How does the multiplayer aspect of this game exactly works? Can you give other players stuff while he's fighting a boss or it's just your avatar doing for you? Can you troll and grief in this game? Maybe put silly messages or something like that(like in Dark Souls)? Don't tell me that you just go around and give a like to stuff that was occasionally "left" by other player...
How does the multiplayer aspect of this game exactly works...
You can leave shit behind for other players to find, likes are a currency, you automatically give 1 like to something you use from another player like a ladder or a bike, and you can "tip" them extra. If a player loses their cargo you can deliver it to where it was originally supposed to go, or I think you can return it to them? Not sure about that last part. You most likely won't be able to troll and grief because Kojumbo wants it to be about happy happy joy joy jolly co-operation. You can't put messages, but there are a large variety of signs you can place, like warning of dangers or saying there is a special location there, and other players will be able to see it on their map. You could probably do some trolling with that if you were clever.
Players can also build structures which requires lots of resources, and it can be anything from a small shelter from the aging rain that plays music to a full safehouse, multiple players can contribute to the construction of a player's structure and whoever contributes the most is given credit. Eventually after a while, there will even be highways built that trucks can be driven on.
Also, the MULEs (hazmat faggots) have a "Delivery Syndrome" and all they care about is your packages, when they steal your packages it goes into their camp where you can recover them, and you can also find the stolen items of other players there. All items can appear in other players worlds, even if it's an empty blood pack you drop or an entire package.
Considering there's fucking highways and we weren't shown that, i'd assume there's a lot more about the multiplayer we haven't seen.
I'm not exactly sure how the item stuff works. But if I had to guess, I'd say you have the option to do it in the same way you'd choose to add gestures to your messages in Bloodborne or Dark Souls 3.
Something like
>open Strand menu
>pick "leave item"
>choose from a predefined list
>First Aid kit: 500 Likes
This sounds like this game will boring as shit. MY kind of a game. Hopefully Kojimbo will release it on PC.
Any items of yours that you drop, intentional or otherwise, can be found by another player. No special menu.
There's also the whole "white strand" thing
then that sounds fucking great honestly. I can see why some retards might not like it but to me it sounds fun as fuck. I hope Kojimbo delivers with the strand system
>If a player loses their cargo you can deliver it to where it was originally supposed to go, or I think you can return it to them
You can also keep it for yourself. All the helpful items left to be used by others can be kept for yourself.
The Strand system essentially seems to be a way to make it so the players themselves can rebuild the country, at least I think so from the highway stuff being revealed. But the game's interesting mechanics aren't only limited to the strand stuff, if you die to one of the enemies the ghosts bring you to when you get caught, they eat you which causes a big permanent crater to appear where you died. That will definitely be a game changer.
As more players tread certain paths, the flatter the terrain will become, over time if the path is forgotten about or if a faster route is found the path that is no longer used will erode from timefall. Also thinking about it now, we could be visiting mars and the moon so more crazy bullshit could happen.
Like if you leave a ladder for the community to use and help everyone out, you may return later to find it gone cause someone took it.
"Mars" isn't actually Mars, it's a biome in the game just like any other. You can see a "mars" biome in the distance when the player is running away from the truck in the TGS demo, and then in the private room demo it's visible in the distance when the player is running towards the hot spring near the end. There was also a "mars" picture on Kojima's twitter a while back where it had a normal blue-ish sky.
>play ds
>brazilian leaves behind 250 ping
>game crashes
no thanks
>you see that big, empty fucking world with nothing to do?
>that's right, build it yourself, suckers
Prediction : anons will be more into helping the community and helping and making connections while redditors will care more about the like system and do shit like take useful ladders and then theirs there so they get epeen likes and get angry at things like a second ladder near theirs "stealing" their likes.
holy shit you type like a fucking faggot go back to 2016
I would if I could.
yeah i bet when you and all the other retards came and ruined this place
Nah I ruined this place back in 2011.
The idea of a highway built by players would be cool but eventually the game would be a cluster of random ass ladders and shit unless they purge low-liked items
>unless they purge low-liked items
I think that is the case.
I just don't think they'll show more than a few of the same type of items within a small vicinity of eachother. For stuff like highways, ones that intersect/are in the same location will probably only show one to one player and the other to another, but since highways will be really hard to build I don't think they'll be too restricted like normal items. Also, the less you interact with other players items and deliberately leave stuff behind for other players, the less stuff from other players you will start seeing.
This sounds like No Man's Sky's early iteration of "Multiplayer".
>eventually there will be highways that players built
>the more you wait to buy the game the more your experience will difer from those who bought it day one
Am I reading this right?
A bit. You have the option to be as involved or uninvolved with other players actions. And not just an on off thing but a scale with how involved you actively get.
I think things that go unused disappear eventually
I'm hyped