*blocks your path*
does execute work on chemical pistols?
Why yes, pathetic creature, i do have psychic powers.
"no longer works with pistols that deal their primary damage to multiple targets (Electroshock Pistol)"
don't know much about chem pistols, but as long as they don't do this then sure, they count as pistols and the feat *should* work
Oddity is good right until you get to around level 12-14. That's when it takes like 30 exp to gain a level and most oddities you find are still only 1 exp and found much farther apart that the earlier ones. Even in harder areas. Maybe I should have gone classic.
Plot spoilers:
So if I have this right, Biocorp is essentially behind everything wrong and the faceless inadvertently created Tchort?
Classic's rougher earlier on, but better later
Jesus Christ will you faggots stop spamming this underrail shit?
Oddity is great throughout the game, I had to delete a Classic save file because I was 26 before finishing CC and barely touched Expedition.
Biocorp did nothing wrong
you're right
we need more smash threads, 3 isn't enough
t. Kojimer
can someone here redpill me on underrail all these threads have me curious
wait, there's 4 smash threads
one didn't show up when I searched smash
-items sold are worth 10% their regular price, merchants refuse basic weapons/armor, quest rewards 25% of normal
-carrying capacity reduced by 50%
-all skill checks increased by 20%
-crit power doesnt exist
-LoC only breaks stun/etc
-can't drop items from your inventory for free in combat*, except held weapons
-grenade cooldowns +1 turn
-w2c does 90% damage
-high efficiency energy converters nerfed to regenerating x% of energy lost to damage, at y% per round
-toxic gas simply deals bio damage each round/if moved through; no damage multiplication
-using psi abilities from 1 school will increase the action point cost of psi abilities from other schools
-many psi abilities must hit vs evasion now (or reduced by it), use psi skill at 70% for THC
-forcefield functions as an energy shield against ranged attacks, has a certain amount of hp against melee attacks before failing (dependent on skill)
-all npc's have 30% greater detection & trap detection (bosses have 50% greater)
-bear traps dont function if they deal no damage, stronger enemies have shorter durations, and spotted traps use your traps skill vs their dodge
-some enemies will have black dragon throwing knives/crossbow bolts, and such traps can also be found
-randomized traps/locations
-randomized enemy placement
-npc's that spot traps or corpses will turn orange, holler, and search the map (and pull alarms, if any)
-if spotted, all hostile npc's on that map will never turn back to green; yellow minimum
-npc's will not enter dangerous terrain (such as gas, fire, or traps) unless they have a clear path to you
-most hostile npc's, if they can't attack you on their current turn, will instead head for cover or distance
-if you are seen entering stealth in a controlled or partially controlled map, npc's will turn hostile
-gladiators past master exploder have improved builds with more feats, especially carnifex
*fixed for retards
so, out of desire for challenge, im going to do a sea serpent leather armor wearing, boot wearing, heavy puncher build
I want to end up with infused sea wyrm + dense padding + blast cloth, blast balaclava/death's grin, infused sea wyrm boots (either bladed or springs), powerfist, with a rapid muzzled huszar + versatility for some battles.
No stealth, no traps, no grenadier, no psi. Dominating.
t. pedophile
Indie cRPG modeled after old games like Arcanum, but most especially Fallout 1+2
Made by a serbian who goes by Styg
Has hundreds of hours of gameplay, and doesn't pull any punches
People get filtered all the time before they even finish the unlabelled tutorial section
But don't mistake that for obnoxious difficulty
Rather, it's just a niche kind of game that only appeals to some people, but appeals very well
It's been getting a lot of active threads lately because an expansion dropped a little while ago, and a popular youtuber reviewed it recently.
I'd recommend you pirate it and, if you enjoy it, buy the game and the expansion.
It's absolutely worth it.
Alright guys, I fell for the chem pistol/trapper meme cause pure PSI is too easy.
Here my build, improve pls.
Aimed Shot, Pack Rathound, Sprint, Opportunist, Sure Step, Cooked Shot, Quick Tinkering, Grenadier, Execute, Critical Power, Psi Empathy, Psycho-temporal Acceleration, Mad Chemist, Power Management, Trap Expert, Increased Dex, Serial Killer.
Str 3
Dex 16
Agi 6
Con 4
Per 9
Will 3
Int 7
Also didn't put anything into dodge or evasion which I'm now thinking is a mistake, do i drop lockpicks/hacking/stealth for it?
First time playing the game. I just unlocked the part of the game that opens up Core City, Camp Hathor, etc. By giving him the item that did that did I just kill a ton of sidequests I could do?
Im only level 9 at the moment and I feel really underpowered. Probably not utilizing items, armors, etc enough but having a blast with the game so far.
Playing on normal and oddity mode if that matters.
unironically thank you for the "drop items" change
sick of seeing you call people retards every time you post that, instead of just adjusting the single line of text to be more specific
is pack rathound really so necessary?
I've always found it easy enough just to dump my excess in a bin somewhere and come back to it later
NPCs won't steal any of it, even stuff dropped out in the open
>Fallout 1+2
so i have only played fallout 4 but i still enjoyed it what fallout elements does the game have? Is it a game where my choices affect the world?
Everything you can do before you can do after
People only urge you to do them because it makes Depot A easier
Eh, Fallout 4, and the earlier Fallouts are really hard to compare
I mean, the original were number crunch isometric tile turnbased combat, based on GURPS, a tabletop rpg (like DnD or shadowrun) system.
Fallout 4 has a lot that makes it different from those games.
Your choices can have some effect, but often that relies on how you allocate points.
For example, the Persuade or Intimidate skill is necessary for a peaceful solution in most cases.
It's a QoL thing for me, I pick up every Goddamn thing, and backtracking is already a pain.
I plan on carrying a lot of traps/utilities around as well at a... 130 base carry weight? Is it necessary? Yes. Yes it is.
Not really but its nice to have and most builds don't need every single feat slot anyway.
Recommend me a good sword or knife build. I wanna chop things up
Awesome cheers mate.
nigga why u keep posting this nasty shit
The fuck is that? Are those worms or...?
I still called them retards
yeah, worms in a stick someone cut in half
Okay that does it. If Styg wants me to go PSI just so I get 100% accurate shots on fully stunned enemies 1 tile away, then I will go PSI. Fix the fucking weapon accuracy you piece of shit serbian hack.
dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed
>160 TM
they're woodworms
>lvl 28 decapitate
Dont nerf psi itself
Punish psi users, create a psi EMP nade of sorts, let multiple enemies have it
Enemy TCers use psi interrumption first, recieve 2 points of damage per burned psi
Hybridize psi more
Boost pistols, double wielding pistols
Burst for hammerers and revolvers, fanning them
Bayonets for ARs, highly customizable like knifes
why not?
dont like it, spend the points elsewhere
My best guess is Entropic Recurrence, Dilation, and Temporary Rewind
Those are the only skills that seem worth anything that scale with it
can i play this with a controller?
>can i play this point and click crpg with a controller
yngwar seems alright, maybe i'll spare him while i purge his entire tribe off the face of the earth
give me one actual reason not to genocide the natives as soon as expedition starts, i want to take my time and explore and i can't do that if they insist on reenacting the plot of ZULU every couple hours while i'm off spelunking for oddities
>give me one actual reason not to genocide the natives as soon as expedition starts
I can't.
there isn't
best way to do it is level up and then genocide as soon as you start
otherwise some people gradually die or something idk
haven't gotten around to the expedition yet
Well, you can let them purge Aegis if you can't be bothered.
>Pack Rathound
>Sure Step
>Trap Expert
I mean, they're cool quality of life feats, but combat-wise there's much better stuff to take.
alright then i'm going in. they don't seem too bad so far for me, thank god for a decent low low shield emitter
people shit all over packrat, but it's something that's beneficial your entire playthrough at every point. Do you really one more perk that gives you 10% extra damage or whatever?
There's no need to min-max in anything besides the hardest difficulty -- you will likely have more perk points than you actually need.
Such as?
I dont get why a person taking chem pistols wouldn't also build for energy pistols.
Cause I wanna watch my enemy's flesh melt through either fire or acid.
fusion pistols deal fire damage
*laughts in Thick Skull*
What is with you people complaining that you're overpowered? There's nothing forcing you to accept a level up. You can keep killing enemies in classic and collecting oddities and level up only when you think it's appropriate given the enemies you're encountering. There's no reason to level at all during the expedition, that way you can come back to the base game and still enjoy the challenge.
You have high Int and Dex so you won't need to max out Hack and Lock each level anyway. Jacknife, MK2 and MK3 hack/locks come super early too.
That's just silly
how the fuck did he still die surrounded by that many traps
What's the most fun playstyle even if it isn't the most overpowered one?
chem pistols are at their best when you can squeeze off as many shots as possible in a turn thanks to catalyzing belts, so you want to pump dex as high as possible while keeping your int at around 7 for feats.
energy pistols don't need to be doing as many shots since your shots will obliterate pretty much any targets, so they don't need as much dex. but they do actually want higher int for crafting sick crit damage pistols and for high-technicalities.
the two have a lot of overlap but if you really wanna minmax your shit the stat spread is a little wonky.
Recklessness for +7% to crit. The penalty is negligible.
Premeditation for AP-less spells and wasting less psi. You could put a few points in Psychokinesis to get force field and Electrokinesis for guaranteed stuns, with Premeditation it's fantastic utility since it lowers the 30 AP cost of Electrokinesis to 0.
Nimble is cool too. More mobility is always useful.
Also your build has 1 feat left to spend. You could even take Tranquility.
I'm been having a lot of fun as a grenade/trapping/smg build
smg operator
stealth knife/crossbow if you have autism
Unironically two most broken.
Hammer wizard and AR/shotgun burst tincan
>putting explosives within three tiles of yourself
Anything thats focused in movement and positioning that doesnt rely on stealth. So no guns, no psi, no traps. Throwing shit for some reason never gets old. So throwing and a melee disc. High agi too. Id try spears.
sneaky talker whos only weapons are traps
How much in the game is left after I get requested by Simmons to find the guys who killed his friend's son? Can I keep playing afterwards?
the difference between a first blind playthrough and a second where where you moderately know what you're doing is immense. I'm literally plowing through everything. Everything before depot A was pretty easy but my build was pure shit, so I can expect it to be a smooth ride to that point right? doing a machete build btw
I'll tell you what's the most unfun one: anything that involves poor mobility, no stealth and no subterfuge skils. Anything that is just charging head on into battle like a retard and tanking everything instead of using your brains to deal with the enemies without taking a single hit.
That's why I've never had fun with tin cans, while low con tranquility psi is the greatest fun I've ever had with this game.
>no traps
cuttroat/snipe from stealth followed by escaping into pre planned bear traps and restealth is tactical as fuck
Lemme see the shotgun build.
Play as a hammer wizard
Post build
"CRAWLERS could be here" he thought "I've never been in these caves before. There could be CRAWLERS anywhere." The hefty weight of his steel sledgehammer felt good in his bare hands. "I HATE CRAWLERS." He thought. TenseCaves.mp4 was reverberating troughout the tunnels, making it far too scary even as the 700 credit psi beetle brain soup circulated trough his powerful, psychic brain and washed away his (extremely merited) fear of POISONOUS ROOF NIGGERS in the dark. "Play as a hammer wizard, you can go anywhe-" Player enter initiative 23+4-1000=-973 12 mechanical 7 toxic 13 mechanical 12 toxic STUNNED CRITICAL HIT 83 mechanical 112 toxic 40 mechanical 20 toxic YOU ARE DEAD
Traps require prep and more back and forth bc of the weight. Sure the result is hilarious but getting to it isnt. Also stealth is slow as fuck. Blowing shit up and setting shit on fire is where its at.
Expedition spoilers ahead:
So from what i understood the story of the Lemurians goes like this: Frontiers colonizes the black sea, they build Lemuria and some underwater habitat, Biocorp fucks their shit up, some survivors retreat underwater to the habitat with some other people that are better at living in habitats, they don't get along after a while, also they discover a crystal that fucks with the minds of people and also has something to do with serpents, they two groups fight each other and the less suited for underwater habitation win, they go back to the surface and basically become the Sormirbæren. The other group is wiped out except for the schizophrenic fatty.
What i don't get is what the fuck the Acorn is, because it is not some mobile habitat that the scientist expected. Also can i do something with it other than give it to him?
Also is the Black shard in the cave with the native wizard chief, the cut piece of the Crystal on the habitat?
huh, no idea why the pic didn't attach this time
is there an ideal place to make land to start clearing out the natives? a normandy beach, if you will.
Sounds like a ska band.
Man the Protecterate quests are so so much better than the Free Drone ones.
>Not using metal armour
Come on m8
I honestly don't get why people say this. A playthrough of underrail is a huge fucking time investment. Why sacrifice QoL just to be a bit better in fights when you're going to be spending dozens of hours on this character?
the drawing is of your character avatar, not the armor you wear
How do you fight crawlers? I stealth in and throw flares to try to see them but I never find them. They poison me then disappear to the ceiling.
Is there a way to locate/target them once they do? They never show up again unless I use an antidote or get stunned.
So where do I get Pyro/Cyro parts for chem pistols? I can access SGS, Junkyard, Core City, and Foundry but I can't find anything.
Because sometimes you hit a roadblock and you struggle to progress
and at those times, nothing hurts more than knowing you wasted a feat that could have saved you from this situation
To be fair I choosed it because it reminded me of STALKER the most
I find them really annoying with thick skull. They tend to just inject and run repeatedly. Its tedious as shit.
Mordre with the mercantile check
Making a SMG/Sniper/Shottie build. Basically, the most tactical firearm user ever. Currently at lvl 8 with pretty much all the burst feats and I'm debating whether to spec into sniper rifles or shotties next.
Which shottie feats are necessary and which ones can I do without? Build is already pretty feat intensive.
Is sniper/shotgun actually a good combo or am I crazy? They both seem to compliment each other and neither are super skill or feat intensive.
the animation is them entering stealth, and they have an absurdly high detection and stealth
hiding from them and finding them are both very hard
the best counter is an AoE attack in the direction you think they went, or positioning yourself so they can't get you
Strike off SMG
It takes Dex to use an SMG optimally, and you'll want different stats for a sniper/shotgun build
You aren't going to spot crawlers unless you're on of the sharpshooter variants. Try to break them out of stealth with AOE and keep in mind that you can control them somewhat with molotovs. Crawlers will tend to wait at the edge of fire zones to jump you and if they decide to try to run through, you can see the damage they take in the combat log and thus will have an idea solid idea their general position. Also, when a crawler stings you they will try to LOS but stay generally close, so check corners and pockets near you that you don't have a direct view of.
>Sure Step
Another one that falls for the meme feat. You could've substracted a point from Strength and added it to Will to get Hemopsychosis instead.
If I wanted optimal, I would've built it for that but I personally didn't want to go through my entire early game waiting to finally get my hands on something effective. Besides, it's pretty useful.
Shotgun complements almost anything, it's the perfect subweapon.
oh, then sure go ahead
it's just not something you should take feats for, or build for
use it till you get a shotgun or sniper then disregard it because it will be shitty without Dex.
Fuck off, I don't like that kind of magic, I don't toy with my health.
Besides, have fun not having sure step when stepping on sea wyrm or deep worm acid puddles.
I aint having that shit.
What are its most required feats?
mixing weapon types is degenerate
how do I repair my jetski?
>sell one crossbow
>merchant has ran out of money
Vehicle Repair kits. The vendor in core city sells them and the recipe.
The ski vendor on the eel rig does too I think.
>overspecced build runner with tons of weaknesses
If I kidnap Sarine for the Rathound king does the whole town become inaccessible or do they not know?
They assume that she left with her boyfriend and she never escapes her rape cage
get off it first
>spending lots of feats to get good at two weapons when there are weapons that can do it all for you
game is simply imbalanced
>you cant build your own rape cage and keep her
hue, fucking bought the recipe and then forgot about it. thanks bre
Can I steal jetskis with the hotwiring kit?
Sixth Shell and Fragmented Chaos are all you need
>inb4 but Barrel Stare/Leading Shot
Barrel Stare is a mere 20% bonus to the shotgun's "melee" range, which is the most reductive way to use shotties, don't pick this up, ever, unless you really don't know what to pick up as a feat when you're done with your build.
Leading Shot is also completely useless because shotgun accuracy peaks at around 70% and due to the pellets mechanic it's almost completely irrelevant unless for some unknown reason you're doing a low PER/GUN skill run with shotties or you've got debuffed into oblivion, another trap feat.
Bear in mind that thanks to the pellet spread mechanic Shotguns are also superb weapons to use on your Jetski.
The other shotgun feats are trash, get Sixth Shell and max it out, get Fragmented Chaos AND Critical power and your shotgun do unreal damage, super low investment weapon type that can be paired with literally anything as long as you have 9 PER.
You never stopped spamming your waifushit threads. Why should we stop actually discussing actual good vidja?
The one who see all know many things about acorn and gladly share knowledge with you if you give it to him.
Yes. Him.
I'm enjoying the hell out of this crossbow/trapper character. I'm reworking my build to fit in chem pistols though since dealing with robots and tin cans is beyond annoying.
For those who want to know what happens in Expedition without having the DLC, here's a brief summary:
is 12 perception enough to hit stuff with a crossbow on hard / dominating?
Suuuuuure....I mean, he kinda does.
Oh he know some, but he is not the one.
>Won the game on Dominating with hammer wizard
>Start theory crafting other hammer builds
>They are all fucking hard
Jesus christ
Never though Tungsten Tank hammer wizard was easy mode
Who knows all? it isn't the philosophy boat man, he hasn't any new dialogue.
>playing a 3 con 0 evade stealthy knife build on dominating
>still can't beat a pack of rathounds at level 12 without abusing on line of sight and stealth
i'm steadily progressing through the game (with many reloads) but i fear i may have made a mistake lads
How much does Expedition add in terms of replay value? Is it just standard extra story DLC or like the Old Hunters in Bloodborne where you get a lot of tools to play around with that enrich the game?
Psychokinesis has fuck ton of utility. Pure hammers only have throwing and the base two slots thanks to lifting belts.
The latter, though "a lot" is a bit of strong word.
Alright so I modified my chem pistol build.
I hope you faggots didn't fuck me by saying sure step is useless.
What the fuck do I do with the rest of my skill points?
Who asses his way through the entire plot?
you absolutely did
at best, if you win now, you'll have bragging rights
abusing on line of sight? you mean kiting them, right?
post your build. mind you that knife builds are a bit underwhelming at the beginning but get pretty strong once you get the AP cost down, Critical Power and more mobility (fancy footwork) it becomes pretty good.
This is what happens when you listen to Yea Forums.
Sure step is fine if you plan on using poisoned caltrops.
>3 con 0 evade stealthy knife
Like, how did you plan to survive anything at all?
I hate Underrail.
There's way too many options.
How the fuck do I squeeze that shit into the build now?
Tanner? I have progressed the main quest up to Deep Caverns.
You don't need defenses when you can just f9 until you don't get hit.
Don't take Sure Step dude. Just carry some metal boots in your backpack for when you want to throw caltrops. They'll make you immune to them.
There isn't anyone else?
Yeah I know, but what about acid puddles?
I assume the chem pistol creates a fuck ton when you shoot targets.
Fuck are you complaining about? Just kill things before they kill you, get sprint, pick fancy footwork up as soon as you can, and just DEJA VU through every fight.
The town turns on you if you wear the ratking regalia. Even if you are a woman and the town already knows he's dead.
They are fucking stupid so wipe the whole place out afterwards.
Nimble can, no psi:
Makes use of yell and intimidation
Dirty kick
Nimble, armour slopping, body weight training
Crafts high tier grenades
Expose weakness
Also high mercantile, due the usage of either TiChrome armour, and later SS
Tabis with tichrome hammer for 3 swings and high moblity
'Berserker' hammer wizard
Psychokinesis and TM for Contraction and Acceleration
3 CON, no armour at all
High evasion, dodge, lots of mobility feats
Fancy footwork, escape artist, sprint, hit and run, etc
This is still all theory and I pretend to test this on Dominating sometimes, but I got the hunch these builds will be a fucking pain in the ass to play as
They're retarded and don't understand self control.
Infused mutant dog leather boots.
Fuck it, Imma stop being a pussy and see how this goes.
Wish me luck Yea Forumsirgins.
Bruh, just take Sure Step for peace of mind. Chem pistols legit only need 2 feats, everything else comes from skills.
Don't you fucking dare.
Is PSI basically easy mode?
What gear are you using? If leather armor then you could craft yourself some mutant dog armor to make you virtually immune to acid puddles. Or if using a tactical vest then use a regenerating vest to keep your HP up despite the constant damage.
i'm using this build
many reloads and stealth. i only ever fight things one on one, using cheap shots, taster, and bear traps + sprinting behind the corner to buy myself infinite turns. if my stunlock combo fails i reload. if i can't make enemies split off from the group i don't fight them.
i don't have any dodge. should i really go for it?
>Carrying multiple armor pieces as a 3 strength character that has a mandatory belt slot and will also be carrying traps and grenades just to save a feat on one of the least feat intensive builds in the game
Sounds fun
I'll prolly role with a tactical vest.
for now
styg supposedly has a nerf in the works
big parts are a change to how forcefield works, and a resource drain in the form of some detriment that builds up from use of psi that you need a consumable to remove
Because it's stupid to have to limit yourself in a game that involves using all tools at your disposal. It's such a lazy argument you got there, "just don't use it bro lmao", it can be used to excuse any dev fucking up game balance.
Is playing as a jack of all trades completely game ending on normal mode? could it be a viable "challenge mode" would it just make it literally impossible to beat the game
Well there you go. You won't need to worry about acid puddles with a good regenerating vest.
He's gonna nerf PSI casters into the ground.
Serves those untermensch right.
Give me protips for being a burst shotgun tincan. I took armor sloppery but i still have about 15 movement points
>many reloads and stealth. i only ever fight things one on one, using cheap shots, taster, and bear traps + sprinting behind the corner to buy myself infinite turns. if my stunlock combo fails i reload. if i can't make enemies split off from the group i don't fight them.
Why do you subject yourself to this? Don't you have any nails to hammer into your balls or something?
Like. judging by how much time it must be taking, you can just get a 9-5 job and waste all your salary on gambling. That way you would at least have a symbolic chance of winning.
>into the ground
not even
he'll just bring them to everyone else's level
Psi's very broken and it never fails to look absurd when someone tries to defend it
You want minmaxing on hard and up
>caltrop poisons are one of:
>two PER reducing poison
>one hard CC
>one damage poison
Where's the MOV/DEX/AGI speed poison, the STR poison, the WIL poison styg?
>on normal mode
Not really, no. And it's not exactly challenging either. It's just very tedious. Imagine playing a build, but you are hardcapping your skills by dumping them into the ones you are not using. This is literally what jack is.
i was lead to believe i'm using a good build ;_;
>Psi's very broken and it never fails to look absurd when someone tries to defend it
It's fun though.
It'll get better once you get Critical Power. Your criticals will get ultra poweful then.
Consider getting psi for the utility alone. Temporal Manipulation has a skill that gives you 15 AP and +30 movement speed for 2 turns (20 AP for 3 turns with a feat!), it's godly for any build.
Also you're missing a very important feat which you should've gotten before: Fancy Footwork. It requires 40 Dodge so put points in there so that you can pick it up at level 14. Fancy Footwork gives you +8 movement speed every time you make a successful melee hit. It's crucial for a fast assassin build.
if you wanna feel OP just play on Easy
WTF Ezra
Ezra doesn't give a shit about you user.
>He died to a PSI Beetle
Where the fuck is the oil in the grey army base?
I've explored all the way to the officers area, dodging guards, but there's no where else I can safely go and I can't find it.
Why if I can just go psi on any difficulty?
that wasn't ezra it was clearly a psi beetle
i have no idea what you're talking about
Then maybe, MAYBE it's not in the officers' area.
no, not a psi beetle
a special, weakened variant
>I've explored all the way
No you didn't, brainlet. Rub two fucking brain cells together - where would you find something like this?
Does anyone ever give a shit about the player character? He seems super lonely.
How does rathound regalia look like when worn by a female player?
>Does anyone ever give a shit about the player character
I think the Dude tries not to give you the recipe for Juice solely because he's worried you won't visit him anymore if you don't have a reason to
I wanted to fuck Vivian anons
Uh... Dude maybe?
West, in an area called magatzin, you need a keycard some dude probably has it, just kill them all.
He's just quintessentially lonely. He doesn't really care about the protag personally.
Styg knows his customer base well.
I just realized since I did Expedition before the institute that I apparently missed some of Yngwar's dialogue. What does he have to say about Tchort(ists)?
I think the game would benefit but also suffer if it had more intimate relationships.
big brain 18 int plasma/electro pistol
>Roll 18 int big brained PC
>The second most brainlet build in the game
What did Styg mean by this?
i was going to get critical power at 14, is it worth delaying for fancy footwork? and won't putting points in dodge and temporal manipulation require neglecting all my other skills for 3 levels?
What's the deal with the natives, are they part reptilian part human?
but really, how were you supposed to know that you had a new ability added to your loadout? it didn't appear in your hotbar.
I stabbed him to death the first time, but then I went back to see if when you die in the dream you die in real life, and it seems that in fact, you do!
I wonder if Ezra was tried for mind-control murder in that timeline.
Just how important are the crafting feats? Which of them are worth the slot? Im think of making either a character of either 7 int or 3 int but i don't know
Murder would imply there was a victim user.
>Psi's very broken
I fucking hate this non argument.
Psi isn't broken, not in a game structured clearly around an all or nothing model of combat where it's kill or be killed with high stakes investment for each single turn.
The truth is it's not Psi that has problems, it's everything else that is horribly undertuned and has to deal with ridiculous bullshit like 95% chances to hit against a frozen solid target at point blank, or the complete lack of utility, or the fact that everything else needs feats in order to not be an attack spamfest.
In a game with massive investment such as Underrail it makes zero sense to have a permanent chance to miss no matter how much you invest in a field, this is bad for non psi stuff as much as it would be bad for psi, it wouldn't solve anything if not make people fall on other surefire tools like traps, poisoned caltrops or brapnades even harder than before, which will make you people bitch about those and ask daddy Styg to nerf those because everyone would move from Psi builds to Throwing/Trap focused builds instead of giving your beloved and oh, so neglected pet skill a chance, because nerfing Psi will not make other builds' or skills' problems go away, it will only make the game more frustrating.
This is without mentioning the other questionable balance problems, like all uniques being absolutely fucking garbage at any point in the game (and the completely unjustified nerf of many of those to add insult to injury), meaningless and arbitrary division between firearms and other pistol types feats, completely useless feats that will never, ever be good in any possible scenario like Neurology or Perfect Scattering, throwing knives being a complete joke, the pointless addition of "Veteran" feats that are never, ever useful by the time you finally get them, the complete irrelevance of Oculites as a faction with just one quest and so on.
There's many, many problems with the game, but Psi actually working isn't one of those.
it's not a dream
I swear I saw that island once wandering somewhere
Kinda, yeah. They sometimes make comments about how bullshit it is that they're always sent to do things alone and she can never get laid. It must be terrible to be both ostracized and a permavirgin.
>how do you know all of this
Slaughter an entire army base? By myself?
Both are crucial feats, it's up to you. If you feel you aren't dealing enough damage then get Critical Power. But personally I'd get Fancy Footwork first, it'll give you all the mobiltiy you need. For example you'll be able to stealth into a group of enemies, kill one and then retreat very far away with more than the measly 30 movement points you get from Sprint, and then kite them one by one while always leaving them behind.
>fancy footwork on a weapon that attacks 3 times a turn
All of them are worth it.
But you can skip biology and chemistry depending on the build.
Not investing into crafting is setting yourself up for failure later on.
With adrenaline make it 4
With fully specced pummel, make it 5
It's all theory crafting tho, so pay it no mind
I heard that oddity becomes a really shitty grindfest about halfway through the game. Should I go oddity or classic?
If you give Jonas his watch for free he gives you the friends & family discount
obviously the PC is passed out on the floor. and also dead. and then died
I saw it too, but obviously you aren't physically there.
actually I just tested, if you pick up the mushrooms they stay in your inventory. how the fuck did ezra manage to move you onto an island in a mushroom cave, right next to a special psi beetle, and then carry you back to your room?
wouldn't someone just getting into the game be more likely to have one of the default portraits?
I didn't even know you could have a custom one until I saw some here in screenshots
I just assumed he knocked you out and carried you, and no one stopped him because no one gave a fuck.
Really interesting.
Well at least the protag is TECHNICALLY not a virgin.
I-I don't like what you're implying there user
alright you convinced me. i'll try reloading to level 11 and get fancy footworks instead of weaponsmith since i'm using the kukri anyway. that way i won't have to delay critical power
>you gotta murder all the old women and children too
wouldn't want any of 'em growing up to take revenge i guess
i might feel a little bad if they weren't almost all irredeemably cunty poison fuckers
What PC? I don't see any personal computer on the ground user. And an object cannot pass out. Did you have too much brew?
>how the fuck did ezra manage to move you onto an island in a mushroom cave
He mindraped you and made you go there like a marionette, that is also why you lose consciousness again and wake up in your room once you kill the azuridae.
How Ezra made you SWIM in there when you can't swim in the game is a testament to how high is WIL and Thought Control skill are, take a moment to consider this.
You people are derailed, Ezra is the sysadmin of SGS, not some kind of puppetmaster psionic.
>tfw stop feeling my thief gal TC'er
Oh well
Only psi-protag.
Damn psi manages to be more chad in every conceivable way.
The new tracks are pretty fucking great.
[Muffled islandic war cries in the distance]
Do you guys do Rail Crossing and Foundry before Core City or after?
Go ahead, you won't regret it.
I go north, get lost, and end up in Core City.
agree hes only in sgs because he knows protectorate are trying to hunt him down so he'll fight with the station
I did rail crossing, a bit of core city, then the foundry, then back to core city.
I wonder who could be behind this post
you should never be grinding in this game because you never need to
It's the only way to do it.
Although Tanner did specifically give you Rail Crossing and Core City... but uh, fuck Tanner.
>lemurian health center
>you feel a pressure build inside your skull
Player Character, user.
as apposed to Non Player Character.
but you already knew that.
but how did he get the weakened psi beetle there?
how did he manage to re-control me from such a far distance once he let go?
can he just control anyone in the world at any time? Just how powerful is Ezra? How much Will do you need to stop his wrath?
Dont let the shadows get you
You're not alone, and no, not just robots
Force field is kinda bullshit with how useful it is for all builds and how little investment it requires. I would balance it by making the barriers breakable by mechanical / energy damage. Still impenetrable, but breakable. I'd give them 50 base HP and +1 hp for every two effective skill points in psychokinesis.
azif basically tells you the same things as well
the problem though is that you know the AI would get fucked
it would just make forcefield a free aggro tank
hell I'm still not even completely sure how aggro works in this game after 2 completions
>try to get out
>you need a WIL check just to get out
What are some good builds if i want to play with heavy armor?
Also is it posible to have more than 1 weapon that you are good at? Is it Versatile feat worth it if i want to play like that?
Why are people pretending the frequency of these threads has anything to do with Sseth? The reason I bought this game is because I saw it so many damn times because of you guys then Sseth made a video once I was into it already. People give e-celebs too much credit
Classic. Oddity is shit
>Is it Versatile feat worth it
It's a meme.
>What are some good builds if i want to play with heavy armor?
Shotguns, rifles (but not sniper rifles), SMGs, melee.
What's a good psi build with heavy armor?
Absolutely based and redpilled.
Anyone playing on Oddity is a brainlet.
I want to see those old books the ferryman talks about. Man was higher than the Surface before he descended to the underrail? Technology can only ever keep us afloat, not elevate us? Time is a limited human construct to apprehend reality? I'm too sleepy for this shit.
>What are some good builds if i want to play with heavy armor?
Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Hammer, Wizard
Game only has 2 options, wear heavy armor and tank all the damage they throw at you, or be invisible, throw down a fuckton of traps, and kite them into your death trap.
>Also is it posible to have more than 1 weapon that you are good at?
No. Actual answer is yes, but you shouldn't do that on the first playthrough.
Grenades, nets, traps, tasers and throwing knives are your secondary weapons.
Shadow Crawlers and Death Stalkers are pure f9 inducing cancer.
Change my mind.
>throwing knives
Shhh. Let him find out on his own.
jesus christ I stumbled into the endgame I think, wandering deep caverns with endless spawns fucking me up. Was I meant to pick a side of tcortists and faceless? or Did I fuck this all up
? Throwing knives are just fine as combat utilities. They only become terrible if you try to use them as your main weapon.
Le ham wizturd, sadly unironically. If you don't want to use melee weapons then you could just leave STR at 7 and then find the Power Fist asap for permanent +1 STR, or eat rathound barbeque to pump it to 8 to meet the minimum STR for all metal armors except tungsten. You should also pump your CON to 7 to get Juggernaut. Rest in will and intelligence. Try to find space to put into AGI for sprint.
Even with a high throwing high DEX pistol build throwing knives don't belong on the utility belt compared to literally every other utility.
>just get all the stats lmao
I need DEPOT A help.
Seriously how the fuck are you suppose to make it past the scrappers guarding the entrance?
It's 6 fucking guys + dogs, all right next to each other, 5 spaces away from the level transition. 1 with a sniper, mix of melee/rifle/SMG.
No way to sneak past because they are to tightly packed, walking in unstealthed is instant death.
Seems impossible, even in full armor did I fuck up somewhere and make these guys hostile when they shouldn't be?
Even with flashbangs and molotov's I can maybe kill 1, 2 at most before they just murder me, and i'v got a shield.
No way to plant traps or do anything because they are just right their when you load in.
Yes, they unironically worship a cosmic horror and partake in human sacrifice and shit.
Why would the hell would a gunslinger be using throwing knives? Anyone using throwing knives is likely a knife build, a sword build, or pure throwing.
Shit, dude, you only got 3 INT.
You uh, you need to do quests for either Eels or Scrappers to get into the depot.
You can complete the first 2 quests for each faction, but the third one makes you allied with one or the other.
You should be able to talk to the scrappers. If they're hostile then you attacked someone you shouldn't have or went somewhere that you're not allowed to be.
I'm rolling an SMG build, and it was going well up until the first Gorsky mission, the Omega base -- I've straight up run out of bullets, can't find anyone selling more at the SGS base. Went to the Junkyard, but don't have enough charons. What do?
Plz help. What the fuck am I doing wrong?
Well, the scrappers are already hostile to me, probably because I killed some guy in a gambling house for his energy shield.
Can I still side with the eels?
I didn't even know this was a choice.
I just explored the junkyard for a bit, found a casino, killed 1 of the guards and took his shield, then the scrappers have been attacking me non-stop.
>tfw you become a man
You should be able to side with the Eels. Just talk to dockmaster Silas at the docks.
And uh, you needed to kill that guy stealthily.
Use pistols or psi and SMG's til you unlock more vendors for ammo efficiency.
Pistols get all the same bonuses and feat abilities your SMG's do early game.
>tearing out all those life support systems in the deep caverns
feels bad man
Makes me want to out-grug the native grugs via single combat with a sledgehammer.
>And uh, you needed to kill that guy stealthily.
I always believed in you, Todd.
That's the problem though, I just can't afford any more ammo. Is there a good place to go scavenging or something so I can afford more? My chemistry is too low to make any myself.
Phantom Dancer with mask w h e r e
Hit and Run or Sprint feat for a heavy armor hammer build? Or should i just dump stat agility? Is it good to just have 10 strenght for a hammer build? Fuck, im making calculations and my stats end up pretty mediocre even in endgame
how the fuck do I kill all these muties in depot a
It's about time for a hol-locust.
>That's the problem though, I just can't afford any more ammo.
Did you take the pill?
Psi powers are free.
You might be fucked if you really spent all your money on ammo early game.
SMG's eat bullets, you needed to manage that with a high damage pistol or something else til the junkyard. I used a .50 pistol and 5mm smg.
The question is, are the shops out of money, out of ammo, or both?
If it's 3, you are completely fucked, start over.
1 or 2, just go explore, find stuff to trade for ammo, stealth or try to get a kill with melee/psi.
Depot A is the filter.
You git gud or reroll
What type of attacks can you use if you use riot armor? I'm guessing that using riot armor and an assault rifle is a no go
unless you can temporarily drop the shield or something?
Mandatory in any tin can build, specially if you go for a Tungsten Tank
>Hit and run
Nope, at least I dont use it
Get just 6 agility and get Sprint and Conditioning as your starting feats
Start with 10 Conditioning and 10 Strenght
You could skip if you are a wizard and go deep in time magic, but it's still helpful.
>Hit and run
Kind of shit because it won't refill you past your default, and that's low from the start.
>You could skip if you are a wizard and go deep in time magic, but it's still helpful.
Nowadays Contraction is bugged, after the first turn, your MP points gained by Contraction gets eaten by your AP.
Got confirmed for some people, but I didnt tes it myself. Dont worry, it already has been reported to Styg
Anyways there's no reason to not go Sprint
Riot armor is anti-melee armor.
No reason to use it if you don't plan on fighting in melee, or melee attackers are a serious problem for you.
You can only use 1 handed weapons if you use the shield, so no rifles.
What's the most fun melee style? Unarmed, Sword, Spear, Sledge, or Knife?
>Riot armor is anti-melee armor.
It does 100% increase in DT for both guns and melee, the only thing it's weak against are crossbows.
I'm avoiding PSI altogether on this build. I have a little money for ammo from Junkyard, just not enough. SGS on the other hand has none while I have the money. I might be able to try the melee route for now, but I have no points put into it.
>It does 100% increase in DT for both guns and melee
>While most armors do 200% increased DT vs guns only
>that last log from the lemurian commander
>all those research into making better plant life for the black sea
>they're all gone or out of control
Why did every effort of the old world have to go wrong?
It works.
It's also decent if you go cryopistol + shatter.
Unarmed, true unarmed.
Is this the joint headquarters? I don't remember this many turrets in any one place.
look at the remains
That's a problem only SMG's have.
You can burst 2-3 times a turn while rifle is lucky to do anything after 1, pistols, snipers, shotguns hardly use ammo at all.
Don't put points into anything besides SMG's you can't weaken your main build or it will hurt late game.
Eventually as you trade money won't be a problem and you can go from core city/SGS/Junkyard/Docks and buy out the ammo stocks over and over but early game you just have to make due.
Try and sell whatever you can to the different traders.
I almost wana say restart and use the pistol more but you probably don''t want to do that.
Early game SMG is not just about winning fights, but winning fights without burning through all your ammo. (Why I use the .50 that can hit for 150 with aimed shot)
What does that ability you have on 5 actually do?
It's description is weird.
It copies the psychokinetic attack you use.
It creates a block that will telekinetic punch whatever you telekinetic punch, when you use the skill again, the block will try to move where you clicked, if it passes through anyone, it damages them, if not, it vanishes and creates a new block on the spot you clicked
It duplicates the telekinetic power that you use.
If you throw a tk punch then it will throw one as well
If you use implosion then it will cast a second implosion.
If you use force emission near it then it will make a stand that punches with you
1h spear + riot shield.
Become an invincible spartan.
how should one distribute their base ability? is it as important to specialize as with skill points? there are some
I'm guessing you can't just put the shield in your inventory, but you have to have another suit of armor to put on to use the rifle?
>gets shot
>sea wyrm acid entangles you
Well shit. Thanks for the tips though.
got a 159 quality super steel plate on my first try, should I even bother going for 160 or is it not worth the time?
Mimics the single attack telekinetic ability casted on a target within Proxy's range (aka tele punch)
Also damages targets when it moves
Gives purple light, convenient lantent
Play as a hammer wizard
>true unarmed
>clearly has combat utilities
The suit of armor comes with the shield and no way to put it down.
If you are using a rifle, just use a tactical vest or metal armor.
Riot armor is not that good unless you are using a spear.
>Throws spear
>Now my spear is over there
>And i'm over here
>And my spear is over there
>not carrying two spears
Just take Escape Artist like everyone else with a brain.
How do I lock doors in combat?
You don't
Nevermind figured it out
If you use grenades and shit it's obviously not true unarmed.
Playing acid pistol right now.
It's pretty great.
Melts everyone.
I can totally see how chem pistol/crossbow would be viable, entangles pop a lot. Snare + a low AP crossbow with 100% crit vs snared would be 2 hit kill.
Can't wait til I get fire and cryo.
Anyone know when those blueprints start showing up?
The three NPC's who bother to mention them in Core City have been utterly useless at picking up a lead and Gorsky's shit was totally pointless
Shit, dude, you only got three INT.
Is it even possible to to finish the game blind?
I see everyone talking about super optimised builds here and everyone’s saying you should look up a build to follow before you play. People who don’t often complain about hitting a brick wall as they lack that one vital skill and having to restart.
I'm not sure, but it may be one of the few things you can't find on your own without a quest flag.
yeah, but it's so cool...
I figured I could use it with chem pistols since they don't need a big investment.
If I took versatility, could that melee effect allow me to get shield bash?
>if you kill todor before asking the warden to meet with him, the dialogue to arrange a meeting just gets removed instead
Now that's just lazy, styg.
join one of the three factions(Coretech, JKK or Praetorian Sec) and do their quests
it is, hammy wammy sissy wizard
>join one of the three factions(Coretech, JKK or Praetorian Sec) and do their quests
The hell? How was I supposed to know that?
Psi Can I dump Agi and Dex tho and do fine.
That was not me, youre getting shit on by another person.
Also: Obsessed.
tanner tells you
There's legitimately like zero ways to make Balor's Hammer work right?
If you are playing on normal or below you can beat the game with only pistols, traps and nades using a sub-par build IF you play smart. Utilizing doors, chokepoints, line of sight, etc.
Does that enemy have a SMG? Maybe I want to poke them to death from far away, even if my weapon is not optimal for that, SMG's can't hit for shit past 7 squares.
Does that enemy have a sniper rifle? I better get as close as I can to them, and do something to prevent them from moving away so they get the close combat accuracy debuff.
stuff like that.
A lot of what we are talking about is for hard/dominating.
Or it's just for people who want to stand out in the open, not do all of the things I said and tank a lot of unnecessary damage.
I'm kind of having fun with this knife/machete build I'm going along with atm. Just cleared out gms compound it was ez as fuck. I am worried about getting filtered at depot a, what can I do to avoid this?
Versatility does not count for unlocking feats.
You would still have to dump all those points into melee for shield bash.
I know what you mean, it looks cool but it's meh armor except vs melee.
lol, you're the one who always responds, baby
16 str by pumping it every level
18 with veteran feat
+1 rathoung bbq
+1 Regalia
Or: Adrenaline, Supersoldier drug.
Just finished base game and DLC (which was really anticlimatic). Give me some criticism so that I can do better in my Dominating run.
>reroll dozens of time
>find crossbow stealth/traps without psi most fun
What skills do I need for my own supply of poison and explosives? I focused on mechanics and tailoring for crafting but I feel like so far mechanics are useless for me apart from crafting bear traps.
>most armors
so just the tac vest. metal armor should have some numerical increase in the same vein just from the components, but here we are.
On the steam community guides someone made a fun looking xbox/chem pistol build
unironically, the sword and shield builds i've seen seem interesting. specing shield bash turns it into a pretty potent weapon and you're virtually immune to melee. though you probably also die to a slight breeze
yeah, i thought the MP gained gets affected by armor penalty or something. rerolled a new character because it didn't work as advertised.
what the fuck do i do with magnar's ghost?
How did the technology to make shit like Nagas, submarine stations, and ACoNRs, etc ever get lost? Even if you kill a bunch of the researchers not ALL facilities could possibly have been hard to reach infested shitholes like DC or the Black Sea; and the current underrail academia clearly knows there's good shit to be found in the ruins so why didn't they take it after the Fall?
>Most melee goes metal armor
>Pistol builds could use riot shield but wont because
>Shield Bash
>6 str
>40 melee
It's like he never wanted these abilities to be used.
Shield Bash/Execute could have been viable but he had to make it take 40 melee...
You mean the untargetable cloud? Have you talked to Yngwar or the Ferryman about a particular shard?
damn, guess I got 6 strength for nothing then. thanks anyway. I guess I will need the extra defense vs melee if I have a high frequency energy shield
how many total base points do you get from leveling?
i went almost straight to the village as soon as I started the expedition, i went to do the first mission in mutie town, tried to promise them supplies, couldn't find anyone back at base who would talk to me about said supplies, started worrying about other anons saying the black sea stuff is on a timer and that the natives invade constantly, and realized this was gonna bug the fuck out of me forever so I set off to genocide the locals so I could have some peace of mind.
I've at least met yngwar malmsteen and the ferryman, but I don't know nothing about no shard
>how many total base points do you get from leveling?
You get 1 every 4 levels, 12 total.
40 per level plus the initial 120 you get upon character creation
You'll probably find a way, but for now call up Yahota on the radio and ask her about enemy activity. She has three possible responses iirc: normal, diminished, and dead. But if you killed Magnar's physical form it should suffice.
I don't think you really need them but go for crafting even if you don't want to pick up any feats for it since just being to make shit is useful.
I've seen people say disassemble is shit and while I don't entirely disagree, it was helpful for me a few times when conserving rare parts like rapid reloader.
you need to call the doctor through the navcom while you are at the warehouse to ask for the supplies for the muties
The cloud is basically endgame stuff. But you're basically at the beginning so don't sweat it.
Just keep in mind what Yngwar/Ferryman tell you about a particular shard. You'll need that information when you run into a bunch of those clouds later on. You'll know when.
I think he did that but you have to have a certain Persuasion level to convince him to give up supplies otherwise you're SOL.
thanks m8s, all helpful answers. didn't know the nav actually functioned as a radio.
for now i'll clean up the last vestiges of snake savages and then worry about magnar's fart cloud later.
nah, just tell him there is no other way to get the chip and he will give them to you, just don't mention there might be other way to get it, and i guess you should be good on supplies, but i have never done it with low medical supplies so i wouldnt really know
I like the game but Deep Caverns can go fuck itself. It wouldn't be so bad if I could leave without having to deal with scavenger hunt bullshit and having to walk back and forth between Arke Power station.
I'm not even to Core yet, but these Gray Army guys sound cool. What are they all about? Can they be joined?
None of them are critical but they all help.
Crafted weapons are better then shop weapons, but you can find unique weapon drops that are better then crafted gear (though less customized).
Same for armor.
Mech is probably the most useful for everyone but psi chars.
Crafts guns, simple traps, melee weps, heavy armor, anything made of metal
Electronics gets you a better shield, cloaking device, and tazer, also better goggles and psi headbands.
Chemistry is for chem pistols, nades, and higher level traps.
Bio is for healing and buff items.
Tailoring is for light/medium armor.
Depending on what your build is some are better then others.
Mech is pretty useless for pure wizards.
Chem is mandatory for chem pistol builds and trap builds.
I am talking about the base ability points you can get through playing the game after char creation.
I know you can get that +2 perk, but how long does that every 4 levels last? I assume by 12 you meant the 5 at character creation +5 from leveling +2 from that perk?
>punching Void in the face
I assume if she says no activity, no moving lights, the deed is done?
cannot overstate how useful grenades and accurate throwing are at any difficulty level. mark IV/V frags, plasmas, and flashbangs win fights on their own. emps crush shielded foes. you could probably even get mileage out of cryo grenades if you can lock a boss down long enough.
toxic gas doesn't need to be talked about since it can win dominating for you almost by itself.
I'm in the same boat as you but I think it's because that guys fans are flooding the steam page with meme reviews I think
>cave ear caltrops + toxic gas in a chokepoint
I want to maximize my ability to set people on fire.
Chem pistols.
Meta mage.
Or SMG with spec ops and grenadier?
12 will for lore you absolute motioner.
A good chem pistol beats everything
My bad. You get +5 at character creation and +1 at each level until 24 (+6). At 26 you can take a veteran feat to enhance 1 (and only 1) ability score by +2.
Blocks your path
I actually really wish I had to be honest. I didn't realize you needed high Will to get the deep lore from the pillars until I was already doing the DLC.
chem pistols + grenadier
I'm making a 7.62 hornet and I can't decide if I want a barrel compensator or a muzzle brake on it. Bursting is my main form of damage and I have full auto, opportunist, suppressive fire, and concentrated fire, so the brake is the difference between a 7 or 9 shot burst. Bursting is my main method of murder against anything that isn't rathounds but I just can't decide if 15% better accuracy is better than 2 extra rounds. I wouldn't have to reload as much but 2 more shots doing 80% and 90% extra damage plus 15% from opportunist seems like a lot of extra damage, even if it is lower accuracy. I'm also gonna be putting an AA scope on it for extra crit damage, and 2 extra rounds every burst is 2 more chances for a 125% crit with all the other meme % damage bonuses. I just can't decide of more consistent but lower damage output is better than the higher burst damage.
are sprint and grenadier really that good? I don't really want to put a point into AGI and DEX each and leave my perception at 5 instead of 7 if I want to use guns.
is perception that important for a chem gun?
where's the rift in the Aegis encampment? there is one, right?
it's a fucken gun dude
In the tower where Yahota is.
>Do you really one more perk that gives you 10% extra damage or whatever?
Yes, because not dying in combat is the only way you get to enjoy a stupid ass feat like packrat. You can just wear a belt and eat some food for an extra 60 carry weight anyway. You don't need to pick up literally everything you find, you're never going to sell it and you're never gonna run out of money after the early game.
nevermind, found it right after.
perception is how you hit things and deal damage with guns, chem guns included.
sprint is good but if you're in light armor you can live without it. grenadier is also good but if you're going chem guns you can live without it, since chem guns pretty much do anything grenades can.
Lighthouse in the camp
Yes they are that good. They're bread and butter skills that you'll always be taking advantage of. You don't absolutely need either. You do however need Perception if you plan to hit anything.
>55 electric threshold
lmao coil niggas
Sure Step in a chem pistol trapper build isnt fucking QoL or optional. Enjoy stepping in your own acid or losing all your movement points to your caltrops, stupid fucking zoner
I decided on the muzzle brake. As I was typing it out the more I typed the better the brake seemed.
Yes? Why wouldn't you be able to dodge/evade attacks like normal? I think Creeping Dread reduces both though.
You only need sprint if you're using heavy armor typically, and depending on what you're doing you might not need it then. Like a heavy armor melee guy should definitely have sprint. But an AR tin can imo should go for grenadier and just throw grenades at your own feet if you're getting swarmed. Killing 2 or 3 things right on top of you is probably better than repositioning anyway.
There are rumors that dodge/evade fail to do their job as your build's damage mitigation method upon reaching the deep caves on dominating, and therefore they're worthless.
seriously, 12 will? what can I get with 11?
>trying to formulate a tin can rifle build for my first hard run
>can't fit either grenadier or sprint as i'm dumping dex and agi
Does Armor Sloping fuck with Juggernaut?
I hear you need 8 for all base game, 12 for dlc
You can live without grenadier, but you absolutely need sprint.
Work it out faggot.
Why the fuck do you need sprint, dump gay ass AGI and DEX and use kevlar tabi.
If I get Armor Slopping and Nimble, and my armor penalty goes below 50%, will juggernaut stop working?
Pretty sure it does. But you can easily craft metal armor that has 50% or higher penalty even with Armor Sloping.
Why use Tabi's when you can use metal boots with springs?
you only need 7 con
can I use food or drugs when for when I need the will? or do I need them on top of a base 12?
Juggernaut only looks to see if your metal armor has a 50% or higher penalty. What your actual armor penalty counting things like Nimble, metal boots, etc don't matter.
>Waited through 3 restocks and still not a single vendor has super string
Please, end this
Yeah I suppose I could dump Thick Skull and live with the stuns. Not happy about it, but it seems the most reasonable concession right now.
drugs should be ok
Cool, thanks.
not him, but if i'm going metal armors how important is nimble? that 15% reduction to armor penalty seems pretty juicy not gonna lie
I wouldn't bother personally. Metal Sloping gives more armor penalty reduction than Nimble does always anyways.
4 str for Psi sheild
6 dex for grenadier
6 agi for sprint
7 con for like 4 different perks
6 per for guns and a few perks
12 will for deepest lore
7 int for crafting
Am I a real zoner now?
Recklessness. Yes or no for a melee character?
is the light enough to trigger ambush?
Someone convince me Gun Nut isn't that good so I don't have to fit an extra int into my build.
If you want to build anything at all you have 7 int minimum.
It's actually insanely good since it stacks with crit modifiers and stuff, making self-crafted weapons supa good.
Gun Nut is shit though
it's literally 7% damage with the downside of not working on unique weapons
>If you want to build anything at all you have 7 int minimum.
*If you want to minmax you have 7 int minimum for building
I bungled my build but can tell you 4 int is fine for crafting for the most part. I'm a fatfuck in non-slopped armour but that would be the same even if I didn't have crafting.
Spending a feat on 7% damage increase isn't worth it. There's better stuff to invest in
Should I do it, boys?
it has superb savescum potential
pls explain
t. different
Fuck off back to your 5 smash threads moron
is this the most powerful build in the game
Do it then go bang his wife.
It's the Chad move.
>Get through Dude's quest and the Gray Military Quest and get access to the Juice
>Decide I'll go to Agronomy and set up his whole supply
>Realize I have no fucking idea where I am
>End up getting lost until I eventually stumble back to South Gate Station
Please don't tell me his home was actually right next to a faster way back pre-rift attuning
What's the most chad weapon type and why is it spears?
Nothing puts the fear of God in you like a man with a big fucking hammer.
From his shitty little cabin? The fastest way back to civilization gets you at the north entry of rail crossing, close to the Hanging Rat.
i dunno, its my first playthrough
went full psionic and it fucking great, there are solutions for every enemy i encountered so far and i had zero problems with the game
I like sniper rifles, I've gone through the game with a spearhead in one hand and a reaper in the other. A rapid spearhead is practically a battle rifle, and it's fucking great. The reaper can one-shot dreadnoughts. The highest damage I've done so far was over 3200 damage.
Chem pistols.
Nothing says genocide like gassing and melting the flesh of your opponents by using acid.
>naga protectors
>two naga protectors
Time to farm for EMP grenades and abuse doors I guess.
you can also juice up
>Be me
>Play game since 2018
>Over 200 hours clocked in
>Never figured out that you could get Grover to bring Treasa to the alley behind his home if you bring his HP to around >20% instead of just killing him
Well done Styg.
get that blue orb
Mechanics, Electronics and Tailoring are mandatory if you care about having decent gear. If you can get the crafting benches for your player house later on then you get a 15% boost to everything, which enables you to create some pretty crazy armor and shield emitters.
Crafting is weird in this game in that you can effectively build around your problems if you have the right materials. e.g you can have no points in Stealth but still get around fine with a cloaking device and ninja tabi. Alternatively you have to pray to RNG that you get all of the shit that you want.
Would tailoring still be important if you go for metal armors? Sorry if it's a brainlet question.
stealth requires full investment if you want to actually stealth past tightly packed rooms full enemies, which is what stealth is really for
fixer in junkyard is your best bet
there's also a vendor in university later
Fuck everyone else, grenadier is amazing. Easier to setup war crimes in combat and being able to throw down a mark 4 frag every two turns is incredible. Who needs sprint when you can drop a nade at your feet?
Assuming that all parts are of level 160 quality, this is the effective crafting skill required.
ass: mech 153
flash: mech 5, chem 40
energy shield: elec 166
grenade V: mech 10, chem 112
leather armor: tail 128
leather armor w/ pad: tail 141
leather armor w/ coat: tail 141
leather armor w/ pad/coat: tail 154
leather boots: tail 128
leather striders: tail 128, mech 141
magn grenade: chem 40, tail 10
machete: mech 128
machete w/ energy: mech 128, elec 176
machete w/ taser: mech 128, elec 154
metal armor w/ 4 plates: mech 167, tail 128
metal armor w/ 4 plates/regen: mech 167, tail 128, elec 83, bio 83
metal helm: mech 128, tail 128
metal striders: mech 141, tail 128
napalm: chem 60, tail 10
sarah michelle gellar: mech 128
shot: mech 128
psi head: elec 128, bio 44
seeker gogs: mech 76, elec 128
seeker nvg: mech 76, elec 145
shotgun: mech 128
shotgun, combat: mech 153
ski mask: tail 128
smart gogs: mech 51, elec 147
smart nvg: mech 51, elec 164
sniper: mech 153
sniper w/ anat: mech 153, elec 25
sniper w/ smart: mech 153, elec 128
spear: mech 128
spear w/ energy: mech 128, elect 176
spear w/ taser: mech 128, elec 156
tabi: tail 128
tac: tail 128, mech 96
tac w: ssteel: tail 128, mech 128
tac w/ coat: tail 141, mech 96
tac w/ psi: tail 128, mech 96, bio 32
tac w/ coat/psi: tail 141, mech 96, bio 32
Again, all equipment was made with quality 160 parts for reference. Don't forget, you can get a +15% to crafting skills with crafting benches in your house. Some parts don't go that high, like leather, or psi carapaces only going to 100~. So you'll need way less skill points invested
Power Management: Yeah or nah?
I need some context here, has he fucked me over. If so then yes, does he have anything of value on his person. No, and just gun him down.
>Electronic devices you create have 35% greater energy capacity.
If you're planning on going full inspector gadget then yeah, go for it.
He won't be the last person you throw over a railing to their death.
>Comments are enabled again
I'm just trying to justify going 7 int in a tin can build right now. 6 gives me armor sloping, but I can't think of anything else I might really need.
Except when adding optional components, they add 20% (I think) of their quality to the base crafting requirements.
But getting the highest quality components is pretty rare and RNG based anyway so...
I think it's worth it just for the energy shield personally. I always take it.
Power Management.
Tailoring is required if you plan to make armor, yes. Crafting requirements depend on the material used, and all carrier vests need tailoring.
+35% shield HP from power management.
That's it really.
how about you read that again
it already takes that into account
if you want godman shields then yes. but as a tin can, i dont know
there are some firearm craft feats
>how about you read that again
How about no, faggot.
>bio attack on the free drones
>toss a gas grenade into the mutagen fumes
>shut the door
>hear the click as someone happily runs straight in to disarm it
>next five minutes is the sound of absolute chaos outside as I mash space to pass my turn
>carefully navigate around the gas, executing crippled and mutated survivors on my way out
Did I do that right? It really seems like I didn't do that right.
I'm sure the CAU would be proud, though.
Man I wish the main quest of Foundry was streamlined a bit more, so much pointless talking and backtracking
Why the fuck does this stupid faggot get to bring pets along to the Arena?
I love the arena.
Gassing terrorists with your friendly nazi chums is the high point of Underrail for me
first time is really a chore yeah
2nd time you bring everything with you
wait for the guy who has crawler pets
dont believe this poster he has death stalker pets
How the fuck would you even domesticate ROOF NIGGERS
are all ssethfags allergic to reading or something?
why do they always get something wrong on the first pass through and then refuse to read a second time?
mind control
What's the highest lockpick check? 99? Also how much of a difference does adding a few points (say 5 or 10) into throwing give?
>melee build
>weapons i craft and find that suit my build have damage up to 20
>found a plasma pistol that has 30-50 plus heat and energy damage
so, when do i get MY good stuff?
does your melee weapon take 40ap to shoot once
what's the deal with the doc at the junkyard?
should i pay more or tell the jew to fuck off i don't need no anesthetics?
please fellas
Nigger I ain't here from Sseth, I'm just retarded.
Reminder Sseth is a lore-let that called Underrail a post nuclear game
i get 3 mechanical attacks if i manage to get close to the niggas
the game seems a bit stingy with what should be common knowledge lore. I'm on the second mission and I still don't know what the underrail is.
Some motherfucker straight up brings a plasma turret, a fucking plasma turret bre.
Arena dont give a shit.
120 I think?
I wouldn't know an exact answer for the 5-10, but going from 30 throwing (grenadier) to 50 (Three-pointer) is a massive increase in accuracy for me. Like, from 50% on most throws to 70%.
I beat the game and I just assumed that this was the case. That Biocorp fucked everything up. And you can't know you fucked up on the lore until after you've gotten close to the end of the game.
>uuh, yeah, I became a gladiator cuz nobody ever had EMP grenades
>hehehe also check out my sick plasma walker
how late is it to fuck up on the lore? I planned to use my veteran perk to get that 12 will, will it be too late by then?
No you can get Vet feats before the end easily.
In the base game at least. Haven't gotten to Expedition yet.
Starting a new chem pistoler playthrough. I'm already a terrible person by design. Do I become a terrorist, or a nazi?
Is sniper viable on dominating or is 50% extra hp too much to one shot?
chem pistols are top fun.
when you're getting bored with acid, you just switch to fire.
Fuck this piece of shit of a game
go out of my way to pass fucking dc shit trash again just to see the new ending slides of the dlc and game crash at the ending, can't see them
fuck this game, fuck dc and fuck roof niggers
I just arrived in core city for the first time and found someone selling medium freq shields, should I buy it or can I find someone selling high freq shields soon?
High/Medium/Low isn't the quality of the shield, it refers to the type damage they block best.
You want low frequency shields, generally speaking.
With 130 you can try to hijack water tank.
I know they aren't about quality, but doesn't low freq block slower shit like melee or whatever and high blocks bullets?
Seems to me like high freq would be more useful but maybe I'm completly wrong.
What first for a 7 int Energy/Plasma Pistol user? Practical Physicist or High Technicalties
Look at the impact speed of a weapon. It will list low/medium/high, just like shields do.
A 7.62mm Hammerer has a medium impact speed, so if every enemy in the game used one of those then medium shields would be king because they block the highest amount of a medium impact damage source.
That's not the case though, so you just need to look at what sort of weapons are bothering you the most.
Just go with low/low.
Low/medium is the best option though.
OK v. pistols or smgs? vote NOW
>How do I find the acid hunters?
>Just sign up for one of the factions of core city for no reason
>Okay fine but now they're out of quests for me?
>Bro just do the arena! It totally is related to your search for reasons only a fucking oracle would know!
This is needlessly obtuse. What the fuck even.
It depends on what armor you have. Low doesn't really help against low speed attacks because you can't really get a high rating against low and melee stuff pierces shields anyway. So for instance if you had a high mechanical resist and threshold you'd probably want a low freq shield, because it'd have a lower amount of damage absorption for high speed attacks. That way the shield doesn't get blown up in a single turn, and instead mitigates enough damage that your armor defeats most of what getting through the shield. But a high freq shield would be really good against aim shot snipers, since they do so much damage armor isn't going to help much against them anyway. It just depends on what kind of build you have and what gear you're using.
You're better off just accepting that unattended snipers will always fuck you up regardless of what you're wearing and instead focus on nuking them from orbit.
Dumb Jahy poster
The fuck are you on about, just talk to people. The arena literally has nothing to do with any story related quests.
Chem pistols.
I agree, I only said that about snipers because it's what literally every retard recommending a high/high shield says, as if you can just know beforehand when a sniper is going to walk from out of the dark into view and aim shot you. As far as I'm concerned all a high quality high freq shield does is block all gunfire for a single turn and then run out of energy. It's either going to pop in a single turn from gunfire or you're going to be saving it for when a sniper walks into view, who is either going to die the second you see him or your shield is going to get obliterated by gunfire anyway so it doesn't even matter.
>really wanna love underrail because of cool atmosphere and lore
>can't because of shit combat
i just can't tolerate a game with that primitive combat, you had one job
silent storm definitely ruined TBS genre for be
Save that bait for a new thread. Yeah, Silent Storm is great.
it's not a bait. i was really dissapointed by the combat. it's just 2d fallout, what the fuck, in a game build around combat, not dialog (like fallout)