Why does Yea Forums hate this game?

why does Yea Forums hate this game?

i have never played the game before and know very little beside sans and the cringy fanbase. what did the game do, did it shove politics,diversity, and women for no reason.

Attached: undertale.jpg (1280x720, 36K)

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I love Undertail.

Because it's popular. Yea Forumstards are primarily weeaboo hipsters.

Why people dislike things the dislike?

Kek based
Only thing that escaped this is dmc5 for some reason

everyone i've seen on this board that actually played the game loved it, or at least thought it was charming

Yea Forums isn't one person with a single opinion you thick cunt

Let people hate what they want to.

I'm not going to say that being popular isn't a factor. The fanbase is another huge one.
But there are other factors in play here. It's pretty overrated (it's an alright game with a kickass OST, but far from a great game), the dialogue ranges from "genuinely pretty funny" to "holy shit that's cringy" and the characters are mostly pretty colorful and cartoonish... which is NOT necessarily a bad thing, mind you, usually this actually works in the game's favor, but they can be pretty grating and annoying at times.