Downloading all three games, what am i in for?
Downloading all three games, what am i in for?
a terrible game, a good game, and an great game
My wife Claire is VERY sweet and cute!
A damn good time.
I wanna replay all three on PS4, goddamnit.
Make sure you don't use auto battle like a braindead sheep so you can complain about it later and actually play the for max fun.
A hallway, an attempted redemption, and a failure, in that order
First one unironically gets good after 16 hours. Worth the hassle if you've time to spare. Second one improves upon the first's pacing and I haven't played the third. XIII-2 is the best.
13 actually isn't such a bad game, but you have to treat the first 20 hours as an intro. After a certain point the game kinda opens up a little and stops playing itself.
cant speak for the others
Only playing it for the cute shota, to be quite honest
>shota grows up in the next game
>realize they fucked up
>goes back to being a shota in the third game
LR is the best.
There are no pokemon in LR. And Lightning is flat.
When does it open up? Because I don’t remember anything other than linear garbage.
I'm about 15 hours into the first one. Not sure if I'm missing something but at this point I don't have a great variety of spells and auto battle tends to cast what I wanted to cast anyway (a certain element or physical, single target or aoe). I feel like I'm mostly stance dancing.
Yeah but LR has an amazing system that is fun as hell. Fuck pokemon.
Autobattle will generally pick what you want to cast, that's not where the depth is. Eventually tuning paradigm lineups, timing shifts and rationing ATB bars will become much more important. If you weren't aware, for example, your first paradigm shift every 12 seconds will give you a full ATB charge for free. Abuse it.
>If you weren't aware, for example, your first paradigm shift every 12 seconds will give you a full ATB charge for free. Abuse it.
I didn't know that. So it really is stance dancing: the game then. Not that I have a huge issue with it.
Do your self a favor and dont play the first one, the story is complete ass and your not missing out on much by skipping the story
and second game has a summary of it anyway, although nothing makes sense
but that goes even if you played it, unless you're a ballsdeep-in lorefag that analyzed everything
Gran Pulse, and even then there's really nothing special to exploring it outside of grinding, "Go kill (x)" Cie'th stone missions, then it's straight back to the story hallway.
Not long after you get... Fang? I think, the new zealand rebel chick. You get more control over your party (more than none) and you get to choose what areas you go to.
It's still pretty linear, but it's a final fantasy game, they're literally all linear experiences. I always found it hilarious how it took 13 iterations before people started complaining that square/enix don't know how to design interesting levels. They've never been able to design anything but a linear experience, the closest they got was FF6 with the branching story options which still feels linear.
>start first game
>fantasy world fighting monsters and stuff
>finish third game
>you arrive in Paris by train
the worst story and best music in the franchise
gameplay in the first one sucks and peaks in the second
Yeah. It's a pretty unique system that doesn't truly become enjoyable until the end of the game when you unlock the full Crystarium grid and start doing Hunts. It's certainly not the best FF battle system but most of the flak it gets is because for the first thirty goddamn hours are balanced around just making a RAV/RAV/COM paradigm and mashing autobattle for flashy staggers and easy 5* ratings. The game treats you with kid gloves for way too long before it actually starts challenging you to make use of the systems it's provided for you instead of UNGA BUNGAing your way through, that's definitely the game's biggest flaw.
Fuck the naysayers. The first game is great. It takes a certain kind of personality to appreciate it, but try to appreciate the ACHINGLY GORGEOUS ARTISTRY on display. The sequels don't compare honestly.
good taste
I honestly disliked it even more after reaching Gran Pulse, and dropped the game soon after I reached it. The story reached a new low after Barthandelus revealed his plan and I didn't care about what was going to happen next or like any of the characters enough to see their journey through, and now that the game was asking me to go do inane sidequests instead of just carrying me along the roller coaster track, I just couldn't deal with it. I've played every mainline Final Fantasy multiple times. I've even finished FFII, a game I consider objectively worse than FFXIII, three times. And I couldn't bring myself to finish Final Fantasy XIII. It just didn't appeal to me in any way, shape, or form.
FF13 actually has kind of interesting plot and setting, the problem is that it spends a billion getting you into it and for several hours the characters go on and on about L'cies L'shondras and shit but it never explains what that shit means.
I think the general census based on this thread is that FF13 isn't such a bad game but it's crazy slow to start being fun because they spent way too long showcasing how many cutscenes and graphics they could fit on the new sony bluray data donuts
Man I can't wait for them to eventually get LR's visuals to match XIII's.
>bluray data donut
This game would be LITERALLY impossible on 360, don't fool yourselves, it's staying exclusive
the setting and plot have potential but if you don't tap into it it just stays as potential. nothing is fleshed out and every other game retcons large chunks of the last. then you also have characters flip flopping personalities and ideals for no fucking reason while sazh is left to repeat the same character arc 3 games in a row
I can't remember, didn't it actually get a 360 release with 5 or 6 discs or am I imagining that?
>tfw really enjoying type-0, it has l'cie and stuff too but you're not one and it doesn't really impact much in your day-to-day lives
>story is mostly military stuff and straight forward missions and events, spend a little time at school between stuff, mostly disregarding deeper lore and the like
>approach the end
>goes full on FF13 out of nowhere and nothing makes sense anymore, entire world goes to shit, credits rolls, and all your characters die shown in a nice pile of corpses after the credits
Man that was such a waste. I sucked at timing my attacks so the combat felt like crap (every boss revolved around timing it).
an unimaginable nightmare as you realize that FFXIII-2's optimization for PC is an utter shit show.
Wanting to punch Snow in the fucking face every 5 minutes.
>choose to become a l'cie at the end and fight back
>literally has no end and you fight forever
Oh so that was true, eh?
I read spoilers so I decided not to complete it but is that really what happens? Everyone dies?
well, just two are left
Jesus fucking christ
Why did that happen?
Cause of the war?
if you only played the first game, you've seen nothing
wait till 3rd game raging emo snow, but on the bright side, you do get to beat him up
Oh, I've played them all. Snow is the worst character by far and that's saying something for this trilogy.
Shit game, a sequel that's just as bad for slightly different reasons, and a 3/10 zero-budget sequel to that sequel with an actually unique 7/10 combat system attached to it.
Mostly due the final battle with Cid that pushed them too far, just go watch it, has awesome music, Rem and Machina weren't there during that fight
Majority of the hate towards these series came from echo chambers like Neogaf and ADD-riddled game "journalists" and you can't prove me wrong.
The worst birthday ever.
It did. There were 3 discs.
>every 12 seconds
I thought it was every refill of the ATB
>ADD-riddled game "journalists"
You mean Yea Forums?