What's the latest cope at not being able to play it? I've been playing Borderlands 1, but it's not the same. I want BL3.
Dawn of the sixth day
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its eventually will be cracked
who cares
Too busy with other stuffs, by the time i finish them crack will come out anyway
Dude nobody fucking cares you stupid shill fuck off and stop resposting this shit.
Get out, shill. Nobody cares about your sjw garbage.
I'm switching to console...
for silky smooth 15fps?
better than having epic sell your user data to tencent
I know you've got a shitload of games on your backlog. Go play those, there's no rush on BL3.
Doesn't it require a shit ton of bug fixes anyway?
Came here to say this. There's so many game breaking bugs that it isn't worth playing yet anyhow. It's like this game didn't even go through QA. And if it did Gearbox forced it out anyway since fucks would buy it buggy or not.
Favorite bug so far is the one what sometimes reboots your system after killing a boss with a bullet.
>I want BL3.
Found the problem.
I mean the Steam drones
I didn't play Borderlands 2 until a week ago and have never played Borderlands 1, i still don't get the appeal, even my friends got bored quick.
Apparently ultra on 1440p is ~60fps but idk if that includes that shitty fog being disabled
it's a shit game, i'll just play handball 17 instead
What the fuck is wrong with people in this website?
Why does everyone want to play only the latest newest games and nobody takes a moment to realize that there's THOUSANDS of games in existence that are better than anything modern crap cranked out by developers that do it for the profit and not for the sake of making a good product?
Why do you want to play this just released piece of trash riddled with bugs, glitches and missing all downloadable content that has been planned down the line, when you have a backlog of +100 games?
Oh, don't tell me you actually don't have a backlog and you've only ever played maybe 5-15 games in your entire life and all of the games you played have been releases from the last decade?
It gets good once get some skills. Basically you have to get to level 30 then play through the game again for it to be fun.
After beating a few bosses in BL1, I thought my computer was going to shut down.
run BL1 at 20fps with extreme motion blur, then it will be the same.
This website is populated by children.
It's almost like we have a separate board for discussion of older games.
epic is tencent. Everywhere tencent sticks their nose, they own and run.
Dont bother running. They could find you if they gave a shit.
Have better reasons to not go through epic. Like shitty launcher and unnecessary software bloat.
There's a difference between "older games" and "ancient games"
Why don't you buy it
I decided to roll the slots once and I got this orange thing. Am I forced to buy and play this game to completion now?(Rented it)
zoom zoom
Will probably take a few months for it to get cracked, but I'm going to end up buying it anyway to play with friends. Just want to hold out until the steam release.
I'm enjoying MGQ Paradox right now, and there are a ton of other things on my backlog. I'll get around to BL3 co-op when the dust clears.
Wait until it's out of beta
does the stable release coincide with steam as well?
Probably a good two months earlier.
If the steam version doesn't use the same DRM (which definitely plays a part in the shitty performance) that could also make a big difference.
Basically give gearbox a couple of months to do the optimizations they should have done right out of the gate.
I don't see the tagline of Yea Forums being "ONLY TALK ABOUT GAMES RELEASED IN THE LAST 3 MONTHS OR GET PERMANENTLY BANNED FROM POSTING", so what's stopping people from talking about better games than latest trash?
There's only so much discussion you can have about a game. Metal Gear is the only franchise that still gets active discussions with no new entries.
How big was the day one patch?
And there's even less to talk about a game that's an episode of Rick and Morty or an over the shoulder cinematic experience #372
I just want my handball, bros...
>screencapping random user faggots' posts to repost days later
Which is why this is a crack watch thread with the hot new thing Timmy paid for.
All loot shooters are literally the same game, stupid fucks.
>steam version
You do realize that they never said that they are going to release that there right?
Why are queerbox shills still trying to pretend that Yea Forumsirgins want to play Boredomlands 3? From what I've heard and seen it's the same exact shit as the previous games which were monotonous obnoxious pieces of shit
they said 6 month epic exclusive, which implies it will be released on other storefronts and I can't imagine them releasing the game on battlenet or origin.
yup , theres a fun one where a grenade with a splitting gimmick allow the child grenades to also split and spawn more child grenades.
Yeah why do i care about a videogame created by cucks for cucks.
Now the real question is; do I torrent Tetris Effect? Or wait for the inevitable Steam release
this is a tiny bugged ass sized list of bugs.
Well, its going to Microsoft store for sure.
Rockstar launcher, 2k and Rockstar are both under Take-Two.
Tencent does not have a majority of the company they dont fucking own epic
Just 40% not a majority so they totally don't influence any decisions :-)
I really hope it never comes to steam
The rage would be glorious to watch unfold
if only the pc port wasn't laggy as shit
Yea they have influence they are not in control though they cant just go like "hey give all ur data to us lol" and not have other share holders get pissy
Thank Epic fags for beta testing.
Instead they'd push diversity hires and get them to hire Chinese who will do it without needing to go through the board.
Im getting 60 on a pc thats a few years old you sure its not something on your end? It should run better than it does no doubt and there are clearly some issues but I never ran into any massive lag issues
Yea sure when you get actually good evidence for that kind of shit instead of just tencent owns a bunch of the company lol then i'll bite till then i'll take anything that drives people away from steam because much as I like steam the whole all my games in 1 place please mentality has ruined natural competition for storefronts and killed things like GoG
surprisingly the ps4 version is actual stable. I think im gonna get it on ps4 to play with my friends and then pirate it once it's cracked. best of both worlds
Bought the game on Epic, and willing to buythe Deluxe Edition on Steam when it comes out
>Double dipping
Better yet
>Ever giving Randy money.
Yes, not worth it to buy on any platform at all currently.
I have waited 7 years. I can wait a few more months. I have a massive backlog to get through anyway.
a friend bought me it for the xbox, so i guess i can wait for the steam version to go on sale.
Soo should i buy it?
Short answer: No
Long answer: Save your money
Wait for steam release if only for bug fixes.
He says you should get the game if you're a fan of the series, Epic or not.
Also warning because it is GGGMan, there is spoilery footage
as a fan of 2, it is pretty much everything i wanted from a sequel. feels more of the same, but with qol changes.
Ding dong diddly
Dawn of the I dont give a shit
Cry more
Epic has is hq in murica and 99% of epic employers are murican, based fucking retard, they can push shit.
Yea Forums just can't win
How bad is performance on base PS4?
Oh my god Randy will you fuck off nobody cares about your schlocky game
ah fudck dudes i really want an fps to play right now
I don't understand how people can stand Borderlands 3. The humors gone from pretty cringy with some good spots to absolute, complete 100% cringe. The entire game is memes and zoomer buzzwords. The main villains are fucking streamers.
How is it at all funny, how do people not cringe in pain when any of them speak? Am I out of touch? I feel old.
Lmao @ poorfags
Fucking delete this. I am not kidding around, delete that. It spreads a poor message and just gives epic shills ammo. Delete that now.
>muh gaben
Playing Iceborne instead.
It's Perfect World, you dumb retard. The main reason why tencent is throwing money on egs is because pw got steam to partner with them, who is their main competitor on vidya market in china.
This thread fucking reeks of desperate shilling
>I want BL3.
You know anti piracy fags are desperate when they feel the need to count days like that. It'll take somewhere between three and six months, stop spamming the board.
Seething Steamie
Yea Forums literally always loses. Every single piratefags/steamcel/contrarian wants this game to fail so badly. When in reality it is one of the best games released this year, ignoring the shitty story and controversy it's FUN and that's all a game needs to be.
Is there a lot of sjw shit in the game?
>Yea Forums literally always loses.
Not always.
Yea Forums won? Last I checked Zoe Quinn's still on the lose and literally murdered someone just recently and got away with it.
suppossedly it somehow has even shittier writing than bl2 and crammed decade old memes literally fucking everywhere, like DNF but much worse
remember when people found amber lamps funny?
yeah me neither
I still find CALL AMBER LAMPS funny, newfag
do console versions have kb+m support?
Fuck Steamies
>This thread fucking reeks of desperate shilling
Your life reeks of desperation
>Multi-billion dollar Chinese corporation that partners with Valve good.
>Multi-billion dollar Chinese corporation that partners with Epic bad.
How many gold keys Randy gives you per thread?
>fps on console
>cuck stores
muh steam and epic shit right guys? xd
Pssst. Valve shares your user data with third-parties and there is not opt-out clause nor can you sue them.
I've got it on ps4 pro and it stutters a lot. There is also a pain in the ass lag whenever you open your menu/inventory
The absolute madman brote is, hope randy doesnt send a team of goons to his mining cave in oshawa to beat him up and take back the USB drive
>this subhuman faggot keeps posting multiple daily threads
Already did that as well. Still keeping my pc as fap station. Other than that pc gaming is going to the shitter.
> it's not the same.
looking at videos, it seems to be EXACTLY the same.
>remember when people found amber lamps funny?
I don't even know what it is.
I unironically wouldn't play it even if they were to pay me for it.
This game is so horrendous I'd rather do something else with my life, like study or do read books.
>in 4 reddit buzzwords
Learn new insults, you cookie-cutter imbeciles.
Here, saved you the hassle of 1 minute
>Multi-billion dollar Chinese corporation that own Epic bad.
Fixed that for ya
game looks like shit. this is like bragging about handball being uncracked
Daily reminder
>Haven't made anything worthwhile since 2007
>Popularized microtransations and cosmetics via TF2, opening the gates for more free to play garbage on the market
>Wanted to add paid mods
>"Actually money is how the community steers work." - Public statement on the paid mods fiasco
>Added Steam Direct turning Steam into Google Play Store v2.0
>Made Artefact just to milk money even though nobody asked for it
>Steam frontend is still trash and so are the search options, but here are some faggot curators to do our job for us FOR FREE
>Retards will still defend Valve
I hate the dialog but enjoy the gameplay, I just mute the game
>What's the latest cope at not being able to play it?
It sucks and the only legitimate cope here is you spamming these fucking threads.
Being on pc means I have way more games than I can already play, why would I be upset?
Right now going hard on starsector, who knows what I will play after that?
Not being a console/AAA only nigger feels good
stop posting you complete retard
3 > 1 > 2 > Pre-Sequel
Even Pre-Sequel was fun enough to finish though.
3 runs well but is buggy as FUCK, and over half of the humor and story is a miss/uninteresting to me, but the gameplay is top notch.
>h-haha look at these patient faggots waiting so based Tim can buy their game rather then blowing 60 bucks right away like me...
Cope pcfag, you'll never play actual games.
>thought it's shit because Yea Forums hates it, plus all the retarded drama
>actually a fantastic game
like pottery
lowest point is athenas which is insanely disappointing
best point is the whole mad max type arc when you return to pandora
Based, thank you for buying memelands 3 user!
borderlands has always been memelands, memes are just 10 times worse now than they were in 2012
or would you prefer pepes and wojaks everywhere, perhaps a coomer?
i don't really care personally anyway since I play all games muted, tim can have my money
>tfw one of the retards who cared about certain characters
>tfw looked up the plot and they focus on the shit elements and ignore/kill some of the more interesting characters
it's what i deserve i guess
>I d-didn't want it anyways! I'm just refreshing crackwatch every 5 minutes for fun!
That's actually pretty trash, don't bother with it
I could do with a singleplayer FPS looter, but the comedy style in the Borderlands games is so shit. I'm guessing 3 is the same as the previous ones
Damn, Tannis looks like THAT?
I’ll take your bait.
>Haven't made anything worthwhile since 2007
Portal 2, Left 4 Dead Series, Dota 2, various tf2 updates. All worthwhile.
>Popularized microtransations and cosmetics via TF2, opening the gates for more free to play garbage on the market
I’d argue dota 2 pushed it more, but w/e. They also created the idea of a community market which worked out well.
>Wanted to add paid mods
Valve is greedy. But it was mostly Bethesda’s push. Valve has contonues to allow free mods and pays those who create “mods” (in game content for them.) they support creators more than you do.
>"Actually money is how the community steers work." - Public statement on the paid mods fiasco
Context is needed.
>Added Steam Direct turning Steam into Google Play Store v2.0
Lmao no.
>Made Artefact just to milk money even though nobody asked for it
Yes. And it flopped. Hopefully they learned their lesson. One bad game is not an indication of where the company is turning.
>Steam frontend is still trash and so are the search options, but here are some faggot curators to do our job for us FOR FREE
Still better than epics.
>Retards will still defend Valve
Retards will defend China. Even after their humorous human rights violations, and the shit going on in Hong Kong. But keep sucking Tencent Dick and earn your Yen.