Is she right about FromSoft games only appealing to people who want to brag about being a gamer and beating 'Le hard game"?
Is she right about FromSoft games only appealing to people who want to brag about being a gamer and beating 'Le hard...
I had someone irl tell me that's why they liked the game (Working toward and finally overcoming a challenge). So I guess so.
>Brianna Wu
now thats a name I havent seen in awhile, whats that tranny doing now days
Partly, yes.. but honestly, who cares? If people want to git gud and be recognized for beating Bloodborne that's okay. It's no different from people who become scientists IRL because they want recognition.
Anyone who brags about single player games is just a casual pretending they aren't one.
Souls genre is not har its just mindless grinding until you unlock that one abilities that one shot everything great lightning spear is a exemple of that.
I think this bitch is retarded
Shut up e-sports fag.
I kind of got that feeling myself. console gamers would trout it out whenever arguments of console games being casual.
Why would I care for the opinions of a casual?
Anyone who complains about casuals in [current year] is a faggot edgelord, end of story
Reminder to report twitter threads as extremely low quality.
Why does John Flynt keep posting stupid shit on twitter?
Why did he actually think he had a chance at being a state senator? When he took 10 years to finish his Bachelor's degree? Fucking really?
You are the casual.
Let's cut the BS. Much tranny praise is coming from people that base their identity in being female, wanting to feel superior to males.
Is bloodborne even that hard? I didn't play it but I felt like Sekiro was a lot harder just from what I've seen. Dodge dodge dodge
? No?
It's a great fucking Game, it's well paced and designed. And like All FROM Games it's difficulty is only suoer high if you rush in or refuse to observe or learn.
>has to dig up a fucking 2015 tweet to make a shitty low-effort thread
>People like game because [ad hominem]
If I can beat Bloodborne and someone else can't I am objectively superior to them though.
It's harder than Sekiro but if you aren't a low IQ potato it's still not that bad. Sekiro is only hard for retards that refuse to learn how to parry.
Bloodborne isn't a single-player game
>4 year old tweet from a literal tranny gets reposted at least once a week
this site is so fucking trash now
Us gamers huh wu
Somehow people still give him money.
Kinda true. I like knowing I can get good at difficult games and pwn noobs. Call of Duty and Mario Kart are so lame and boring and they both have such small skill caps
>Twitter screencap thread
>Post from 2015
>Biranna Wu
> 'Le hard game"
Yes it is.
>Why does John Flynt keep posting stupid shit on twitter?
gotta stay relevant for $$$
Let's put aside the gamer thing and apply this to other fields
If I'm a Master potter, then yes, Im fucking superior to a casual potter
If I'm a Master carpenter, then yes, I'm fucking superior to a casual carpenter
If I'm a Master sculptor, then yes, I'm fucking superior to a casual sculptor
In any kind of profession or hobby, there will always be materials, media, or tools that will appeal only to the Masters of that area
I like bloodborne because it's the first game I can remember making the cosmic horror thing feel like it wasn't the core identity of the game. Like it wasn't all "LMAO CTHULU WE'RE HIP N WITH IT".
Having the fishing hamlet in the dlc was just an A1 addition to that. The gameplay was just shaken enough from the other souls games that I enjoyed it immensely, and it provided a challenge, whereas I sorta burned through dks3 afterwards.
Fuck off idiot, I haven't played Souls games but I know for sure Kaizo Mario Romhacks are hard as hell and take a lot of patience, skill and practice to beat and yeah they're memed at for being just trial and error shit, but there's always ways you can clutch your way through if you're fast enough to react and if it's good design. Ignorant underage zoomer.
Fuckin gross man....
You dug up a 2015 tweet to start your trash thread. Do you not feel ashamed in the slightest?
For video games apparently not mattering, they sure do get REALLY fucking upset and start talking about gatekeeping and shit when they can't beat one.
>nobody has proven that tranny wrong
NO, and I fucking HATE that I can't bring up my favorite action RPG without 500 casuals going "ooooh u mean that really hard game? :3 I heard it's really hard uwu" FUCK you, if you ever got off your stupid twitch stream watching ass and PLAYED it you'd know that it's an amazing game that has 100 things more interesting about it than it's greater than average difficulty. Dark Souls 1 is easily in my top 5 games.
I've honestly just never liked FromSoftware games. Even easy stuff like Echo Night Beyond and Lost Kingdoms. I just found them shit.
>is a casual and supports drumpf
It all makes sense now
Yes...and? I'm not seeing the issue of feeling proud of your accomplishments and achieving something most others didn't, even if in a video game
It might as well be considering what little multiplayer aspects it does have don't even work properly most of the time.
Right those predetermined set in stone hacks are super hard. Bet you think beating AI is a challenge too, you fucking casual.
My brother beat bloodbourne, i haven't. And he pisses me of sometimes with how casual he is. Silly tranny
Casuals love the from software games.
They never beat em, but they love the fun of exploring and the tension of knowing they're walking into what was told to em to be pure fucking hell.
Casuals are just people without time to play long video games, and the more they try to "cater" for the casuals, the more they make the 15 minutes the casual will give to the game worse and worse and worse and worse.
And that 20% completion ratio? IT WILL NEVER GO FUCKING UP.
Casuals SHOULD be mocked, gatekeeping has kept plenty of communities good even in this shit age
Bloodborne isnt even hard, bitch is trash at vidya
I hate this attitude that people can't enjoy a challenge for it's own sake.
this bitch is still alive?
>post is from 2015
oh. thanks op.
Casuals did nothing wrong.
The retarded strawman that the industry created about em that did all the damage.
She's a scrub who probably got filtered by Father G.
>twitter screencap thread
>iphone filename
>tweet is from 2015
quality thread, OP
That's just the failsafe for casuals to help them cope with inadequacy. People who really enjoyed the games tried and succeeded in beating them with wonky shit set-ups
Unironically dilate.
Unironically have sex.
Let's cut the BS, Brianna Wu is a fucking man.
Unironically git gud.
I doubt it, my normie roommate is extremely into those games and those are the only games I've ever seen him get into. Some people just like that style of game. Briana Wu larps as a woman so nobody should put any stock in what he says.
Nah, I really liked Dark Souls because of the world and the setting. Also none of the DS games are actually hard, you just die a lot but the game is made to do that and it's not a fail state so much as it's a try again with a different approach.They don't actually take much skill to beat
>"Brianna Wu"
>Is she right
I’ve platinumed the game you immense nigger faggot.
Unironically be unironic
Most of the talk about the games revolves around how difficult they are compared to their contemporaries. Even the fucking lore is talked up for not being "spoonfed" to the player and how it really makes you feel like a Scholar of the First Sin for digging DEEP into the story. So, it mostly appeals to those people, yeah.
Now try playing a real game that isn't for single player casuals.
I want to see John win the next senate election. I just wonder what the fuck he'll do while he's in office.
He’s wrong. Most Bloodborne praise comes from PS4 “elitists” who are simply bragging about it being exclusive to PS4
"She" was filtered by "her" real father.
He needs to kill himself
That desperate for some attention, eh OP?
Literally git gud or literally cut off your dick and dilate, tranny.
Looks like Brian Hu couldn't figure out how to play without a shield.
99% of the fanbase for these games is absolutely this. I just play them because I really like the art direction, and I didn't even finish half of them that I played because they're very repetitive like every other dungeon crawler.
As much as I hate trannys that seek attention. I fucking hate those "muh difficult geimu with giant hitboxes, repetitive combat and tedious shit with wide empty areas."
People who think they are hardcore for enjoying such chore should reconsider what a good game is.
what a retard
I'm still sad From went all in on the "so hard" bullshit. It felt like a minor aspect of demon and dark but it became the main focus
Ah, this explains all the BB/From hate here in the recent years.
Tranny influencers sent all their twitter tranny nigger followers here.
Yes, but that's not a bad thing.
Games should strive to be more niche and specific with their intentions and audience rather then attempt to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
With that logic I can also exclaim any game with women or tranny's is inherintly meaningless because it strives to pander to that audience.
I don't see anything wrong with that. The thing this random woman on the internet said that OP is references is completely dumb though.
Absolutely this. Souls games have gotten worse with each release.
>working toward overcoming a challenge is bad or showing superiority
This is exactly why humanity is fucked, faggots like you and Brianna Wu
I don't care what it is.
>Much Bloodborne praise...
>FromSoft only appealing to...
Not a fan of Wu, but you could not have more obviously mangled the sentiment here for outrage points if you tried.