Is it just me or was this years summer-Yea Forums really not as bad as usual? Are teens losing interest in Yea Forums?
Is it just me or was this years summer-Yea Forums really not as bad as usual? Are teens losing interest in Yea Forums?
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It's bad year round
/pol/ and Yea Forums have become the key tourist attractions for those looking to see the "edgiest wild west" of the internet
no it was as bad as usual, except "usual" was just the rest of the year instead of other summers
>Yea Forums have become the key tourist attractions for those looking to see the "edgiest wild west" of the internet
This has been the case for well over a decade with Yea Forums.
It was better than last year for sure. The whole gang weed and rise up bullshit was fucking turbocancer.
Summer is the worst fucking excuse of all time. Not only has moot admitted that summertime sees no noticeable new traffic but it wouldn't even matter. Students would be out of school before prime hours on this site anyway, they would still be posting here regularly well into the school year. Claiming that shitty posting is due to kids spending time on Yea Forums and not in school is absolutely moronic and believing that somehow when school does come back into session they'll just depart from the site is even more mind-boggling.
>really not as bad as usual? Are teens losing interest in Yea Forums?
it was you because you are a newfag.
Better than last year but thats not saying much
Still too much meta post irony in every OP
>Not only has moot admitted
summer Yea Forums just became regular Yea Forums
however rising up was the best kind of cancer
I miss the fuck niggers and fuck jannies frogposters. They were hella based.
the election blew it up
Cancer is still cancer, retard.
Lots of sense and good points. Yea Forums has immunity to those tho.
I thought the literary who shit was going to linger much longer
but I guess "it died out" lel
Do it (You)rself buddy. Then join them.
>tfw no highschool bf
well sometimes you want to get cancer to die early
We've just reached a bottom that can't be lowered and perpetually stay there. That's not exactly a win.
>influx of wojack niggers posting years old bullshit
>influx of forced memes like semennoggin
Same shitty Yea Forums
They all got rangebanned.
The mainstream programming really kicked in this year, and most visitors truely believe this is the evil corner of the internet and should be avoided at all costs.
They come, they see /pol/, they see Yea Forums, then they go home.
Now the summer last forever
If newfags don't bring their normalfag memes with them then it's the usual users falseflagging as new to get people mad
We're stuck with the same shitty edits from 4 years ago
Discord raids are a common thing
You name it
gangweed and riseup were far more amusing than this coomer bullshit.
This one is one the house.
>134 friends
That's almost 15 times mine
Why should I add you and flirt with you?
The Summer meme hasn't been relevant since 2011
Smartphone proliferation means Summer 24/7
Twitter memes > Yea Forums wojak edits
This summer was very shit and it hasn't even ended
No, the site is just shit year round now.
Ban all phoneposters.
I've given up hope
I think the mods rolled out some initiative this summer, to ban people for 3 days if you so much as posted in a blatant shitpost thread.
And it worked for like a week or so, but eventually I think pretty much everyone got hit by a ban, even if you were just telling someone to fuck off, and because you weren't actually linked to the thread you posted in, this just led to more angry shitposting and ban evading. Like come on mods, all you really needed to do there was link back to the thread and give a 2 hour timeout or someshit.
Anything is better than more pepe and wojak edits. The fucking COOM meme was never funny.
You're misuse of the ampharos meme shows that you're part of the cancer.
You just become too numb.
Teens are turning into adults. Those adults are replacing us. Teens aren't losing interest in Yea Forums, original/oldfags are.
No, literate, english-speaking American teens are just not being born.
I already feel guilty about coming for those shitty ">be me" copypastas. What the fuck can I do to atone?
It's because they've slowly but surely moved in and are here all the time now
Yea Forums is worse than ever. every other thread is a porndump, there is no OC only faggot wojak edits, and the 12 year olds that browse this board from their PHONES post actual twitter/facebook memes or twitter reaction images (tenor gifs with TENOR as filename). if there is any time that Yea Forums is more like Yea Forums it's now. I know that has been the comparison since forever but its actually true now.
isn't Yea Forums just gay porn and z-list erotica now?
I think the coom meme is funny because it passes the gamer meme, and has gotten many porn addicts to stop being addicted. I say just fap, but don't fap to porn. Fap to imagination.
I don't, fuck _____ and fuck _____ became one of the laziest meme templates
Gotta love these family-friendly 4channel™ word filters!
>that guy that browses on his laptop in clasa
>front row of the lecture hall
>enlarged a pic of Clownpiece's ass
>the ampharos meme
No because this board has gotten so bad not even summerfags can make it worse. Seriously, this board absolutely sucks for any threads that aren't r34 related. That is literally the only reason I even still come to this board.
people feeling the new to tell shitposters to fuck off is why there's so many of them, it's giving them exactly what they want.
>Is it just me or was this years summer-Yea Forums really not as bad as usual?
Yeah because it has become a standard and you are the frog in the cooking pot not realizing he is being cooked.
Reddit/Twitter screens are a standard here and we are stagnating so hard that we just consume the same bullshit over and over again. But the normies love it.
I blame the mods. it's like they want this place to become reddit
You get banned if you try and circumvent the filter.
>the only reason I even still come to this board is r34
Fucking why? browsing the boorus and pixiv by yourself is quicker and caters directly to your tastes every time.
Are cumskulls really this retarded?
go into the archives and learn
Lots of stuff happened this year and people have been too preoccupied with those goings-on to get their usual shitpost frenzy going so they can blame it on summer children. Remember, kids, you are the summerfag compared to Usenet, "eternal summer" descends from "Eternal September".
And remember too that being a retard on purpose attracts real retards; start complaining about what a hive of Reddit the place is and you attract Redditors, and so forth, else Shazbowl probably wouldn't have happened from the interest in Reddit and directly competing against them wouldn't have cropped up. Ignore and report if you're really bothered by it, you're still responding to the goddamned thread even if you're saging. Sage is not a downvote
Pretty much, Yea Forums has been "bix n00d mufugga" for quite a while now. Immediately after Easter happened they were wailing about how cringe and newfaggy the people having fun with it were, and that real Yea Forums was the same incest caption and photoshopped nudes threads over and over and over.
Yea Forums is such a shell of its former self. I think /trash/ sucked a fair amount of the degenerate out of it, so all that remains is... well what we have now.
Sounds like he's pretty based.
I am seriously retarded though.
I don't remember for how many fucking years I have been screaming at walls on this board about where this was going to lead us and that even if Yea Forums was always a fucking dump, at least it used to be a dump with diversity. People at least tried to make OC even if it was terrible.
I've been screaming for at least 8 years, being a super srs faggot, just grumbling about how mad the fucking trolls made me for having NO FUCKING FORESIGHT!
Look where we are now. We've pretended to be retarded for so long we've actually become retarded.
I've visited a few discords once. It was clear most of these people were beyond the thin line between irony and reality. It's like living in a bubble reality of stale repetitive shit that construct your entire fucking life.
To this day I'm still fucking screaming like a dumbass who doesn't get it that nothing will evef change and that he is absolutely powerless and butthurt and the motherfuckers just keep digging deeper.
Where will we be in another 10 years?
>and has gotten many porn addicts to stop being addicted
Do you have any actual proof of this?
If that were true you'd stop avatarfagging.
No. Just going off the responses in threads. Anons said it helped them.
These sound like the same type of people that ate up boomzoom
it's bad everyday now, since 5 years
The constant shitpost 'attacks' from confirmed autist groups made summer posting look normal.
yeah most likely. goddamned terrible that "boomer" only got popular when "zoomer" got tacked onto it for easy YOU BAD ME GOOD shitposting, it was kinda funny when it was used to tease basement-dwellers that they'd end up being the kind of king of the hill caricatures that their own fathers are
Maybe I have a corruption fetish you numbnut.
masturbating feels better but I do notice a dip in mental health yeah
I feel like I've learned all I can barring the original version of this site. I don't even ever shitpost.
you doing good user, better then most
That actually feels good to hear, thanks user.
The idea is that teens have less free time during school year, probably doing chores/homework or hanging w/ friends after school. Also aren’t up as late. During summer they are bored and post stupid BS on Yea Forums. The traffic doesn’t increase, but quality definetly drops and its noticeable.
Life is complicated. Learn to critical think, nigger. Often problems can be noticed even when the reason isn’t an easy answer.
>it was kinda funny when it was used to tease basement-dwellers that they'd end up being the kind of king of the hill caricatures that their own fathers are
Nah, it was always a forced meme.
>being this much of a redneck confederate
alright kid back to /pol/, frogposting "FUCK JANNIES" and the tranny suicide chart was bad, same with wojakposting, so go back to your board, gramps.
It was pretty bad, but janitors deserved to get fucked for the state of this board alone.
You don't know what forced is.
I can’t tell who the fuck is using Yea Forums or other boards, it’s either 30 year old autistic boomers or 12 year old edge-lords shit talking everyone as if it’s cowabongas to do
Either way it’s still a cesspool of degenerates. But over occasionally you meet some cool people
More like it sucks shit all year so you don't notice as much.
Why don’t you try creating another board or website that could replicate the good old days? Like you can form a small group of people to create it or Maybe have some pass user that lets certain people join? Cuz just name-calling them is not gonna make them go away.
People have tried several times, look at what happened to infinitychan.