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But I'm centrist tho.
>no western cartoon faction
wtf since when did trannies claim 2hu
Where do the incels fit in?
top right
bottom left
top left
top-left, of course.
bottom left
top right easy
I want the 2hu faction please
that's fags for ya
not vidya
yeah, western cartoon fans
why is bottom left the tranny faction when weebs are the trannies?
swap bottom and top right
3/4 vidya, exept bottom right
bottom left
>everything except the primary home of incels
>"Twitter do something about all the egg accounts!"
>Twitter replaces egg avatar with generic person avatar
>Oddly enough nobody complains about new accounts harassing them again
I'm libertarian centrist, but I also like 2hu. Now what?
centrists get the bullet too
Now you hang yourself.
all my favourite animes are literally made by right wing nationalists and all the jap hentai artists I follow shill LDP.
nah bro naaahhh boomers can't tolerate fashistic stuff at all
You first.
Touhou is shit. It's fucking lolicon fetish trash, none of the artists for it can draw because all they do is draw pedo art of the characters. OH BUT ACTUALLY THEY'RE 7 MILLION YEAR OLD YOUKAI!!!!! Oh but ACTUALLY they're just a bunch of short little fucks, tiny little bitches that just fight eachother with a bunch of bullets. I've played every game to completion because I like the games but the fanbase. the FUCKING fanbase is completely intolerable, I can't fucking stand Touhou mother fucking pieces of fucker shits. You're all SO FUCKING ANNOYING, DIE!!!! DIIIIEEEE ALREADY HOLY FUCK get OFF the fucking internet you're worse than bronies, don't think you're better than bronies because you fucking aren't, it's both series about stupid little bitches fighting eachother, except one is lolis the other is horses. You're no fucking better
A boomer fucked your mom and made you. When did you have sex, incel?
what fucking retarded art.
get standards, nigger.
jealous incel
Gotta go with bottom Right.
Sounds like you need more tenshi ass. Maybe stop for a fap, you'll feel better.
this makes sense, my avatar is a fusion of top right and bottom right and I'd consider myself exactly in that spot
Where would Kenshiro avatars fall under?
the right is flipped, user
>choose either fags or fags
no thanks famalam
a fusion between bottom right and top right
Is this the /pol/ thread?
2hus obviously.
pic related, you can't get any deeper in between those two quadrants
2hu avatars are usually assholes
of course it is. Those retards need to evangelize every 5 minutes just to make sure nothing that offends them rears it's ugly head.
2hu has been tranny bait for years
For me, it's the primary's choice
try growing some thicker skin snowflake. Sticks and stones and all that.
obnoxious fucking lefties, insufferable edgy rightwing weebs, sjw trannies or old fart boomers. Tough choice
the only ones who think that are retarded /pol/tards. If you don't like 2hu you don't belong on Yea Forums.
>no centrist option
Depends on who I wanna piss off for example I can put anything under this spoiler but if I use this trans cat it's a guaranteed (you) from an election tourist
2hufags don't even play 2hu gaymes. They just fap to 2hu doujinishi.
you guys are just bad people
Alice best girl
I have nothing against 2hu but don't act like it hasn't attracted a fuckton of people from the western LGBT crowd bro
its right though, I like 2hu but a lot of trannies flock to it and more and more recently
pertty kewl desu
Ironic too since Kenshiro would be the biggest leftist.
You're a ninny. Criticism goes hand in hand with having standards. The only reason you think being a dick is evil is because you're an egomaniac who thinks everyone is morally bound to love you.
I'm no election tourist, but take your (You) faggot
Does Tenshi have any good doujins?
I would have nothing against trans if they were cute, but the fact is they are abominations, so wake me up again in 10 years when we have the technology, until then, I sleep.
Depends on what you're into.
America should be renamed trannyland.
Vanilla/sleep stuff.
pinkpill is cringe and even /lgbt/ tards hate it
Literally impossible unless you get reincarnated as a woman.
not sure who you are thinking of when you wrote this but my statement is that 2hu avatars are simply bad folks to have around, nobody was mentioning banter or anything the like
they are genuinely bad personalities that are easily dislikable