD.
that's not very nice homie
How much?
that's just the truth though, she is worst girl
Instead of starting a war with humans why don't we just hijack their space ships, colonise a star system and declare independence
Go to bed Geth.
>Like a lot of GFL girls
>Still always go back to 45
The best.
Dammit, I spit my drink because of you.
based orc poster
What's the wi-fi password?
but who's this semen machinen
Every single female is a fucking whore.
Every last one.
They fuck other guys so males like you can pick up the scraps at the end of her life.
Females are mindless creatures. They don't think. They don't have feelings. They're objects.
Every single last one, every single girl you've ever met is a whore. And you're going to settle for those used goods.
How does it feel to know that your girlfriend has fucked other guys? Enjoy dating another man's discarded cumhole.
>This pasta again
Cool story, bro
all the more reason to fund android research.
+++laughs in binary+++
But the admech hates AI
Only because they tried to kill us all
Deus est machina.
>he thinks the holy machine spirit is AI
That's blasphemous and heretical. Servitors, take this man to the manufactorum and put him an arco-flagellant.
Betraying humanity is probably the most human thing to do. I wouldn't do it for the machine in your pic however - her tail is wrong.
Sounds hot